Automobilizam i recidivi => Ostalo => : STINGer March 19, 2012, 21:46:42

: Racing with Hamitons
: STINGer March 19, 2012, 21:46:42

 Nineteen-year-old Nic Hamilton sets out to become a racing driver, entering the
 highly competitive Clio Cup to prove he has what it takes. Nic is no ordinary
 would-be speedster however - he suffers from cerebral palsy and his brother is
 Formula One star Lewis Hamilton, who is on hand for advice. But Nic's disability
 and lack of experience behind the wheel mean he is facing tough odds to finish
 each race in one piece - and when a high-speed accident threatens to end his
 career before it has really begun, it takes every ounce of courage to get back in
 the driving seat.

: Re: Racing with Hamitons
: Troma March 19, 2012, 22:41:19
Jesi pogledao?

Cini se OK. Sad cu stavit da se skida pa javim dojmove.
: Re: Racing with Hamitons
: nrgpower March 20, 2012, 00:13:41
nisan gleda al puno mi je drago za momka, bilo bi lipo akd bi i drugi sa takvim hendikepom mogli iskusiti...
: Re: Racing with Hamitons
: STINGer March 20, 2012, 11:39:20
Nisam još pogledao...
: Re: Racing with Hamitons
: Troma March 21, 2012, 21:16:56
Pogledao. Dobro je, super se drzi s obzirom na paralizu. Da nije buraza ne bi se tako lako probio, ali bolje vozi od nekih koji su tamo vec dosta dugo.