Author Topic: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena chat tema Part #2  (Read 142289 times)

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena chat tema Part #2
« Reply #30 on: August 21, 2013, 20:41:07 »
Da, dajte jos staza...definitivno, nesto "starih" trkacih mrcina i vecinu "legendarnih" tutaca (NSU, Manta i takva ekipa 8)), a ine izvedenice pojedinih modela neka ostave za DLC (tko voli, nek' izvoli)
Either snow, sun or rainy day, FAIR PLAY forever and all the way.

You don't know the true meaning of speed if you didn't travel faster than sound!!!

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena chat tema Part #2
« Reply #31 on: August 22, 2013, 16:55:19 »
Kazo upravo odrzao na Gamescomu Q&A

- Spa (only rain in GT5) and Daytona will now have 24h cycles (DA DA, DA - Daytona Road 24 sata, jebenica najveca ikad, ikad- ROLEX NIGHT RACE, VIJEST SVIH VIJESTI ;D ;D KIMIIIIIIIIII ;D ;D)

- The course maker will be fundamentally different compared to GT5

- You'll be able to layout your track "freely" over a 100x100km area

- They're working on a livery editor that'll debut at TGS. But he notes that it won't be a full editor.

- There's a question about a specific rally stage where Kaz says that it's a stage that he likes as well, but it won't be ready day 1. I can't make out what stage he's being asked about though

Citav session (40 min)

GT6 conference GAMESCOM full

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena chat tema Part #2
« Reply #32 on: August 22, 2013, 16:59:55 »
- Spa (only rain in GT5) and Daytona will now have 24h cycles (DA DA, DA - Daytona Road 24 sata, jebenica najveca ikad, ikad- ROLEX NIGHT RACE, VIJEST SVIH VIJESTI ;D ;D KIMIIIIIIIIII ;D ;D)

 ;D ;D ;D ;D Ima da je cepamo dan-noć

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena chat tema Part #2
« Reply #33 on: August 22, 2013, 17:34:49 »
Auuuu, kako će to lijepo izgledati kad se osvijetli reflektorima ;D

Night Racing 2013 Rolex 24 at Daytona

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena chat tema Part #2
« Reply #34 on: August 22, 2013, 18:56:15 »
Nitko ne spominje Eau rouge po mraku...

 :D :D
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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena chat tema Part #2
« Reply #35 on: August 22, 2013, 19:04:08 »
+1 8)
PSNid- PhaedrusSocrates:"EAT MY GRAINING!" 8)

Imamo samo jedno spasonosno rješenje..... odbiti isporuku Perkovića... objavit Nijemcima rat i odmah se predat.

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena chat tema Part #2
« Reply #36 on: August 22, 2013, 19:27:00 »
kartingom s onim malim lampama po noćnom spa.
probo sam par puta ring po noći al je pređombav i preslabo se po noći vidi da  se nebi dogodili skokovi u ogradu itd, spa će bit taman za takve egzibicije.

rally stage sad bi to mogo bit pikes peak ili neki iz prijašnjih nastavaka.
recimo grand canyon, obožavo sam to vozit. pogotovo kad publika stoji na stazi, fotka, navija i bježi kad se približavaš ko u grupi b.

limitirani livery editor i poboljšani track editor zvuči primamljvo.

al najbolji track editor koji sam ja vidio u trkaćem naslovu:

čak je imo i puno rl staza od kojih su neke jako dobro skinute i autiju iz različitih kategorija i prvenstava.
beep beep im a jeep!

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena chat tema Part #2
« Reply #37 on: August 22, 2013, 20:15:03 »
Kako i kad ću ja ovo čudo igrati, pitam se ja...

iced, imaš kakvih savjeta? ;D
You are aiming for just one sweet spot in the corner. It's the point where centrifugal and cornering forces reach their equilibrium, where they are all at once replaced with acceleration.
APEX - The invisible vertex of a corner, a place where the fastest lap times are recorded.

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena chat tema Part #2
« Reply #38 on: August 22, 2013, 20:32:09 »
Kako i kad ću ja ovo čudo igrati, pitam se ja...

iced, imaš kakvih savjeta? ;D

Misliš RR?  ;D
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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena chat tema Part #2
« Reply #40 on: August 22, 2013, 22:54:08 »
lajkam sve više i više...

if in doubt, go flat out

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena chat tema Part #2
« Reply #41 on: August 22, 2013, 23:07:33 »
Nadam se da će na drugim stazama bar omogućiti izmjenu doba dana ako već neće biti noći... ono, jutro, podne, poslije podne

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena chat tema Part #2
« Reply #42 on: August 23, 2013, 00:05:15 »
Nece, ocito idu na to da rade na upgrejdu svih staza za PS4 jednog dana, sto je super IMO

Sad sam sve sigurniji da ce GT7 imati sve izmjenjivo na svim stazama

Offline FEDROwhatISgood

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena chat tema Part #2
« Reply #43 on: August 23, 2013, 00:18:00 »
Velis u smislu da ce staze dobivati iskljucivo potpune upgrade - i vrijeme i doba dana i full HD, sve sto ima - pa redom jednu po jednu.

Znaci li to i da ce sve posve nove staze (koje se putem GT6 pojavljuju po prvi put) vec imati sav taj totalni upgrade?
PSNid- PhaedrusSocrates:"EAT MY GRAINING!" 8)

Imamo samo jedno spasonosno rješenje..... odbiti isporuku Perkovića... objavit Nijemcima rat i odmah se predat.

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Re: GRAN TURISMO 6 • sluzbena chat tema Part #2
« Reply #44 on: August 23, 2013, 01:29:03 »
Yamauchi Outlines The Future Of Gran Turismo

Can you describe the damage models that you have in mind for Gran Turismo 6 and how that is changing from past games?
There's no major changes in terms of damage modeling. I think it's pretty much the same as GT 5.

What is your approach to the online mode this time around?
It's kind of difficult to explain what is different online, because a lot of it has to do with improvements with usability. In GT 5 we experimented with a lot of different features for online and we received a lot of feedback from players and community members over the last three years. So in GT 6 we made it a lot easier for these community managers to organize races, championships, time trials, drift trials, and just made it easier to organize and run their communities...

..In GT6 we're going to start online championships, and some of those will be official championships and some of those will be the championships organized by community managers. That really is a sport, and in sports there is always drama.

I'm curious how much you've played with the PS4 hardware and what you're most looking forward to when you eventually work on that system?
... Once we start work on Gran Turismo for the PS4, perhaps it will be GT7. At that point, I guess we'll start to look of the peak performance for the PS4.

Will Tourist Trophy return for GT 6?
I can't say no. [Laughter]