Author Topic: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema  (Read 222475 times)

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #165 on: May 23, 2013, 16:04:02 »

Offline Skvikki

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #166 on: May 23, 2013, 16:42:26 »
Around half of Gran Turismo’s lifetime sales tally has come from Europe. Why do you think it’s so popular here?
JR: I think the answer to that lies in the nature of the markets. The American market is much more of a core gamer market where there’s a greater preference amongst gamers for shooters and action adventure games like GTA, whereas the European market tends over time to go somewhat younger, and somewhat more casual in its nature. That sort of demographic really lends itself to a racing game like GT, which appeals to both sexes and across all ages.

Hm, nije baš da imamo isto viđenje. Čini mi se da je ADD poremećaj u US učestaliji.

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #167 on: May 23, 2013, 16:51:50 »
Nije to nikakav problem da taj ne sjedi na stolici na kojoj sjedi ;D

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #168 on: May 23, 2013, 20:06:07 »

Lucas Ordonez tvitao sliku, vidi se telemetrija koje sigurno nece bit u retail verziji..

Koji auto vozi?

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #169 on: May 23, 2013, 20:13:18 »
GTR. Staza je Nurb GP?

Offline DogZy

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #170 on: May 23, 2013, 20:43:30 »
Da, Nurb GP/D. Možda i 24h, ne vidi se šikana.

Nadam se da će nešto od svega toga ostati u finalnoj verziji.

Ovo vrijeme po sektorima, vrijeme u odnosu na sektor iz prethodnog kruga, vrlo korisno.
You are aiming for just one sweet spot in the corner. It's the point where centrifugal and cornering forces reach their equilibrium, where they are all at once replaced with acceleration.
APEX - The invisible vertex of a corner, a place where the fastest lap times are recorded.

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #171 on: May 23, 2013, 20:50:49 »
Mislim da će biti solidan kvalitativni skok (GT6 sa GT5) odnosno GT kakvog smo čekali tamo prije 3 godine. Damage će biti kao na GT5, odlično jer bolje ni ne treba, auti će izgledati odlično, nova fizika, gume, nadajmo se bolji zvuk, online opcije...službeno sam nahajpan.

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #172 on: May 23, 2013, 22:06:19 »
ovo sve do sada izgleda super, samo da taj zvuk srede

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #173 on: May 24, 2013, 00:46:07 »

Gran Turismo 6 - Official Extended Trailer (1080p)

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #174 on: May 24, 2013, 01:15:25 »
Da, Nurb GP/D. Možda i 24h, ne vidi se šikana.

24h verzija. Čunjevi su s lijeve i blokiraju put na oštriju šikanu. :)

Mislim da će biti solidan kvalitativni skok (GT6 sa GT5) odnosno GT kakvog smo čekali tamo prije 3 godine. Damage će biti kao na GT5, odlično jer bolje ni ne treba, auti će izgledati odlično, nova fizika, gume, nadajmo se bolji zvuk, online opcije...službeno sam nahajpan.

Ako se planiraju prvenstva i tako dalje, bolji damage model je apsolutno potreban. Da sva ona obilaženja i udarci u bok dobiju svoj smisao, odnosno recimo da može doći do nekakvog odustajanja. Svi bi puno pametnije i smislenije vozili. Prvi ja  ;)
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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #175 on: May 24, 2013, 01:34:45 »
A ne bi bilo lose da napokon razdvoje sasvim solidan penalty za kracenje staze od onog katastrofalnog za sudare ::)
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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #176 on: May 24, 2013, 07:44:18 »
Credit to Ridox2JZGTE on GTplanet for finding this


I was listening to this week's Midweek Motorsport (Series 8 Episode 19) on Radio Le Mans and they briefly talked about GT6. They were at the Silverstone event and the Nurburgring 24h, so what they said could be accurate. Nick Daman had this to say about the new tire physics:

(Polyphony) are really moving ever more into the hardcore sim environment... They are actually now modeling things like sidewall flex and actually looking at the way different tires would grip the road; be they old fashion cross plys; be they modern radials; be they slicks... If you've got a car that's running on old fashion high-sidewall tires, even if it's got the same amount of grip, it's not going to handle the same way. And they've modeled all of that... They've remodeled the tracks. They've taken 10 billion [laughs] photographs, so when it comes out it will be photo realistic -- as much as it can being on the (Playstation 3), and I'm sure on the 4 they will be almost photo realistic...You can get new wheels for (a car). You get the new wheels, it's not to make it look different, it will make it handle different with the new wheels... (adding larger diameter wheels) will change the way it handles.

ovo je sa podcasta, sa gtplaneta :)
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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #177 on: May 24, 2013, 08:06:03 »
Što bliže pravoj stvari, ne očekujemo ništa drugo. Bilo mi je dobro kad su Kazu pitali hoće li realističnije biti i teže, pa je odgovorio je li teško voziti pravi auto. To se traži, easy to handle, hard to perfect.

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #178 on: May 24, 2013, 08:36:32 »
Credit to Ridox2JZGTE on GTplanet for finding this


I was listening to this week's Midweek Motorsport (Series 8 Episode 19) on Radio Le Mans and they briefly talked about GT6. They were at the Silverstone event and the Nurburgring 24h, so what they said could be accurate. Nick Daman had this to say about the new tire physics:

(Polyphony) are really moving ever more into the hardcore sim environment... They are actually now modeling things like sidewall flex and actually looking at the way different tires would grip the road; be they old fashion cross plys; be they modern radials; be they slicks... If you've got a car that's running on old fashion high-sidewall tires, even if it's got the same amount of grip, it's not going to handle the same way. And they've modeled all of that... They've remodeled the tracks. They've taken 10 billion [laughs] photographs, so when it comes out it will be photo realistic -- as much as it can being on the (Playstation 3), and I'm sure on the 4 they will be almost photo realistic...You can get new wheels for (a car). You get the new wheels, it's not to make it look different, it will make it handle different with the new wheels... (adding larger diameter wheels) will change the way it handles.

ovo je sa podcasta, sa gtplaneta :)

holy crap

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if in doubt, go flat out

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena tema
« Reply #179 on: May 24, 2013, 10:01:59 »
Da, to je zakon, bas sam jutros citao.

To i ispravno trosenje guma i ceka nas gust svih gusteva.

Kazo ga misli ozbiljno napokon ;D