Author Topic: Watch_Dogs  (Read 18264 times)

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Offline ribafish

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« on: April 30, 2013, 16:26:06 »
Službena tema za jednu od najuzbudljivijih next gen launch naslova :)

Prvi trailer, E3 2012 >

Watch Dogs - Game Demo Video [UK]

Drugi trailer, PS4 prezentacija >

Watch_Dogs: Open World Gameplay Premiere Commented [North America]

Treci trailer >

video *pogledaj drugi post*

Igra izlazi za PS3/PS4/PC/WiiU/X360/X720.

Datum 22.11.13 za ovu generaciju i PC i kao launch naslov za next gen (ako do tada vec ne izadju).

PS3 i PS4 verzija ce dobit 60min exkluzivnog sadrzaja >

Ako planirate preorderat iz UK pogledajte dostupne collectors editione  >

video *pogledaj drugi post*

Offline ribafish

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Re: Watch_Dogs
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2013, 16:50:39 »
Treci trailer >

Watch Dogs Out of Control Trailer

Special Editions >

Watch Dogs - Special Editions Announced! - Eurogamer

(prebacio sam u drugi post zbog ogranicenja filmica po postu ;))

Offline 0pointEFManipulator

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Re: Watch_Dogs
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2013, 17:05:33 »
nisam osobit ljubitelj open world concepta*, ali premisa ovde zvuči bradburyevsko-deusexovski, pa bi moglo valjat :D i izgleda opako dobro pritom.

*- primjer: nedavno završim far cry 3 kampanju, nakon 28-minutnih creditsa pita me oću dalje free roamat po otoku? reko ok, nastavim usitno craftat i trošit preostale skill bodove, onda se nakon pola sata zapitam...čemu? no main quest - no fun! :D

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Re: Watch_Dogs
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2013, 17:59:42 »
Ja u ovakvim igrama prvo rješavam sve sa strane pa tek kad toga nestane krenem sa glavnim dijelom nakon čega se opet otvori hrpa stvari za sa strane i tako do kraja... uglavnom, kad završim glavnu priču malo toga ostane za baviti se sa strane, ali mi igra traje jako dugo :)

Offline ribafish

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Re: Watch_Dogs
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2013, 19:32:26 »
"Conversations With Creators" Episode 1- Watch_Dogs (PS4)

Offline Ikral

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Re: Watch_Dogs
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2013, 22:10:03 »
Može biti da ispadne zabavna igra, nadajmo se da neće biti napornih sidequestova samo da se produži trajnost. Nek se ugledaju na Infamous, pogotovo drugi, zanimljivije je tražiti iteme nego vršiti neke dostave i sl.

Offline ribafish

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Re: Watch_Dogs
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2013, 18:10:38 »
Friške vijesti i novi gameplay video >

- Been in development for four years
- Team has placed a big focus on the NPCs’ behavior and personalities
- You’ll be involved with other events when not on a main mission
- Bios flash for a few moments as you pass NPCs
- Examples: “refuses to cycle”, “trolls religious forums”
- Hack into phones, scroll through text messages and tap into conversations, with relevant locations relating to what was discussed marked on the map for later inspection
- Game doesn’t have “a bunch of minions creating personalities one after another”
- NPCs themselves are the product of another system.
- “Every backstory, every look – it’s based on a database. Some of the population will dynamically end up in certain scenarios based upon their personalities, but you’ll never see a mugging, for example, happen in the same way twice.”
- Won’t be bombarded with side-content
- Another system controls how much of it is doled out, depending on how often you participate in it
- The game’s main narrative arc remains under wraps, but there are hints that player interaction in side-missions will draw parallels with the way that Aiden Pearce personally becomes more obsessed and drawn into the actions of Chicago’s population
- Two types of hacking abilities: small-scale actions and larger-scale actions
- Small-scale: scanning passers-by, disabling a nearby car’s security system, etc.
- Larger-scale: access the city-wide Central Operating System (CTOS)
- Access CTOS district-by-district by storming local datacentres
- With CTOS access, Pearce can use the city’s surveillance technology to identify new side-missions and follow-up on potential crimes
- Side-content isn’t always about crimes
- One sequence has you gaining access to a local W-iFi hub and peering into someone’s home
- Watch Dogs will also include opportunities for you to interact with other human players in your single-player game
- “Say you’re playing alone, free-roaming. There’s a bunch of activities you can activate. Sometimes – and you won’t know when – the objective that you have is related to what someone else is doing at the same time. When that happens we merge your reality with the other person’s, and you’ll be able to see them.”
- Ex: spy on another hacker; it’s a real player carrying out an objective within their own game who had unknowingly become part of your city
- Sometimes you will be told if another player will be watching you during these objectives, sometimes you won’t
- Multiplayer mode planned
- Expected to take 80 hours to complete everything in the game
- Access a smartphone full of apps to activate contracts, drop glyphs for friends to find, or look up a tune playing on a nearby radio
- Version of iTunes lets you buy new apps and games with in-game money
- No micro-transactions
- AR shooter mini-game sees nearby NPCs attacked by purple Metroid-esque aliens, with high scores recorded on global leaderboards
- A number of ideas were cut, team is saving the list for the future

Watch Dogs gamplay preview video - we've seen it in action

Watch Dogs PS4 Gameplay Preview - Next Gen features revealed!

^ Filmici cu "PC running next gen specs"

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Hrpa vijesti danas, igra mi izgleda odlicno, da nema GTA ove godine ovo bi sigurno bila open world igra godine :)

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Re: Watch_Dogs
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2013, 18:28:52 »
Čovjek se zapita samo jednu stvar... KAD? Kad stići sve ovo odigrati? ;D

I totalni razjeb da li igrati na postojećoj ili kupiti novu platformu. Naravno, ove stvari je ipak bolje igrati na novoj, pa kad god to bilo :)

Offline ribafish

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Re: Watch_Dogs
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2013, 18:40:37 »
Even gaming technology has changed quite drastically in the intervening years since Watch Dogs' inception. Although Watch Dogs will launch on PS4, the central DNA of the game is still rooted in the current gen. "We wanted to support those platforms, because we wanted those gamers to play Watch Dogs," Guay said, adding "we're not going to ignore the 30 million people that have current-gen systems."

With its lengthy development time, Watch Dogs spent most of its production within current-gen pipeline. "We guesstimated that there would possibly be new hardware coming out," Guay admitted, which explains why the PC and PS4 versions of the game will undoubtedly run better than the current-gen versions--and why PS3 and Xbox 360 gamers won't necessarily miss out on the core gaming experience.

Inace neznam jel se spominjalo al ekipa koja je radila WatchDogse ce na E3 predstavit potpuno novi IP, bit ce zanimljivo ;)

Offline Ikral

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Re: Watch_Dogs
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2013, 20:52:37 »
Svakako bolje igrati na novoj generaciji ili PC-u, PS3 i X360 su dali svoje za ovakav tip igara.

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Re: Watch_Dogs
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2013, 02:08:50 »
Zanimljivo. Pratim temu... :)

Offline ribafish

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Re: Watch_Dogs
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2013, 16:34:14 »
Watch Dogs - MoCap Trailer

Offline hendrix

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Re: Watch_Dogs
« Reply #12 on: June 10, 2013, 00:52:22 »
Procurio trailer

Igra izgleda bolesno dobro,u nekim trenucima samo mislio da su stvarne snimke. Na početku kad gleda u telefon rekao,evo opet prvo neka reklama dok počne video  ;D

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Offline ribafish

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Re: Watch_Dogs
« Reply #13 on: June 10, 2013, 14:47:45 »
^ CGI trailer, meh..

Offline STINGer

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Re: Watch_Dogs
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2013, 13:35:49 »

Watch Dogs -- E3 2013 Trailer

Watch Dogs E3 2013 Gameplay Trailer - E3 2013 Sony Conference