Gaming Headquarters => Igre kao takve => : STINGer March 08, 2012, 14:31:32

: Novosti...
: STINGer March 08, 2012, 14:31:32
O ostalim, manje bitnim naslovima, da ne otvaramo novi topič....

Uglavnom, sutra izlazi SSX i moram priznati da me interesira. Prethodnik na PS2 mi je bio jedna od dražih igara, a i općenito sam volio te igre koje je radio EA Big. Nadam se da će i ovaj valjati...

: Re: Novosti...
: toni_cro March 08, 2012, 15:49:30
uff SSX mi je bila jedna od najdražih igara na ps2

prvi koji izašao, ovaj novi mi se čini dobar i volio bi ga zaigrati kako već dvije godine nisam stao na dasku fali mi
pa bar nekako da nadoknadim, ako nađem polovnu za mjesec dva možda ju kupim
: Re: Novosti...
: tpe-rus March 08, 2012, 15:52:56
Igrao sam demo s ps storea al nije ni priblizno kao sto za dvojku bilo.brzo sam ga izbriso
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer March 08, 2012, 16:29:33
Moram skinit pa probati...
: Re: Novosti...
: Rockatansky March 09, 2012, 00:04:36
Prika opet si pija, šta je d njuuz, a šta je d njuuz??  ;D ;D
Promini naslov ili jednog ili drugog topica.
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer March 09, 2012, 11:52:25
Pa jedan je gamerski d njuuz, a drugi je trkaći... svaki na svojoj strani foruma.

Al pošto pijanci kao ti ne vide razliku, evo minjam :)
: Re: Novosti...
: iced16 March 13, 2012, 00:08:08
ako će izaći taj forza horizon... Jel bi to moglo značiti da će i GT izbaciti free roam koji sa najavili za GT5, ali na kraju ipak nisu ubacili...??
: Re: Novosti...
: Troma March 13, 2012, 09:50:18
Najjaci je bio SSX Tricky, jos ga i danas upalim 8)
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer April 12, 2012, 13:23:37
Netko se odlučio vratiti na led ;D ;D ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: Troma April 12, 2012, 13:51:35
izgleda fora ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: turok April 14, 2012, 21:45:58
Prva dva dijela su josš uvijek na listi želja,treći o tom potom.
: Re: Novosti...
: Troma May 07, 2012, 11:13:08
hehehe 8)

: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer May 07, 2012, 14:09:16
Šta je to?
: Re: Novosti...
: Troma May 07, 2012, 14:22:37
Pc po uzoru na igru Portal ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: FEDROwhatISgood May 07, 2012, 15:11:30
Sjajno :)

(bas sinoc narucio Portal 2. Prethodni jedno od naaajljepsih gameing iskustava. Zapoceo jednog suncanog poslijepodneva i u jednom dahu, s prvim zracima zore, utekoh ;D to je bio dozivljaj i pol!)
: Re: Novosti...
: Troma May 07, 2012, 20:25:01
Da, sjajna igra, dvojka te nece razocarati. ;)
: Re: Novosti...
: DogZy May 07, 2012, 20:48:10
Malo OT-a ali i to je novost ;D
Ako je itko zainteresiran za coop iste igre, nek se javi :)
: Re: Novosti...
: FEDROwhatISgood May 07, 2012, 20:51:09
Meni stize promo verzija za neku sicu jer uglavnom igram iskljucivo samacki ;D Ne znam dal promo podrzava coop, jos...
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer May 08, 2012, 15:42:21
Hrvatski PSN bonovi su se opet vratili u prodaju, zastupnik je opet proradio
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer May 15, 2012, 11:32:12
Kmeeeeee :(

A Message to the Tomb Raider Community

When Crystal Dynamics first set out to reboot the Tomb Raider franchise, there were two goals that we were extremely passionate about. The first was to create a modern Tomb Raider game that would surprise and excite gamers. The second was to make this the best game of our careers, something we would be really proud to be a part of. We truly believe that we have something very special on our hands and we can’t wait to share it with you.

Our priority now is to make sure we fully deliver the very highest quality game. In order to do this, we have decided to move the game’s release date by a few months, from Fall 2012 to the first quarter of 2013.

We’re doing things that are completely new to Tomb Raider in this game and the additional development time will allow us to put the finishing touches into the game and polish it to a level that you deserve. We believe this is the right choice and I guarantee it will be worth the wait. The game is looking amazing and we can't wait to show it to everyone at E3 in a few weeks.

Darrell Gallagher
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish May 24, 2012, 20:34:39
E3 2012: Sarajevo Urban Combat Trailer - | GameTrailers (
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer July 10, 2012, 14:52:08
Katastrofa ::)
: Re: Novosti...
: turok July 13, 2012, 17:51:32
Zadnjih dana se intezivno na netu vrti clip multya novog MoH-a,naravno vrti se na Frostbite2 enđinu i mogao bi zauzeti mjesto BFa3 u mojoj plejci.
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish July 13, 2012, 18:06:34
Zadnjih dana se intezivno na netu vrti clip multya novog MoH-a,naravno vrti se na Frostbite2 enđinu i mogao bi zauzeti mjesto BFa3 u mojoj plejci.

Da, izleda nelose. Posto ce bit singleplayer misija u Bosni, ocekujem i neku Bosansku multiplayer mapu..
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer October 16, 2012, 13:22:32
Što vam se čini od ovoga? Novi Elite možda?

Star Citizen

Star Citizen - "Squadron 42" Full Cinematic Trailer (
: Re: Novosti...
: maliDjuro October 16, 2012, 13:44:23
Meni više vuče na novi Wing Commander...
Al nema meni do Warheada...

Warhead, Amiga 1990. (
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer November 15, 2012, 18:03:58
Crysis 3 | Fields Mission Single-Player Playthrough [EN] (2013) | FULL HD (
: Re: Novosti...
: Sinisa November 20, 2012, 16:59:39
Nabasao na stari intervju sa Geoff Crammond-om . (

( On , Sid Meier i Kazo su mi tri najdraža kreatora igara ).
: Re: Novosti...
: Safety-_-Car November 20, 2012, 20:50:09

Od 94-97.  jedino sto sam igrao bio je Grand Prix 1 i 2 :)
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer November 30, 2012, 18:33:48
Rockstar nastavlja sa ofanzivom ;D

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 10th Anniversary Launch Trailer

Developer: Rockstar
Release: 12/6/2012
Genre: Action
Platform: iOS/Android
Publisher: Rockstar (
: Re: Novosti...
: DogZy December 02, 2012, 09:27:51
Uff 8)

Samo ne znam kako će to podnositi moj mob s jednojezgrenim procesorom i 768MB RAM-a
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer December 18, 2012, 16:00:19
Tomb Raider's Guide to Survival - Ep. 1 Smart Resourceful Lara (
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer December 22, 2012, 13:54:19
Crysis 3: The Train Yard Gameplay Trailer [1080p] (
: Re: Novosti...
: sagitarius January 18, 2013, 10:16:00
Story of Love & Execution

by: Grasshopper Manufacture
producent:SUDA 51

Nova Sudina igra, kako se cini ovo je potpuna posveta legendarnom "Killer 7" (tko nije igra ne zna, a tko nije zavrsio nema niti ideju da se radi o jednoj od najboljih i najludjih video-igara ikad napravljenih) i Sudinom drugom najdrazem djetetu, "No More Heroes". Killer is Dead izlazi na ljeto. (


: Re: Novosti...
: Sinisa January 24, 2013, 16:24:05 (

Kompanija je odredila i nekoliko linija proizvoda koji se ne uklapaju u novu mobilnu strategiju, među kojima su glazbeni dockovi, kontroleri za konzole, nadzorni video sustavi te univerzalni daljinski upravljači Harmony.
Logitech najavljuje prodaju odjela Harmony (a vjerojatno i ostalih navedenih divizija), dok bi proces ukidanja nerentabilnih linija proizvoda trebao biti kompletiran do kraja ove godine

: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish January 31, 2013, 02:09:05
Killzone Mercenary, PS Vita exkluziva..

( (

*Full fledged single player campaing
*We will visit places known previously from other games. GG will show us known mission from different perspective, eg. - operation Archangel from Killzone 2
*Main character is Aaron Danner - mercenary working for fame and money. He's a member of colonial army and he'll be working both of ISA and Helgen. Who pays more - gonna get the job done. And yes, first time in the series we won't play as an ISA.
*We will be rewarded with cash for completing the mission. We could spend this on a black market for buying new weapons, guns, gadgets (drones, energy shield, invicibility). It's expensive and short working - but rewarding and helpful.
*Vanguard is the new system. You can see it on the left arm of Aaron. You can quick access shops and use special weapons touching it.
*For multiplayer - 8 players, 3 modes (Warzone, Team Deathmatch and Deathmatch). Money earned from single player and guns are unlocked in multiplayer too.
*There's a whole Contract system (just like in Hitman: Absolution). After finishing a mission, you can activate a contract and earn additional money.
*As I wrote earlier - graphically is astonishig, best looking game on PSVita.
*Touch controls (stealh kills, zooming with sniper rifle [it's optional, though], "waggle gimmicks" for aiming, but it's all well implemented and it isn't feel like they added it just to add anything.
*September 18. 2013.

Killzone Mercenary - Exclusive Gameplay Reveal - A Guide to Weaponry (

SP impresije > (
MP > (
: Re: Novosti...
: turok January 31, 2013, 23:43:25
Ostaje nada da će kad tad to portati na PS3.
: Re: Novosti...
: Troma February 01, 2013, 11:07:42
Konacno da se i na Viti Killzone okrene 8)
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish February 07, 2013, 23:56:07
The Hunt is On With Crysis 3 (

 ^ A ja danas kupio novu graficku, bring it 8)
: Re: Novosti...
: Troma February 08, 2013, 10:02:45
Koju si uzeo? :D
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish February 08, 2013, 12:03:25
Koju si uzeo? :D

Sapphire 7850 1gb. Prvotni plan je bio da uzmem nesto jace za eyefinity setup, al sam odustao od toga zbog najave PS4, sad štekam pare za to.. ;D

Idem ju sad ugradit, valjda ce sve bit OK :D
: Re: Novosti...
: Skvikki February 08, 2013, 13:03:18
Javi koliko je poboljšanje u odnosu na 560Ti (ako se dobro sjećam).
: Re: Novosti...
: Safety-_-Car February 08, 2013, 13:14:08
Koju si uzeo? :D

Sapphire 7850 1gb. Prvotni plan je bio da uzmem nesto jace za eyefinity setup, al sam odustao od toga zbog najave PS4, sad štekam pare za to.. ;D

Idem ju sad ugradit, valjda ce sve bit OK :D

Tu ću i ja uzeti. Malo sam uspoređivao grafičke u tom cjenovnom rangu i čini mi se da je ta najbolja. Koristit ću je do 1080P rezolucije (za TV), tako da je sigurno dovoljno jaka za sve nadolazaće igre  :). A što se tiče PS4, mislim da ga ne budem ni kupovao. Jedino ako će GT6 biti onakva simulacija kakva mora biti.

Svakako javi dojmove  ;)
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish February 08, 2013, 13:20:10
Standardnu 560 sam imao prije, ne Ti ;) 7850 je Definitivno best buy za 1080p igranje. Javim dojmove uskoro, instalacije je prosla bez problema, stavio sam najnovije drivere, spojio DVI s monitorom, HDMI na telku, vidjet cemo uskoro ;D


clockana 7850 ide na GTX 580 razinu 8)
: Re: Novosti...
: crorastafa February 08, 2013, 14:07:32
Koliko citam postove za ps4 ili box da ce sve danasnje high end grafe za pc biti za qurac i da ce se morati kupovati zadnje koje budu tad izlazile, jer koristenje potencijala tih grafa i onih u next gen konzolama ce biti je 40% naprema 100% u korist konzola ..
: Re: Novosti...
: Safety-_-Car February 08, 2013, 14:46:52
Koliko citam postove za ps4 ili box da ce sve danasnje high end grafe za pc biti za qurac i da ce se morati kupovati zadnje koje budu tad izlazile, jer koristenje potencijala tih grafa i onih u next gen konzolama ce biti je 40% naprema 100% u korist konzola ..

Snaga i grafika novih konzola ce doci do izrazaja na 4k televizorima, a to ce si samo rijetki moci priustiti u sljedecih nekoliko godina.
: Re: Novosti...
: crorastafa February 08, 2013, 15:24:18
Koliko citam postove za ps4 ili box da ce sve danasnje high end grafe za pc biti za qurac i da ce se morati kupovati zadnje koje budu tad izlazile, jer koristenje potencijala tih grafa i onih u next gen konzolama ce biti je 40% naprema 100% u korist konzola ..

Snaga i grafika novih konzola ce doci do izrazaja na 4k televizorima, a to ce si samo rijetki moci priustiti u sljedecih nekoliko godina.
Ne , samo filmovi ce se vrtjeti na 4k, zasad samo full 1080p i 60frejmova da bude standard na racing igrama, tek od iduce generacije moze se ocekivati igre u 4K..
: Re: Novosti...
: sagitarius February 08, 2013, 15:49:32
... zasad samo full 1080p i 60frejmova da bude standard na racing igrama, tek od iduce generacije moze se ocekivati igre u 4K..

Upravo tako. 4K kao "standard" nema sanse da postoji do sljedece generacije. 4K na dolazecoj generaciji mozda ce imati samo Blu-Ray filmovi (a i za to jos moraju standardizirati sve) koji ce doci na trziste tek iza 2014., a od igara (ako ce ijedna imati nativnu 4K rezoluciju uopce) to mogu biti samo neki "arkadni" graficki naslovi.

Za novu generaciju ce biti cudo svaka igra koja ce dolaziti i u nativnih 1080p/60fps zato jer ce post-processing, HDR i alpha-efekti zderati resurse hardvera nemilice. Mene uopce nece cuditi da ce i dalje vecina igara dolaziti u 30fps, pogotovo nekih manjih naslova, dok bi 1080p mogao eventualno postati standard.

Ali sve sto se govori ide u smjeru da ce 1080p/60fps biti i dalje ezoterija, 60fps ce biti nesto cesci kod igara s varijabliznom rezolucijom (izmedju 720p i 1080p, odnosno vjerovatno nativni 720p/60fps pa onda scale u 1080p), dok ce najveci dio dolaziti sa 1080p/30-40fps i masom efekata (efekti i HDR - uz mozda djelomicni ray-tracing - su ono sto ce zderati sve resurse uglavnom).

Ali 4K tek tamo negdje oko 2020.
: Re: Novosti...
: Safety-_-Car February 08, 2013, 16:53:59
Bilo kako bilo, mene nimalo ne privlači PS4 (mada će biti sigurno super), jer na PC-u imam sve što sam uvijek želio. A to su odlične utrke, u odličnim simulacijama. Sad tek vidim da sam se zeznuo i sa PS3, jer rFactor je isto negdje toliko na tržištu koliko i PS3.
: Re: Novosti...
: dejan041 February 08, 2013, 17:37:09
ne znam jel sam jedini,al ja se uopce ne uzbudjujem oko novih konzola,imam sve stare konzole i upalim ih svake prijestupne...jednostavno imam pc kojem se nove konzole (kad izadju) vjerojatno nece uspjet priblizit ni malo, x360 gamepad i sve sto nije xb ili ps3 exluziva igram na njemu (i uzivam nezamislivo)...tak da ljudi koji zele next gen mogu to vec danas dobit za mozda koju kunu vise...

mislim da nisam jedini ovdje koji se vec duugo igramo na next genu... 8)

edit: ona fora sa plug & play ne vrijede vise samo za konzole...pc danas je maltene isto to
: Re: Novosti...
: crorastafa February 08, 2013, 18:13:50
Mislim da ce ista stvar biti i s ovom generacijom kao i s proslom da ce konzole par god dominirati ,csk se ocekuje veci skok u odnosu na ps2 na ps3 , a po sadasnjim specsima tako svi nagovjestavaju citajuci experte po raznim stranim forumima, mozda cjenovno nece parirati pc-u ali tehnicki bi ga trebao nadmasiti ,nekako mi je to logicnije
: Re: Novosti...
: DogZy February 08, 2013, 19:55:00
Bilo kako bilo, mene nimalo ne privlači PS4 (mada će biti sigurno super), jer na PC-u imam sve što sam uvijek želio. A to su odlične utrke, u odličnim simulacijama. Sad tek vidim da sam se zeznuo i sa PS3, jer rFactor je isto negdje toliko na tržištu koliko i PS3.

Nisi. Da nisi kupio PS3 i GT5 ne bi bio na ovom forumu niti bi upoznao super ljude ;)
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer February 08, 2013, 19:59:54
Aha... a da te sad čujemo care ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: Safety-_-Car February 08, 2013, 21:08:05
Bilo kako bilo, mene nimalo ne privlači PS4 (mada će biti sigurno super), jer na PC-u imam sve što sam uvijek želio. A to su odlične utrke, u odličnim simulacijama. Sad tek vidim da sam se zeznuo i sa PS3, jer rFactor je isto negdje toliko na tržištu koliko i PS3.

Nisi. Da nisi kupio PS3 i GT5 ne bi bio na ovom forumu niti bi upoznao super ljude ;)

Aha... a da te sad čujemo care ;D


Inače sam to htio u editu napisati, ali na kraju nisam jer sam zaboravio. Na poslu sam...

Istina, da nisam kupio PS3 ne bi bio dio ove zajednice, a to bi bila šteta.   :-*
: Re: Novosti...
: Troma February 08, 2013, 22:41:58
Koju si uzeo? :D

Sapphire 7850 1gb. Prvotni plan je bio da uzmem nesto jace za eyefinity setup, al sam odustao od toga zbog najave PS4, sad štekam pare za to.. ;D

Idem ju sad ugradit, valjda ce sve bit OK :D


Spominjes eyefinity, pa pretpostavljam da imas Della? 8)
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer February 24, 2013, 21:45:37
Ljudovi, kakav vam se čini novi nadolazeći Tomb Raider? Ima li netko namjeru uzimati?
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish February 25, 2013, 00:10:29
Ljudovi, kakav vam se čini novi nadolazeći Tomb Raider? Ima li netko namjeru uzimati?

Ja definitivno uzimam, vise manje sve sto sam vidio do sad izgleda odlicno.

Uncharted Tomb's, u glavnoj ulozi Lara Drake ;D takav sam dojam dobio sto nije losa stvar..

Prvi review jako dobar > (

Ekipa koja ce igrati ovo na PC, AMD ce u utorak prikazat novu tehnologiju, fiziku kose ;D


Tomb Raider je prva igra koja ce to koristit, ima da se Larina kosa lijepo vijori ;)

: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer February 25, 2013, 11:53:08
Meni se ovo čini i bolje od Drake-a, kretanje lika mi izgleda puno bolje izvedeno
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish February 25, 2013, 12:54:15
Kroz par sati se skida embargo za recenzije pa cemo bit pametniji, ja uzimam kakve god da budu..
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer February 25, 2013, 21:08:19
Dobre su ocjene
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish February 26, 2013, 13:20:39
( (

Next Gen ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: turok February 27, 2013, 00:22:42 (

Daklem hajduci.uskoci,gusari.Dečki s Knežije i ostali....
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer February 27, 2013, 11:56:27
Al će biti plovidbe ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish February 28, 2013, 12:49:39

Embargo zavrsava u pon pa ce se sve znat..
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer February 28, 2013, 12:54:46
To je za ovaj gen ili slijedeći?
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish February 28, 2013, 12:58:25
To je za ovaj gen ili slijedeći?

Cross Gen..
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer February 28, 2013, 12:59:28
Kako mi pije krv taj cross  ;D

Što to kontkretno znači? Da li ću imati cijelu igru na ovoj konzoletini (kao npr. AC III?)
: Re: Novosti...
: Tomivav February 28, 2013, 13:00:25
It is claimed that the game is up and running on Xbox 360, but next-generation versions are also planned.

Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot confirmed earlier this month that the company plans to publish a new Assassin's Creed game during the 2014 financial year (by April 2014).

: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer February 28, 2013, 13:18:48
Tek tada.... blah, nadao sam se da će biti ove godine
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish February 28, 2013, 14:44:55
Tek tada.... blah, nadao sam se da će biti ove godine

Vjerovatno ce i izac do kraja ove godine za PS360 i PC i onda Q1 2014 next gen, taman uz EU PS4 launch :)
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer February 28, 2013, 15:09:36
Tek tada.... blah, nadao sam se da će biti ove godine

Vjerovatno ce i izac do kraja ove godine za PS360 i PC i onda Q1 2014 next gen, taman uz EU PS4 launch :)

Sumnjam da će Ubisoft izdati i ovo i Watch Dogs u isto vrijeme...  ili da bi Watch Dogs mogao izaći prije nego PS4 bude dostupan na svim tržištima (
: Re: Novosti...
: sagitarius February 28, 2013, 16:04:06
Ako sam ja dobro pohvatao okolo, Watch Dogs ce prvo izaci za Next-gen, a tek ce onda raditi downscale za ovaj gen.
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer February 28, 2013, 16:07:11
Ako to uopće naprave...
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer March 04, 2013, 18:22:35
Ovo izgleda zanimljivo :)

Wonderbook: Diggs Nightcrawler trailer (
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish March 07, 2013, 14:07:49
MotoGP 13 Gameplay teaser video 1 (
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish March 07, 2013, 20:20:43
Call of Juarez - Gunslinger


Call of Juarez - Gunslinger [UK] ( (
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer March 08, 2013, 12:28:33
Lara je mrak mrkli... oduševila me igra.
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish March 08, 2013, 12:45:32
Ja sam bas u procesu "nabavke" ;D Budem probao za vikend nadam se...

Inace prodano je 1mil kopija za manje od 48h sto se meni cini jako dobro...
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer March 08, 2013, 12:51:20
Ja sam bas u procesu "nabavke" ;D Budem probao za vikend nadam se...

Inace prodano je 1mil kopija za manje od 48h sto se meni cini jako dobro...

Nije loše za takav žanr...

Uglavnom, ja i inače nisam bio neki veliki ljubitelj Uncharteda, ali ovo mi je svakako bolje. OK, fali mi malo onaj stari đir sa skakanjima i zagonetkama, al' jebiga, cijeli gaming je davno otišao u krasan qrac pa ne možeš ni očekivati nešto takvo.
: Re: Novosti...
: iced16 March 08, 2013, 13:04:06
Ja sam bas u procesu "nabavke" ;D Budem probao za vikend nadam se...

Inace prodano je 1mil kopija za manje od 48h sto se meni cini jako dobro...

Nije loše za takav žanr...

Uglavnom, ja i inače nisam bio neki veliki ljubitelj Uncharteda, ali ovo mi je svakako bolje. OK, fali mi malo onaj stari đir sa skakanjima i zagonetkama, al' jebiga, cijeli gaming je davno otišao u krasan qrac pa ne možeš ni očekivati nešto takvo.

Tu me oduševio GOW 1 i GOW 2. :) GOW 3 baš i nije blizu bio. Bar po meni...
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer March 08, 2013, 13:08:03
GOW je God of War? Tu ima zagonetki? ;D

Trebao si odigrati Laru sa PS1, te su bile najbolje ;)
: Re: Novosti...
: iced16 March 08, 2013, 13:30:57
GOW je God of War? Tu ima zagonetki? ;D

Trebao si odigrati Laru sa PS1, te su bile najbolje ;)

Da da, god of war... Meni su ok zagonetke bile. :) Volim to kad u igri moraš stati na 10-tak minuta i u miru razmišljati. A ne stalno ubijanje ubijanje i još ubijanja...  ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: petrenjdin March 08, 2013, 13:50:07
e da, šta je sa zagonetkama u današnjim igrama?!
prenaporno za novu generaciju gamera?!
: Re: Novosti...
: petrenjdin March 08, 2013, 13:58:30
cave mi se čini ok, netko igrao?
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer March 08, 2013, 13:58:41
e da, šta je sa zagonetkama u današnjim igrama?!
prenaporno za novu generaciju gamera?!

A valjda... kao misle na ove "kežual" igrače, njima je to prenaporno, a izdavačima je milija lova ::)
: Re: Novosti...
: kiseli6 March 08, 2013, 15:09:25
Na jedinici mi je bio što se zagonetki tiče dobar i Soul Reaver. Pogotovo onaj dio u onoj katedrali sa zvonima i staklom.
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer March 08, 2013, 15:42:58
Call of Juarez - Gunslinger


Call of Juarez - Gunslinger [UK] ([url][/url])

[url][/url] ([url][/url])

Hoće li opet biti fail? Čim ovako ništa ne prikažu, odmah mi se probudi sumnja ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish March 13, 2013, 00:14:58

Ljeto 2013 X360/PS3/PC

PAYDAY 2 - Teaser Trailer (

PayDay 2 - Exclusive Gameplay Reveal: Watchdogs Mission (

PAYDAY 2 - Preview and Brand New Gameplay - Eurogamer ( (
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer March 13, 2013, 11:48:38
Nije baš nešto...
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish March 14, 2013, 18:35:32
Call of Juarez - Gunslinger


[url][/url] ([url][/url]) (
: Re: Novosti...
: iced16 March 14, 2013, 19:47:03
Kako uopće mogu pomisliti biti bolji od RDR??

Ovo mi ne izgleda nešto posebno...
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer March 14, 2013, 20:18:59
Ma nema to veze sa RDR-om....
: Re: Novosti...
: iced16 March 14, 2013, 21:56:47
Ma nema to veze sa RDR-om....

Iskreno da kažem, nisam igrao CoJ  ali pored RDR-a niti ne želim nešto drugo probati...  ;)

(i znam da nije baš fer od mene pričat tako o igri koju nisam ni probao, al ćini mi se da su to one neke stvari koje se odmah vide iz gameplaya...)
: Re: Novosti...
: turok March 14, 2013, 23:36:44
CoJ je zapravo zabavni FPS kaubojac,no uspređivati ga sa RDRom je koda se uspoređuje KIA Pride sa RollsRoyceom.
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish March 15, 2013, 15:22:28
Saints Row 4

Izlazi 20.08.13 > mj dana prije GTA

X360/PS3/PC, nema spomena WiiU i nextgena

Saints Row 4 Announce Teaser - [Europe] (

Di je otisao ovaj serijal ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer March 15, 2013, 15:31:30
Neću niti gledati ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: Tomivav March 15, 2013, 19:00:45
Dovoljan je ovaj frame koji vidim... ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish March 19, 2013, 22:44:06
Final Fantasy XV PS4 exkluziva  ??? (
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish March 21, 2013, 17:08:27
Znao sam da igra izgleda dobro i sve, ali ovo  ??? :o

Beyond: Two Souls (

BEYOND: Two Souls Cast Interview EXCLUSIVE ( ( ( ( ( (


Quantic Dreams poceo raditi na svojoj PS4 igri (

Ovo i Last of Us :o PS3 :-*
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer March 21, 2013, 17:29:13
Samo malo sam pogledao, nema smisla kvariti si doživljaj. Ali da, odlično izgleda
: Re: Novosti...
: 0pointEFManipulator March 23, 2013, 19:00:13
Half-life 2: Episode 4 ne izlazi, bar ne još...tako skoro. najavljena suradnja valvea i arkane studios (dishonored) tako neće podarit prvog mezimca, nažalost svih ljubitelja franšize.

osobno mislim da je šteta što neće. baš me zanimao onaj 'absorption' na HUD-u. a ibilo bi najs ponovo vidjeti antonova uparenog sa starim jatom. :)

p.s. poz svima.
: Re: Novosti...
: Troma March 23, 2013, 19:50:42
Half-life 2: Episode 4 ne izlazi, bar ne još...tako skoro. najavljena suradnja valvea i arkane studios (dishonored) tako neće podarit prvog mezimca, nažalost svih ljubitelja franšize.

osobno mislim da je šteta što neće. baš me zanimao onaj 'absorption' na HUD-u. a ibilo bi najs ponovo vidjeti antonova uparenog sa starim jatom. :)

p.s. poz svima.

Mozes i ovdje da te svi vide ;)

Novi clanovi - predstavite se i sve sto ide uz to (
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish March 26, 2013, 15:30:50
Prikaz igara u razvoju koje koriste CryEngine 3 (

Battlefield of Honor  ??? ;D ;D :D
: Re: Novosti...
: grozni2 March 26, 2013, 20:33:04
ljudi ima li tko saznanja možda o novom metal gearu. Ja sam samo vidil kratki gameplay i izgleda predobro, skoro ko film.
: Re: Novosti...
: 0pointEFManipulator March 26, 2013, 20:42:52 ( ( (

goty? definitivno! :D

: Re: Novosti...
: sagitarius March 26, 2013, 22:22:50
ljudi ima li tko saznanja možda o novom metal gearu. Ja sam samo vidil kratki gameplay i izgleda predobro, skoro ko film.

Sutra na GDC Kojima ima sat i pol prezentaciju svega, previse je glasina i svega, a oni su savseno sacuvali sva iznenadjenja. Po prvi ce puta pokazati real-time FOX engine, novi Metal Gear Solid i jos svasta nesto sto se nagadja.

Stream ovdje (ima i countdown, sutra popodne po nasem vremenu): (
: Re: Novosti...
: grozni2 March 26, 2013, 22:39:49
Hvala gazda na info, to moram odgledat
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer March 27, 2013, 00:22:49
ljudi ima li tko saznanja možda o novom metal gearu. Ja sam samo vidil kratki gameplay i izgleda predobro, skoro ko film.

Sutra na GDC Kojima ima sat i pol prezentaciju svega, previse je glasina i svega, a oni su savseno sacuvali sva iznenadjenja. Po prvi ce puta pokazati real-time FOX engine, novi Metal Gear Solid i jos svasta nesto sto se nagadja.

Stream ovdje (ima i countdown, sutra popodne po nasem vremenu):
[url][/url] ([url][/url])

A hoće li biti što nama bitno?
: Re: Novosti...
: sagitarius March 27, 2013, 00:37:48
Ako te zanimaju novi i revolucionarni enginei, bit ce., onda nista bitno :)
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer March 27, 2013, 00:48:06
Ako te zanimaju novi i revolucionarni enginei

: Re: Novosti...
: sagitarius March 27, 2013, 01:10:08
Bome, isti ti ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer March 27, 2013, 01:43:34
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish April 02, 2013, 02:48:48
Thief (4)


Thief - Out of the Shadows Debut Trailer ( (
: Re: Novosti...
: DogZy April 02, 2013, 11:58:55
To se kupuje :)
: Re: Novosti...
: Screamingeagle April 02, 2013, 14:06:05
koji k je sad X720?
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish April 02, 2013, 14:09:26
koji k je sad X720?

hehe ma nova generacija xboxa, nezna se jos sluzbeni naziv pa ga ekipa zove xbox720, duplo od trenutnog  ;)
: Re: Novosti...
: Screamingeagle April 02, 2013, 14:12:12
aha,duplo od trenutnog  ;D(zanimljiv marketing prije marketinga)  ;D ;D ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer April 02, 2013, 14:17:52
A to se već godinama spominje mada nema nikakve potvrde kako će se zvati nova konzoletina
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish April 02, 2013, 21:54:49


PS3, cijena 40 €

( (

Puppeteer Story Trailer (

Puppeteer - Ninja Gameplay Trailer (

Puppeteer - Knight Gameplay Trailer (
: Re: Novosti...
: Ficho750 April 03, 2013, 00:10:01
smrdi na tužbu iz LBP
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer April 03, 2013, 11:46:19
Nisu mi baš jasni... čemu izbaciti igru koja je ista kao i LBP? ???
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish April 04, 2013, 00:13:44
Otkazan Star Wars 1313, LucasArts ugašen  :(

Star Wars 1313 - All 3 Extended Gameplay Trailers - E3 ( (

^ 1313 je mogla bit odlicna igra, grafika zakon, šteta zbog studija..

( (
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish April 08, 2013, 17:38:04

U novom broju EDGE magazina ima novi info o igri, zasad samo fotka novog podrucja, budem dopunio kad se sazna više..



Nema novih info
Its a double page interview with the game and technical directors from Evolution studios, but it mostly focuses on the Dualshock 4 and how they helped with its design.

Because they obviously know it'll go down well they specifically talk about how they had input on the parts for the gyro control and how they had to compromise with the Killzone team on how much subtlety of control the triggers have. They also have a Motorstorm RC prototype with the DS4 which apparently takes advantage of 'reduced deadzone size and more accurate sticks'.

There's also some talk about how there were mockups for the game that look like dating websites. Oh and how its not a simulation or arcade game but something new.
: Re: Novosti...
: Ljubusak April 08, 2013, 18:05:27
Hoće biti kakvih novosti za GT6, nije mi Kazo baš jasan, izbacio je 2-3 trailera prije 3-4 mjeseca i otada nikom ništa, iskreno bio sam se nabrija da ćemo vidjeti nešto uskoro, izlazak GT6 za PS3 u 5 mjesecu i kratit vrijeme do PS4...

Ovako pomalo sve rasprodavati i čekat PS4...
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer April 08, 2013, 19:25:53
vozi online kao i mi :)
: Re: Novosti...
: grozni2 April 08, 2013, 22:19:14
definitivno, kolko god bu gt6 odličan kad izađe, online nateravanje s ostatkom kirurga će imat posebnu čar.
Jer PD neće nikad napravit AI s kojim će bit moguće vozit bok uz bok ili direkt na dupetu  ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: Ljubusak April 08, 2013, 23:27:07
Jebo karijeru, to je za ubijanje dosade u popodnevnim satima, staze i atua, neke nove funkcije itd...

Što se tiče online to je ured, ali kažem nije mi jasno bacit trailer i povuć se još ktome sa nekim starim/novim stazama.
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish April 09, 2013, 13:37:36
FarCry 3 Blood Dragon

( (



Far Cry® 3 Blood Dragon is THE Kick-Ass Cyber Shooter taking place on a bizarre open-world island crawling with evil. Welcome to an 80’s VHS vision of the future. The year is 2007 and you are Sargent Rex Colt, a Mark IV Cyber Commando who’s fighting against a cyborg army gone rogue. Your mission: get the girl, kill the baddies, and save the world. Experience every cliché of a VHS era vision of a nuclear future, where cyborgs, blood dragons, mutants, and Michael Biehn (Terminator, Aliens, Navy Seals) collide. Playing Far Cry® 3 Blood Dragon doesn't require a copy of Far Cry® 3.

 ;D ;D Pa daj samo pogledaj taj cover i stranicu, ja sam presretan, 80e FTW 8) ;D






I gameplay koji je procurio >

( (!IIowQIRC!LR--41yVISQyX_iF6HS1miBGsMcaS_zlHWvyc8wX_ng
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish April 10, 2013, 11:50:28

Batman: Arkham Origins



Batman Arkham Origins has just been announced for PC, Wii U, PS3 and Xbox 360! Set several years before the previous chapters in the series, the story will put you in the shoes of a younger Batman. Players will meet many of the franchise’s most important characters for the first time and even develop important relationships with them.

Alongside the main game, a spinoff title called Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate will be available for 3DS and Vita platforms. Both games will be available on October 25th of this year,00 and will be developed by WB Games Montreal, rather than series creator Rocksteady. Stay tuned to Gamefocus for more details on the game!


Batman: Arkham Origins Trailer - Game Informer Coverage ( ( (

Info o konzolaskoj verziji >


- Takes place on Christmas Eve
- Years before the previous two games
- Mob boss Black Mask will give a fortune for Batman’s head
- Top assassins and supervillains from the DC Comics universe are out to get Batman
- Cops on the take from the mob join the manhunt as well
- Batman needs to outsmart his enemies, find out why Black Mask wants him dead, and prove to what good cops that he’s on their side


- Porting Arkham City to Wii U let the team get familiar with Unreal 3
- Doing a prequel lets the team carve a unique territory if Rockstar were to move the Arkham timeline ahead down the road
- Rocksteady’s project is tightly under wraps
- Younger Batman also “gives us the opportunity to refresh things a bit”
- Combat system still in place
- Will have “new layers, new opportunities, and new tactics”
- New enemy types
- Batman not as finely honed as in the previous games
- Won’t control the Batwing directly
- Batwing will figure into story sequences and acts as a universe-appropriate form of fast travel
- Has the traditional predator mode in which players swing from perch to perch, glide kick, string guys upside-down, etc.
- New remote claw that is like the grappler in Just Cause 2
- Batman targets two objects and fires out a claw
- This hooks into the first object and launches another claw and rope to the second object
- Can then pull the two objects together
- Use this to knock enemies together, slam heavy objects into foes, string objects or people under a perch
- Can string up an explosive barrel under a perch, lure enemies with a sonic batarang, then cut the rope with a normal batarang, dropping the explosive on their heads
- Team knows Black Mask isn’t the most popular villain
- Old Gotham is only half of the game world
- Another new entire area is across the bridge called New Gotham
- New Gotham is classier and has much taller skyscrapers
- New zone doubles the size of the game world
- Players can dismantle the hacked tower network
- Towers emit a jamming signal that prevents the Batwing from flying into the area, meaning no fast travel
- It also halts Batman’s sensors from placing points of interest on the map
- Taking down the towers are varied and require all of Batman’s navigation, puzzle solving, and combat skills
- Some can be taken down quickly, others must be returned to later with an upgrade
- “Crime in Progress”: ex – saving some cops from a group of thugs, rescuing a snitch from being tossed off a roof
- Activities give Batman a chance for experience point bonuses
- Completing side quests also contributes to the GCPD’s understanding and appreciation of Batman
- They will begin to know Batman and which side he stands on based on how much you take on the optional missions
- Most Wanted system gives players a chance to go after villains outside of the core storyline
- These optional side missions can be tackled when you discover them
- Many optional missions offer upgrades
- Batman’s butler Alfred may notice that he had a tough time in that situation and give him a new gadget
- Dark Knight system is slightly more behind the scenes, though it’s still important
- Dark Knight system provides a lengthy string of tasks that slowly goes up in difficulty as the game progresses
- The team wants to avoid boring tutorials while still training players to be masters of predator and combat systems
- Complete a certain number of counters or silent takedowns to receive XP rewards or a specific upgrade
- Dark Knight system doesn’t replace challenge mode
- Team wants to make challenges more meaningful

Game demo

- Takes place about an hour into the game
- Batman is perched above Jezebel plaza
- Black Mask’s assassins have stirred up the local thugs
- No towering walls keeping villains in check and many citizens call Arkham City home since there isn’t a prison
- Amusement Mile hasn’t been flooded
- Batman is looking to find out why Black Mask is trying to kill him
- Batman decides to go to the party to track down Penguin, who hears about everything
- Eventually, Penguin gives some intel on a murder at Lacey Towers
- Claw grips Batman’s ankle and drags him out of the room before he can finish his questioning
- Batman reaches for the door, but his arm is stomped by a mysterious figure
- Batman ends up suspended upside-down from the rafters
- Deathstroke circles Batman with a drawn sword
- Batman blocks and disarms Deathstroke, using the sword to cut himself free
- Thanks to Penguin’s tip, Batman goes to Lacey Towers
- The cops say it’s a double homicide
- One victim is supposedly Black Mask
- Inside the apartment, Batman sees Black Mask’s girlfriend strung up on a chandelier
- Black Mask’s assumed body is laying face up across the room
- Batman goes into first-person detective vision to examine the situation

Info o portable verziji koja ima i podnaslov BlackGate >

- Warner Bros. wanted to have a 2.5D-style Arkham game in the style of Metroidvania
- The company chose Armature because the studio was familiar with that style of game
- Takes place after the end of Origins
- Set on the isolated island at the Blackgate Penitentiary
- Prison uprising has occurred
- Intro level in Gotham
- Batman goes to Blackgate in order to put a stop to the riot
- 2D animatics with full voices tell the story
- Batman moves through a side-scrolling game world
- He’ll pick up near gear and take on enemies along the way
- Interconnected passages and prison secrets
- Not focused on leveling up abilities like the console games
- Instead, it stays true to the subgenre’s formula
- All of Batman’s improvements came through gear pick-ups and upgrades
- Team wanted to give players more of a sense of collection
- Mostly set along a 2D plane
- Takes full advantage of the visual three-dimensionality of the environments
- Explore, fight, and interact with the foreground abnd background
- Can grapple up to gargoyles on a background balcony while a crowd of armed inmates pass by
- Enemies will go after Batman from all angles
- Go to the foreground or background to tackle a designed foe
- Combat similar to the console Batman games
- Button taps to attack, counter, and use gear are in place
- Freeflow combat system
- Built from the ground up
- Batarang: stun enemies or hit distant objects
- Line launcher: cross wide gaps
- Explosive gel variation: shoot from a launcher onto spots around the screen
- This lets you get involved with entertaining takedowns such as dropping a chandelier on enemies from above
- More gadgets will also be in the game
- Has a version of the predator mode
- Game has a few more layers of feedback
- Ex: can see the sightlines of enemies
- This lets you know if enemies can see you or not
- Same kind of vantage points, floor grates, silent takedowns, glide kicks, weapon use, and breakable walls as in the console games
- Game is split into various sections
- Each can be accessed once you figure out a way inside
- No save rooms
- Modern checkpoint system
- Can manually save whenever you desire
- Can defeat the bosses in any order if you find out where you want to go
- “We don’t want you to break the game, but if you can exploit it in a certain way that we haven’t thought of, that’s awesome. So it’s conceivable the players will have abilities that don’t necessarily jibe that great with the boss. We’ve taken some cues from other games where if you have a particular item against a boss, you’ll just rip them a new one, but we don’t tell you what that item is”
- Will have detective mode
- Tap a button and the screen fades into a digitized overlay with detailed info
- Green enemies: enemies haven’t seen you
- Red enemies: enemies are onto your location
- Move a reticle around the screen to focus Batman’s attention
- Can use this to uncover secrets
- Uncover clues and analyze dangerous situations in detective mode
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer April 10, 2013, 14:39:19
Mrak... opet će se imati jesen/zima krcata dobrim igrama za trojku ;D

U mjesec ipo dolaze GTA V, Batman: Arkham Origins i Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag

To će mi potrajati bar 6 mjeseci dok sve ispeglam ;D

: Re: Novosti...
: grozni2 April 10, 2013, 21:52:52
taman do ps4
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish April 11, 2013, 00:54:04
Dark Souls 2

Dark Souls 2 Gameplay Reveal - 12 Minute Demo (IGN) (
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish April 11, 2013, 12:15:26
Sluzbeni FarCry 3 Blood Dragon trailer (


Flashback - Reveal Trailer [EUROPE] (
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer April 11, 2013, 12:33:36
Šta je to nekakva platforma? Kako mi je na qrac kad se imena starih naslova koriste za ovakve igre ::)
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish April 11, 2013, 12:39:51
Šta je to nekakva platforma? Kako mi je na qrac kad se imena starih naslova koriste za ovakve igre ::)

20 years after the original game's launch, Conrad is enlisted back to active service for the triumphant return of one of the most acclaimed franchises in gaming history.

It's not a reboot. It's Flashback re-imagined. The original Core-Team revamped their own creation, leveraging the best of today's technology while remaining true to the classic side-scroller that set the standards of the genre in the 90's.
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish April 11, 2013, 22:32:09
Ridge Racer Driftopia¸



Ridge Racer Driftopia - PS3/PC - Free 2 Drift (
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer April 15, 2013, 12:43:03
Konačno uhvatio vremena pa završio Laru i moram reći da sam oduševljen. S godinama sa posta dosta izbirljiv i stvarno su rijetke igre koje će me natjerati da sjednem i igram, a kamoli da odigram do kraja. Šteta što je izašla u godini u kojoj će izaći toliko velikih naslova pa će vjerojatno ostati bez titule igra godine, ali treba im skinuti kapu do poda. Nadam se da će smisliti još koji nastavak, šteta je ne nastaviti u ovakvom stilu
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish April 17, 2013, 15:41:37
( (

Zasad najavljena za PS3/X360/PC, "Additional platforms will be revealed in the months ahead". (!

FIFA 14 - Pure Shot Gameplay Trailer (

FIFA 14 - Real Ball Gameplay Trailer ( (

Skrinsi > (
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish April 21, 2013, 23:22:26
FarCry 3 Blood Dragon


Blood Dragon: The Cyber War (

 ;D 8)

+ (
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish April 29, 2013, 20:01:54
Beyond: Two Souls novi trailer

BEYOND: Two Souls Tribeca Trailer (

Watch_Dogs novi trailer

Watch_Dogs - Out of Control [ANZ] (

: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer April 30, 2013, 12:06:45
"Ubisoft announced that its highly anticipated title Watch_Dogs will hit store shelves in the UK on November 22, 2013 on PlayStation®3, Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, the WiiU™ system from Nintendo and Windows PC, as well as at the launch of PlayStation®4. The game is also planned for other next generation consoles."

Dakle, ipak će ići na sa aktualnim konzolama... hmmmm, dileme, dileme...
: Re: Novosti...
: 0pointEFManipulator April 30, 2013, 17:09:30
Konačno uhvatio vremena pa završio Laru i moram reći da sam oduševljen. S godinama sa posta dosta izbirljiv i stvarno su rijetke igre koje će me natjerati da sjednem i igram, a kamoli da odigram do kraja. Šteta što je izašla u godini u kojoj će izaći toliko velikih naslova pa će vjerojatno ostati bez titule igra godine, ali treba im skinuti kapu do poda. Nadam se da će smisliti još koji nastavak, šteta je ne nastaviti u ovakvom stilu
+1, potpuno se slažem s napisanim. + sam ja to igra na PC-u i optimizacija je zbilja zavidna.

meni je jedino runkleova cocksuckerica dizala živac stalno zapomažući i stenjući kroz igru, al ovo je čisto subjektivni dojam :)
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish April 30, 2013, 17:14:21
meni je jedino runkleova cocksuckerica dizala živac stalno zapomažući i stenjući kroz igru, al ovo je čisto subjektivni dojam :)

hahaha  ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer April 30, 2013, 18:01:35
A pa oduvijek stenje... nije da nismo navikli ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish May 01, 2013, 22:00:49
Call od Duty: Ghosts

Call of Duty: Ghosts Masked Warriors Teaser Trailer ( (

: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish May 02, 2013, 21:17:54
DRIVECLUB ‏@driveclub 25m

We’ve just been at the Supercar dealership of @Matt_Loughran_ to measure up some amazing cars for #DRIVECLUB. What's your dream car?

Ko je Matt Loughran i kakve aute ima u garazi/salonu? :D

DRIVECLUB ‏@driveclub 9h

We can't really say much right now, but we'll be revealing details of customization soon. Stay tuned.

Customization? Soon? Nice  ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer May 03, 2013, 12:24:29
Igra sa definitivno najzabavnijim trailerima... bar meni ;D

Rayman Legends - Mariachi Madness Trailer (
: Re: Novosti...
: kiseli6 May 03, 2013, 12:32:15
Dakle sad si moram i Laru nabaviti... Pa da sam normalan poludio bi!
: Re: Novosti...
: Ikral May 03, 2013, 14:28:42
Da Laru...
Bioshock, Dishonored, Ni No Kuni, The Witcher 2, Alan Wake, PGR, sve su to uz Laru naslovi koje treba odigrati. Srećom nemaš box pa ne moraš potonje tri ni gledati. Težak je gamerski život.
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish May 07, 2013, 20:10:04
Wolfenstein: The New Order



Q4 2013

Wolfenstein The New Order Trailer (




MachineGames Forges A New Chapter For This Celebrated Franchise

May 7, 2013 (London, UK) – Bethesda Softworks®, a ZeniMax® Media company, today announced a new title, Wolfenstein®: The New OrderTM, an action-adventure shooter slated for release in Q4 2013. The game is being developed by MachineGamesTM, a studio comprised of seasoned developers known for creating compelling, critically-acclaimed story-driven games. Wolfenstein has been widely credited for helping establish and popularize the first-person shooter genre, and Wolfenstein: The New Order is a reimagining of this franchise – offering players a gripping and dramatic experience. The official announcement trailer can be seen today at, .fi, .no and .se.

Wolfenstein: The New Order is scheduled for release on Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, PC, and next generation consoles. Additional details about the game will be revealed in a series of exclusive feature stories with, .fi, .no and .se beginning on Wednesday, May 8th.

“We are excited to bring a new chapter of Wolfenstein to gamers everywhere,” said Jens Matthies, creative director at MachineGames. “As fans of the series, working on this game is an honor, and our team is driven to create an unforgettable action-adventure experience that will make FPS fans proud.”

About ZeniMax Media Inc.
ZeniMax Media is a privately owned media organization headquartered outside Washington DC with international publishing offices in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Eindhoven, Hong Kong, and Tokyo. Through its subsidiaries, ZeniMax Media creates and publishes original interactive entertainment content for consoles, the PC, and handheld/wireless devices. ZeniMax Media divisions include Bethesda Softworks, Bethesda Game Studios, id Software, Arkane Studios, Tango Gameworks, MachineGames, Battlecry Studios, ZeniMax Europe Ltd., ZeniMax Asia K.K., ZeniMax Asia Pacific Limited and ZeniMax Online Studios. For more information on ZeniMax Media, visit [url=][/url] ([url][/url]).

About Bethesda Softworks
Bethesda Softworks, part of the ZeniMax Media Inc. family of companies, is a worldwide publisher of interactive entertainment software. Titles featured under the Bethesda label include such blockbuster franchises as The Elder Scrolls®, DOOM®, QUAKE®, Fallout®, Wolfenstein®,
Dishonored®, Prey® and RAGE®. For more information on Bethesda Softworks’ products, visit [url=][/url] ([url][/url]).

About MachineGames
Established in 2009 by former founding members of Starbreeze Studios, MachineGames was acquired by ZeniMax Media in 2010. MachineGames is developing Wolfenstein: The New Order on id Software’s revolutionary id Tech® 5 technology. MachineGames is located in Uppsala, Sweden.

MachineGames, The Elder Scrolls, Skyrim, Bethesda Game Studios, Dishonored, Arkane, The Evil Within, PsychoBreak, Tango, Tango Gameworks, Battlecry Studios, Prey, Bethesda Softworks, Bethesda, ZeniMax and their related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the United States and/or in other countries. Fallout is a registered trademark or trademark of Bethesda Softworks LLC in the United States and/or in other countries. id, id Software, id Tech, DOOM, QUAKE, Wolfenstein and RAGE are registered trademarks or trademarks of id Software LLC in the United States and/or in other countries. Other product and company names referenced herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. All Rights Reserved.

Wolfenstein®: The New Order™ is a fictional story set in an alternate universe in the 1960’s. Names, characters, organizations, locations and events are either imaginary or depicted in a fictionalized manner. The story and contents of this game are not intended to and should not be construed in any way to condone, glorify or endorse the beliefs, ideologies, events, actions, persons or behavior of the Nazi regime or to trivialize its war crimes, genocide, and other crimes against humanit
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish May 08, 2013, 17:49:46
Jucer je GameInformer izasao s velikim PS4 brojem pa evo i novih vijesti >




- One scientist created main character Knack
- Goblins and humans have lived alongside each other peacefully
- However, the Goblins have been living in rugged rural areas
- Goblins obtain advanced military vehicles including planes and tanks
- Team is asked to find out how they obtained the tech and eliminate the thread
- Team consists of some humans as well as Knack


- At the beginning of the game, Knack is simply a small robot
- Knack can grow larger by joining together with small crystal-like objects
- Up to 5,000 shards can be “added” to Knack
- Can grow 30 feet tall
- Invisible force holds the objects together
- This additionally lets Knack become small and dodge different security systems such as moving lasers
- Collect “sunstones” to unlock moves
- Can unlock a shockwave melee atack that is used heavily in combat
- Mix of platforming and fighting against dozens of enemy types

Killzone: Shadow Fall

- Wanted to do something a bit different than what they accomplished with the PS3
- Game begins on the Vectan home planet
- Helghast have been allowed to move in next door in their home planet
- The two cultures’ differences result in tension
- Team is looking to expand on Killzone’s existing systems
- Ex: can drop down on enemies and perform death-from-above maneuvers
- Mechanics have been tinkered with
- Can switch modes on your weapons
- Ex: you’re using a close range weapon, and with the press of a button, scope flips up and switches over to a long-range weapon

inFamous: Second Son

- Conduits now referred to as bioterrorists
- New area of government keeps track of the conduits: Department of Unified Protection
- Condits have been identified, holding them without trial in containment facilities
- Department of Unified Protection shows its power during an operation that doesn’t go as planned in Seattle
- Transport vehicle crashes and the conduits escape
- DUP sets up roadblocks and won’t let anyone enter/leave
- Condits have been identified, holding them without trial in containment facilities
- Department of Unified Protection shows its power during an operation that doesn’t go as planned in Seattle
- Transport vehicle crashes and the conduits escape
- DUP sets up roadblocks and won’t let anyone enter/leave
- Lots of security systems are sent out and Seattle is turned into something reminisint of an airport
- There are elevated walkways with search-lights and security cameras as well as checkpoints and scanners
- Game has parallels to post-9/11 America setting
- Security vs. freedom theme
- DUP is like the TSA

DUP guards

- DUP guards feature behavior similar to that of SWAT teams/trained military police
- Others have a seemingly supernatural ability to shield themselves and move around quickly
- Sucker Punch won’t elaborate on this further


- Stars 24-year-old Native American Delsin Rowe
- Delsin is the artistic type with a chip on his soldier
- Fan of anti-authoritarian street art
- Likes tagging buildings with his own art
- Very much an average guy until the conduit-transport vehicle crashes
- Delsin tries to help those in the wreck, and learns that he’s been a conduit all along with dragging an injured conduit from the area
- Soon realizes that he can control smoke
- Natural power lets him absorb other conduits’ power
- Can use more than smoke power
- Delsin is excited about his power unlike Cole


- Delsin can take down different forward-operating bases run by the DUP around Seattle
- Can get through these areas with force, but eliminating security systems is more effective
- Smoke projectile at Delsin’s disposal
- Also can perform a smoke-dash maneuver somewhat like Nightcrawler
- Air ducts found all across Seattle
- Can use the ducts to get around or climb like Cole
- Another technique lets Delsin throw smoking fireballs
- When Delsin descends, he can perform a “move” like Cole’s thunder drop
- Forests act as the edge of the game world
- Another move: smoke cloud; immobilize enemies
- Can restock on smoke from chimneys, destroyed cars, and even tear gas canister
- Can also use Delsin’s chain as an alternative weapon
- Absorb smoke by pressing both thumbs down on the touchpad
- Touchpad can also be used to free conduits in cells
- Team wants to simply the controls; inFamous 2 actions required multiple button presses
- One moment of the demo lets players make a decision about killing a DUP officer or not
- Can switch between entire sets of power that complement each other


- Sucker Punch recreated the city’s feel instead of specific road layout
- Some info on touchpad usage - Infamous currently uses it to build up 'smoke power' in the player and for example, for flicking up to open up a compartment on a machine before tapping the trigger button to fire and destroy it.


- cars will take damage, but it won't affect handling
- AI lies somewhere between an arcade and simulation racer
- in terms of additional cars, it will apparently be one of Sony's 'biggest dlc games'
- tracks are on open landscapes with large draw distances
- you can play offline or as a single player if you wish
- you can create race events of varying types and size, configure time of day, weather etc. have sprawling multi-day events with hundreds of teams

Play offline in single-player
- Also has a big online focus
- User-created race challenges encouraged
- Everything you do is tracked by a single profile in single-plaer
- With teams, accomplishments are funneled together into the larger success of the group
- Three-on-three team challenges included
- Create events based on different parameters: car type, track, time of day, weather, etc.
- Can make lengthy multi-stage events that take place over a number of days
- Participants can span in the thousands with hundreds of different teams
- Win smaller accolades to add team’s XP
- These include clocking the fastest lap, drifting 1,000 meters, going 0 to 60 the fastest
- Use apps outside of DriveClub to make challenges as well
- Spread accomplishments and media through social media chanels
- Evolution will be making its own season of league racing through weekly online race events
- Visuals and gameplay are equally important
- DualShock 4′s touchpad is used for menu navigation, for the most part
- Touchpad also being considered for cameras
- Not a simulation-based racer
- Damage cars take won’t determine how they handle
- Koenigsegg, Maserati, Pagani, Hennessey are represented
- Start off with slightly less glamorous cars
- Race and increase fame/funds to gain access to better cars
- More people will watch you race as well
- More cars will be added through DLC; will be “one of the biggest titles for Sony from a DLC perspective”



: Re: Novosti...
: Ljubusak May 08, 2013, 19:18:38
Uskoro eksplozija vijesti o PS4, iako moram priznati da me baš i nisu oduševile slike DriveClub, cesta itd...
: Re: Novosti...
: iced16 May 08, 2013, 21:34:29
Uskoro eksplozija vijesti o PS4, iako moram priznati da me baš i nisu oduševile slike DriveClub, cesta itd...

Jbg, prevelika je površina cesta da srede to kako spada... Nije kao GT5 (iako i oni moraju srediti neke staze) da imaju određene staze i one budu sređene kako treba.

Btw sviđa mi se ova slika di ljudi iza stoje pored svojih auta. Nadam se da će tako nešto biti u igri.
: Re: Novosti...
: grozni2 May 08, 2013, 21:37:41
samo se nadam da cro korisnici ps4 neće bit zakinuti za dodatke ko dosada. Jer za nas pol toga kaj ima EU nemamo mi
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish May 08, 2013, 23:56:35
Kad smo vec kod DriveCluba >

Sve slike su ingame




( (
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish May 16, 2013, 16:41:37

Batman: Arkham Origins

Official Teaser Trailer - Batman: Arkham Origins (
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish May 23, 2013, 15:42:09 (

: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer May 23, 2013, 17:04:43
Evo i još malo z(l)ombija :) (
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish May 23, 2013, 20:07:04
[url][/url] ([url][/url])

Need for Speed Rivals Teaser Trailer (

Znaci Microsoft im je dao Ferrarije, EA ce za uzvrat dat Porsche Forzi 5, zgodno :)


Cops & Racers Risk Everything on the Open Road with the New AllDrive Feature that Seamlessly Connects Friends into One Racing World

REDWOOD CITY, Calif. – May 23, 2013 – Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: EA), today announced Need for Speed™ Rivals, a white-knuckle action/racing game created by an inspired new development team, using a powerful engine and delivering next-generation gameplay. Need for Speed Rivals is being developed by Ghost Games, EA's newest studio, who bring new thinking and innovation to the Need for Speed franchise in partnership with the expert racing team at Criterion Games. Built on the Frostbite 3 game engine, Need for Speed Rivals captures the adrenaline and intensity of the street's ultimate rivalry between cops and racers, in a stunning open road environment. Need for Speed Rivals is coming to current generation platforms on November 19, 2013 and will also be released on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 later this year.

In Need for Speed Rivals, gamers play as either a cop or racer, where each side of the law has its own set of high stakes challenges, rewards and consequences. As a racer, the goal is to become infamous for taking risks behind the wheel and capturing your most intense escapes on video for the world to see.

The more cops players evade, the more Speedpoints they collect, enabling them to unlock new cars and items. Keep raising the stakes race after race, earning more and more Speedpoints along the way and becoming a more valuable target to the cops – but risk losing it all if busted. As a cop, players work together as part of a team in pursuit of racers, earning prominence and rising in the ranks of the Police Force with every bust. Achieving higher ranks unlocks new police only cars and more powerful pursuit tech.

Ghost Games also announced today the long-awaited return of Ferrari to the Need for Speed franchise. For the first time in seven years, gamers can get behind the wheel of some of the most luxurious, desirable automobiles on the planet, including the F12berlinetta.

At the heart of Need for Speed Rivals is AllDrive, an innovative new feature that allows gamers to seamlessly transition from playing alone, to playing with friends, destroying the line between single player and multiplayer. Players will have to keep one eye on their rearview mirror as friends will be able to enter and exit races on-the-fly, creating a world where no two events will ever be the same.

"The Need for Speed franchise has been an industry leader bringing social competition to the forefront in games," said Marcus Nilsson, Executive Producer, Ghosts Games. "For the first time, players will have the freedom to seamlessly go from single player to co-op to multiplayer. In Need for Speed Rivals we are creating one game experience with one progression, where the freedom to play with friends is more fluid and accessible than ever before."

Need for Speed Rivals pushes the limits of racing games with all-new and improved features:
• Next-Gen Racing – Redview County is brought to life with stunning, next-generation detail
• Need for Speed Network Powered by Autolog – Gamers can compare stats and challenge their friends anytime, anywhere and then easily share their accomplishments with both friends and rivals.
• Personalization – Drivers customize their ride with fresh paintjobs, custom license plates, liveries decals and rims, as well as performance upgrades.
• Pursuit and Evasion Tech – White-knuckle racing explodes with 11 upgradeable gadgets including turbo boosts, jammers and EMPs for racers, and shockwaves, roadblocks and helicopters for cops.

Players eager to bust racers from day one can pre-order Need for Speed Rivals at participating retailers and receive the Ultimate Cop Pack at no additional cost*. This pack offers exclusive access to a powerful collection of items including the Nissan GT-R Black Edition cop car, advanced pursuit technology, and a custom livery.

To view the first Need for Speed Rivals teaser trailer, please visit [url=][/url] ([url][/url]). To join the conversation on Need for Speed Rivals, please visit [url],[/url] ([url],[/url]) follow us on Twitter® at [url=][/url] ([url][/url]) and #NeedforSpeed, or sign up for the official Need for Speed newsletter at [url=][/url] ([url][/url]).






Izlazi i na current gen i PCu, na WiiU ne..

: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer May 23, 2013, 20:28:08
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish May 28, 2013, 19:40:05
Wolfenstein: The New Order NEW Gameplay Preview (

Izlazi Q3 2013 na current gen/ PC / next gen..
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish May 29, 2013, 19:47:00
Opa, sta imamo ovdje? Ubisoft ide medju velike (racing) igrace :D

The Crew

Today, a source confirmed that Ubisoft has been working on an all new racing franchise called "The Crew," being developed by Ubisoft's Reflection's Studio. It's been described to me as a "realistic title, possibly being positioned against Forza and Gran Turismo."

Sve o naslovu na E3.. (
: Re: Novosti...
: maliDjuro May 29, 2013, 20:59:44
Driver priča sa simulacijom  :P
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish June 04, 2013, 15:35:09
Opa, sta imamo ovdje? Ubisoft ide medju velike (racing) igrace :D

The Crew

Today, a source confirmed that Ubisoft has been working on an all new racing franchise called "The Crew," being developed by Ubisoft's Reflection's Studio. It's been described to me as a "realistic title, possibly being positioned against Forza and Gran Turismo."

Sve o naslovu na E3..

[url][/url] ([url][/url])

Evo neki detalji procurili > (
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer June 06, 2013, 16:24:49 (
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer June 07, 2013, 16:13:38 (

Dying Light on PS4 (
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer June 19, 2013, 16:07:43
Svuda, ali ne i u nas ;D (

8gb kartica sa vouacherom za 10 igara - 39,99 €


PS Vita Wi-Fi sa 8gb karticom i voucheorm za 10 igara - 249,99 €

: Re: Novosti...
: sagitarius June 19, 2013, 17:43:13
Ja cu sacekati sa kupnjom Vite do kraja godine, taman ce pasti cijena same Vita konzole zajedno sa cijenom PS3 kada napokon izadje PS4 i GT6 bundleovi kad krenu.

Ali ovo je stvarno sjajna ponuda.

: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer June 19, 2013, 17:46:36
Ima li podataka kako im uopće ide prodaja Vite? Nekako mi se čini da baš i nisu sretni s njom?
: Re: Novosti...
: sagitarius June 19, 2013, 18:00:30
Nije neka sreca. Podatke vec dugo spajaju sa PS3, pa nema pouzdanih brojki. Steta, jer je konzola fantasticna, ali im se obilo o glavu sto dio cijene pretacu na te fakat preskupe karticez bez kojih nema igre. A mentalitet vani je da svi zele ave igre koje imaju imati na kartici uvijek, pa ubaci posast PSplus besplatnih igara zadnju godinu dana itd.

Kada joj sluzbeno spuste cijenu na 150 eura i pocnu bundlati sa PS4, prodat ce se brutalis, pogotovo jer ce sve PS4 igre uglavnom podrzavati RemotePlay i to im je najbolja fora. Dotad polako, ali stvarno je to najbolji handheld ikad napravljen.
: Re: Novosti...
: Ljubusak June 19, 2013, 22:02:00
Čim mali poraste, Vita stiže na poklon.  ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish July 11, 2013, 19:13:39
Novi Ratchet najavljen za PS3 >

Ratchet and Clank: Into the Nexus Announce Trailer (
Long-time Insomniac employee and the visionary behind the Ratchet & Clank series, Brian Allgeier, noted that “the time was right to come back to the core series” with Into the Nexus after he'd spent time on Fuse. All 4 One and Full Frontal Assault were enjoyed by some and criticized by others, but it can’t be disputed that neither was a traditional, true-to-form Ratchet & Clank game. Allgeier said that doing a “family” and “competitive” game, respectively, allowed his team to finally “do something different,” but Into the Nexus finally allows them to go back in an old-school direction.

Oh, and as for the complete lack of innuendo in Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus’ name? One of Insomniac’s working titles for the game was Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nether Regions. But the developer eventually settled on Into the Nexus as its final title (it will be called just Ratchet & Clank: Nexus in Europe).

And as for a Vita iteration? It’s entirely possible, but it’s still up in the air. The Vita version of Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault met a whole lot of trouble during development and came to the market much later than it was supposed to. As such, Insomniac is cautious this time around. “Everyone would love for it to come to Vita,” Insomniac’s James Stevenson told me, “but it has to be up to the series’ standards” before the company makes any definitive statement.

In the meantime, rest assured Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus will be available for PlayStation 3 this fall both digitally and on disc -- and for $29.99 to boot.
: Re: Novosti...
: maliDjuro July 12, 2013, 07:48:06
Za vitu mogu posvjedočit da je stvarno kao prijenosna igračka naprava nešto najbolje do sad proizvedeno, a mislim da bi se ovoj izjavi mogli i priključiti gospodin Dule Osobno, a možda i veleuvaženi gos'n Ficho.
Jedino je šteta što stvarno nema puno AAA igara koje bi bile tehnološki showcase onog što stroj može.
Al to je problem samo za klince i neznalice (zato se slabo prodaje, jer je svijet pun ovakvih), jer neki indijaneri i manje igrice izgledaju fantastično primamljivo.
Recimo, Sine Mora ima podršku za anaglifni 3D (plavo-crvene očale), Dead or Alive 5+ izgleda skoro bolje nego na PS3, LBP Vita je najbolja verzije LittleBigPlaneta i interface za kreiranje nivoa je tu najintuitivniji i najneposredniji, Rayman Origins izgleda ko pravi crtani, al ja ipak po tramvaju najviše igram flipere  ;D
Remote Controller za LittleBigPlanet2 je fenomenalan, morat ću pogledat nove levele kad mi se vrati moj primjerak... Osjećam se kao knjižnica...
Jedini pravi problem je stvarno skupoća memorijskih kartica i službeno nepostojanje 32GB kartice u EU... Meni bi već trebala 64G...
Kad bi se dogodilo rezanje cijene kao u Japanu (a mislim da to čuvaju baš za izlazak PS4), prodavalo bi se ko slanci iz pekare...
: Re: Novosti...
: turok July 12, 2013, 23:38:40
Hura dolazi novi pravi Ričet ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer July 15, 2013, 18:48:53
Official Mad Max Gameplay Reveal Trailer -- Soul of a Man (
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer July 31, 2013, 16:16:16
Opa, ovo će dobiti i multi

Batman: Arkham Origins Multiplayer: Invisible Predator Online (
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish August 01, 2013, 18:27:23 (
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish August 28, 2013, 18:49:23
Nova igraca konzola iz Nintenda ;D ;D 2DS :o ::)


Nintendo announced the 2DS today, a new entry-level handheld system. The 2DS will be available for $129.99 on October 12th (the same day as Pokemon X and Y) and features a slate-like design rather than the clamshell seen on DS and 3DS models.

The 2DS is fully compatible with all 3DS and DS games but does not include the ability to display games in 3D. It still features all the functionality of 3DS (WiFi, local multiplayer, etc.) and can be put to sleep using a slider that replicates closing the clamshell on a standard 3DS. WiFi can still be turned off, though it’s done via controls in the software rather than with a physical switch.

Nintendo 2DS - Introduction ( ( (
: Re: Novosti...
: DogZy August 28, 2013, 19:22:39
Napredak, nema sto.
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer August 28, 2013, 20:08:26
E to je prava konzola za WC ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: Ficho750 August 29, 2013, 00:59:22
 ;D ;D ;D
E to je prava konzola za WC ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish September 27, 2013, 20:07:30
True next gen kontroler >


* (
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer September 27, 2013, 20:20:40
: Re: Novosti...
: iced16 September 27, 2013, 20:39:44

: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish October 09, 2013, 16:37:28
Prvi gameplay trailer, igra izlazi 25.02.14 na current i next gen konzolama >

Thief - Gameplay Trailer (
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish October 17, 2013, 20:02:14 (
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer October 24, 2013, 12:59:26
Pasmater, u jednoj ruci Batman AO, a u drugoj AC4BF, a ne smijem igrati ;D ;D ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: FEDROwhatISgood October 24, 2013, 14:29:23
Ma zar doista ne smijes, pa to bi bilo nehumano, ono sto zaista Ne Smijes je dopustiti nesto takvo ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer October 24, 2013, 14:37:19
Ma zarekao sam se da si neću gomilati igre dok druge čekaju, a AC4 sam rekao da ću to ostaviti jednog dana za PS4.... al me prokleto svrbe prsti. Al ono baš svrrrrrrrrrbeeeeeee ;D ;D ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: FEDROwhatISgood October 24, 2013, 15:56:37
Cessssssiiiiiiiii 8)
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish November 07, 2013, 02:44:32
Nemoguce da sam samo ja uzbudjen zbog ove igre, a jos je free2play i dolazi kao launch naslov > (
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer November 07, 2013, 12:51:03
ovi naši peglaju samo cod i bf :)
: Re: Novosti...
: turok November 07, 2013, 17:18:26
warthunder mi pegla sin na kompu a tata ce na ps4 jednog dana
: Re: Novosti...
: grozni2 November 10, 2013, 12:17:52
pa uskoro će nebu tata šparal na sebi  ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer November 17, 2013, 20:34:36 (
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer December 08, 2013, 16:08:20
Tom Clancy's: The Division - Snowdrop Engine Demo [HD] (
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish December 09, 2013, 12:15:28
^ fantasticno izgleda, uvjerljivo najljepsa next gen igra..

I posto sam veliki Remedy evo novi trailer za njihovu Xbone exkluzivu Quantum Break >

VGX 2013: Quantum Break Gameplay Trailer (

Dva nova TitanFall trailera (stavit cu kao link) > ( (

Tomb Raider Definitive Edition izlazi 28.01 za Xb/PS4> (

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition Trailer (PS4/XboxOne) (

Novi Thief trailer > (

Novi South park trailer > (
: Re: Novosti...
: Sinisa December 13, 2013, 01:02:25
Svi ljubitelji Fallout-a mogu na gog skinuti Fallout 1 ,2 i Fallout tactics for free (
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish January 08, 2014, 15:54:41
Nova Alien igra za PS3, PS4, X360, X1, PC

Alien Isolation on PS4: 5 Things You NEED To Know (


Alien: Isolation Gameplay Commentary (
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish January 14, 2014, 13:02:12
Tomb raider definitive edition, razlike PS3 - PS4 (


potvrdjeno PS4 - 60fps, Xb - 30fps ;)
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish January 23, 2014, 12:39:09
Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Realistic single-player RPG set in the medieval Europe. Open-world sandbox with period accurate melee combat. Dungeons & no Dragons. (

Izgleda fanatsticno, nova generacija CryEnginea :o :)
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish February 04, 2014, 21:17:50
Thief 101 | Everything you need to know about Thief on PS4 (
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish February 10, 2014, 18:15:11
EA SPORTS UFC Gameplay Series - Next-Gen Fighters ( (

: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish February 11, 2014, 15:20:56 (

Evolve - Happy Hunting - Official Trailer (

Evolve on PS4: New PlayStation 4 gameplay and interview ( ( ( (
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish February 19, 2014, 18:13:35 (
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer February 19, 2014, 18:17:32
Wolfenstein - 'BOOM BOOM' Gameplay Trailer (
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish February 22, 2014, 11:15:48 (

: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer February 23, 2014, 12:34:15
Tja... codemasters ::)
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish March 18, 2014, 19:09:46
EA SPORTS UFC Gameplay Series - Feel The Fight (
: Re: Novosti...
: sagitarius March 19, 2014, 18:14:59
Division engine: (
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer March 19, 2014, 23:18:59
Ovo je odlično, remake prvog dijela

Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty -- Gameplay Trailer (
: Re: Novosti...
: Skvikki March 26, 2014, 20:08:52
Vjerojatno nitko ne gleda Humble Bundle topic pa evo i ovdje. :) Velika akcija Square Enix naslova na Humble Bundle Storeu pa provjerite ako vas nešto zanima: (
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer April 05, 2014, 06:05:00
Odi u kurac ;D ;D ;D

SPOILER za sve one koji prate seriju, a nisu vidjeli zadnju epizodu!

Sheldon On PS4 Vs XBOX ONE - HILARIOUS Big Bang Theory Compilation (
: Re: Novosti...
: Ikral April 05, 2014, 08:32:11
LOL!!!!  ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: toni_cro April 05, 2014, 11:25:40
gledao epku, prejaki su
: Re: Novosti...
: Ljubusak April 05, 2014, 19:17:49
Na fejsu imate grupu koja stavlja sa prevodom sve nove epizode, ja upravo pogledao ovu.
: Re: Novosti...
: Screamingeagle April 05, 2014, 19:25:03
koja je to sezona ostavio sam ih na 6oj (mislim)
: Re: Novosti...
: Screamingeagle April 05, 2014, 19:31:49
našo  ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: Rockatansky April 07, 2014, 12:01:05
imate na torrent siteu redovito nove epizode svih iole gledanijih serija.
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish April 07, 2014, 14:07:07

Izlazi 17.06 za PS4 i Xbone.

EA SPORTS UFC Gameplay Series - Bruce Lee Reveal (

A pazi ovo > (  ;D ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish April 22, 2014, 19:28:46 (

DRAGON AGE™: INQUISITION Gameplay Trailer - The Inquisitor (
: Re: Novosti...
: Zoky April 22, 2014, 23:39:02
Kupujem day one! :)
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish May 09, 2014, 00:05:14
Sunset Overdrive

Insomniac Games

Xbox One exkluziva

Sunset Overdrive First Look (
: Re: Novosti...
: Sinisa May 16, 2014, 12:41:56
Trenutno sa Origina možete besplatno skinuti Plants vs Zombies GOTY za PC, pa tko voli nek izvoli (

: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish May 27, 2014, 16:47:48
Gas Guzzler Extreme: Full Metal Frenzy Trailer (

Destruction Derby Gameplay (
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer May 27, 2014, 17:05:41
: Re: Novosti...
: turok May 27, 2014, 17:54:47
Made in domaće je domaće 8)
: Re: Novosti...
: turok May 29, 2014, 09:44:27
Na PSNu od danas F2P PS3 exkluziva Ace Combat Infinity.
: Re: Novosti...
: Sinisa May 29, 2014, 17:25:35
na Originu je pak Battlefield 3 za PC for free.
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer June 06, 2014, 18:45:16 (
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer June 06, 2014, 20:25:50
Đuro? :) (
: Re: Novosti...
: maliDjuro June 07, 2014, 00:39:21
Nisam baš zapaljen za ove ozbiljne... Tehnički je zanimljivo, al dok ne stave foto-teksture, ne znam kolko me može privuć, a znam da se može...
Ovo smo prošlo ljeto drapali na poslu ( i s tim teksturama mi je već fora, makar je za browser, pa su morali stavit statične screenove za udarce...
Ali dinamična igra s takvim teksturama je moguća na ps4, samo se treba netko sjetit i potrudit...
...rekli su slijepci  8)
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer June 07, 2014, 10:19:59
Odem tamo, idem napravit account, kaže da to ime već postoji ;D Probam upisati pass, neće, probam drugi, hoće. Piše da sam member od 4/2010 :o

Pojma nemam ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer June 12, 2014, 23:10:09 (
: Re: Novosti...
: sagitarius June 13, 2014, 08:54:12 (
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer June 13, 2014, 11:28:07
Sviđa ti se? :)
: Re: Novosti...
: sagitarius June 13, 2014, 11:30:01
To mi je najzanimljivija igra cijelog E3.

Zinaja i ja smo godinu dana samo picili Rainbow Six kod mene, vikend za vikendom.

Ovo ce biti fantasticno, bio sam skeptican do ovog videa, koji pokazuje nemontiranu igru. Sad znam da je ovo jedini coop koji me zanima za 2015
: Re: Novosti...
: Dzidza1978 June 13, 2014, 12:27:54
To mi je najzanimljivija igra cijelog E3.

Zinaja i ja smo godinu dana samo picili Rainbow Six kod mene, vikend za vikendom.

Ovo ce biti fantasticno, bio sam skeptican do ovog videa, koji pokazuje nemontiranu igru. Sad znam da je ovo jedini coop koji me zanima za 2015

Mene jedini COOP zanima sa ženom u 2015, valjda će biti bolje nego u 2014-oj  ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer June 27, 2014, 18:52:18
Ovo me zanima

MUST WATCH: INCREDIBLE story of No Man's Sky | One Of The Most Talked About Games of #E32014 (
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish July 14, 2014, 11:17:27
Tekken 7

NextGen, Unreal Engine4, kompletno predstavljanje 25.07

アーケード「鉄拳7」トレイラー 英語版 (
: Re: Novosti...
: Ljubusak July 22, 2014, 01:24:36
Ja nisam znao da ovo dolazi za dva dana. Presao prije par godina kao psone klasik, naravno i na ps1 prije 100 godina i sad cemo opet...

Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty - Launch Trailer #1: (
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer August 05, 2014, 16:52:37
I tako ::) (
: Re: Novosti...
: sagitarius August 05, 2014, 17:01:24
Sto ima lose u tome - pa meni je to vijest mjeseca, ako ne i sire.

Ja sam imao srecu da sam imao (i jos imam) GameCube i da sam odigrao REMake, koji je vjerovatno jedna od najboljih i najkompletnijih igara ikada naprevljenih. Sve ono sto je Mikami zbrzao za prvi Resident na PSone je u REMakeu sjelo na svoje mjesto, sve sobe, prolazi, itemi, mehanike, price--- sve.

Sada Capcom NAPOKON izdaje to - doista - remek-djelo za sve platforme. I to je super.

Meni je naravno zao sto ce se raditi o "upskejlu" i naravno da bih vise volio da su sve to napravili iznova - ali realno, to je nerealno :) Posebno mi je zao sto ce samo PS3 verzija u Japanu izaci na disku, a sve druge ce kao biti Digital Download. Ali jbg, ako tako mora biti.. A mozda se Capcom i predomisli.

Veseli me PS4 verzija u 1080p i sa 5.1 surroundom i sa 16:9, pa makar bio deriviran iz originalnih 4:3 fajlova.

Jos je bolje sto sve to izlazi vec za koji mjesec ako sam dobro shvatio.

Bilo kako bilo, ofdigrat cu to sa najvecim zamislivim gustom, jer nema igre koju sam toliko puta igrao, a da mi nikad nije dosadila kao prvi Resident. 1998 godine dva frenda i ja smo posudili igru od kolege s faksa, nismo imali Memory Card, samo Plejku. Kad bi poginuli, igraliu smo ispocetka. Dva tjedna nismo uopce isli na predavanja, nasli bi se na faksu, popili kavu i isli igrati. Pjelka je gorila valjda cijelo vrijeme, bez gasenja, jer nismo mogli sejvat nista.

Dvije situacije pamtim da su nas dotukle: kugla u podzemlju prvi put i prvi susret s Hunterima. I kad pogines, ajmo sve ispocetka. A tad nije bilo ni internet walktrougha, youtube videa, nicega. Sve smo sami skuzavali i pazili na prolaze. Kad sam tek kasnije saznao da se dobijaju dodatni kostimi ako prodjes igru za ispod 2.5 sata, da ne umres i da ne upotrijebis First Aid kit, odigrao sam to iz prve.

Dan danas znam valjda 80% predmeta gdje se nalaze i redoslijeda gdje se kad ide.

Jedva cekam REMake ponovo, njega sam odigrao samo dvaput, a u njemu je puno toga izmjenjeno u odnosu na PSX ogirinal. Bit ce to poslastica.
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer August 05, 2014, 17:08:29
Ništa loše, odigrao sam GC remake i super je bilo. Nadam se da će isto napraviti i sa 2 i 3, bilo bi šteta ne imati sve na okupu.

Ali bih radije da trud i vrijeme ulože u novu igru kojom bi se vratili korijenima nakon ovog užasa zadnjih godina

E da, PS1 počeci i igranje bez "memoriiske" (
: Re: Novosti...
: Ljubusak August 05, 2014, 21:27:12
Capcom izdaje jednu te istu igru treci put, opet bolje i to odigrati nego novi nastavak sestice...
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer August 05, 2014, 21:53:08
Assassin’s Creed Rogue – Announcement Trailer (

Assassin's Creed Rogue, samo za PS3 i X360, radnja smještena u Sj. Americi... pasmater, nikako se neću rješit trojke ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: Troma August 05, 2014, 22:01:08
E da, PS1 počeci i igranje bez "memoriiske" ([url][/url])

Ne gašenje PS1 po par dana dok se ne dovrsi igra ;D Kad se sjetim memorijska od 8 mb ( ;D ;D ;D) da je bila 200kn, cak i vise
: Re: Novosti...
: iced16 August 05, 2014, 23:48:24
E da, PS1 počeci i igranje bez "memoriiske" ([url][/url])

Ne gašenje PS1 po par dana dok se ne dovrsi igra ;D Kad se sjetim memorijska od 8 mb ( ;D ;D ;D) da je bila 200kn, cak i vise

Ima se još uvijek kupiti, cijene i po 150kn u ovlaštenim dućanima!
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer August 05, 2014, 23:51:36
Memoriiska za PS1 je bila samo od 1mb, a za PS2 je bila od 8mb (govorim o Sony karticama)
: Re: Novosti...
: Troma August 06, 2014, 00:03:10
E vidis ja sam mislio da su obje pocele od 8, wow
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer August 06, 2014, 00:05:32
ne, sony 1mb... ako je bilo većih to je od nekog drugog proizvođača
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer August 08, 2014, 22:13:27
Ne znam di ovo stavit pa evo ovdje (
: Re: Novosti...
: toni_cro August 09, 2014, 12:45:38
Ne znam di ovo stavit pa evo ovdje

[url][/url] ([url][/url])

well that sucks...

a ovi naši bi bili još sretniji da mogu opaliti jebenih 25% na sve
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish September 19, 2014, 16:03:28
Dok ne dobijemo next gen Tourist Trophy ovo bi moglo bit dobro >

Ride will feature over 100 bikes spanning 4 different categories: Superbikes, Supersports, Naked, and Historical Bikes. Potentially, this could be the largest ensemble of bikes featured in a game yet, overtaking Polyphony's Tourist Trophy. Players will be able to race on a variety of real world city, country and historic circuits.

: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer October 07, 2014, 15:04:10 (

: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer October 24, 2014, 17:37:18 (

free app da smartphone služi kao mikrofon

NEW | SingStar™ Ultimate Party Launch Trailer | Exclusive to PlayStation (
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish November 01, 2014, 12:26:06
Dok ne dobijemo next gen Tourist Trophy ovo bi moglo bit dobro >

Ride will feature over 100 bikes spanning 4 different categories: Superbikes, Supersports, Naked, and Historical Bikes. Potentially, this could be the largest ensemble of bikes featured in a game yet, overtaking Polyphony's Tourist Trophy. Players will be able to race on a variety of real world city, country and historic circuits.

RIDE - TEASER TRAILER ([url][/url])

[url][/url] ([url][/url]) (

Evo prvi gameplay 1190 KTM RC8R
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer January 29, 2015, 20:56:27
Ovo mi izgleda zanimljivo, pričekati cijeli season pack na nekom popustu kao i obično ;D

Life is Strange - Trailer (
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish January 30, 2015, 11:39:12
Battlefield Hardline Beta Trailer – Complete FPS Experience Gameplay (

Otvorena beta za sve pocinje 03.02 (
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer January 30, 2015, 12:15:57
Da li će za betu biti potreban PS+ da bi se mogla igrati?
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish February 10, 2015, 16:22:10
Neznam di da stavim članak pa evo ovdje > (
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer February 10, 2015, 17:33:44
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer March 05, 2015, 21:33:33 (
: Re: Novosti...
: Sinisa March 26, 2015, 16:36:57
Ukoliko netko još uopće mari za Codemasterse i F1....

Najavljen F1 2015, PC & Next gen only (
: Re: Novosti...
: maliDjuro July 01, 2015, 23:17:14
Nisam znao kamo staviti...
Action figures su poprimile sasvim novu dimenziju!!! (
Je li konačno pronađen žešći trol od Kojime?
Ne mogu prestat plakat...  ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: turok July 03, 2015, 21:58:45
Nisam znao kamo staviti...
Action figures su poprimile sasvim novu dimenziju!!! ([url][/url])
Je li konačno pronađen žešći trol od Kojime?
Ne mogu prestat plakat...  ;D

Ovo može biti djelo samo genijalca.
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer August 12, 2015, 21:12:26
Konačno! (
: Re: Novosti...
: Ljubusak November 06, 2015, 10:36:18
Nešto gledam ovaj Fallout 4, htio bih sebi za ovu dugu kišnu zimu veliku otvorenu igru, MGS5 će se sigurno privest kraju za mjesec dana.

Sad ja to nikad nisam igrao, ali uvijek mi se to činilo ok, veliki rpg nevolim pa me zanima jel to onaj komplicirani rpg ili bi se to dalo na 'lakši' način prelazit.

Ne bih htio puno se time zamarati, nego guštati i istraživati okolo.

Recimo gledam i Witchera 3, pa sad...
: Re: Novosti...
: maliDjuro November 09, 2015, 00:40:04
Bethesdin Fallout ti za management ne bi trebao biti puno kompliciraniji od MGSV, ali...
Fallout je najbugovitiji serijal u povijesti igara, tako da je najpametnije čekati dok izađe neki GOTY s gomilama zakrpa i svim DLC-ovima, inače bi ti se moglo svašta dogoditi...
A mislim da ti ne bi baš bilo drago formatirati hdd i ponovno sve downloadati i instalirati (ne samo Fallout)...
Fallout 3 i New Vegas su igre na kojima sam na PS3 potrošio najviše vremena nakon GT-ova, ali i imao najviše problema...
Restartanje konzole svakih par sati igranja (doslovno par, a jednu seansu nisam igrao ispod 2h, bilo mi je stvarno zanimljivo) i jedno formatiranje...
: Re: Novosti...
: toni_cro November 09, 2015, 08:55:50
joj toga me i najviše strah, stvarno se nadam da su riješili bugove i da će ih brzo rješavati u hodu
igra je prednaručena još davno veselimo se poštaru sutra/prekosutra 8)
: Re: Novosti...
: maliDjuro November 09, 2015, 13:38:01
Budi spreman na sve  ;D
Kad se već ne sjećaš NNNI  :P
: Re: Novosti...
: FEDROwhatISgood November 09, 2015, 14:23:21
S obzirom da na konzoli jos uvijek nemam instaliran niti GT7, niti GT Sport, niti GT Sport betu ;D uopce me ne smeta mogucnost formatiranja ili icega...


Jucer su naplatili igru, ja sam malocas aktivirao sva ona zla modernog zivota koja inace drzim 100% iskljucenima - auto login, auto sign in, sve moguce "auto" opcije koje uopce postoje... (i naravno na psn-u od pocetka autodownload same igre takodjer)...

Zlo i naopako, 1000 mu retorti! Aaaaaaa :'(
: Re: Novosti...
: FEDROwhatISgood November 09, 2015, 14:51:15
Necete vjerovat ali jeste download krenuo odmah - medjutim ps4 UI je jednostavno skrivao ono jedino sto je relevantno i novo tj da se F4 vec downloada... Jer je istovremeno pokrenuo i update tamo nekakvih igrica, ali umjesto da u download meniju pokazuje sve sto je aktivno OD VRHA prema DOLJE, on uopce nije pokazivao dvije GORNJE stvari sve dok nisam manualno scrolao prema gore... Prema GORE... Bas krasno, jedva cekam da opet sve to poiskljucujem ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer December 08, 2015, 16:21:57
Svrš (
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer December 08, 2015, 16:25:31
Mada me je strah da neće mijenjati način pucanja i maknuti zagonetke ne bi li olakšali igranje novoj generaciji "gamera"
: Re: Novosti...
: Ikral December 14, 2015, 10:34:10
Samo da ne bude bezmozgovna pucačina poput 5/6, kontrole u tom stilu me ne smetaju toliko kao potpun izostanak atmosfere iz prva tri dijela. U biti, ne zanima me previše sve to, uživao sam onomad u originalu i to vrijeme i moj mozgovni sklop niti jedan remake ne može vratiti. Evo malo igrao legendarni Soul Reaver sa PsOne, ljepše je vidjeti kako je to nekad bilo i sjetiti se svega nego neki rimejk. Dajte nekaj novo, nema povratka na staro.  ;)
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer January 07, 2016, 12:43:20
Cijena prava sitnica (
: Re: Novosti...
: grozni2 January 07, 2016, 13:06:14
Ja cekam project morpheus
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish March 11, 2016, 21:41:08
! No longer available (
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer March 21, 2016, 13:28:41
Nije mi baš jasno zašto bi Sony pristao na ovo? (
: Re: Novosti...
: maliDjuro March 22, 2016, 12:43:45
WarThunder već ima cross-gaming s PCijašima... Za multiplatformske F2P igre super stvar... I mogu vadit mast Microsoftu jer se kod njih i za F2P mora platit mrežna pristojba... Ko HRT  :P
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish March 23, 2016, 23:48:52
Malo rumora, nova Nintendova konzola, NX, izlazi krajem godine, evo joysticka:

EDIT: potvrdjeno fejk fejk fejk





- Only the upper 'nubs' of the sticks move. The bottom part is static (kind of like the circle pad, but it moves along the bottom 'sphere'.
- The rollers on the top feel and look pretty much identical to a mouse scroll-wheel. Though I do don't believe this will be the final design.
- Haptic feedback is feels like Apples 'taptic' engine. Not like regular rumble.
- 3.5mm headphone jack on the bottom

: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer March 24, 2016, 11:32:01
Božesačuvaj.... iz faila u fail
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer March 24, 2016, 12:38:28
Meanwhile, na zelenoj planeti,-drops-below-30-fps (,-drops-below-30-fps)
: Re: Novosti...
: lepiakadodo March 24, 2016, 16:03:56
Meanwhile, na zelenoj planeti [url],-drops-below-30-fps[/url] ([url],-drops-below-30-fps[/url])

A na PS4?
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer March 24, 2016, 16:25:24
Pojma... ovo sam naletio na čviteru
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer March 31, 2016, 22:03:56
Evo, tko hoće proći jeftinije za 4K tv SD ima akciju ovaj vikend u CCOW u ZG povodom otvaranja nove poslovnice (

Nevezano za ovo, do sredine sljedećeg tjedna bi trebala biti akcija PS4 500GB + dodatni DS4 za 2899 kn (ne znam da li će to ući u ovaj popust u CCOW, provjerite ako vas zanima)
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer April 11, 2016, 17:47:44
Evo dobre vijesti

Codemasters picks up Driveclub developer Evolution Studios (
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish April 20, 2016, 00:59:18
! No longer available (
: Re: Novosti...
: iced16 April 20, 2016, 09:47:48
Ne izgleda mi nesto dobro... :(
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer April 20, 2016, 12:01:52
I meni se čini... mogli su i bolje ispeglati taj prvi video ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: iced16 April 20, 2016, 13:23:31
I meni se čini... mogli su i bolje ispeglati taj prvi video ;D

Da, za trailer koji je trebao pokazati otprilike sve najbolje izgleda poprilično očajno. :(
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer April 20, 2016, 14:21:26
Prva Mafia mi je bila super, drugu sam igrao pola sata pa odustao, a nekako mislim da ću i bez ove preživit. Više me zanima što će sljedeće Rockstar izbaciti i kad. Ako bi do kraja godine došao novi RDR o kojem se počelo šuškati to bi bilo prejebeno. Ali, sumnjam da će to biti tako brzo poznavajući koliko im vremena treba da naprave nekakvu igru ;D 

p.s. može i remake prvog RDR-a :)
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer April 27, 2016, 14:15:41
Dolazi CoD MW Remastered 8)
: Re: Novosti...
: DogZy April 27, 2016, 14:32:03
 :o  8)
: Re: Novosti...
: Ljubusak April 27, 2016, 17:46:32
Ako bude cod4, odnah kupujem!
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer April 27, 2016, 18:50:15 (
: Re: Novosti...
: kengas April 27, 2016, 19:48:17
"procurilo"  je i da MW2 remastered dolazi za xbox1   

Mislim da ispipavaju trziste za remastere.

MW2 multiplayer mi je puno drazi.
: Re: Novosti...
: Ljubusak April 27, 2016, 23:46:20
Može i mw2 proći, ali definitivno samo cod4 kad bi birao.

Samo da poprave stare boljke i sve super. Hc sd će se opet igrati.
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer April 28, 2016, 11:16:37
Da li uopće kod tih remasteriranih igara radi online multiplayer? Nekako sumnjam da će izdati novi CoD, a onda dopustiti da ekipa igra online ovaj remasterirani?!
: Re: Novosti...
: Ljubusak April 28, 2016, 15:57:41
Toga se ja i bojim.
Ali recimo TLOUS radi mp.
: Re: Novosti...
: kengas April 29, 2016, 00:31:54
Multi ga prodaje, a treba i dlc prodati.

Na PS3 sam igrao prvi COD online.  ;)
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish April 29, 2016, 14:28:03 (
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer April 29, 2016, 14:32:57
Kad je ono EA sajam? Ono što su napravili umjesto da idu na E3?

: Re: Novosti...
: Ljubusak April 29, 2016, 16:26:05
Ma mora imati mp, bez toga ne bi ništa vrijedila.
: Re: Novosti...
: Ljubusak May 02, 2016, 15:17:19
110 dolara dati za cod4 sa 10 mapa?! Hm...
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer May 02, 2016, 15:18:48
To je valjda cijena za Infinite Warfare plus cod4
: Re: Novosti...
: Dzidza1978 May 02, 2016, 15:19:14
To je valjda cijena za Infinite Warfare plus cod4
: Re: Novosti...
: Ljubusak May 03, 2016, 11:08:26
Izgleda da će biti i od 80 dolara sa cod4, još kad bi dali zasebno remastirani jer ovaj novi me nezanima, ali zasad ništa ne govore.
: Re: Novosti...
: sagitarius May 04, 2016, 13:36:18
Izgleda da će biti i od 80 dolara sa cod4, još kad bi dali zasebno remastirani jer ovaj novi me nezanima, ali zasad ništa ne govore.

Naprotiv, sve govore, i to vrlo jasno. Nazalost.

Q: Can I play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered without buying Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare?
A: No, you must own Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare in order to get Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered.
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer May 04, 2016, 14:04:14
Solo će se pojaviti vjerojatno krajem ljeta sljedeće godine, pred izlazak novog CoD-a i vjerojatno remastera MW2 koji će popratiti izlazak nove igre.

A ovo je sasvim normalno, svjesni su da ljudi žele ovo kupovati, dakle, platite oboje, pa igrajte što hoćete. Moguće da kasnije opale kakav dlc sa novim MP mapama (mada, mene je stvarno začudilo što su uopće dali MP za remaster)
: Re: Novosti...
: Ljubusak May 04, 2016, 14:47:05
Test da vide jel' ljudi stvarno toliko žele cod sličan codu4.
Možda razvoj sljedećeg krene u tom smijeru.

Samo da u HC S&D poprave da kad ubiješ svog u biti ti umreš pa da nebude likova koji upadaju i odmah zoljom pobiju sve!  ;D

(Znam da je u kasnijim nastavcima to ispravljeno)
: Re: Novosti...
: sagitarius May 04, 2016, 15:08:22
Sto se mene tice, ako izdaju sve mape za MW koje su bile i ako ce biti 3vs3 Team Tactical u svim modovima kako je bio onda, ne moraju nista drugo izdat iducih 5 godina

Kazu da ce serveri biti dedicated, dakle nece biti hakiranja i to je to

Ako ne bude Team Tactical, onda me zanima 80% manje :D
: Re: Novosti...
: Ljubusak May 04, 2016, 17:34:36
Da sjećam se da si to igrao, i ja sam to volio.
A što se tiče servera, mislim da to najavljuju sa svakim nastavkom pa na kraju ništa...
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer July 19, 2016, 17:20:17
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer October 14, 2016, 11:41:30
Da li je netko igrao Mafia 3? Jel to stvarno opet ispalo smeće sa dobrom pričom ili ...?
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish October 14, 2016, 14:23:04
Da li je netko igrao Mafia 3? Jel to stvarno opet ispalo smeće sa dobrom pričom ili ...?

Sazetak jednog reviewa, mislim da savrseno opisuje igru (po onom kaj sam citao i vidio) >

Mafia III is a game with a great plot, great characters, and great setting, but it’s hamstrung by the repetitive nature of its mission structure. Having to go through the same tasks in each territory means a sense of fatigue enters quickly, and there isn’t much in the way of distractions within New Bordeaux to break things up. The pieces of a great game are all here, but they just don’t quite fit together.

Ja cu kupit kad bude na snizenju..
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer October 14, 2016, 14:49:17
A neću je kupovati, mogu je dobit na posudbu, ali mi se čini da je žali bože vremena. U tom tipu igara uvijek sam više uživao u slobodi i istraživanju i u side misijama, a toga ovdje čini mi se ima najmanje. ::)
: Re: Novosti...
: petrenjdin October 16, 2016, 13:35:30
Da li je netko igrao Mafia 3? Jel to stvarno opet ispalo smeće sa dobrom pričom ili ...?

sve mi se čini da bi moglo tako biti, (ovo mi je prva mafia koju igram) igram tek par sati, dobra priča, likovi, soundtrack odličan... misije prelagane čini mi se, grafika tak-tak, ne znam, rano je još za ocjenu
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer October 16, 2016, 15:38:21
Ima li se što raditi van glavnih misija? Nekakvi poslići sa strane kao u GTA?
: Re: Novosti...
: petrenjdin October 17, 2016, 00:55:33
ne znam, odigrao sam samo par misija nakon uvoda, sutra možda stignem malo pa javim..
: Re: Novosti...
: Ljubusak October 17, 2016, 11:44:24
Rockstar pali vatru mijenjajući profilnu i naslovnu u boje RDR...
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer October 17, 2016, 13:35:23
E da, to je ono što stvarno čekam
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish October 20, 2016, 12:21:40

Nintendo predstavlja novu konzolu danas u 16h
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer October 20, 2016, 14:03:45 (
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish November 12, 2016, 14:09:17
Upravo sam prešao beyond two souls remaster, po meni odlicna igra, al definitivno nije za svakog..

Sad jedva cekam njihovu sljedecu igru, evo podsjetnik >

! No longer available (
: Re: Novosti...
: Ikral November 12, 2016, 15:55:45
Heavy Rain je meni bolji.
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish February 27, 2017, 18:31:31
! No longer available (
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish March 02, 2017, 18:50:02
! No longer available (

! No longer available (
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish March 16, 2017, 20:24:16
! No longer available (
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer March 16, 2017, 20:39:47
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish March 24, 2017, 01:28:21
Uskoro najava, izlazi 08.09., beta u 6om mj.

: Re: Novosti...
: kizo_uzi_1 March 24, 2017, 15:09:16
... a da vidite tek amara  ;D ;D
Kako su mu osjećaji pomjšani ...uzbuđenje , visinske pripreme... i ostalo ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer March 24, 2017, 15:15:31
Znači, ništa ni od GTSporta kod gazde Amarilla, bit će opet adio pameti... (
: Re: Novosti...
: kizo_uzi_1 March 24, 2017, 15:23:48
Znači, ništa ni od GTSporta kod gazde Amarilla, bit će opet adio pameti... ([url][/url])
...vidjeti će te ga jedino ako se na veneri ili marsu pojavi kakva staza  ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer March 24, 2017, 15:29:47
...vidjeti će te ga jedino ako se na veneri ili marsu pojavi kakva staza  ;D

Ma kurac, ne bi ni tada... jedino da se u GT-u uvede oružje i počne pucat. Nije ti njemu do vožnje, izgubio je mojo ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish May 09, 2017, 20:27:17
Malo rumora >

Far Cry 5 -

"Spaghetti Western style set in the 19th century Americas"


Assassins Creed Origins -

Our sources suggest that Origins is a vast open world experience taking place in ancient Egypt. The story is rumoured to revolve around the original assassin’s guild and will feature two main characters - a man and a woman.

Its structure is said to be less linear, featuring a character progression system less tied to the story. A development source we spoke to compared it numerous times to Bethesda’s Skyrim. They say that impressions of the project internally are so far positive.

The game will apparently grant the player considerably more freedom, featuring a greater emphasis on exploration over previous entries in the series. One source tells us that this is the biggest Assassin’s Creed the company has ever created and is “huge” in scope. They say that it has been in development for “at least” several years now. Hopefully, it will benefit from this extended development cycle.

Not only is Origins rumoured to boast an explorable ancient Egypt, players will also apparently be able to go beyond it - possibly even as far as Greece. We were told that boats will return in the game, allowing the player to sail the Mediterranean. Naval combat, naturally, is also said to be included.

- from most of the AC4 team
- will have modern day
- no Desmond Miles
- revamped version of Anvil engine
- Ubi will start talking about it before the end of the month, full reveal at E3

: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer May 09, 2017, 21:34:42
Lajkam ovo za FC5.

Inače, biti će ovo jako lijepa godina za mene, obožavam taj tip igara. RDR, FC5... kad bi ovaj novi assasin trebao izaći?
: Re: Novosti...
: Ljubusak May 10, 2017, 00:02:27
Mislim da su oko 11mj izlazili inače...
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer May 10, 2017, 16:26:52
Ove godine?
: Re: Novosti...
: Ljubusak May 11, 2017, 15:20:42
Vjerovatno, prošlu su preskočili.
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer May 11, 2017, 16:53:36
Znači, izdaju i Assasina i Far Cry krajem godine u relativno kratkom vremenskom razmaku?

Plus, stiže nam i RDR2 u tom razdoblju?

Pasmater... nekako sam mišljenja da je najbolje ništa od navedenog kupovati odmah, već pričekati bar tri mjeseca da sve to donekle pokrpaju patchevima pa se bacit na igranje. Jebote, gledam zadnji patch za Horizon, čisto mi žao što sam je počeo igrati, a sad su toliko stvari popravili u igri ;D

Općenito, taj sandbox žanr igara stvarno nema smisla počinjati igrati bar šest mjeseci od izlaska ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: ribafish June 23, 2017, 22:23:40
Evo i standalone izdanje

: Re: Novosti...
: Ikral June 24, 2017, 07:22:25
Mene toliko toga ceka neodigranog da nove igre niti ne gledam. Imam dva AC-, Far Crya, MGS, sega vraga nekaj...a da ne spominjem Xbox.
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer June 24, 2017, 10:01:29
Koja dva AC-a?
: Re: Novosti...
: Ljubusak June 24, 2017, 14:05:35
Ja zbog obaveza mogu 3-4 igre godisnje odigrati a toliko će uvijek biti naslova. Meni dosta, pomalo se i volja gubi...
: Re: Novosti...
: Ikral June 24, 2017, 20:45:04
Koja dva AC-a?
Unity i Syndicate. S Black Flagom sam pri kraju, ne zurim jer ima sadrzaja i pomalo uzivam.
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer June 25, 2017, 01:02:17
Uživaj dok možeš jer sam sam ta dva tako lagano preskočio (inače, bio navučen na sve od ubisofta, ali ta dva nula bodova)
: Re: Novosti...
: Ikral June 25, 2017, 18:25:15
Počeo sam oba i dobri su mi, pogotovo u Syndicate rješavanje onih ubojstava. Unity su svi popljuvali a meni je ok, možda jer na Xbox One S radi bolje nego na PS4.
: Re: Novosti...
: FEDROwhatISgood August 11, 2017, 13:01:54
(Ovakav link sam dobio tako sto sam na jubito aplikaciji pritisnuo "podijeli", zao mi je sto mi ne nudi thumbnail sliku)

I tako, znaci li to da u racing igrama kokpit i bumper  pogledi (kao takodjer oblici first person perspektive) takodjer prebacuju funkcije mozga na auto-pilot i teme zakrzljavaju igracima hipokampus?

Razmijenimo medjusobno nase misli o ovome, dok ih jos imamo! ;D

Iz osobnog iskustva sklon sam reci da u ovome ima i vise od blage vatrice. Jer imam periode abnormalno zasicene i fps igrama i racerima.

S druge strane, pomislio bih da VR ovdje nije bas problematican nego cak mozda i rjesenje (uvjetno) jer VR mozda u dovoljnoj mjeri uvjeri mozak kako sada nije u POJEDNOSTAVLJENOJ stvarnosti u kojoj moze i smije ukljuciti auto-pilota.
: Re: Novosti...
: turok August 11, 2017, 20:45:42
Ne pada mi na pamet komentirati još jedan doktorat o štetnosti gameinga, a vjerojatno se autori istoga bore za legalizaciju lakih droga...
: Re: Novosti...
: FEDROwhatISgood August 11, 2017, 21:00:03
Nije o stetnosti gameinga. Naveli su niz modernih igara koje aktiviraju razvoj mozga, i ne ne kvizova znanja niti ista slicno tome, nego 3d platformeri i ostalo - al pogledajte sami.

Iskljucivo u koristenju fps perspektive se cini da mozak ide u "ler", u svim ostalim oblicima ubrzava i razvija se vise ili manje.
: Re: Novosti...
: grozni2 August 12, 2017, 00:29:56
Al nis nisu spominjali racing sim....tu mi bas i nije u leru zakmo
: Re: Novosti...
: Ikral August 12, 2017, 08:02:00
A i sta ce nam mozak, sve mi je teze sto vise razmisljam.
: Re: Novosti...
: negraj August 12, 2017, 23:52:21
Ne pada mi na pamet komentirati još jedan doktorat o štetnosti gameinga, a vjerojatno se autori istoga bore za legalizaciju lakih droga...

Lake droge i teska ljepila.
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer August 13, 2017, 00:51:47
Sjećam se jednog stana na Sigečici na zadnjem katu di bi se okupilo šest budala, navuklo konzole, televizije, volane i postolja i vozilo do jutra do sutra uz pivo, rakiju i dim... ništa nije smetalo 8)
: Re: Novosti...
: kengas August 13, 2017, 04:09:06 (
: Re: Novosti...
: grozni2 August 13, 2017, 06:51:47
Davnih dana sam potvrdil ovu teoriju
: Re: Novosti...
: FEDROwhatISgood August 30, 2017, 01:05:01
Rockstarova ekskluziva za PS3 ipak stize na PS4?... Mozda na skorasnjim konferencijama?
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: Re: Novosti...
: Ljubusak September 01, 2017, 14:58:02
Često sam se pita šta je s tom igrom...
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer September 01, 2017, 18:36:38
Ne sjećam se da sam išta čuo o ovome...
: Re: Novosti...
: FEDROwhatISgood September 01, 2017, 19:20:26
Sredinom PS3 generacije je bilo.
: Re: Novosti...
: Ikral September 01, 2017, 21:18:54
Jel nije to Team Bondy (LA Noire) razvijao? Kakobilo, lajkam.
: Re: Novosti...
: FEDROwhatISgood September 01, 2017, 21:43:02
+1 ;D
: Re: Novosti...
: STINGer May 12, 2018, 22:02:51 (