Author Topic: (??) Cyberpunk 2077  (Read 25531 times)

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(??) Cyberpunk 2077
« on: October 19, 2012, 10:09:30 »
Ne znam koliko uopce znate o starom "papirnom" RPG klasiku Cyberpunk 2020, ali genijalci iz CD Projekta su upravo sluzbeno objavili detalje svog nadolazeceg RPGa CyberPunk 2077, koji ce pratiti svijet i gaemplay postavljen legendarnim "pen&paper" klasikom.

CD Projekt je ekipa koja je stvorila fenomenalni Witcher, a ovo je projekt na kojem rade trenutno, zasad bez ikakvih datuma ili price o platformama za koje ce izaci (PC sigurno, vjerovatno next-gen konzole, ali nista se o tome ne zna).

Ovo je prvi "zapadni" (istocni ako cemo vec sitnicaviti, CD Projekt su braca Poljaci) RPG koji me ikada uopce zainteresirao i jedva cekam nove detalje o igri.

Official Site
Development Blog

Press Release:

Warsaw, 18 October 2012 – CD Projekt RED has officially announced the title of its in-development role-playing game. "Cyberpunk 2077" will be set in the world created by Mike Pondsmith, one of the fathers of the cyberpunk genre and the creator of the cult-classic pen-and-paper RPG, Cyberpunk.

"The Team has to love the material. The Team has to want to be faithful to the material. The Team has to have the skills to execute the material and see that vision through to the end. They have to be on fire with the desire to make an extraordinary game.

And that leads, at last, to why we hooked up with CD Projekt RED" – Mike Pondsmith commented, why he has chosen to work with the Polish game developer.

The cyberpunk atmosphere, well known from William Gibson's novels, the "Blade Runner" movie and the famous pen-and-paper game, "Cyberpunk 2020", will surround the player. The creators promise that "Cyberpunk 2077" will be true to the essence of the cyberpunk genre. Players will be thrown into the dark future of the year 2077 and into a world where advanced technologies have become both the salvation and the curse of humanity. A multi-thread, nonlinear story designed for mature players (a CD Projekt RED trademark) will take place in the sprawling metropolis of Night City and its surroundings. Players will have a chance to visit places well known from "Cyberpunk 2020", including a combat zone completely taken over by gangs, the legendary Afterlife joint and the nostalgic Forlorn Hope.

Freedom of action and diversity in gameplay will be delivered thanks to the sandbox nature of the game and mechanics inspired by the "Cyberpunk 2020" pen-and-paper system, fine tuned to meet the requirements of a modern RPG. Gameplay will pump adrenaline through players' veins and be consistent with the celebrated Cyberpunk spirit – rebellion, style, edge, uncertainty. And of course, a cyberpunk reality cannot be deprived of murderous steel – guns, rifles, implants, dozens of gadgets and other varied pieces of equipment needed to survive on the streets of Night City. The developers are focused on making the technology of 2077 credible and exciting.

For more info please visit the newly launched blog: and read some articles written by both the developers from CD Projekt RED and Mike Pondsmith himself.

Legendarni izvornik:

(c) earvcunanan, NGF

Offline Tomivav

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Re: (??) Cyberpunk 2077
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2012, 15:08:58 »

Naklon čarobnjacima iz CD Projekta. Nisam prije čuo za ovo, ali ne sumnjam da će biti fantastično.

Witcher mi je na početku bio malo neobičan, dok se nisam navikao i udubio u svijet. Ugođaj mi se jako svidio. A onda kad sam krenuo s Witcher 2 i vidio što su sposobni napravit... Svaka im čast. No, baš zbog toga što mi se dvojka činila tako kompletnom i opširnom u više aspekata, sam odustao od igranja, jer mislim da ne bih imao dovoljno vremena da to sve proživim u cijelosti.

A sad kad to što mogu primjene za sasvim novi svijet - jedva čekam.
“While racing the 24 hours of Nurburgring, you can smell people’s barbecues — we couldn’t recreate that.” — Kazunori Yamauchi

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Re: (??) Cyberpunk 2077
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2012, 00:01:52 »
Svaka čast ekipi, ali, khm, shef, khm, nije to prvi jako dobar zapadni rpg baziran na papirnatim igrama, pa čak ni prvi takav u sci-fi maniri...
Fallout vjerojatno svima pada na pamet odmah, a meni su vrlo drage uspomene na SSIjeve igre na Amigama, pa čak još i C64, od kojih se najradije sjetim Buck Rogersa...
Witcher me nije privukao, jer je za mene jedini pravi fantasy Tolkien i Pratchett  :P
Ali ovo definitivno zvuči primamljivo i toplo se nadam da neću morat kupovat novu kantu za to, nego da će doć za sve poželjne platforme na tržištu, uključujući i Nintendo...
Nikad nije kasno za sretno djetinjstvo, samo, što si stariji, igračke su skuplje.

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Re: (??) Cyberpunk 2077
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2013, 00:20:32 »
Cyberpunk 2077 Teaser Trailer

Offline ribafish

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Re: (??) Cyberpunk 2077
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2013, 12:43:24 »
Cyberpunk 2077 -- Exclusive Mike Pondsmith About the Cyberpunk World [HD]

Offline Tomivav

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Re: (??) Cyberpunk 2077
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2018, 22:59:16 »
Ovom topicu fali postova i hypea ;D
Kako to da niste komentirali službeni gameplay video? :)
Mene ako išta vrati igranju, to će biti ova igra.
“While racing the 24 hours of Nurburgring, you can smell people’s barbecues — we couldn’t recreate that.” — Kazunori Yamauchi

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Re: (??) Cyberpunk 2077
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2018, 19:45:48 »
Čekam RDR2 :)

Offline Tomivav

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Re: (??) Cyberpunk 2077
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2020, 14:59:23 »
Pozdrav svim kirurzima koji se ovome raduju 8 godina. Kako prođe...

Nečkam se već godinu dana, ali kontam da ću se počastit nekim high-end PC-jem samo zbog ove igre (znam, "djela, a ne riječi!"). Vratit se gejmanju makar na kratko vrijeme, šteta propustit ovakvu kreaciju.
“While racing the 24 hours of Nurburgring, you can smell people’s barbecues — we couldn’t recreate that.” — Kazunori Yamauchi