Author Topic: (M) Dolaze novi COD4 modovi AKA Labudji pjev  (Read 4325 times)

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Offline sagitarius

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(M) Dolaze novi COD4 modovi AKA Labudji pjev
« on: July 22, 2008, 11:59:05 »
Uskoro stizu novi modovi igre za COD4, koji su uspjesno testirani u proteklih mjesec dana. Ma sluzbenom blogu je izaslo pojasnjenje citave price, pa da ne davim - citajte, sve je jasno:

from 402's blog

New Playlists - Status / Process
July 21, 2008 ·

Thanks to everyone who helped play test the new playlists last weekend, as well as everyone else who volunteered to help! I received an overwhelming amount of messages, emails, and other friend invites over the past week from the community offering to help out! THANK YOU and I’m sorry we couldn’t include everyone, but the good news is the tests went great (helped us find a few bugs with the new settings) as well as come to final decisions.

That said, we’ve already begun the process to add the new playlists to the game. Don’t get your hopes up just yet, as there is currently no ETA on when you can expect to see them go LIVE, but as soon as I know when you can expect them, I’ll let you know. I’ve walked you through the process we’re going through now at the end of this post. It’s not a long process, but still a process nonetheless.

Hit the jump for a full breakdown of the playlists we’ll be adding, as well as the process involved in adding new playlists to the game.

To give you an idea of what’s required to add a playlist to the game, I’ll break down the process we’re going through now.

1) Setting up the playlists.

Now that we’re ready to make these official playlists, one of our designers (Brent M.) is setting up the playlists and uploading it to PartnerNET so that we can play it locally on the GOLD build of the game.

2) Internal QA Testing

Once the playlists are set up so we can play it locally, the QA department will play test the new playlists and ensure there are no bugs and no problems with the settings. As I said, this past weekend we found a few bugs with Bare-bones Team Deathmatch when we disable perks which allowed you to still use perks in slot 1. So we’ll have to make sure that doesn’t happen in the actual playlist and adjust accordingly.

3) Localization / Translations

While it’s going through QA, our production team has to work on localization of the Gametype descriptions and names so that we can get the new descriptions translated in every language the game is available in.

4) Pushing the playlist live

Once all localization and testing is complete, then we can upload the new playlists and flip the switch to make it available to everyone over Xbox live / PSN. No download or anything is required. The playlist will update seamlessly the next time players get on once it’s uploaded.

As I said, no ETA on how long all this will take, testing is always unquanifiable because you never know what could come up, but I’m expecting this to be a rather smooth process. As soon as I know when we’ll be pushing them live to you guys, I’ll post here and let you know you can expect them.

As a reminder, the new playlists we’re planning on adding include:

Bare-bones Team Deathmatch

No more excuses. No more blaming Martyrdom or Juggernaut for your lack of skills and kills. Bare Bones Team Deathmatch eliminates the excuses and takes it back to basics with standard Team Deathmatch with no perks, no kill streak rewards. Just you, your skill, and your weapons.

Hardcore HQ

Hardcore HQ requires a lot more than just spamming the HQ position with nades and running in guns blazing. Hardcore HQ encourages more tactical gameplay and communication to win with increased damage, no HUD elements, and friendly fire on.

Multi-bomb Search and Destroy

Multi-bomb Search and Destroy starts every member of the attacking team with a bomb. So everyone has the opportunity to plant if they’re good enough.

Hardcore FFA

Even faster paced Free For Alls, where every bullet counts and playing smart is key for a solid k/d ratio. Standard Free for All rules, with Hardcore mode enabled for extra damage, no HUD, and no health re-gen.


Sve ljepse od ljepseg :)

Offline keljober

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Re: Dolaze novi COD4 modovi AKA Labudji pjev
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2008, 13:07:17 »
sve mi se cini da ce opet serveri kenjat, jer nakon svakog updejta odu u P.M( private message) ;D
no infinity  w. nam uvjek da novi poticaj za igranjem, sto mi je drago.
Jos kad bi GT;pro... dobia nove staze, nekih 60 krugova na dayatoni, ili 2h suzuka, itd. to nebi uopce bilo lose  8)