Author Topic: GT5 Seasonal Events  (Read 136730 times)

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Offline Kimi

  • The Gentleman
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  • PSN id: KimiHR
GT5 Seasonal Events
« on: August 26, 2012, 00:40:32 »
for GTSurgeons by KimiHR

RB          Start                 Finish                Type      Naslov
1. 20.12.2010. 06.01.2011. A-Spec Bonus Race 1
2. 24.12.2010. 13.01.2011. A-Spec Bonus Race 2
3. 06.01.2011. 19.01.2011. A-Spec Bonus Race 3
4. 13.01.2011. 27.01.2011. A-Spec Bonus Race 4
5. 20.01.2011. 10.02.2011. A-Spec Bonus Race 5
6. 27.01.2011. 10.02.2011. A-Spec Bonus Race 6
7. 10.02.2011. 20.12.2011. A-Spec FF Challenge
8. 10.02.2011. 20.12.2011. A-Spec FR Challenge
9. 10.02.2011. 20.12.2011. A-Spec 4WD Challenge
10. 10.02.2011. 20.12.2011. A-Spec Ferrari Formula Challenge
11. 18.02.2011. 03.03.2011. A-Spec Bonus Race 7
12. 03.03.2011. 20.12.2011. A-Spec World Classic Car Series
13. 10.03.2011. 20.12.2011. A-Spec Japanese 80's Festival
14. 24.03.2011. 20.12.2011. A-Spec Pickup Truck Race
15. 31.03.2011. 20.12.2011. A-Spec Lamborghini Exclusive
16. 14.04.2011. 20.12.2011. A-Spec Lightweight K Cup
17. 21.04.2011. 20.12.2011. A-Spec Classic Muscle Car Championship
18. 19.05.2011. 20.12.2011. A-Spec French Car Championship
19. 26.05.2011. 20.12.2011. A-Spec Supercar Festival
20. 08.06.2011. 20.12.2011. A-Spec Expert Challenge Race
21. 15.06.2011. 20.12.2011. A-Spec Honda Civic Competition
22. 22.06.2011. 20.12.2011. A-Spec British Lightweights
23. 29.06.2011. 20.12.2011. A-Spec La Festa Cavallino
24. 01.07.2011. 03.01.2013. A-Spec Super GT
25. 28.07.2011. 20.12.2011. A-Spec World Compact Car Race
26. 04.08.2011. 20.12.2011. A-Spec NR-A Roadster Cup
27. 11.08.2011. 20.12.2011. A-Spec German Touring Car Championship
28. 18.08.2011. 28.02.2013. A-Spec Real Circuit Tours
29. 30.08.2011. 13.09.2011. Special NASCAR Challenge
30. 05.09.2011. 01.10.2011. Special Mercedes-Benz Driving Events
31. 15.09.2011. 20.12.2011. A-Spec Mini Challenge
32. 22.09.2011. 20.12.2011. A-Spec Supercar Nostalgia Cup
33. 29.09.2011. 20.12.2011. A-Spec Japanese 90's Challenge
34. 09.10.2011. 16.10.2011. Special Sebastian Vettel F1 2011 World Champion Celebration Event
35. 11.10.2011. 20.12.2011. A-Spec Formula GT World Championship
36. 27.10.2011. 31.05.2014. B-Spec ONLINE B-spec Challenge
37. 10.11.2011. 23.05.2013. A-Spec Japanese Classics
38. 21.11.2011. 21.12.2011. Special Nissan GT-R Spec V Eifel (Circuit) 105A Time Trial
39. 08.12.2011. 06.06.2013. A-Spec European Hot Hatch Championship
40. 20.12.2011. 20.06.2013. A-Spec Stars & Stripes
41. 29.12.2011. 30.01.2012. Special Expert Level Online B-Spec Challenge
42. 29.12.2011. 31.05.2014. A-Spec Online A-spec Challenge No. 1
43. 05.01.2012. 04.07.2013. A-Spec Dream Car Championship
44. 17.01.2012. 31.05.2014. A-Spec Online A-spec Challenge No.2
45. 02.02.2012. 31.05.2014. B-Spec Online B-spec Challenge No.2
46. 16.02.2012. 31.05.2014. A-Spec Online A-spec Challenge No.3
47. 01.03.2012. 31.05.2014. B-Spec Online B-spec Challenge No.3
48. 15.03.2012. 31.05.2014. A-Spec Online A-spec Challenge No.4
49. 29.03.2012. 31.05.2014. B-Spec Online B-spec Challenge No.4
50. 12.04.2012. 31.05.2014. A-Spec Online A-spec Challenge No.5
51. 26.04.2012. 31.05.2014. B-Spec Online B-spec Challenge No.5
52. 10.05.2012. 31.05.2014. A-Spec Online A-spec Challenge No.6
53. 17.05.2012. 31.05.2012. Special Nürburgring Nordschleife B-Spec Challenge
54. 24.05.2012. 18.07.2013. A-Spec 430PP FF Challenge
55. 07.06.2012. 01.08.2013. A-Spec 500PP FR Challenge
56. 21.06.2012. 15.08.2013. A-Spec 530PP 4WD Challenge
57. 05.07.2012. 29.08.2013. A-Spec Expert Level Ferrari Formula Challenge
58. 12.07.2012. 19.07.2012. Special GT Academy Car Challenge – Round 1
59. 19.07.2012. 12.09.2013. A-Spec 500PP World Classic Car Series
60. 19.07.2012. 26.07.2012. Special GT Academy Car Challenge – Round 2
61. 27.07.2012 03.08.2012. Special GT Academy Car Challenge – Round 3
62. 02.08.2012. 26.09.2013. A-Spec 420PP Japanese 80's Festival
63. 03.08.2012. 10.08.2012. Special GT Academy Car Challenge – Round 4
64. 10.08.2012. 17.08.2012. Special GT Academy Car Challenge – Round 5
65. 16.08.2012. 10.10.2013. A-Spec 470PP Pickup Truck Race
66. 17.08.2012. 24.08.2012. Special GT Academy Car Challenge – Round 6
67. 24.08.2012. 31.08.2012. Special GT Academy Car Challenge – Round 7
68. 30.08.2012. 24.10.2013. A-Spec 550PP Lamborghini Exclusive
69. 31.08.2012. 07.09.2012. Special GT Academy Car Challenge – Round 8
70. 13.09.2012. 07.11.2013. A-Spec 355PP Lightweight K Cup
71. 27.09.2012. 21.11.2013. A-Spec 500PP Classic Muscle Car Championship
72. 11.10.2012. 05.12.2013. A-Spec 450PP French Championship
73. 25.10.2012. 19.12.2013. A-Spec 620PP Supercar Festival
74. 08.11.2012. 02.01.2014. A-Spec 415PP Honda Civic Competition
75. 22.11.2012. 16.01.2014. A-Spec 500PP British Lightweights
76. 06.12.2012. 30.01.2014. A-Spec 580PP La Festa Cavallino
77. 20.12.2012. 10.01.2013. Special New Year's Holiday Challenge
78. 01.01.2013. 01.02.2013. Special GT Academy Challenge
79. 03.01.2013. 13.02.2014. A-Spec 600PP Super GT
80. 17.01.2013. 27.02.2014. A-Spec 400PP World Compact Car Race
81. 31.01.2013. 13.03.2014. A-Spec 380PP NR-A Roadster Cup
82. 14.02.2013. 27.03.2014. A-Spec 590PP German Touring Car Championship
83. 28.02.2013. 10.04.2014. A-Spec 750PP Real Circuit Tours
84. 14.03.2013. 24.04.2014. A-Spec 650PP NASCAR Challenge
85. 28.03.2013. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 450PP Mini Challenge
86. 11.04.2013. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 550PP Supercar Nostalgia Cup
87. 25.04.2013. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 450PP Japanese 90's Challenge
88. 09.05.2013. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 950PP Formula Gran Turismo World Championship
89. 16.05.2013. 23.05.2013. Special Gran Turismo 15th Anniversary Special Time Trial
90. 23.05.2013. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 400PP Japanese Classic
91. 06.06.2013. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 430PP European Hot Hatch Championship
92. 20.06.2013. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 580PP Stars & Stripes
93. 04.07.2013. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 710PP Dream Car Championship
94. 18.07.2013. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 430PP FF Challenge
95. 01.08.2013. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 500PP FR Challenge
96. 15.08.2013. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 530PP 4WD Challenge
97. 29.08.2013. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 871PP Ferrari Formula Challenge
98. 12.09.2013. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 500PP World Classic Car Series
99. 26.09.2013. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 420PP Japanese 80's Festival
100. 10.10.2013. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 470PP Pickup Truck Race
101. 24.10.2013. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 550PP Lamborghini Exclusive
102. 07.11.2013. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 355PP Lightweight K Cup
103. 21.11.2013. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 500PP Classic Muscle Car Championship
104. 05.12.2013. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 450PP French Championship
105. 19.12.2013. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 620PP Supercar Festival
106. 02.01.2014. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 415PP Honda Civic Competition
107. 16.01.2014. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 500PP British Lightweights
108. 30.01.2014. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 580PP La Festa Cavallino
109. 13.02.2014. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 600PP Super GT
110. 27.02.2014. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 400PP World Compact Car Race
111. 13.03.2014. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 400PP NR-A Roadster Cup
112. 27.03.2014. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 590PP German Touring Car Championship
113. 10.04.2014. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 730PP Real Circuit Tours
114. 24.04.2014. 31.05.2014. A-Spec 650PP NASCAR Challenge
115. 01.05.2014. 31.05.2014. Special Online Event Finale

GT5 Time Trial & Drift Trial • aktualni + arhiva dosadasnjih

Online Collector's Dealership • aktualni + arhiva dosadašnjih

Offline Kimi

  • The Gentleman
  • GTS Full Member
  • Preuvazeni Akademik
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  • Posts: 2684
  • PSN id: KimiHR
Re: Seasonal Events • aktualni + arhiva dosadasnjih
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2012, 00:43:13 »

Bonus Race No.1

Period of Availability: 20.12.2010. – 06.01.2011.

Fiat 500 Tsukuba Circuit / 5 Laps
A race just for small cars, in the Fiat 500 1.2 Lounge SS 2008. The competition is 5 laps on the Tsukuba Circuit. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.200,000  Exp.15,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:Max. Comfort: Medium
Power:Max. 65BHP
Weight:Min. 1000kg
Cars:500 1.2 8V Lounge SS '08

Typical Opponent(s)
  A2 1.4 '02
VITZ F '99
500 1.2 8V Lounge SS '08
Ka '01
500 1.2 8V Lounge SS '08
Be-1 '87
A2 1.4 '02
Ka '01
PAO '89
Be-1 '87

Honda CR-Z α Tokyo Route 246 / 5 Laps
A race in the Honda CR-Z α 2010. The competition is 5 laps on the Tokyo Route 246. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.250,000  Exp.25,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:Max. Comfort: Medium
Power:Max. 122BHP
Weight:Min. 1100kg
Cars:Honda CR-Z α '10

Typical Opponent(s)
  VITZ RS Turbo '02
Megane 2.0 16V '03
206 CC '01
Punto HGT Abarth '00
Barchetta Giovane Due '00
Roadster 1600 NR-A (NB) '04
SWIFT Sport '07
CR-Z α '10
SIRION X4 (J) '00
106 S16 '03

Mazda RX-7 GT-X Deep Forest Raceway / 5 Laps
A race in the Mazda RX-7 GT-X (FC) 1990. The competition is 5 laps on the Deep Forest Raceway. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.300,000  Exp.40,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:Max. Comfort: Soft
Power:Max. 204BHP
Weight:Min. 1250kg
Cars:Mazda RX-7 GT-X (FC) '90

Typical Opponent(s)
   SILVIA K's AERO (S14) '96
PRELUDE SiR S spec '98
SKYLINE GTS-t Type M (R32) '91
DELTA HF Integrale Evoluzione '91
IS 200 (J) '98
180SX Type X '96

Dodge Challenger R/T Indy Road Course / 5 Laps
An American muscle car event, to be raced with the Dodge Challenger R/T. The race is 5 laps on the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Road Course. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.750,000  Exp.70,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:Max. Sports: Hard
Power:Max. 425BHP
Weight:Min. 11724kg
Cars:Dodge Challenger R/T '70

Typical Opponent(s)
  Chevelle SS 454 '70
Superbird '70
Charger Super Bee 426 Hemi '71
Cuda 440 Six Pack '71
Corvette Stingray L46 350 (C3) '69
Tempest Le Mans GTO '64
Cougar XR-7 '67
GT350R '65
Mustang Mach 1 '71
Corvette Convertible (C3) '69
Corvette Coupe (C2) '63

493BHP/GT-R Special Stage Route 5 / 5 Laps
A race event for all models of Nissan GT-R's, from the KPGC10 type GT-R to the newest Spec V. Sports / soft tyres or less, up to 493bhp and a minimum weight of 1100kg. The competition is 5 laps on Special Stage Route 5. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.1,000,000  Exp.100,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:Max. Sports: Soft
Power:Max. 493BHP
Weight:Min. 1100kg
Cars:GT-R '07
GT-R Concept (Tokyo Motor Show 2001)
GT-R Proto '05
GT-R SpecV '09
SKYLINE HT 2000GT-R (KPGC10) '70
SKYLINE 2000GT-R (KPGC110) '73
SKYLINE GT-R V・spec II (R32) '94
SKYLINE GT-R (R32) '89
SKYLINE GT-R (R32) '91
SKYLINE GT-R N1 (R32) '91
SKYLINE GT-R V・spec (R32) '93
SKYLINE GT-R V・spec N1 (R32) '93
SKYLINE GT-R V・spec (R33) '97
SKYLINE GT-R (R33) '95
SKYLINE GT-R (R33) '96
SKYLINE GT-R (R33) '97
SKYLINE GT-R N1 (R33) '95
SKYLINE GT-R V・spec (R33) '95
SKYLINE GT-R V・spec (R33) '96
SKYLINE GT-R V・spec LM Limited (R33) '96
SKYLINE GT-R M・spec (R34) '01
SKYLINE GT-R V・spec (R34) '99
SKYLINE GT-R V・spec II (R34) '00
SKYLINE GT-R V・spec II Nür (R34) '02
SKYLINE GT-R (R34) '00
SKYLINE GT-R (R34) '99
SKYLINE GT-R M・spec Nür (R34) '02
SKYLINE GT-R V・spec N1 (R34) '99
SKYLINE GT-R V・spec II N1 (R34) '00

Typical Opponent(s)
  Ford GT '06
R8 5.2 FSI quattro '09
DB9 Coupe '06
Viper SRT10 Coupe '06
Corvette Z06 (C6) '06
Viper SRT10 '03
F430 '06
C 63 AMG '08
IS F '07
8C Competizione '08
GranTurismo S '08

Offline Kimi

  • The Gentleman
  • GTS Full Member
  • Preuvazeni Akademik
  • *
  • Posts: 2684
  • PSN id: KimiHR
Re: GT5 Seasonal Events od A do Z
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2012, 00:46:10 »

Bonus Race No.2

Period of Availability: 24.12.2010. - 13.01.2011.

Mini – Mini Cooper S Cape Ring Inside / 5 Laps
A race for small body cars in the Mini Cooper S. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. Race 5 Laps around the Cape Ring Inside track. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.200,000  Exp.20,000

Entry Requirements*
Tyres:Max. Comfort: Soft
Power:Max. 172BHP
Weight:Min. 1210kg

Typical Opponent(s)

Ford Focus ST Circuito De Madrid Course / 5 Laps
A race event in the Ford Focus ST 2006. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. Race 5 laps around the Circuito De Madrid. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.300,000  Exp.30,000

Entry Requirements*
Tyres:Max. Comfort: Soft
Power:Max. 221BHP
Weight:Min. 1430kg
Cars:Ford Focus ST '06

Typical Opponent(s)
Focus RS '02
Coupe Turbo Plus '00
S3 '02
156 2.5 V6 24V '98
Golf V GTI '05
207 GTi '07
C4 Coupe 2.0VTS '05
Clio Renault Sport 2.0 16V '02
206 RC '03

Ford Mustang V8 GT Coupe Premium: Laguna Seca Raceway / 5 Laps
A race event in the Ford Mustang V8 GT Coupe Premium 2007. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. Race 5 laps around the Laguna Seca Raceway. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.400,000  Exp.45,000

Entry Requirements*
Tyres:Max. Sports: Hard
Power:Max. 394BHP
Weight:Min. 1500kg
Cars:Mustang V8 GT Coupe Premium '07

Typical Opponent(s)
  Charger 440 R/T '70
Corvette Stingray L46 350 (C3) '69
Tempest Le Mans GTO '64
Cougar XR-7 '67
GT350R '65
Mustang Mach 1 '71
Corvette Convertible (C3) '69
Camaro SS '69
E-TYPE Coupe '61
Camaro Z28 '69
Corvette Coupe (C2) '63

Mazda RX-7 Tsukuba Circuit / 10 Laps
A race event that can be entered with any model year Mazda RX-7. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. The race is 10 laps on the Tsukuba Circuit. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.600,000  Exp.55,000

Entry Requirements*
Tyres:Max. Sports: Hard
Power:Max. 394BHP
Weight:Min. 800kg
Cars:RX-7 GT-LIMITED (FC, J) '85
RX-7 GT-X (FC) '90
RX-7 GT-X (FC, J) '90
éfini RX-7 Type R (FD) '91
éfini RX-7 Type R (FD) '93
éfini RX-7 Type R-S (FD) '95
RX-7 Type R (FD, J) '93
RX-7 Type R-S (FD, J) '95
éfini RX-7 Type RZ (FD) '93
RX-7 Type RZ (FD, J) '93
éfini RX-7 Type RZ (FD) '95
RX-7 Type RZ (FD, J) '95
RX-7 Type R (FD, J) '91
éfini RX-7 Type RZ (FD) '92
RX-7 Type RZ (FD, J) '92
éfini RX-7 Type RS (FD) '96
RX-7 Type RS (FD, J) '96
éfini RX-7 Type RZ (FD) '96
RX-7 Type RZ (FD, J) '96
RX-7 Type RS-R (FD) '97
RX-7 Type RS (FD) '00
RX-7 Type RS (FD) '98
RX-7 Type R Bathurst R (FD) '01
RX-7 Type RZ (FD) '00
RX-7 Spirit R Type A (FD) '02

Typical Opponent(s)
  SKYLINE GT-R M.N.P II (R34) '99
SKYLINE GT-R V・spec (R33) '97
Lancer Evolution VI GSR T.M. SCP '99
GTO Twin Turbo '95
SKYLINE GT-R V・spec II (R32) '94
Lancer Evolution V GSR '98
NSX Type S Zero '99
IMPREZA Coupe WRX typeR STi Version VI '99
Fairlady Z 300ZX TT 2seater (Z32) '89
SUPRA 2.5GT Twin Turbo R '90

NASCAR Nürburgring Nordschleife 2 Laps
A race event in NASCAR cars, for 2 laps on the Nürburgring Nordschleife. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.1,000,000  Exp.100,000

Entry Requirements*
Tyres:Max. Racing: Hard
Power:Max. 850BHP
Weight:Min. 1565kg
Cars:2010 Denny Hamlin #11CAMRY
2010 Kyle Busch #18 CAMRY
2010 Joey Logano #20 CAMRY
2010 Brian Vickers #83 CAMRY
2010 AJ Allmendinger #43 FUSION
2010 Carl Edwards #99 FUSION
2010 Tony Stewart #14 IMPALA
2010 Jeff Gordon #24 IMPALA
2010 Juan Montoya #42 IMPALA
2010 Jimmie Johnson #48 IMPALA
2010 Dale Earnhardt Jr. #88 IMPALA
2010 Joey Logano #20 GameStop CAMRY (Fantasy)

Typical Opponent(s)
  2010 Jeff Gordon #24 IMPALA
2010 Brian Vickers #83 CAMRY
2010 Denny Hamlin #11CAMRY
2010 Juan Montoya #42 IMPALA
2010 Dale Earnhardt Jr. #88 IMPALA
2010 Jimmie Johnson #48 IMPALA
2010 Kyle Busch #18 CAMRY
2010 AJ Allmendinger #43 FUSION
2010 Tony Stewart #14 IMPALA
2010 Carl Edwards #99 FUSION
2010 Joey Logano #20 CAMRY

*Note: 3.6.2011.Entry Requirements are removed for this event.

Offline Kimi

  • The Gentleman
  • GTS Full Member
  • Preuvazeni Akademik
  • *
  • Posts: 2684
  • PSN id: KimiHR
Re: GT5 Seasonal Events od A do Z
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2012, 00:51:25 »

Bonus Race No.3

Period of Availability: 06.01.2011. - 19.01.2011.

Toyota Prius G '09 Grand Valley East / 5 Laps
A race event in the Toyota Prius G 2009. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. Race 5 laps on the Grand Valley East track. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.200,000  Exp.30,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Cars:PRIUS G '09

Typical Opponent(s)
  CR-Z α '10
PRIUS G Touring Selection (J) '03
PRIUS G Touring Selection (J) '03

Audi TTS Coupe '09 Cape Ring North / 5 Laps
A race event in the Audi TTS Coupe 2009. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. Race 5 laps on the Cape Ring North course. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.300,000  Exp.50,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Cars:TTS Coupe '09

Typical Opponent(s)
  Evora '09
SILVIA spec-R AERO (S15) '02
SKYLINE Sedan 350GT-8 '02
CL 3.2 Type-S '03
G35 Sedan '03
Brera Sky Window 3.2 JTS Q4 '06
330i '05
A3 3.2 quattro '03
147 GTA '02

Lotus Elise 111R '04 Nürburgring GP/F / 5 Laps
A race event in the Lotus Elise 111R 2004. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. Race 5 laps on the Nürburgring GP/F. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.500,000  Exp.60,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Cars:Elise 111R '04

Typical Opponent(s)
  Elise 111R '04
Elise 111R '04
Elise 111R '04
Elise 111R '04
Elise 111R '04
Elise 111R '04
Elise 111R '04
Elise 111R '04
Elise 111R '04
Elise 111R '04
Elise 111R '04

Ford GT '06 Trial Mountain / Reverse / 5 Laps
A race event in the Ford GT 2006. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. Race 5 laps on the Trial Mountain Circuit / Reverse. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.1,000,000  Exp.90,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Cars:Ford GT '06

Typical Opponent(s)
  V16T '94
Gallardo LP 560-4 '08
LFA '10
R8 5.2 FSI quattro '09
Viper SRT10 Coupe '06
Corvette Z06 (C6) '06
430 Scuderia '07
Viper SRT10 '03
F430 '06
GT-R SpecV '09

Citroën C4 WRC '08 Rome Circuit / 5 Laps
A race event in the Citroën C4 WRC. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. Race 5 laps on the Rome Circuit. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.1,500,000  Exp.120,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Cars:C4 WRC '08

Typical Opponent(s)
  SX4 WRC '08
Focus RS WRC 07 '08
CELICA GT-FOUR Rally Car (ST185) '95
IMPREZA Rally Car '01
Lancer Evolution VI Rally Car '99
COROLLA Rally Car '98
Escort Rally Car '98
CELICA GT-FOUR Rally Car (ST205) '95
DELTA HF Integrale Rally Car '92
Xsara Rally Car '99
Lancer Evolution IV Rally Car '97

Offline Kimi

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Re: GT5 Seasonal Events od A do Z
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2012, 00:55:37 »

Bonus Race No.4

Period of Availability: 13.01.2011. - 27.01.2011.

Mitsubishi i-MiEV '09 Deep Forest Raceway / 5 Laps
This electrifying, no tuning restriction, 5 lap race on the challenging Deep Forest Raceway is only open for the 2009 Mitsubishii-MiEV. Rewards and Experience Points will be awarded according to final position: for the first race, drivers will be awarded all points up to the position placed; for all subsequent races, drivers will only be awarded points if they finish in a better position than their previous race.

1st: Cr.300,000  Exp.30,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Cars:i-MiEV '09

Typical Opponent(s)
  MOVE SR-XX 2WD '97
Kei WORKS '02
Copen Active Top '02
MR Wagon Sport '04
i-MiEV '09
ALTO LAPIN Turbo '02
MOVE Custom RS Limited '02
Midget II D type '98

Volvo C30 R-Design '09 Grand Valley Speedway / 5 Laps
A race event for the Volvo C30 R-Design. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. Race 5 laps on the Grand Valley Speedway. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.450,000  Exp.50,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Cars:C30 R-Design '09

Typical Opponent(s)
  Z4 '03
New Beetle RSi '00
TT Coupe 1.8T quattro '00
Megane Renault Sport '08
ACCORD Euro-R '02
Focus RS '02
Spider 3.0i V6 24V '01
Crossfire '04
Coupe Turbo Plus '00
S3 '02
Golf V GTI '05

Dodge Challenger SRT8 '08 Daytona Road Course / 5 Laps
A race event for the Dodge Challenger SRT8 2008. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. Race 5 laps on the Daytona Road Course. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.500,000  Exp.60,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Cars:Challenger SRT8 '08

Typical Opponent(s)
  Viper GTS '02
Camaro SS '10
Challenger SRT8 '08
M3 Coupe '07
Corvette Z06 (C5) '04
GranTurismo S '08
XKR R Performance '02
Series One Super Charged '03
Mustang V8 GT Coupe Premium '07
XK Coupe Luxury '07
G35 Coupe '06

VW Golf Nürburgring Nordschleife / 1 Lap
A race event for the Volkswagen Golf Series. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. Race 1 lap on the Nürburgring Nordschleife. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.750,000  Exp.90,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Cars:Golf I GTI '76
Golf IV GTI '01
Golf V GTI '05
Golf IV GTI RM '01

Typical Opponent(s)
  New Beetle RSi '00
Megane Renault Sport '08
C30 R-Design '09
WiLL VS '01
S3 '02
C4 Coupe 2.0VTS '05
206 RC '03
Clio Renault Sport 2.0 16V '02
207 GTi '07
Focus ST170 '03

JGTC / SUPER GT High Speed Ring / 8 Laps
A race event for the All-Japan Grand Touring Car Championship (JGTC) and Super GT GT500 class racing cars. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. Race 8 laps on the High Speed Ring. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.1,500,000  Exp.120,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Cars:au CERUMO Supra '01
Castrol TOM'S SUPRA '00
Castrol TOM'S SUPRA '01
YellowHat YMS Supra '05
ENEOS SC430 '08
Castrol MUGEN NSX '00
Mobil 1 NSX '01
Castrol TOM'S SUPRA '97
Calsonic IMPUL GT-R '08
YellowHat YMS TOMICA GT-R '08
NOMAD Diablo GT-1 '00

Typical Opponent(s)
  ARTA NSX '06
YellowHat YMS TOMICA GT-R '08
Calsonic IMPUL GT-R '08
Castrol TOM'S SUPRA '97
ENEOS SC430 '08
YellowHat YMS Supra '05

Offline Kimi

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Re: GT5 Seasonal Events od A do Z
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2012, 00:58:07 »

Bonus Race No.5

Period of Availability: 20.01.2011. - 10.02.2011.

Volkswagen Schwimmwagen typ166 '42 Cape Ring Outside / 5 Laps
A race event for the Volkswagen Schwimmwagen typ166 1942. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. Race 5 laps on the Cape Ring Outside track. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.800,000  Exp.30,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Cars:Schwimmwagen typ166 '42

Typical Opponent(s)
  S800 '66
SPORTS 800 '65
typ2(T1) SambaBus '62
N360 '67
Z ACT '70
Beetle 1100 Standard (Type-11) '49
Carol 360 Deluxe '62
500 F '68
SUBARU 360 '58
2CV Type A '54

Peugeot 207 GTi '07 Côte d'Azur / 5 Laps
A race event for the Peugeot 207 GTi 2007. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. Race 5 laps on the Côte d'Azur course. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.150,000  Exp.40,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Cars:207 GTi '07

Typical Opponent(s)
207 GTi '07
Focus ST170 '03
120i '04
Golf IV GTI '01
147 TI 2.0 TWIN SPARK '06
Megane 2.0 IDE Coupe '00
307 CC Premium AVN '04
307 XSi '04
Megane 2.0 16V '03

TVR Tuscan Speed 6 Cape Ring South / 5 Laps
A race event for the TVR Tuscan Speed 6 2000. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. Race 5 laps on the Cape Ring South. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.200,000  Exp.70,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Cars:Tuscan Speed 6 '00
Tuscan Speed 6 RM '00

Typical Opponent(s)
  R8 4.2 FSI R tronic '07
Corvette Z06 (C5) '04
XKR R Performance '02
Zonda C12 '00
Tuscan Speed 6 '00
Esprit V8 '02
Cerbera Speed 6 '97
T350C '03
Tamora '02
Griffith 500 '94
Series One Super Charged '03

Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione '00 Rome Circuit / 5 Laps
A race event for the Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. Race 5 laps on the Rome Circuit. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.350,000  Exp.90,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Cars:8C Competizione '08

Typical Opponent(s)
  California '08
C 63 AMG '08
DB9 Coupe '06
IS F '07
Camaro SS '10
GranTurismo S '08
Challenger SRT8 '08
M3 Coupe '07
R8 4.2 FSI R tronic '07
XKR R Performance '02
Esprit V8 '02

European Touring Car Nürburgring GP/D / 8 Laps
A race event for European touring cars. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. Race 8 laps on the Nürburgring GP/D. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.2,000,000  Exp.90,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Cars:Abt Audi TT-R Touring Car '02
A4 Touring Car '04
R8 LMS Race Car '09
R8 LMS Race Car (Team PlayStation) '09
M3 GTR Race Car '01
190 E 2.5-16 Evolution II Touring Car '92
CLK Touring Car '00
Astra Touring Car (Opel Team Phoenix) '00
Calibra Touring Car '94
155 2.5 V6 TI '93
IS F Racing Concept '08
Astra Super Touring Car '00
Calibra Super Touring Car '94

Typical Opponent(s)
   Abt Audi TT-R Touring Car '02
A4 Touring Car '04
Astra Touring Car (Opel Team Phoenix) '00
Astra Super Touring Car '00
A4 Touring Car '04
Calibra Super Touring Car '94
CLK Touring Car '00
M3 GTR Race Car '01
155 2.5 V6 TI '93
Calibra Touring Car '94
155 2.5 V6 TI '93

Offline Kimi

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Re: GT5 Seasonal Events od A do Z
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2012, 00:58:26 »

Bonus Race No.6

Period of Availability: 27.01.2011. - 10.02.2011.

Suzuki Cappuccino (EA21R) '95 Clubman Stage Route 5 / 5 Laps
A race event for the Suzuki Cappuccino (EA21R) 1995. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. Race 5 laps on the Clubman Stage Route 5. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.150,000  Exp.20,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Cars:Cappuccino (EA21R) '95
Cappuccino (EA21R) RM '95

Typical Opponent(s)
  i Concept '03
Autozam AZ-1 '92
Copen Detachable Top '02
Kei WORKS '02
Copen Active Top '02
BEAT '91
MIRA TR-XX Avanzato R '97
ALTO LAPIN Turbo '02
MOVE Custom RS Limited '02

Mazda Roadster RS (NC) '07 Tsukuba Circuit / 10 Laps
A race event for the Mazda Roadster RS (NC) 2007. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. Race 10 laps on the Tsukuba Circuit. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.300,000  Exp.50,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Cars:Roadster RS (NC) '07

Typical Opponent(s)
  SILVIA K's Dia Selection (S13) '90
207 GTi '07
Focus ST170 '03
Axela 23S '03
SILVIA spec-S AERO (S15) '99
120d '04
CR-X SiR '90

Nissan Skyline Sedan 350GT Type SP '06 Trial Mountain / 5 Laps
A race event for the Nissan Skyline Sedan 350GT Type SP 2006. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. Race 5 laps on the Trial Mountain Circuit. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.550,000  Exp.70,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Cars:SKYLINE Sedan 350GT Type SP '06

Typical Opponent(s)
Lancer Evolution VI GSR T.M. '00
Fairlady Z Version S (Z33) '07
350Z Gran Turismo 4 Ltd. (Z33) '05
RX-7 Spirit R Type A (FD) '02
NSX Type R '02
ARISTO V300 '00
LEGACY B4 Blitzen '00
Mazdaspeed Atenza '05

Ferrari 430 Scuderia '07 Monza Circuit / 5 Laps
A race event for the Ferrari 430 Scuderia 2007. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. Race 5 laps on the Monza Circuit. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.1,000,000  Exp.90,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Cars:430 Scuderia '07

Typical Opponent(s)
  Gallardo LP 560-4 '08
LFA '10
Ford GT '06
R8 5.2 FSI quattro '09
GT by Citroën Road Car
Viper SRT10 Coupe '06
Corvette Z06 (C6) '06
Viper SRT10 '03
F430 '06
GT-R SpecV '09
CTR "Yellow Bird" '87

Chevrolet Corvette Indianapolis Road Course / 5 Laps
A race event for all year model Chevrolet Corvettes. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. Race 5 laps on the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Road Course. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive a reward and experience if you place in a better position than in the previous races.

1st: Cr.1,500,000  Exp.120,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Cars:Corvette Convertible (C1) '54
Corvette Coupe (C2) '63
Corvette Convertible (C3) '69
Corvette Stingray L46 350 (C3) '69
Corvette GRAND SPORT (C4) '96
Corvette ZR-1 (C4) '90
Corvette Z06 (C5) '00
Corvette Z06 (C5) '04
Corvette Z06 (C6) '06
Corvette ZR1 (C6) '09
Corvette Z06 (C6) RM '06
Corvette ZR1 (C6) RM '09

Typical Opponent(s)
  Camaro SS '10
Mustang SVT Cobra R '00
GTO 5.7 Coupe '04
Mustang SVT Cobra R '00
Series One Super Charged '03
300C '05
Camaro SS '00
Silverado SST Concept '02
SVT F-150 Lightning '03
SVT F-150 Lightning '03
Silverado SST Concept '02

Offline Kimi

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Re: GT5 Seasonal Events od A do Z
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2012, 01:02:45 »

FF Challenge
This is a race event for 200BHP front engined, front wheel drive cars. There are no tuning restrictions for this race and Tyre selection is free. The AI cars competing in the event are in the 197BHP range.

Period of Availability: 10.02.2011. - 20.12.2011.

Tsukuba Circuit / 3 Laps
1st: Cr.31,600  Exp.10,700

Eiger Nordwand Short Track / 3 Laps
1st: Cr.34,300  Exp.11,500

Trial Mountain / 3 Laps
1st: Cr.35,800  Exp.11,400

Fuji Speedway F / 2 Laps
1st: Cr.37,700  Exp.10,700

Eifel (Kart) 102A Change Time / 3 Laps
1st: Cr.38,000  Exp.12,200

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Power:Max. 200BHP

Typical Opponent(s)
  Golf V GTI '05
147 2.0 TWIN SPARK '02
206 S16 '99
Megane 2.0 IDE Coupe '00
Focus ST '06
Familia Sedan Sport 20 '02
FTO GR '94
PRIMERA 2.0Te '90
307 XSi '04
Golf IV GTI '01
Tiburon Turbulence '99
Coupe FX '01
Tiburon GT '01
Atenza Sports 23Z '03
Tuscani CCS '03
Atenza Sport 25Z '07
Xantia 3.0i V6 Exclusive '00
166 2.5 V6 24V Sportronic '98
FTO GP Version R '99
CELICA SS-II (ST202) '97
Clio Renault Sport 2.0 16V '02
Lutecia Renault Sport 2.0 16V '02
KUSABI Concept '03
PRELUDE Type S '98
Coupe Turbo Plus '00
CR-X SiR '90
Megane Renault Sport '08
206 RC '03
ACCORD Euro-R '02
WiLL VS '01
GTV 3.0 V6 24V '01
Ibiza Cupra '04
CR-X del Sol SiR '92
Lantis Coupe 2000 Type R '93
Vibe GT '03
156 2.5 V6 24V '98
323F '93
ECLIPSE Spyder GTS '03
Vectra 3.2 V6 '03
Focus ST170 '03
207 GTi '07
Axela 23S '03
C5 V6 Exclusive '03
C4 Coupe 2.0VTS '05
coupé 406 3.0 V6 '98

Offline Kimi

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Re: GT5 Seasonal Events od A do Z
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2012, 01:09:06 »

FR Challenge
This is a race event where cars are in the 300BHP class and are front engined and rear wheel driven. There are no tuning restrictions for this race and Tyre selection is free. The AI cars are in the 295BHP range.

Period of Availability: 10.02.2011. - 20.12.2011.

Deep Forest Raceway / 5 Laps
1st: Cr.38,200  Exp.12,600

Suzuka Circuit / 3 Laps
1st: Cr.41,100  Exp.12,500

Cape Ring North / 5 Laps
1st: Cr.43,400  Exp.13,300

Circuito de Madrid / 5 Laps
1st: Cr.44,300  Exp.13,600

Eifel (Circuit)102B / Change Weather-Change Time / 5 Laps
1st: Cr.47,500  Exp.14,500

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Power:Max. 300BHP

Typical Opponent(s)
  SUPRA RZ '97
Fairlady Z (Z34) '08
SILVIA spec-R AERO (S15) '02
S2000 '06
RX-7 Spirit R Type A (FD) '02
RX-8 '03
Corvette GRAND SPORT (C4) '96
SL 500 (R230) '02
GS 300 '00
Z4 '03
190 E 2.5 - 16 Evolution II '91
SILVIA spec-R AERO (S15) '99
Fairlady Z 300ZX (Z31) '83
RX-8 Type S '07
SILVIA K's AERO (S14) '96
RX-7 Type RS-R (FD) '97
éfini RX-7 Type R (FD) '91
Prowler '02
éfini RX-7 Type RS (FD) '96
Crossfire '04
Corvette Coupe (C2) '63
Fairlady Z Version S (Z33) '02
Fairlady Z 300ZX Ver.S TT 2seater (Z32) '98
SUPRA 3.0GT Turbo A '88
GNX '87
SKYLINE Coupe 350GT '03
Fairlady Z 300ZX TT 2seater (Z32) '89
300ZX 2seater (Z32) '89
SOARER 2.5GT-T '97
SC 300 '97
330i '05
SKYLINE Sedan 350GT-8 '02
SC 430 (US) '01
Series One Super Charged '03
V8S '91
RX-7 Type RS (FD) '00
M3 '04
M Coupe '98
Fairlady Z Version S (Z33) '07
Camaro SS '00
350Z Gran Turismo 4 Ltd. (Z33) '05
Concept 1 Series tii '07
Coupe Concept '06
135i Coupe '07
SKYLINE Sedan 350GT Type SP '06
Mustang GT '05
G35 Coupe '06
Mustang V8 GT Coupe Premium '07
Camaro Z28 Coupe '97
XK Coupe Luxury '07
ARISTO 3.0V '91
ARISTO V300 '00
SL 500 (R129) '98

Offline Kimi

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Re: GT5 Seasonal Events od A do Z
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2012, 01:09:36 »

4WD Challenge
This is a race event for four wheel drive 400BHP cars. There are no tuning restrictions for this race and Tyre selection is free. The AI cars will be in the 394BHP range.

Period of Availability: 10.02.2011. - 20.12.2011.

Rome Circuit / 3 Laps
1st: Cr.39,500  Exp.13,400

Laguna Seca Raceway / 3 Laps
1st: Cr.42,800  Exp.13,900

Cape Ring / 2 Laps
1st: Cr.43,900  Exp.14,000

Special Stage Route 5 / 3 Laps
1st: Cr.45,700  Exp.14,200

Mt Aso (Tarmac)102A / 5 Laps
1st: Cr.49,700  Exp.15,500

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Power:Max. 400BHP

Typical Opponent(s)
  Lancer Evolution IV GSR '96
LEGACY Touring Wagon GT-B '96
IMPREZA Coupe WRX typeR STi Version VI '99
IMPREZA Coupe 22B-STi Version '98
Lancer Evolution V GSR '98
SKYLINE GT-R V・spec II (R32) '94
GTO Twin Turbo '95
Lancer Evolution VI GSR T.M. SCP '99
GTO Twin Turbo '98
SKYLINE GT-R V・spec (R33) '97
AIRTREK Turbo-R '02
Golf IV R32 '03
TT Coupe 3.2 quattro '03
A3 3.2 quattro '03
MX-Crossport Concept '05
Brera Sky Window 3.2 JTS Q4 '06
RAM 1500 LARAMIE Hemi Quad Cab '04
TT Coupe 3.2 quattro '07
TTS Coupe '09
Mazdaspeed Atenza '05
LEGACY B4 Blitzen '00
Lancer Evolution IX GSR '05
IMPREZA Sedan WRX STI spec C Type RA '05

Offline Kimi

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Re: GT5 Seasonal Events od A do Z
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2012, 13:24:13 »

Ferrari Formula Challenge
This is an expert level race event using Ferrari formula cars.There are no tuning restrictions for this race and Tyre selection is free.

Period of Availability: 10.02.2011. - 20.12.2011.

Tokyo R246 / 10 Laps
1st: Cr.178,000  Exp.37,000

Nurburgring GP/F / 10 Laps
1st: Cr.180,000  Exp.38,000

Road Course Indy / 10 Laps
1st: Cr.198,000  Exp.40,000

Suzuka Circuit / 10 Laps
1st: Cr.205,000  Exp.42,000

Eifel (Circuit)102C / Change Weather-Change Time / 10 Laps
1st: Cr.218,000  Exp.44,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Cars:Ferrari F10 '10
Ferrari F2007

Typical Opponent(s)
  Ferrari F10 '10
Ferrari F2007

Offline Kimi

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Re: GT5 Seasonal Events od A do Z
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2012, 13:37:18 »

Bonus Race No.7
Period of Availability: 18.02.2011. - 03.03.2011.

Nissan Micra: Deep Forest Raceway /5 Laps
A bonus race on the Deep Forest Raceway, using a Nissan Micra of any model year. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive them if you place in a better position.

1st: Cr.200,000  Exp.20,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Cars:March G# '99
March 12c 5door '03
March 12SR '07

Typical Opponent(s)
VITZ RS 1.5 '07
March 12SR '07
ist 1.5S '02
bB 1.5Z X Version '00
FIT W '01
COLT 1.5 Sport X Version '02
VITZ U Euro Sport Edition '00
VITZ F '99

Honda Civic: Suzuka Circuit /5 Laps
A bonus race on the Suzuka Circuit, using a Honda Civic of any model year. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive them if you place in a better position.

1st: Cr.350,000  Exp.35,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Cars:CIVIC 1500 3door CX '79
CIVIC 1500 3door 25i '83

Typical Opponent(s)
  156 2.5 V6 24V '98
WiLL VS '01
C4 Coupe 2.0VTS '05
206 RC '03
Coupe FX '01
Lantis Coupe 2000 Type R '93
207 GTi '07
Focus ST170 '03
Axela 23S '03
120d '04

Nissan Z: Madrid City Course /5 Laps
A bonus race on the Madrid City Course, using a Nissan Z of any model year. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive them if you place in a better position.

1st: Cr.500,000  Exp.50,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Cars:Fairlady 2000 (SR311) '68
Fairlady 240ZG (HS30) '71
240ZG (HS30) '71
Fairlady Z 280Z-L 2seater (S130) '78
Fairlady Z 300ZX (Z31) '83
Fairlady Z 300ZX TT 2seater (Z32) '89
300ZX 2seater (Z32) '89
Fairlady Z 300ZX Ver.R TT 2by2 (Z32) '98
Fairlady Z 300ZX Ver.S TT 2seater (Z32) '98
300ZX 2by2 (Z32) '98
300ZX 2seater (Z32) '98
Fairlady Z Version S (Z33) '02
Fairlady Z Version ST (Z33) '02
350Z (Z33, US) '03
350Z (Z33, EU) '03
Fairlady Z Roadster (Z33) '03
350Z Roadster (Z33, US) '03
350Z Roadster (Z33, EU) '03
350Z Gran Turismo 4 Ltd. (Z33) '05
Fairlady Z Version S (Z33) '07
Fairlady Z (Z34) '08

Typical Opponent(s)
  Lancer Evolution X GSR P.P. '07
Lancer Evolution V GSR '98
4200R Concept '89
IMPREZA Coupe 22B-STi Version '98
NSX Coupe '97
ARISTO 3.0V '91
IMPREZA Coupe WRX typeR STi Version VI '99
NSX Type R '92
SOARER 2.5GT-T '97
LEGACY Touring Wagon GT-B '96

Subaru Impreza: Nürburgring /1 Lap
A bonus race on the Nürburgring, using a Subaru Impreza of any model year. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive them if you place in a better position.

1st: Cr.650,000  Exp.65,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Cars:IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi '94
IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi Version II '95
IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi Version III '96
IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi Version IV '97
IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi Version V '98
IMPREZA Coupe 22B-STi Version '98
IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi Version VI '99
IMPREZA Coupe WRX typeR STi Version VI '99
IMPREZA Sport Wagon WRX STi Version VI '99
IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi Version '00
IMPREZA Sport Wagon STi '00
IMPREZA WRX STi Prodrive Style '01
IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi spec C '04
IMPREZA Sedan WRX STI spec C Type RA '05
IMPREZA Sedan WRX STI spec C Type RA RM '05

Typical Opponent(s)
  SKYLINE GT-R M.N.P II (R34) '99
SKYLINE GT-R V・spec (R33) '97
Lancer Evolution VI GSR T.M. SCP '99
GTO Twin Turbo '95
SKYLINE GT-R V・spec II (R32) '94
Lancer Evolution V GSR '98
NSX Type S Zero '99
IMPREZA Coupe WRX typeR STi Version VI '99
Fairlady Z 300ZX TT 2seater (Z32) '89
SUPRA 2.5GT Twin Turbo R '90

Mazda RX-7: Eifel (Circuit) 102D /5 Laps
A bonus race on the Eifel 102D (Circuit), using a Mazda RX-7 of any model year. There are no tuning restrictions for this race. The first time you complete the race you will receive the rewards and experience of all the positions up to where you placed, but from the second race and on you will only receive them if you place in a better position.

1st: Cr.800,000  Exp.80,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
Cars:SAVANNA RX-7 GT-Limited (FC) '85
RX-7 GT-X (FC) '90
RX-7 GT-X (FC, J) '90
éfini RX-7 Type R (FD) '91
RX-7 Type R (FD, J) '91
éfini RX-7 Type RZ (FD) '92
RX-7 Type RZ (FD, J) '92
éfini RX-7 Type R (FD) '93
RX-7 Type R (FD, J) '93
éfini RX-7 Type RZ (FD) '93
RX-7 Type RZ (FD, J) '93
éfini RX-7 Type RZ (FD) '95
RX-7 Type RZ (FD, J) '95
éfini RX-7 Type R-S (FD) '95
RX-7 Type R-S (FD, J) '95
éfini RX-7 Type RS (FD) '96
RX-7 Type RS (FD, J) '96
éfini RX-7 Type RZ (FD) '96
RX-7 Type RZ (FD, J) '96
RX-7 Type RS-R (FD) '97
RX-7 Type RS (FD) '98
RX-7 Type RS (FD) '00
RX-7 Type RZ (FD) '00
RX-7 Type R Bathurst R (FD) '01
RX-7 Spirit R Type A (FD) '02

Typical Opponent(s)
  SKYLINE GT-R M.N.P II (R34) '99
SKYLINE GT-R V・spec (R33) '97
Lancer Evolution VI GSR T.M. SCP '99
GTO Twin Turbo '95
SKYLINE GT-R V・spec II (R32) '94
Lancer Evolution V GSR '98
NSX Type S Zero '99
IMPREZA Coupe WRX typeR STi Version VI '99
Fairlady Z 300ZX TT 2seater (Z32) '89
SUPRA 2.5GT Twin Turbo R '90

Note: SRF is forced ON in these events

Offline Kimi

  • The Gentleman
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Re: GT5 Seasonal Events od A do Z
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2012, 13:45:30 »

World Classic Car Series
This is a race event for classic cars built in 1969 or earlier. Your car can be tuned up to 550PP, and there are no restrictions on the tires. Your rivals will be between 400 to 500PP.

Period of Availability: 03.03.2011. - 20.12.2011.

Cape Ring South / 5 Laps
1st: Cr.61,400  Exp.12,400

Laguna Seca Raceway / 3 Laps
1st: Cr.62,500  Exp.12,700

Autodromo Nazionale Monza / 3 Laps
1st: Cr.65,300  Exp.13,100

Tokyo R246 / 3 Laps
1st: Cr.68,000  Exp.13,500

Eifel (Kart) 103A/Change Time / 5 Laps
1st: Cr.71,200  Exp.14,300

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
PP:Max. 550PP
Year:1969 or Earlier

Typical Opponent(s)
  Giulia Sprint GTA 1600 '65
Elan S1 '62
G4 '64
Corvette Convertible (C1) '54
2000GT '67
SPORTS 800 '65
S800 '66
SKYLINE Sport Coupe (BLRA-3) '62
Fairlady 2000 (SR311) '68
Cosmo Sport (L10A) '67
BLUEBIRD 1600 Deluxe (510) '69
SKYLINE 1500Deluxe (S50D-1) '63
Bellett 1600 GT-R '69
SILVIA (CSP311) '65
110S (L10A) '67
110S (L10B) '68
Cosmo Sport (L10B) '68
Spider 1600 Duetto '66
Giulia Sprint Speciale '63
117COUPÉ '68
SKYLINE 2000GT-B (S54B) '67

Offline Kimi

  • The Gentleman
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  • Posts: 2684
  • PSN id: KimiHR
Re: GT5 Seasonal Events od A do Z
« Reply #13 on: August 26, 2012, 14:04:01 »

Japanese 80's Festival
This is a race event using Japanese cars built in the 1980's. Your car can be tuned up to 550PP, and tyres selection is unlimited.Opponents will mainly be 400-420PP with comfort/soft tyres.

Period of Availability: 10.03.2011. – 20.12.2011.

Tsukuba Circuit / 5 Laps
1st: Cr.78,000  Exp.12,000

Tokyo R246 / 3 Laps
1st: Cr.80,000  Exp.13,000

Cape Ring / 2 Laps
1st: Cr.82,500  Exp.13,500

Clubman Stage Route 5 / 5 Laps
1st: Cr.85,000  Exp.14,000

Eifel (Kart) 103B / Change Time / 5 Laps
1st: Cr.87,000  Exp.15,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
PP:Max. 550PP
Year:1980 or Later
1989 or Earlier

Typical Opponent(s)
CELICA 2000GT-R (ST162) '86
CELICA XX 2800GT '81
CARINA ED 2.0 X 4WS '89
CIVIC 1500 3door 25i '83
CITY Turbo II '83
EXA CANOPY L.A.Version Type S '88
Eunos Roadster (NA Special Package) '89
MX-5 (NA) '89
MX-5 Miata (NA) '89
Lancer EX 1800GSR IC Turbo '83
SILVIA Q's (S13) '88
ACCORD Coupe '88
MR2 1600 G '86
MR2 1600 G-Limited Super Charger '86
SILVIA K's (S13) '88
SKYLINE GTS-t Type M (R32) '89
SKYLINE HT 2000 RS-X Turbo C (R30) '84
SKYLINE HT 2000 Turbo RS (R30) '83
SAVANNA RX-7 GT-Limited (FC) '85
CELICA 2000GT-FOUR (ST165) '86

Offline Kimi

  • The Gentleman
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  • Preuvazeni Akademik
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  • Posts: 2684
  • PSN id: KimiHR
Re: GT5 Seasonal Events od A do Z
« Reply #14 on: August 26, 2012, 14:13:36 »

Pickup Truck Race
This is a race event using pickup trucks. Cars can be tuned up to 550PP, and tyres selection is unlimited. Opponents will mainly be between 440-470PP with comfort/soft tyres.

Period of Availability: 24.03.2011. - 20.12.2011.

Tsukuba Circuit / 5 Laps
1st: Cr.79,700  Exp.12,500

Fuji Speedway F / 3 Laps
1st: Cr.82,000  Exp.13,500

Nurburgring Nordschleife / 1 Lap
1st: Cr.111,900  Exp.16,600

Grand Valley Speedway Reverse / 3 Laps
1st: Cr.84,300  Exp.14,500

Mt.Aso (Tarmac) 103A / 5 Laps
1st: Cr.90,100  Exp.15,000

Entry Requirements
Tyres:No Limit
PP:Max. 550PP
Cars:Toyota Tacoma X-Runner ‘04
Chevrolet SSR ‘03
Daihatsu Midget II D type ‘98
Dodge RAM 1500 LARAMIE Hemi Quad Cab ‘04
Ford F-150 Lightning ‘03
Toyota Tacoma X-Runner ‘04
Chevrolet Silverado SST Concept ‘02

Typical Opponent(s)
  Silverado SST Concept '02
SVT F-150 Lightning '03
RAM 1500 LARAMIE Hemi Quad Cab '04
SSR '03
Tacoma X-Runner '04