Author Topic: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema  (Read 231727 times)

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Offline sagitarius

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #105 on: May 16, 2013, 18:24:29 »
Naravno da ima retrovizor Fedro, ako imas poglede lijevo-desno, retrovizor je tamo. A tu jw uvijek i pogled unatrag, te mapa na 2/3.

Sto se Bathursta tice, meni najdraza staza ikad iz Toca igara i jedva ju cekam u GT, puno vise nego Spa recimo.  Brands Hatch ce u obje izvedenice biti sjajan, kao i Silverstone (zasad znamo za 3 izvedenice), a Willow Springs je takodjer idealan za online, pogotovo ako ce imati kisu.

Najvise ipak ocekujem od "classic GT tracks as requested by fans", jer tu se potencijalno skrivaju Apricot i Midfield, a mozda iljepote poput Tahiti Coursea, Grundelwalda ili Red Rock Valley.

No, ponavljam, ova nova opcija GPS je najveca vijest ikad i ne mogu docekati E3 da vidimo sto to doista jest. Ako bude imalo bolje od ttenutnog Course Makera, imamo cudo od tehnologije na raspolaganju. Bilo da se radi o Grobniku, karting stazi kod Poreca za Dominatora ili staze koju sam svojedobno crtao po centru ZG.

Bit ce strasno zanimljivo.

Offline ribafish

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #106 on: May 16, 2013, 18:42:26 »

With the combined power of more than 1400 hp, Mercedes-Benz is taking to the starting grid of Gran Turismo® 6 with three of its latest models. All set to provide pure excitement and fascination in the new version of the gaming classic for the PlayStation®3 are three high-performance vehicles from AMG: the SLS AMG GT3 producing over 367 kW (more than 500 hp), the E63 AMG producing 410 kW (557 hp) and the A45 AMG producing 265 kW (360 hp). In addition to the three new vehicles, no fewer than 21 further vehicles from Mercedes-Benz which featured in Gran Turismo® 5 will also be taking to the track to set the pulses of gaming fans racing.

Offline lepiakadodo

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #107 on: May 16, 2013, 19:18:29 »
Fedro, nisam to znao... Al ono cemu ja tezim u gt-u je kolka tolka vjerodostojnost voznje s pravom voznjom. Naravno, nisam ja neki vozac momcadi racing cupa il nekaj slicno, al govorim o tome da za vrijeme online utrka, kao i kod prelaska igre, vozim s pogledom iznutra(ne bumper), svi pokazivaci iskljuceni (apsolutno sve: display off)... Neznam, tak mi se cini realnije za vozit jer vidim sto bi i 'pravi' vozac vidio.
Kad se sjetim 24h le-mancha u onom skucenom peugeot-u s prozorcicem od 25cm2.
Slazem se s tobom da bi oni mogli stavit kaj god oce u igru pod asiste, pa ko voli nek izvoli.
I ono sto su napisali za prikaz mape na +2, pa vidis di se ko nalazi svud oko tebe. Pa to je po meni nerealno!! Jbg kak to vidi vozac?? Ok, on moze okrenut glavu u svim smjerovima, al ono...
Na svakoj utrci cim je neko oko mene (cujem ga na kucnom kinu) vise stiscem lijevo-desno na volanu neg kaj pratim stazu. Istina, oni koji igraju na volan su u prednosti nad onima s controlerom, al sta...

Kazem, neka stave sve i sva, ja cu vozit s pogledom iznutra, sve assist off, display off... Pa ak auto nema retrovizor malo cu se vise namucit al cu zadovoljit svoju vozacku stranu...
Možeš birat fakultet il cigla i cement, a i kad imaš fakultet čeka te cement opet, imamo kičme krive mišiće najveće, jer praznimo pive dok nosamo vreće...

Offline ribafish

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #108 on: May 16, 2013, 20:12:38 »
Gran Turismo 6 Demo - Silverstone International Circuit in the Light Car Company Rocket

Gran Turismo 6 - Preview - Eurogamer


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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #109 on: May 16, 2013, 20:21:06 »
Najvise ipak ocekujem od "classic GT tracks as requested by fans", jer tu se potencijalno skrivaju Apricot i Midfield, a mozda iljepote poput Tahiti Coursea, Grundelwalda ili Red Rock Valley.

Ja se nadam i El Capitanu jer mi je to fenomenalna staza... a njome bi se dobio i onaj rally dio odn. ona pola/pola verzija.

Dakle, El Capitan, Midfield, Apricot, Seattle... to su mi proper staze za utrkivanje

btw... nadam se da je onih mojih stotinu twittova urodilo plodom pa će nam konačno uvaliti i Suzuku West ;D

p.s. također se nadam da su u engleskoj skinuli još koju stazu osim ove dvije :)

Offline sagitarius

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #110 on: May 16, 2013, 20:22:04 »
Taj CVG inteview koji je postao Riba gore je vrlo vazan:

"With a wheel and pedals, GT6 demands as much from you as hardcore PC sims GTR 2 and rFactor. The sound mix is set to highlight lock-ups and tyre squeals..."

"If you play using manual gears, you'll be struck by how much more notice you need to take of your revs when downshifting. Previously cars would accommodate a flurry of downshifts in a split second without even a hint of lock-up from the rear, but just two corners in we nearly binned the Nismo by clicking down to second while the revs were too high. We wrestled with the wheel, bringing the whole graceless affair almost to a halt before regaining control, and trying to keep notice for the next turn. Manual drivers make up the minority of GT's users of course, so it's all the more impressive that this detail is present."

"When asked by a table of reporters what he felt GT5 lacked the most, Yamauchi-San was clear and quick to answer: "responsiveness." Improved feedback from the car is hard to convey in presentations to hundreds of journos, but it's Gran Turismo 6's raison d'etre and that's a principle the Polyphony boss is clearly resolute about."

To se trazi.

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #111 on: May 16, 2013, 20:32:05 »

Offline Safety-_-Car

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #112 on: May 16, 2013, 21:09:50 »
E ako će ovo prvo i drugo boldano biti tako, onda će to biti solidna simulacija. Još da malo porade na zvuku...  :)

Offline sagitarius

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #113 on: May 16, 2013, 21:13:39 »
Poniranje na kocenju i lateralno gibanje. Milina.

BTW Mercedes mi upravo poslao ovaj PR, dvije Mecke jos sluzbeno potvrdjene s njihove strane, a ukupno ce ih biti dakle 24 ("21 further" + ove 3 - 21 Mercedes je trenutno u GT5, bit ce zanmljivo vidjeti koliko ih je preslo u Premiership ;D)

With the combined power of more than 1400 hp, Mercedes-Benz is taking to the starting grid of Gran Turismo® 6 with three of its latest models. All set to provide pure excitement and fascination in the new version of the gaming classic for the PlayStation®3 are three high-performance vehicles from AMG: the SLS AMG GT3 producing over 367 kW (more than 500 hp), the E63 AMG producing 410 kW (557 hp) and the A45 AMG producing 265 kW (360 hp). In addition to the three new vehicles, no fewer than 21 further vehicles from Mercedes-Benz which featured in Gran Turismo® 5 will also be taking to the track to set the pulses of gaming fans racing. Gran Turismo® 6 will be celebrating its market launch this holiday season.

A Tesla sa svoje strane najavljuje kako igra izlazi u studenom, oni vjerovatno kao proizvodjac znaju nesto vise (jel ovo uopce bilo Riba, ne mogu vise praititi temu? :))

“Starting in November you can drive the Tesla Roadster in the newest Gran Turismo. Thanks to Sony Computer Entertainment for the next best thing to a real-world test drive.”

Offline STINGer

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #114 on: May 16, 2013, 22:00:53 »
Prije koliko vremena i gdje je isplivala ona vijest da igra izlazi početkom studenog?

Tko zna, vjerojatno si je PD uzeo više vremena u najavi za slučaj da ne uspiju sve završiti na vrijeme... nije da nismo navikli :)

btw... riba je već ranije objavio to o mercu

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #115 on: May 16, 2013, 22:33:22 »
gledam taj video sa nisanom na silverstonetu i zamisljam osjecaj na volanu dok se nagibamo

auuuuuuu sto cemo se dobro zajebavat  :D
Gt veteran superstar u penziji

Offline STINGer

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #116 on: May 16, 2013, 22:37:35 »

If you want to get your hands on Gran Turismo 6, you won't have long to wait. An exclusive demo will launch on PlayStation Store during July 2013 in which you'll be able to try the game and also enter the prestigious GT Academy 2013 competition. A release date will screech into sight later in 2013.

Offline DogZy

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #117 on: May 16, 2013, 23:45:35 »
gledam taj video sa nisanom na silverstonetu i zamisljam osjecaj na volanu dok se nagibamo

auuuuuuu sto cemo se dobro zajebavat  :D

Bas to. Odlicno mi izgleda to s fizikom dampera, ovjesa. U GT5 smo imali lijevo-desno, sad imamo u svim kutevima.
You are aiming for just one sweet spot in the corner. It's the point where centrifugal and cornering forces reach their equilibrium, where they are all at once replaced with acceleration.
APEX - The invisible vertex of a corner, a place where the fastest lap times are recorded.

Offline ribafish

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #118 on: May 16, 2013, 23:52:08 »
Znalo se da dolazi, al evo i sluzbeno >

Mt Panorama

The UK's Silverstone Circuit and legendary Australian circuit Mount Panorama, Bathurst are among the seven new locations from a total of 33 available to speed through, with 71 different layouts and more to be added via PlayStation Store at a later date.

Mislim da je za pretpostavit da je i Nissan Altima V8 supercar ukljucen (barem)..

Poniranje na kocenju i lateralno gibanje. Milina.

Odlicno izgleda, ODLICNO :)

Jel potvrdjena kombinacija za GTA? Silverstone + 370z ?


novi filmic >

Gran Turismo 6 Gameplay - KTM X-Bow R '12 - Silverstone GP Circuit

^ hood kamera? Hvalim te bože :D Vožnja izgleda ful prirodno :) t500 izgleda sexy ;D

Offline DogZy

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #119 on: May 17, 2013, 00:17:55 »
I Hong Kong molim vas, nemojte tu stazu zaboraviti 8)
You are aiming for just one sweet spot in the corner. It's the point where centrifugal and cornering forces reach their equilibrium, where they are all at once replaced with acceleration.
APEX - The invisible vertex of a corner, a place where the fastest lap times are recorded.