Author Topic: Problemi s internetom  (Read 36121 times)

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Offline DogZy

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Problemi s internetom
« on: February 10, 2013, 13:18:25 »
Dakle, imam probleme s internetom.

Jutros upalih laptop i htjedoh posjetiti neke stranice kad ono, za svaku web stranicu (forum, youtube, etc.) treba otprilike dvije minute da se otvori. Tada sam isao resetirati router (sx763, Siemensov) no nije mu pomoglo. Kako imam max tv, isao sam pogledati radi li tv. Radi, i to posve normalno. Zatim sam isao napraviti master reset routera, sa straznje strane ima rupica koju sam stisnuo sa cackalicom i drzao 10 sekundi. Pricekao sam par minuta i otisao na net. Sve isto.
I da, na YT, kliknem neki video i nakon 2 minute se video pocne reproducirati. Ocekivao sam da ce video citati sto godina no video je isao normalno.

Sad, zna li netko od vas u cemu je problem? Sto mi je ciniti? Gdje je greska?
You are aiming for just one sweet spot in the corner. It's the point where centrifugal and cornering forces reach their equilibrium, where they are all at once replaced with acceleration.
APEX - The invisible vertex of a corner, a place where the fastest lap times are recorded.

Offline Safety-_-Car

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Re: Problemi s internetom
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2013, 13:32:06 »
1. jesi izmjerio download i upload ? ako nije dobro, zovi 08009000 tcom ili što već imaš

2. provjeri viruse - ovaj ti je odličan

Offline crorastafa

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Re: Problemi s internetom
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2013, 13:32:26 »
zovi operatera ,vjerovatno su zatvorili pipu na min.
you just cant live in that                                                    negative way...make way                                                   for the positive day

Offline DogZy

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Re: Problemi s internetom
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2013, 13:42:31 »
Sad cekam da se otvori speedtest stranica.

Virusi? Fak, pa nije valjda?

You are aiming for just one sweet spot in the corner. It's the point where centrifugal and cornering forces reach their equilibrium, where they are all at once replaced with acceleration.
APEX - The invisible vertex of a corner, a place where the fastest lap times are recorded.

Offline tpe-rus

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Re: Problemi s internetom
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2013, 13:52:15 »
Pipa,špina,ventil.. ;D

Offline STINGer

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Re: Problemi s internetom
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2013, 13:53:23 »
Jesi izmjerio brzinu?

Offline DogZy

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Re: Problemi s internetom
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2013, 13:55:15 »
Ne, ne, ne, ne, kuzim ja sto to znaci ;)

Malo duze mi je trebalo da shvatim sto je mislio rasta ;D

Jos mi se loada. Pisem preko moba.
You are aiming for just one sweet spot in the corner. It's the point where centrifugal and cornering forces reach their equilibrium, where they are all at once replaced with acceleration.
APEX - The invisible vertex of a corner, a place where the fastest lap times are recorded.

Offline STINGer

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Re: Problemi s internetom
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2013, 13:58:25 »
Što ti se loada? Speedtest stranica?!

Offline DogZy

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Re: Problemi s internetom
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2013, 14:10:57 »
Da. Svaka stranica mi se loada po par minuta, konkretno, speedtest mi se loada kojih 20-ak minuta.
You are aiming for just one sweet spot in the corner. It's the point where centrifugal and cornering forces reach their equilibrium, where they are all at once replaced with acceleration.
APEX - The invisible vertex of a corner, a place where the fastest lap times are recorded.

Offline DogZy

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Re: Problemi s internetom
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2013, 14:16:09 »
Upravo izmjereno:

Ping: 10ms

Download speed: 4.24 Mbps

Upload speed: 0.51 Mbps

To mi se cini kao normalno, takav paket imam.
You are aiming for just one sweet spot in the corner. It's the point where centrifugal and cornering forces reach their equilibrium, where they are all at once replaced with acceleration.
APEX - The invisible vertex of a corner, a place where the fastest lap times are recorded.

Offline Safety-_-Car

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Re: Problemi s internetom
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2013, 14:42:04 »
To je u redu. A sad virusi...  ;D

Offline DogZy

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Re: Problemi s internetom
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2013, 14:43:08 »
Proradio je net, radi kao i prije problemčića. 8)

Instalirao sam super anti spyware pro, trial edition, hvala za link Safety ;)

EDIT: Moguće da je bila špina ;D
You are aiming for just one sweet spot in the corner. It's the point where centrifugal and cornering forces reach their equilibrium, where they are all at once replaced with acceleration.
APEX - The invisible vertex of a corner, a place where the fastest lap times are recorded.

Offline Troma

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Re: Problemi s internetom
« Reply #12 on: February 10, 2013, 15:13:49 »
Dogodi se nekad. Ja samo ugasim sve i odem na mobitel ako bas moram nesto obavit, u prosjeku jednom svakih 3 mj. kod T-coma. :)
Finally, in one sentence, what did Formula One mean to you Mark?
Tricky... It was precision. It was the pinnacle.

Offline nrgpower

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Re: Problemi s internetom
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2013, 01:06:02 »
Internet mi je postao prespor.
Prije sam mogao komodno gledat na yt u 720p bez prekida a sad nema sanse, cak i 480p zapinje.
Imam osnovnim maxadsl paket plus maxtv. Sta mi moglo bit?

Ovo mi je speedtest rezulatat (ne znam koji mi je prije bia)


Offline STINGer

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Re: Problemi s internetom
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2013, 11:14:04 »
Nazovi korisničku službu....