Automobilizam i recidivi => Ostalo => : STINGer April 18, 2008, 21:37:13

: STINGer April 18, 2008, 21:37:13
Na ovo smo zaboravili Amare? Motors TV pretpostavljam da i dalje prenosi?

U nedjelju je ovo
: Re: DTM
: STINGer May 19, 2009, 17:17:36
Počela je nova sezona... obratite pažnju na bolid Ralfa Schumachera, kako je dobio oštećenje i način na kojim je popravljen ;D
: Re: DTM
: crorastafa May 19, 2009, 21:01:43
Pratio sam dok je astra bila tu ali poslije mi je postalo monotono ,cak je bilo najavljeno da alfa romeo i mg ulaze u prvenstvo ali cini mi se ništa od toga , ali cu isto pogledati koju utrku..
: Re: DTM
: STINGer May 20, 2009, 00:59:54
A što veliš na "popravak"?
: Re: DTM
: Taxirat May 20, 2009, 09:21:34
Sreća da mu Pafetova "hauba" nije razbila vjetrobransko "staklo" ;D ;D ;D
: Re: DTM
: Miro_101 May 20, 2009, 10:13:01
Gledao zadnjih deset krugova, vodećem (nisam zapamtio ime), u zadnja tri kruga pukne guma, brzinski u boks, i na kraju sedmi :'(
Što se zove peh, a opet, zaniimljivo k'o Bundes liga, napeto do zadnje minute.
: Re: DTM
: Tomivav May 20, 2009, 13:47:11
Čovječe, kako mu se zabila hauba. Popravak izvrstan ;D
: Re: DTM
: Tomivav June 28, 2009, 21:10:27
Jeste gledali danas. Hah, koji kraj, nisam vjerovo ;D

: Re: DTM
: cold March 28, 2011, 10:47:42
Od ove sezone vrlo blizu nama se vozi DTM u Austriji na redbull ringu-spielberg-u

a i cijene ulaznica ne pretjerane
: Re: DTM
: turok March 28, 2011, 23:14:20
Iduće sezone ulazi BMW u DTM ;D ;D ;D ;D
: Re: DTM
: STINGer March 29, 2011, 12:36:13
Čime? Novom serijom 3?
: Re: DTM
: cold March 29, 2011, 13:28:08
: Re: DTM
: Titov pionir June 07, 2011, 16:25:48
Za sve one koji nemaju Max ili nešto slično a vide ORF, ORF sport prenaša utrke DTM-a. Ja gledao sad u nedjelju.
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle July 16, 2011, 14:18:32
M3 DTM....


Nema turbo, ja sam razočaran, M auto bez prednabijanja  ;D
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle July 16, 2011, 14:26:30
a rat između audia i BMW je več počeo,nadam se zanimljivom "promiđbenom ratu" da se svi pošteno nasmijemo (
: Re: DTM
: STINGer July 16, 2011, 14:49:32
Najs, ali stvarno mi se ne sviđa ovaj današnji DTM... ono kad su vozili "prave" aute i lupali se je bilo puno bolje. Ovi danas se ne smiju ni taknuti, sve se rasprada u miljon komada
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle July 16, 2011, 16:04:30
Da,slažem se. Tražili su dozu "tehnologije" radi atraktivnosti valjda....kad malo razmislim auti su u stili MadMaxa a to je uvijek atraktivno  ;D
: Re: DTM
: STINGer July 16, 2011, 16:12:41
Ne, nego je FIA razjebala stari DTM pa su onda švabe uveli novo prvenstvo di su bolidi u osnovi isti, ima se okvir, V8 motori, a na to se stavlja "poklopac od plastike (karikiram) koji liči na auto iz serijske ponude...
: Re: DTM
: toni_cro July 16, 2011, 22:00:47
gadan stražnji kraj na beemeru
: Re: DTM
: crorastafa July 17, 2011, 00:00:46
inace dtm zadnjih sezona ocajan bez ikakvog pretjecanja tako da sam odusta od pracenja , a po dizajnu straznjih krila za 2012 mislim da dolazi drs ,i posto bmw ulazi to ce se definitivno pratiti preljepo izgleda i audi A5 je strasan
: Re: DTM
: STINGer July 17, 2011, 03:22:31
Totalno bez pretjecanja... ja sam bloka kad ih je 15 bilo u po sekunde na kvalifikacijama... jedino što mi se sviđa je obavezan box pa nekome ostane bačva za dolijevanje goriva i sa njom izleti na stazu pa bude sranja, ali generalno, jako dosadno...

Zato, ako ne gledaš, obavezno pronađi BTCC, to je još jedino što po meni valja gledati od utrkivanja mada i kod njih jebu sa turbo motorima ove sezone, no srećom, balast i kiša donekle spašavaju stvar
: Re: DTM
: biker4lifeCRO July 21, 2011, 00:21:04
Najs, ali stvarno mi se ne sviđa ovaj današnji DTM... ono kad su vozili "prave" aute i lupali se je bilo puno bolje. Ovi danas se ne smiju ni taknuti, sve se rasprada u miljon komada

: Re: DTM
: STINGer October 24, 2011, 17:50:53
DTM cars for 2012



: Re: DTM
: ZG2016RS October 24, 2011, 17:54:11
ono kad su vozili "prave" aute i lupali se je bilo puno bolje. Ovi danas se ne smiju ni taknuti, sve se rasprada u miljon komada

Ovo bi mi trebali početi primjenjivati...
: Re: DTM
: STINGer October 24, 2011, 18:00:46
Što, da uključimo Visible damage? Nisam siguran da bi puno djelova letilo po stazi ;D
: Re: DTM
: sagitarius October 24, 2011, 18:46:12
Predivni strojevi, mrak.
: Re: DTM
: ZG2016RS October 24, 2011, 18:55:41
Predivni strojevi, mrak.

Da težak bi to odabir bio... Stvarno neznam šta bi. Možda bi M3 s tim da bi bio poput onog ranije matt black.
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle October 26, 2011, 19:16:41
Bruno Spengler quits Mercedes for BMW in 2012 (
: Re: DTM
: Ljubusak October 26, 2011, 19:39:04
Predivni strojevi, mrak.
Da, Audi ima 'robotski' pogled, BMW 'škilji' a Mercedes je ponosno 'otvorio oči'!  8)
: Re: DTM
: cold October 26, 2011, 19:50:31
DTM mi je postao totalno bez veze, postali su toliko siroki ti automobili da se ne mogu vise ni pretjecati.
Zgledaju ko transformeri.
: Re: DTM
: Sinisa October 26, 2011, 20:09:59
Mogli bi staviti slike u seljo tuning  ;D
: Re: DTM
: Mr.Steady November 09, 2011, 22:19:58
sve više u svim segmentima utrkivanja koja su valjala donjeli dinosauri iz fije regulacije da se ide unazad i samo po aerodinamici prčka.
kvragu i zeleni.
: Re: DTM
: crorastafa November 11, 2011, 14:31:27
SAd su svi coupei i izgledaju fenomenalno..
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle November 23, 2011, 17:17:11
Martin Tomczyk confirms switch to BMW for 2012 DTM (
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle January 30, 2012, 16:25:06
Castrol EDGE BMW M3 DTM.
: Re: DTM
: crorastafa January 30, 2012, 18:41:45
Veri najs, aj drim gt5 dlc  :D
: Re: DTM
: Mr.Steady January 31, 2012, 18:36:38
Veri najs, aj drim gt5 dlc  :D

and we dream on :(
nascar dobio update, ja željno čekam od onog što je u trailerima pisalo da imaju licencu wrc pa super gt, ovo bi bio šlag na torti.
negdje sam pročito da se razmatra o spajanju super gt i dtm  ???  ???
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle February 03, 2012, 12:45:10
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle February 07, 2012, 10:46:43
: Re: DTM
: sagitarius February 07, 2012, 10:55:49

Eto fotke koja savrseno pokazuje Bumper Cam poziciju ;D ;D ;D
: Re: DTM
: toni_cro February 07, 2012, 11:28:20
baš mi je to palo na pamet, također sada je taj beemer skoro ko mečka sa ciljnikom ;D
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle February 07, 2012, 11:29:04

Eto fotke koja savrseno pokazuje Bumper Cam poziciju ;D ;D ;D

najbolji bumper cam koji sam ja vidio je onaj McLarenov gdje se samo vidi asfalt od staze,negdje na prednjem krilu je kamera....
to je stvarno  :o :o :o  ;D
: Re: DTM
: STINGer February 07, 2012, 12:39:52

Eto fotke koja savrseno pokazuje Bumper Cam poziciju ;D ;D ;D

Ovaj je malo previsok za bumper cam ;D

Mada, čudan je taj bumper cam u igri jer u stvari nije bumper cam... uzmi neki normalan auto pa udari u nekog ispred sebe. Pa uzmi npr. Maserattija pa vidi koliko njemu treba mjesta, a onda uzmi Minija i koliko mu malo treba. Jebote, s Minijem se nekad prepadnem koliko blizu nekog prođem, a da ga ne taknem
: Re: DTM
: FEDROwhatISgood February 07, 2012, 16:52:33
Izgled auta mi ništa ne predstavlja kao ni mjesto proizvodnje. Nego da li se u utrkama na uzbudljiv i iznenađujuč način ocrtavaju razlike među tim autima... a ovdje su svi auti isti - jedan auto, druge farbe. Samo su vozači različiti ??? privid raznolikosti
da bar nisu svi praktički identična njemačka tehnologija, nego sukob civilizacija tipa azija, europa, i vetovska gamad rusija i kina i amerika ;D
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle February 07, 2012, 19:04:39
Tako je bilo u zlatno doba DTM-a, tj dok Benster nije sve razjebo(odnosno njegovi pijuni iz FIA-e) jer je gledanost F1 pala do daske.
BMW,Merc,Ford,Alfa,stvarno zlatno doba utrkivanja........a da i ne spominjem da je tada rođen najuspješniji trkači auto  ;D
: Re: DTM
: Ljubusak February 17, 2012, 12:55:05
Nije tema ali, bumper kamera na GT5 koliko sam ja primjetio je 'šajba' kamera, samo što ne vidimo haubu ispred sebe, nešto poput kamere sa krova koja je previoko i vidi se hauba, kao što je Stinger rekao, neka auta imaju tu nevidljivu haubu i kad se nekome primakneš  'vidiš' kolike su razlike, zato je po meni taj pogled najbolji, uvijek i zauvijek. Pogled koji te stavlja u igru, a ne iza ekrana.  8)
: Re: DTM
: sagitarius February 17, 2012, 12:59:24
Sto se te teme tice, ja cu samo po n-ti put citirati svoju grafiku na temu i nastaviti kao da se nista nije dogodilo..

: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle March 03, 2012, 10:40:22
Audi reveals first image of the A5 DTM car for 2012
Audi has now given a sneak peak of its car in race ready form, although the A5 remains in a camouflage livery to prevent too much detail being obvious to its rivals.

( (
: Re: DTM
: Rockatansky March 03, 2012, 14:08:35
Šta nisu oni govorili o nekim ograničenjima aerodinamike? Vidim opet krila na prednjem braniku, veliko stražnje krilo, stražnji difuzor...a baš sam se ponadao da ću i njih pratiti ove godine :(
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle March 09, 2012, 17:10:08
BMW has unveiled the livery that Bruno Spengler will use in the DTM this year.
: Re: DTM
: Troma March 09, 2012, 20:17:13
Jucer sam kupio TG casopis i tamo ima clanak na par strana o ovogodinjem DTM-u. Naravno, tema su krila, a Mecka ima 25(!) ;D Pa onda malo usporedba s njihovim BTCC-om i kako ovi jedino imaju rucke i prihvat za krovni nosac zajednicko sa serijskim itd. ::) Jbg treba izmisliti, ne rade Englezi najkompleksnije aute...
: Re: DTM
: Rockatansky March 11, 2012, 14:46:14
Lani sam pogledao jednu DTM utrku, mokri Brands Hatch Indy ne može biti dosadan :D, a ove neću ni tu.
Ali mogao bih novom skandinavskom prvenstvu TTA dati šansu. Cca 400 konja, zadnji pogon, 1020 kg...
Sve slično kao DTM samo bez svog ovog aero downforceshita
: Re: DTM
: STINGer March 12, 2012, 11:49:08
Ni mene dtm ne puca nimalo, ako naletim na satelitu, a da se nema što drugo za gledati možda...

Inače, jučer sam pogledao prvu WTCC utrku i bilo mi je dosta... čak sam ubrzao zadnjih par krugova. Drugu utrku nisam ni skidao.

Em su razlike dosta velike, em Monza dosadna do boli. To jednostavno nije staza za te aute (nije za nijedne, al dobro...)

Još 3 tjedna pa počinje prava stvar
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle March 21, 2012, 19:19:08
Audi A5 DTMs
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle May 06, 2012, 17:24:14
Bruno Spengler gives new BMW its first DTM win at Lausitz  ;D 8) (
: Re: DTM
: crorastafa August 21, 2012, 12:10:47
evo trka sa nurba ,ovog vikenda vozena..
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle October 01, 2012, 21:23:05
DTM 2012 Valencia-trka
ovo je trebalo gledat live, bilo je svega  ;D
prva tri u ukupnom poretku su popili kazne u trci..... ;D (

I biser od Ullricha--PAPUČAR
Ullrich said that BMW's tactics, and Priaulx's in particular, had been heavy-handed.

"It was obvious what they planned to do and they did it to the last extreme," he said. "It might be acceptable in the WTCC but it's not something we need in the DTM and I hope it's accepted this way.

"It needed two BMW guys to fight one Audi girl. And that's not fair wrestling."
 ;D ;D ;D

incident je na 1.16.00
: Re: DTM
: crorastafa October 01, 2012, 21:51:39
gleda sam trku i nije bog zna sto bila , osim sto je prialux blokira audi za spenglera, zadnja trka samo tri boda razlike izmedju pafeta i spenglera..
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle October 03, 2012, 15:50:51
Malo tarot-a  ;D

BMW ima 10 pobjeda(rekordnih) na hockenheim-u.1992 na toj stazi su završili ondašnju kampanju u DTM...

s druge strane,  sezona je startala hockenheimu i pobjedio je Paffett(start P6),Splenger je bio DNF a najbolje plasirani BMW je bio na P6........go figure  ;D ;D ;D


: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle October 20, 2012, 16:53:41
rezultat kvala,ostali nisu bitni.... ;D
1.  Augusto Farfus      RBM BMW           1m34.140s
 2.  Gary Paffett        HWA Mercedes      1m34.261s  + 0.121s
 3.  Bruno Spengler      Schnitzer BMW     1m34.268s  + 0.128s
: Re: DTM
: DogZy October 20, 2012, 17:53:19
Krenulo je Farfusu, dobro se snasao. Mogao bi ponovno pobijediti...
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle October 21, 2012, 19:40:48
(  8)

: Re: DTM
: iced16 January 27, 2013, 22:11:17 (
: Re: DTM
: STINGer March 07, 2013, 15:18:48




: Re: DTM
: crorastafa March 07, 2013, 15:43:06
Isti qurac ko i prosle god , jer su pravila zaleđena za ovu god , dogodine se ujedinjuju jgtc i dtm , e kazo eto ti auta..
: Re: DTM
: STINGer March 07, 2013, 16:33:47
Kad Loeb odn. Citroen počinje voziti WTCC? Ove sezone ili slijedeće?
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle March 07, 2013, 17:28:57
Ništa nije službeno izašlo za Citroen u wtcc-u,navodno testiraju intezivno,nagađa se za wtcc
: Re: DTM
: Rockatansky March 07, 2013, 17:55:18
DTM ne volem.  8)
Previše aerodinamičkog downforcea za moj gušt.
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle April 15, 2013, 21:18:02
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle April 15, 2013, 21:20:09
DTM introduces DRS and option tyres (

Tko bi rekao.... ;D
: Re: DTM
: Troma April 15, 2013, 22:28:50
Ni to im nece pomoci da dodu do ovog ;D

BTCC 2013 Brands Hatch (Race1) - Gordon Shedden fantastic save & Jason Plato crash (
: Re: DTM
: STINGer April 16, 2013, 13:05:45
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle May 03, 2013, 13:03:22
Gle čuda..... ;D
DTM set to switch to turbo engines by 2016

The DTM is set to ditch V8 engines in favour of two-litre turbos within three seasons as part its drive to become a global formula.

The series has set a target of 2016 to go down the same route as Super GT in Japan, which next year will adopt small-capacity, direct-injection four-cylinder turbos for its GT500 class.

The revelation of the plans comes in the wake of rules accord signed with the Super GT organiser last October, under which the Japanese series is embracing the philosophy of the DTM regulations, and the firming up in March of plans for DTM America with a start date set for either 2015 or '16.

Hans-Werner Aufrecht, chairman of the DTM-organising ITR, told AUTOSPORT: "We want two-litre turbos in Europe and America, no question. We want the same regulations everywhere.

"The important point that all the manufacturers have accepted is cost reduction. This will allow them to run around the world with the same car and engine."

Aufrecht explained that the move away from V8s was also designed to mirror the downsizing of engines in the manufacturers' ranges of road cars.

The revelation will mean an end for the current breed of 90-degree, four-litre V8s, which date back to the rebirth of the series in 2000.

Next year's Super GT engine formula calls for the use of an energy-retrieval unit or KERS, and Aufrecht said that this was also under consideration for the DTM.

He explained that the ITR was working with electronics giant Bosch to produce a spec system that would be run by each of the manufacturers competing in the DTM.

"We are thinking about KERS," said Aufrecht. "But it would have to be one system for everyone."


The move towards the introduction of turbo engines has the support of the DTM manufacturers.

BMW Motorsport boss Jens Marquardt said: "A four-cylinder direction-injection engine is the right path to follow. We only need to define what is the best timescale to develop a new engine."

Marquardt suggested that 2015 would be possible for the introduction of the new formula.

Martin Tomczyk, RMG BMW"We have agreed that we would use a V8 for 2012, '13 and '14 as a minimum," he continued.

"We had to develop a new engine [for BMW's DTM re-entry] for 2012 and it is not cost-efficient to use it for just one or two years, but it would be wrong if the new engines were too far away."

Audi development boss Wolfgang Durheimer, whose remit includes motorsport, has stated his enthusiasm for a formula that is based on the Global Race Engine concept.

"I am a fan of the GRE," he said. "If we can achieve a format where you can transform you basic race engine for serial applications it would save a lot of money for the manufacturers."

The target date for the introduction of the new engine formula could have implications for DTM America. Aufrecht conceded that the later start date of 2016, which would coincide with the changes in Europe, was now more likely.

He said that a decision would be made on when DTM America will start by the end of this year.
: Re: DTM
: Voss May 03, 2013, 14:05:42
DTM ce prikazivat utrke uzivo preko YouTube-a :) (
: Re: DTM
: STINGer May 03, 2013, 14:16:14
Najs... ali to ne mijenja činjenicu da su zanimljivi ko gledanje trave kako raste ;D
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle May 03, 2013, 15:34:08
DTM ce prikazivat utrke uzivo preko YouTube-a :)

[url][/url] ([url][/url])

Odlično,odlično...... ;D  :D  8)
: Re: DTM
: STINGer May 03, 2013, 15:45:26
Tu se najbolje vidi koliko je stari prejeben auto. Jebo ovo novo plastično smeće ;D
: Re: DTM
: crorastafa May 03, 2013, 16:02:32
Dobra je stvar da su uveli drs od ove god ,mislim da cemo napokon vidjeti pretjecanje
: Re: DTM
: iced16 May 03, 2013, 16:29:12
Dobra je stvar da su uveli drs od ove god ,mislim da cemo napokon vidjeti pretjecanje

Ako se ne varam, jednom ga mogu aktivirati bilo di na stazi, jel tako?
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle May 05, 2013, 11:52:17 (

Evo link za engleski channel,valjda  ???

pitanje je dali čemo moč gledat live jer je "nedostupan u gro zemalja ......
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle May 05, 2013, 14:32:40
Radi stream..... :D
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle May 18, 2013, 13:26:27
: Re: DTM
: ribafish May 19, 2013, 14:31:27
Pocinje utrka u Brands Hatchu >

Brands Hatch 2013 - Race (LIVE!) (
: Re: DTM
: DogZy May 19, 2013, 15:29:00
Gledam prijenos. Čovječe, Farfusu (tada 2.8s iza prvog Rockenfellera) u 66. krugu auto otkazao na s/c ravnini, žuta zastava, safety car na stazi. I pazi sad, priključili Farfusov BMW na Safety car i za vrijeme utrke ga makli s lijeve strane ravnine na desni dio gdje je boks!! Kakvi luđaci, mogli su poginuti, ovi iza jure po 200kmh ::)
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle June 02, 2013, 22:09:20
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle July 14, 2013, 12:29:58
US DTM Series Delayed Until 2017
The U.S. DTM series will not begin until 2017, it was announced Saturday at the Norisring, site of this weekend's DTM race and the first meeting of the new Steering Committee.

Representatives from ITR, GTA, GRAND-AM and the current car manufacturers involved in DTM and Super GT met to confirm the new date for worldwide conformity of the touring car regulations.

The Japan-based Super GT championship will begin using parts of the DTM regulations beginning next year, primarily in its GT500 class, which sees manufacturer involvement from Toyota, Nissan and Honda, with the U.S.-based series delaying its launch.

"We have agreed upon the goal that in 2017, all manufacturers will be racing to absolutely identical regulations," said Hans Werner Aufrecht, chairman of the board of DTM rights holder and promoter ITR e.V. "That is a very important step. Moreover, we agreed that the Steering Committee will be governing the regulations and developing them in this spirit."

In March, ITR and GRAND-AM announced a licensing agreement for the formation of a U.S. DTM series for as early as 2015, to be run on United SportsCar Racing weekends, but those plans have been pushed back.

"In the new United SportsCar Racing series, we have some great tracks like Daytona, Sebring or the Circuit of the Americas in Austin. We will be racing at some great tracks," said GRAND-AM President and CEO Ed Bennett in a statement.

The next meeting for the Steering Committee will come in January at the Rolex 24 at Daytona, the first round of the USCR. Meetings will rotate between continents every six months.

Jedva čekam da se spoje,tolko proizvođača u jednom natjecanju wow jednostavno wow....

Samo  se nadam da če Benster do tad krepat ,pa da nema tko lobirat kod FIA-e da F1 održi na vrhu....kao u 90ima
: Re: DTM
: Troma July 14, 2013, 15:09:10
Gledam danasnju trku i stvarno me ocaralo. Uopce nije lose kako Britanci seru po DTMu da je dosadno ovo ono, da su auti svemirski bla bla... Jednako je dobro kao BTCC, samo sta auti izgledaju i zvuce brutalno u DTMu 8)
: Re: DTM
: Troma July 14, 2013, 15:50:03
Kakav kraj ;D ;D 8)

Jebeni Talijan sjebo Paffetta nakon odlicne voznje ::)
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle July 14, 2013, 15:59:13
Jebeni Talijan sjebo Paffetta nakon odlicne voznje ::)

Yea right..... ;D ;D ;D
: Re: DTM
: Troma July 14, 2013, 21:14:05
A sta ja znam tako su komentatori rekli da je odlicno odvozio ;D ;D Ne razumijem sve to jos, pogotovo one lampice pored imena za vrijeme utrke
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle July 14, 2013, 21:57:36
žute točke su obavezni ulazi u boks,a okvir oko točki je za gume ala F, prime i option(žuto)

Paffet je odlično vozio dok ga nije naguzio neko  ;D, i onda mu je Paffet vratio tako što je obojicu skucao u zid(imao je čisti prolaz i sa jednim manevrm dobio bi dva mjesta)....da stvar bude gora vidi se na snimci da je namjerno.... ::)
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle July 15, 2013, 08:14:40
DTM: Mattias Ekström loses Norisring victory
Audi driver Mattias Ekström has lost his victory in the fifth DTM round at the Norisring. After the Swede illegitimately had water poured into the pockets of his race suit in parc fermé in Nuremberg on his 35th birthday,  he was excluded from the race by the stewards because of an infringement of the parc fermé rules. As a result, victory went to Mercedes-Benz driver Robert Wickens from Canada, who scored his maiden DTM race win and brought the brand from Stuttgart its eleventh consecutive success at the Norisring.

Christian Vietoris and Daniel Juncadella (both Mercedes-Benz) were promoted to second and third place respectively. Points' leader Mike Rockenfeller (Audi) was classified fifth and now has a margin of two points from Bruno Spengler (BMW), who finished fifth in Nuremberg.

Ekström's Team Audi Sport Abt Sportsline has announced its intention to appeal and has two days to back this up in writing. The amended result remains provisional until the appeal has been decided upon. Moreover, Ekström was given a 1,000 euros fine because he failed to attach the steering wheel properly after getting out of his car in parc fermé.

 ::)  ;D
: Re: DTM
: toni_cro August 28, 2013, 12:56:47
snimke DTM-a idu na kreatorTV
: Re: DTM
: iced16 August 28, 2013, 13:11:50
snimke DTM-a idu na kreatorTV

Kad nemaju F1 više  ;D ;D
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle September 28, 2013, 17:20:12
down to the wire  ;D
: Re: DTM
: DogZy September 29, 2013, 14:54:46
DTM Zandvoort Race - Live (

Zandvoort live
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle October 20, 2013, 16:27:50
....i ode M3 u povijes s pobjedom..... :P :P :P
: Re: DTM
: Screamingeagle December 07, 2013, 08:23:54
Antonio Felix da Costa and Maxime Martin land 2014 BMW DTM drives (

Maxsime Martin.....( ( (