Author Topic: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema  (Read 222476 times)

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #135 on: May 18, 2013, 09:03:33 »

Offline Ikral

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #136 on: May 18, 2013, 09:45:22 »
Lepo. Nadam se da će što više oldtimera biti premium, a najviše me ipak zanima fizika, staze i stabilan framerate. E, i nema više isprike da stare staze poput Deep Forest i Trial Mountain budu premium a ne kartonske. Ma bit će super igra, još da ima aute iz Forza 4 i sve pet.

Offline STINGer

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #137 on: May 18, 2013, 10:05:55 »
Lepo. Nadam se da će što više oldtimera biti premium, a najviše me ipak zanima fizika, staze i stabilan framerate. E, i nema više isprike da stare staze poput Deep Forest i Trial Mountain budu premium a ne kartonske. Ma bit će super igra, još da ima aute iz Forza 4 i sve pet.

Po ovome što se moglo pročitati fizika je dosta napredovala

Što se "kartona" tiče, ne znam, ja to niti vidim, niti gledam... meni te staze izgledaju sasvim ok

Aute ćemo vidjeti, mada ne očekujem nekog velikog pomaka, jedino se nadam da će biti više novih modela koji do sada nisu bili u igri nego da mi dosadašnje standarde ide gurati u premium. Iskreno me zaboli za premium Alpinu ili Countacha. Ako već hoću klasike, onda mi daj M3 kockicu i Sierru Cosworth. Ono čemu bi se stvarno veselio je da konačno stave novije modele iz Renault Sport programa, Clio i Megane, zatim Pugo 208 GTI, BMW M serije 1, nešto iz BTCC/WTCC natjecanja

Uz editor koji je stvarno intrigantan sa ovo malo najava :) i naravno nove staze, najviše me zanimaju online opcije i da li će se konačno pojaviti ona famozna da svi voze auto kakav postavi host. Ja obožavam voziti tvorničke aute, no ima nekih koji bi se s minimalnim tuningom (tipa, dodaj bolji auspuh i čip za mrvu više snage i bolji zvuk, te stavi samo prvi ovjes, eventualno kraću getribu) strašno poboljšali i svi bi sigurno imali isti auto. Ovako kad otvoriš tuning onda svatko može raditi što ga volja i nikad ne znaš da li se vozi s istim autom.

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #138 on: May 18, 2013, 10:55:35 »
Da, super opcija bi bila da mogu svi imati identičan auto tuniran za određeni "kup".

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #139 on: May 18, 2013, 11:54:21 »
Recimo da ima clio trophy race car al' ga nikad nisam s vama vozio.
Dostupan u 6 boja i jako interesantan "autic" 
Gt veteran superstar u penziji

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #141 on: May 18, 2013, 13:23:51 »
... i da li će se konačno pojaviti ona famozna da svi voze auto kakav postavi host. Ja obožavam voziti tvorničke aute, no ima nekih koji bi se s minimalnim tuningom (tipa, dodaj bolji auspuh i čip za mrvu više snage i bolji zvuk, te stavi samo prvi ovjes, eventualno kraću getribu) strašno poboljšali i svi bi sigurno imali isti auto. Ovako kad otvoriš tuning onda svatko može raditi što ga volja i nikad ne znaš da li se vozi s istim autom.

Evo kako sam ja to bio razradjivao za jednu od diskusija ne temu mogucih inovacija u GT6 vezanih za to - jer i mene to zdere. Dakle:

Online Options
- oil-change in the pit-area
- ability to save "Lobby Preset" for Lobby options (either private or public)
- Lobby Theatre Mode (all people inside lobby can watch replay post-race together with chat enabled - lobby host controlling the replay)
- Post Race data to be seen in Lobby on the after-race screen: overall race time, fastest lap holder, who was DNF, etc.
- introduce Host Tuning options: None, Host Tuning Parts Only, Host Tuning Open and Host Tuning Apply
Host Tuning Parts Only - all cars in lobby have to have exact the same parts-tuning as Host Car
Host Tuning Open - all cars can modify installed parts based on Host Tuning - parts needed/eligible to be seen through highlighting in Tuning Menu
Host Tuning Apply - all cars will have tuning values applied as values of the Host car

This options are complementary with existing options of Parts Tuning, where choice of Prohibited locks the tuning under values of Hosts' car (for same-spec racing)

Takodjer, ono sto zelim od prvog dana, B-Spec Online:

B-Spec Online
Introduce the option to race B-Spec drivers in online multiplayer in the real-time (as regular MP race):
- players are in the Online Lobby (private or public)
- host chooses either A/B Spec race
- all players can sign one of their existing B-Spec drivers of choice
- track/car combo is selected, rules for race are selected
- race commence with real-time B-Spec management
- Team Race option - see above in Online options
- B-Spec XP + Cr for prizes

Sve to je dio jednog mog velikog posta koji se bavi svime onime sto bi se bez problema moglo ubaaciti u igru, buduci da se radi ili o skroz malim zahvatima vezanim za postojece stanje GT5 pokretaca ili o opcijama koje su dosad vec postojale u Gran Turismo serijalu. Pa kome se da citati, evo:


Gran Turismo 1
- dedicated music tunes for all segments of the game (including dealerships)
- laptimes and records tracked throughout the game and displayed accordingly
- scrollable list with all laptimes after the race with best lap highlighted
- strict restrictions for races
- SS11 with underpass
- GUI shortcuts for mall main game areas
- 1-400, 1-1000, max speed tests on NORMAL TEST TRACK
- Memory Card Battle (2P races should be called like that for nostalgia reason)

Gran Turismo 2
- greatest Time-Trial options ever (separate sector post-results monitoring, 3 types of ghosts, etc..)
- best Race Analysis tool in the series
- ability to rearrange cars through Garage
- Tahiti, Midfield, Red Rock Valley, Rome, Rome Night, Apricot Hill, Grindelwald, Seattle, rally tracks..
- monitoring and tracking highest speed per venue on HUD
- Event Creator tool
- restricted career separated through "GT World" and "Special Event" races
- separated Arcade mode with Unlocks
- skip-a-lap option in Replay

Gran Turismo 3
- real-time mileage-monitor on HUD dials
- Time Trial Arcade races with predetermined conditions
- Complex String, SS11 with overpass
- when Original Tracks are raced in Reverse-configuration the lightning (time of day) changes

GT Concept: Tokyo-Geneva
> no real details except for the PodRace for lulz
- oh yeah, animated leafs on Autumn Ring track (to smo upravo dobili :))

Gran Turismo 4: Prologue
- Coffee Break tests / Ghymkana course
- License Tests structured with various skill-tests
- aerodynamics/engine stall effect in high speeds

Gran Turismo 4
- stock-version of cars is unlocked for usage in Arcade/LAN multiplayer when bought in Dealerships/obtained through Prizes
- complex career mode with World Map
- Dealership Races
- LAN option
- old-school versions of some tracks with additions of Motegi, Seoul, Hong Kong, Paris, Cathedral Rocks, El Capitan, Costa di Amalfi, Citta di Aria..
- all those beautiful Photo Locations, never to be forgotten..
- interchangeable position with B-Spec driver through pits for Endurance races ONLY

GT5: Prologue
- leaderboards
- official matchmaking with predetermined entry-requirements
- animated pre-race garage sequences for particular car/track

- simple yet best ever Event Generator (prizes determined per field-strength/tyre-compound used and race distance)


- expanded Course Maker functionality (up to 20 new environments would do miracles with added option to adjust the sloping of the corners, inserting chicanes for selected type of environments <racing tracks> and added option of point-to-point courses - as we seen in GT5 pre-release videos and GT5 Rally section the game, then mysteriously disappearing from the Course Maker final release
>> imagine the Online Lobby with 14 players tackling the generated P2P course in the real-time, without any of them previously seeing it and post-race results and ability to make a Championship for instance

- Paint Shop: include Paint Shop in GTAuto where we can purchase additional paint-chips we already own through usual in-game methodology (including Special Paint Chips which should be more expensive than normal ones) or sell already owned chips for some small monetary compensation

- Weather Option: to include it for all possible tracks

- Time of Day option: if making variable time-of-day is too much, add the pre-baked option of different lightning for all tracks (as seen in original F355 Challenge as Magic Weather option): morning, noon, overcast, afternoon, dusk, night..

- B-Spec real time racing for Multiplayer / Expanded B-Spec functionality - ability to race your best B-Spec drivers in online in real-time with your friends - we groomed them for something damnit
- few small additions for online lobbies: oil-change in pits, Restrict Tune option (all cars can have only the same parts/tuning details as host's car - allows for proper execution of league races), Replay Theatre in lobbies (all people in lobby can watch the replays together with host controlling it)

- to add split-times/pitting info for other drivers/best lap on the extremely useless driver-list on the right side of the HUD (refreshes in real-time, can be turned-off in real-time, see below)

- to have real-time HUD ON/OFF button as assignable to preferred button (I do not need beams, but I would really welcome to be able to turn on/off HUD in real-time during the race, possibly from full to partial to OFF - as seen in Shift for instance)

Various Functionality
- oil-change inside pit-area
- ability to manually delete times from Time Trial menu
- option "Remove All Parts" inside Garage which removes all removable tuning-parts by one click
- option "Restore Default Tuning" inside Garage that restores all tuning values to default (for installed/default parts)
- non-mandatory SRF in License Tests and following that, ability to reset License Tests times and results once completed

Online Options
- oil-change in the pit-area
- ability to save "Lobby Preset" for Lobby options (either private or public)
- Lobby Theatre Mode (all people inside lobby can watch replay post-race together - lobby host controlling)
- Post Race data to be seen in Lobby on the after-race screen: overall race time, fastest lap holder, who was DNF, etc.
- introduce Host Tuning options: None, Host Tuning Parts Only, Host Tuning Open and Host Tuning Apply
Host Tuning Parts Only - all cars in lobby have to have exact the same parts-tuning as Host Car
Host Tuning Open - all cars can modify installed parts based on Host Tuning - parts needed/eligible to be seen through highlighting in Tuning Menu
Host Tuning Apply - all cars will have tuning values applied as values of the Host car
This option is complementary with existing options of Part Tuning, where choice of Prohibited locks the tuning under values of Hosts' car (for same-spec racing)
- introduce Team Race - 2 players race for the same "team", post-race prizes are issued based on their combined results

B-Spec Online
Introduce the option to race B-Spec drivers in online multiplayer in the real-time (as regular MP option)
- players are in the Online Lobby (private or public)
- host chooses either A/B Spec race
- all players can sign one of their existing B-Spec drivers of choice
- track/car combo is selected, rules for race are selected
- race commence with real-time B-Spec management
- Team Race option - see above in Online options
- B-Spec XP + Cr for prizes

Gran Turismo 5: Prologue™ Heritage Races
Re-introduce official Matchmaking races in bi-week rhythm (to change when Seasonals change or can even be from the same category as Sasonals - but they're online MP races):
- 3 categories: Normal, Intermediate, Expert (as in GT5:P)
- pre-determined set of rules (vehicle, track, # of laps, PP vehicle group, tyre compound)
- XP/Cr prizes only

Never forget:


First, I would love introduction of more progressive (scaled) curve of damaging the vehicle (engine and chassis). The current (GT5) is very linear (car is either damaged or not). I would love to see some progression (phases) that would be repercussions of driver's style of driving. Which leads to..

Detecting the damage - introduction of Vehicle Diagnostics/Dyno. In order to determine the level of damage on your vehicle, you have to submit it to Vehicle Diagnostics. There (with some currency to be paid) you can observe the current status of particular vehicle. Depending of results, you can submit your vehicle to either Engine Rebuild or Chassis Repair processes. In the same proces, the Dyno provides you with up-to-date data of the current engine power, etc.

How does damage occurs? Game tracks the way you handle the car (crashing, bumping, off-track riding, etc.) and applies some level of progressive mechanical damage to the vehicle. More you take care of the car, less damage it takes. Of course, mileage itslef adds its own damage (as it does in GT5) which at some point results with "unrefreshable" vehicle. For engine damage game tracks the way you use revs, shifting, etc. and acts accordingly. Of course, if you drive with "old oil" the damage is faster. Which leads to..

Days of Delivery - So, I basically give more importance to Delivery Truck. Instead of everything being finished within "1-click" I would also gave back more "meaning" to in-game days (which still exist in GT5, but they are not visible except on game-save data). When you submit your car to particular procedure, that procedure takes some in-game days to occur. So, for example:

same-day procedures (owner stays in car he brought to GT Auto): Car Wash, Oil Change, Dyno, Rim Change
1-day procedures (owner must take another car from Garage when submitting car to procedure, car is back in Delivery Truck in the next game-day): Vehicle Diagnostics, Spoiler attachments, Rim Paint
3-day procedure: Car Paint, Engine Rebuild
5-day procedure: Chassis Refresh

You can also multi-select the procedures in which case it takes the maximum days of "longest" procedure as overall time, it not adds up.

Of course, it would be more then great that actual parts of the car are experiencing wear due to ways you're using the vehicle (especially suspension and gearbox parts) so you have to re-purchase them and install them during the life-cycle of particular vehicle. But I guess many players would not welcome such miniscule attention to detail. Pity.


- option to add numbers on all cars (I do not need Livery Editor, numbers for stock vehicles and Paint Shop as described above is more then enough IMO)
- option to have race cars without livery (and with ability to paint them in desired color)
- female avatar drivers (for general use, with weaker stats for Physique and such but with better Mindset stats when used in B-Spec for example)
- dynamic first-person camera with walking animation and ability to crouch and focus on some point on the horizon when in PhotoMode
- ability to arrange scenes with multiple vehicles in Photomode

Pa bumo vidli sto ce sve biti u studenom ;D

Offline ribafish

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #142 on: May 18, 2013, 13:35:04 »
Interview s Kazom >


Napokon jedna recenica o zvuku ;D

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #143 on: May 18, 2013, 14:01:35 »
Kaj si se raspisao... Svaka cast na detaljima poput gearboxa i saltanja brzina, te potrosnje istog, te naravno povezanog damage-a nepravilnim baratanjem...

A pola stvari koje si napisao za gt1,2 i 3 se uopce ne sjecam, dok ih nisi spomenuo...
Svaka cast 8)
Možeš birat fakultet il cigla i cement, a i kad imaš fakultet čeka te cement opet, imamo kičme krive mišiće najveće, jer praznimo pive dok nosamo vreće...

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #144 on: May 18, 2013, 14:09:49 »
I evo ti Kazin i GT utjecaj na auto industriju

At a special event to celebrate the title's 15th anniversary, its creator said he hopes the brand will eventually build its own car.

"We have big dreams and I think one of those dreams is maybe one day making an actual car," Kazunori Yamauchi told Sky News.

Speaking at the Silverstone circuit, the game designer and former racing driver said he has worked more closely with car manufacturers in recent years.

"As we made series after series, our relationship got closer and closer," he said.

"Now we're at a point where we know when the newest cars are going to be released by the manufacturers sometimes two or three years prior to the rest of the world.

Darren Cox, global motorsport director at Nissan, said Gran Turismo's success initially took many people by surprise.

"I don't think anyone in the motor industry realised that when this type of gaming started, it would mushroom into such an industry," he said. "It really has been an incredible journey."

Nissan's involvement with Gran Turismo includes a collaboration with the game's creator on one of their top-end racers.

"Yamauchi actually designed the control system for our GTI super car, so it was a real blurring between the gaming community and the real world," he said.

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #145 on: May 18, 2013, 20:52:10 »
Vidim da je gore netko stavio sa eurogamera link "720p @60fps" .
Jel to znaci da ce gt6 ipak biti u 1280x720 a ne ko gt5 u 1280x1080?
Ako je tako, nadam se da ce dobro iskoristiti tih ztrvovani 360 horizontalni crta.

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #146 on: May 18, 2013, 22:34:55 »
Ako se dobro napravi, nećemo ni znati da je u 720p. Efekti svjetla, teksture, sjene, stabilan framerate, sve je to važnije od broja točkica.

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #147 on: May 18, 2013, 23:26:46 »
Vidim da je gore netko stavio sa eurogamera link "720p @60fps" .
Jel to znaci da ce gt6 ipak biti u 1280x720 a ne ko gt5 u 1280x1080?
Ako je tako, nadam se da ce dobro iskoristiti tih ztrvovani 360 horizontalni crta.

Ma kakvi, i dalje ce ic u "1080p" ;)

Evo taj trailer od gore u 1080p/60fps..

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #148 on: May 19, 2013, 14:31:32 »
Iako svi cekamo 6-icu, evo malo da se podsjetimo kako je sve pocelo i tezilo ka boljem i realnijem, te doslo do 6 dijela...


Možeš birat fakultet il cigla i cement, a i kad imaš fakultet čeka te cement opet, imamo kičme krive mišiće najveće, jer praznimo pive dok nosamo vreće...

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #149 on: May 19, 2013, 14:37:54 »
^ pogledao jucer, ljubusak ga je postavio tu >

Nije loše malo se posjetit GT pocetaka :)