Very glad you got in touch with us Fedro. It's hard finding groups of drivers that are as dedicated to the same spirit as we are, it's what really makes the game grow past its prime.
For a short introduction: I'm the co-founder of Pure, Edward Gomez. 2012 GT Academy United States Silverstone finalist, motorsports enthusiast, sci-fi and paranormal dork, and now have a new-found passion in organizing championships and events for others to enjoy. Pure came together, like most good things, on a whim. I was racing in a big mixed class GT5 Super GT series last year during the summer and was having a good time, then after a while I encountered something that really woke me up to what I was doing. I had an on track altercation with a fellow racer in our Monaco round, he punted me, shoved me into the walls, squeezed me out, constantly cut me off when I had a clean pass and sent me into damage. I got so mad I couldn't even see straight, that was the only time I've ever rage quit. I realized I wasn't having fun anymore so I quit, right then and there and never looked back to that particular organization.
People were shocked because I was one of the main members of the league (WSGTC) and they saw me as one of the very few reliable and consistent administrators. A few PM'ed me begging for me to say but I just let them know what my principals were and they understood. But then I got a very exciting PM from a good friend of mine that was also an administrator, Dennis Hortin. He PM'ed me and a couple of the other few drivers who were consistently clean and made an offer, " Let's forget about all of these people ruining our races, let's make a private championship." And that ended up being the best series we ever ran; PURE | Japanese Grand Touring Series. GT500 racing at its absolute best, the funnest, closest, cleanest racing we could ever imagine, it was a great thing. After that, we decided we wanted others to have just as much fun so we began helping each other run series on GT Planet. If one of the core members of Pure wanted to try a new series we would give our full support and start racing with them, then we would help them with racing incidents and solving other matters that came along with running a successful championship. We did it because it was fun for us. After a while we started to gain a great reputation for clean driving, respect, and dedication to serious organized racing in GT5. After a while we were invited into a all-forum GT500 championship where we would put together our 3 fastest drivers to pit them against the 3 fastest hand-picked drivers from across all of the various GT500 leagues on GT Planet in order to battle it out in one race to see which league was best - we finished 1-2-3. It was a great achievement and gave us that much more of a reputation. Now, a year later, we've run more than a dozen successful championships, spot races, and endurance events and plan on doing many more to come. We're currently dedicated all of our focus and strength into the Pure Japanese Grand Touring Series 2, follow up to the incredibly successful first season - it's invitation only, but any GT Surgeons that would like to race in it are more than welcome, you're all good to race in our book, we pour our hearts and souls into our series. Link here: Whether in GT5, GT6, pCars, Assetto Corsa, or whatever our drivers go - we will be there.
Fedro approached me a while back asking if we'd be interested in running the innagrual cross-forum championship founded by GTS. I thought it was a great idea and am fully dedicated to organizing and seeing it come to light. Racing it would be the best though