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Re: Zanimljivosti...
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2009, 09:54:39 »
to bi bila pusiona samo takva ali za obe strane tako da nevidim kako bi ovo bilo moguce ???

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Re: Zanimljivosti...
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2009, 17:17:42 »
Evo radosnih vijesti ;D

Take-Two has announced that BioShock 2, Mafia II, Max Payne 3 and Red Dead Redemption have all been delayed until Fiscal 2010.

"The decision to shift a release date is never an easy one, especially with a product as highly anticipated as BioShock 2," says Chief Executive Officer of Take-Two, Ben Feder. "We felt that it was essential to invest the additional time to ensure that this title will deliver what its fans expect and deserve. As a result, we will now be launching sequels to several of our strongest franchises -- including BioShock 2, Mafia II, Max Payne 3 and Red Dead Redemption -- during the next fiscal year."

Technically this could mean that they might be released in late November (since the "fiscal year" is silly), but I wouldn't get my hopes up. This really opens up Take-Two's release schedule for the later part of 2009, and leaves them with very few AAA titles. While I doubt anyone is too shocked to see Mafia or Max Payne go, finding out that BioShock 2 isn't making '09 is full of awfulness and suck.

Oh well, there's always New Super Mario Bros. Wii. I mean, there's always that.

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Re: Zanimljivosti...
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2009, 18:33:57 »

PS3 Delays Giving The Xbox 360 Some Breathing Room In 2009

Coming into 2009 anticipation towards Sony’s software line-up was at an all time high as the PS3 was primed to have a breakout year. Outside of a plethora of multiplatform titles, the playing field almost seemed unfair as Sony’s list of exclusives looked to do away with the competition from the start. With an incredible list of exclusives and a countless number of multiplatform titles coming to the PS3 this year the black behemoth was all but crowned 2009 console of the year from the start.

Today PS3 exclusive titles like GOD OF WAR III, White Knight Chronicles, HEAVY RAIN and multiplatform titles like BIOSHOCK 2, SINGULARITY and Max Payne 3 are now 2010 launch titles. Despite the software delays Sony still has a strong line-up remaining for the rest of the year however, just how strong that line-up remains to be is the real question. With MAG now speculated to be another PS3 exclusive delay title until Qtr (1) 2010, Sony is definitely losing their dominant edge in 2009 and fast.

On the competitive side of the equation the Xbox 360 has remained even keel so far not losing too many big name title along the way. With hopefully no software delay updates in the forseeable future Xbox 360 users can still expect exclusive titles in the form of Splinter Cell: Conviction, Shadow Complex, Section 8, HALO 3: ODST, LEFT4DEAD 2, FORZA 3 and the GTA4 DLC entitled Ballard of Gay Tony. While these are great exclusives, Xbox 360 user can also be excited for a great list of multiplatform titles as well in the form of ASSASSINS CREED 2, DARK VOID and the ever popular FPS Modern Warfare 2 just to name a few.

Despite the incredible start to 2009 with blockbuster exclusives like KILLZONE 2, MLB09: The Show and inFAMOUS, it appears as though the playing field has become arguably more even as we look into the latter part of 2009. With all the software delays a surprising PS3 price drop could give an attractive edge to the remaining PS3 line-up. With great exclusives like UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves, DEMON SOUL’S, Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack In Time and hopefully Gran Turismo 5 along with some meaty PSN titles the PS3 is definitely not done raising the roof in 2009.

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Re: Zanimljivosti...
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2009, 18:35:43 »
PS3 Gets First Pay-To-Play Game

We liked Trash Panic, but we didn’t know Sony liked it enough to give it another chance.  On the Japanese PSN Store today the game, which is called Gomi Bako in its native country, has been re-released as a pay-to-play game: for ¥100 you get 3 lives ;D , and unlike the ‘full’ PSN game, you can unlock Home Rewards.

100 Yen is roughly 69p, which gives you an idea of the cost.  Whilst I’m all for new ideas, this one makes me feel a little uneasy – I’d rather pay more up front and keep the game free, and yes in this case that’s entirely possible but if Sony go down this route for other games in the future they’d be on groundbreaking territory.

Still, it’s probably more effective than a demo, especially with the Home Rewards.  There are no Trophies for this version of the game.