Author Topic: Gran Turismo 5: Prologue Spec III - Sluzbeni topic  (Read 371348 times)

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Offline sagitarius

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Re: Gran Turismo 5: Prologue Spec II - Sluzbeni topic
« Reply #240 on: July 16, 2008, 09:15:34 »
Evo sadrzaja za novi "veliki" update od 1.8. - masa sitnica popravljena i doradjena - ali sve je iskljucivo tehnicke prirode (nista sadrzaj). Stvari koje mi se cine zanimljivima sam podebljao, a najvise me zanima "ispravak fizike".

A free online update of Gran Turismo 5 Prologue will be performed beginning in the afternoon of Friday, August 1st.

The main contents of this update are as follows:

Improvement in Download Speed
- Improvements in download speeds for online updates and content

Gran Turismo TV
- Start of PPV (Pay Per View) service
- It is now possible to fast forward, rewind, or move between chapters when viewing video content.
- It is possible now to have up to 8 simultaneous background downloads running at the same time.
- Individual downloads can now be paused or resumed.

Distribution of Expansion Data
- Instant distribution feature of My Page backgrounds added

- Improvements in penalty judgments
- Improved physics during collisions between cars in Online races. (ovo me najvise zanima)

Time Trial
- The tire selection in Arcade time trials changed from “S2” fixed, to “N1-S2” (napokon, bilo je vise i vrijeme)

- It is now possible to display top lap times in all courses in a list.
- Improvements in the user interface

Common Vehicle Physics
- Improved controllability when using S1-S3, and R1-R3 tires. (znaci li "poboljsano" upravljanje ujedno i "olaksano" upravljanje? Hm.)
- Changed calculation rules for performance points.

- Added [Standard Definition (SD) Display Size] in [Display Settings]
- Moved the [Temperature] unit setting from [Network] to [Units]
- Added Expansion Data settings and Advanced Download Option settings in [Network]

- 6 BGM tracks added

Online race network specifications changed
- Added port 5658 to the ports used in Online races.
* Refer to the following when trouble occurs or when necessary.
 List of port numbers
 Port forwarding setting procedures

- Players matched in Online races now added to the [Friends] → [Players Met] menu within Playstation 3.
- The time and score from replays of time trials, drift trials, and distributed demo replays are now displayed after their replay. For distributed demo’s, the Online ID is also displayed here. (WTF je "distributed demo"????)
- Manual updated

Important Note:
- Please make sure to read the contents of the “Please read before the Update” news entry before proceeding with the update.

* All information listed in this website is for Japan. For information outside Japan, please refer to the website of your region.

Offline STINGer

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Re: Gran Turismo 5: Prologue Spec II - Sluzbeni topic
« Reply #241 on: July 16, 2008, 11:02:03 »
- Improved physics during collisions between cars in Online races. (ovo me najvise zanima)

Vjerojatno će pri sudaru stradati i onaj koji udara, a ne samo da će se udareni odbiti kao od zida

- The tire selection in Arcade time trials changed from “S2” fixed, to “N1-S2” (napokon, bilo je vise i vrijeme)

Yep, biti će novih zadataka ;D

- Improved controllability when using S1-S3, and R1-R3 tires. (znaci li "poboljsano" upravljanje ujedno i "olaksano" upravljanje? Hm.)

Vjerojatno su još više poboljšali grip s tim gumama...

- The time and score from replays of time trials, drift trials, and distributed demo replays are now displayed after their replay. For distributed demo’s, the Online ID is also displayed here. (WTF je "distributed demo"????)

To bi trebao biti replay kojeg gledaš ili downloadiraš

Offline Dzidza1978

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Re: Gran Turismo 5: Prologue Spec II - Sluzbeni topic
« Reply #242 on: July 16, 2008, 11:37:15 »
to je veliki jesenski update ili ne
PSN_ID: Dzidza1978

Offline STINGer

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Re: Gran Turismo 5: Prologue Spec II - Sluzbeni topic
« Reply #243 on: July 16, 2008, 11:42:45 »
Prile, još je lito u nas ;)

Offline Dzidza1978

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Re: Gran Turismo 5: Prologue Spec II - Sluzbeni topic
« Reply #244 on: July 16, 2008, 13:47:43 »
znam da je lito, a dali je to update kojeg su najavljivali pod FALL 2008
PSN_ID: Dzidza1978

Offline STINGer

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Re: Gran Turismo 5: Prologue Spec II - Sluzbeni topic
« Reply #245 on: July 16, 2008, 14:12:45 »
Valjda nije... ono što mi očekujmo u tom Q3 update-u su Private Lobby, oštećenja i nekakva nova staza... bar je tako nekako najavljivano.

Offline sagitarius

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Re: Gran Turismo 5: Prologue Spec II - Sluzbeni topic
« Reply #246 on: July 16, 2008, 15:37:49 »
Jos malo o updateu, ovaj puta o konzekvencama. Sto je nama vazno - opet se ciste rankinzi ;D


A free online update of Gran Turismo 5 Prologue will be performed beginning in the afternoon of Friday, August 1.

Here are some cautions for when performing the update. Please make sure to read this before its installation.

(1) If an error occurs during the download of update data, please retry the download. Data that had been downloaded up to that point is saved, and the download can be resumed. It is possible to resume downloading by:
- Selecting News in “My Page”
- Exiting the game with the PS button, and restarting the game.

(2) The following content will be reset when the update is applied.
- Ranking

- Key assignments set in “Option”
- Quick tune settings saved for individual cars

(3) With the update, the current online events will also be updated.

(4) Replay data created before the previous update, will not be possible to view after the update. Before the update, please check the version information displayed on the lower left within Manual. If it is Version 2.XX.X or later, replay data will still be viewable after the update.

(5) The amount of required hard disk space for the update will depend on your current update status. If updating from the one previous version, you will need approximately 233MB, if you are updating for the first time, approximately 2.3GB will be required.

(6) For the update, the online service of Gran Turismo 5 Prologue will undergo maintenance from 9:00 am to the afternoon on Friday, August 1.
Please note that you will not be able to connect to the online service during the maintenance.

*To update, you will be required to have a Playstation 3 connected to the internet through a broadband network, and a downloaded or Blu-ray disc version of GranTurismo 5 Prologue.

* All information listed in this website is for Japan. For information outside Japan, please refer to the website of your region.

Offline crorastafa

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Re: Gran Turismo 5: Prologue Spec II - Sluzbeni topic
« Reply #247 on: July 16, 2008, 16:34:38 »
Prošli je bio 1.9gb, znači da mogla biti nova staza.
you just cant live in that                                                    negative way...make way                                                   for the positive day

Offline sagitarius

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Re: Gran Turismo 5: Prologue Spec II - Sluzbeni topic
« Reply #248 on: July 16, 2008, 16:43:18 »
Haha, bojim se da ne :) "Prosli" update je bio toliki jer se radilo o Spec II updateu, sa masom novih stvari, od kojih je jedna potpuno mjenjala fizikalni moel za sve automobile - a to je ABS. ovo je samo tehnicki update, a ne content update. Mada, volio bih da je to sto kazes tocno - ali nazalost nije :)

Offline crorastafa

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Re: Gran Turismo 5: Prologue Spec II - Sluzbeni topic
« Reply #249 on: July 16, 2008, 16:51:28 »
Misliš li da bi moglo što se tiče nove staze ,a to je sigurno nurburgring biti prikazana na GC-u? 
you just cant live in that                                                    negative way...make way                                                   for the positive day

Offline STINGer

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Re: Gran Turismo 5: Prologue Spec II - Sluzbeni topic
« Reply #250 on: July 16, 2008, 19:22:26 »

Pošto je rastaman očito previše svirao frulu da bi shvatio što sam htio reći, nastavimo raspravu ovdje...

Dakle, osim očito, novog Ferrarija koji je btw. prekrasan, u filmu se uz već poznate staze iz Prologue-a vide Le Mans i Nurburgring. Vidi si i nekakav dio ceste sa onim stijenama pored, ali mi nije poznati.

Ukratko, meni je na osnovu ovoga sinula samo jedna stvar, a to je da će u novom update-u biti i novi ferrrari i dvije nove staze.

Amar me hladi hladnim tušem da on u to ne vjeruje...

Enivej, kad dođe veliki update, znati ćemo na čemu smo ;D

Offline keljober

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Re: Gran Turismo 5: Prologue Spec II - Sluzbeni topic
« Reply #251 on: July 16, 2008, 20:15:36 »
cini mi se da sam u novom traileru cuo da nam dolazi ferrari staza
, imate ga na PS STORU

Offline crorastafa

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Re: Gran Turismo 5: Prologue Spec II - Sluzbeni topic
« Reply #252 on: July 16, 2008, 21:54:06 »

Pošto je rastaman očito previše svirao frulu da bi shvatio što sam htio reći, nastavimo raspravu ovdje...

Dakle, osim očito, novog Ferrarija koji je btw. prekrasan, u filmu se uz već poznate staze iz Prologue-a vide Le Mans i Nurburgring. Vidi si i nekakav dio ceste sa onim stijenama pored, ali mi nije poznati.

Ukratko, meni je na osnovu ovoga sinula samo jedna stvar, a to je da će u novom update-u biti i novi ferrrari i dvije nove staze.

Amar me hladi hladnim tušem da on u to ne vjeruje...

Enivej, kad dođe veliki update, znati ćemo na čemu smo ;D

Ja isto mislim ,ali je amar teški pesimist,a ti se stinđeru jebi opet san otvorija novi topic. >:(
you just cant live in that                                                    negative way...make way                                                   for the positive day

Offline STINGer

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Re: Gran Turismo 5: Prologue Spec II - Sluzbeni topic
« Reply #253 on: July 16, 2008, 22:22:05 »
cini mi se da sam u novom traileru cuo da nam dolazi ferrari staza
, imate ga na PS STORU

To je za GT TV, film kako je Kazunori testirao Ferrari u Maranellu. Obavezno pogledajte taj video

Offline keljober

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Re: Gran Turismo 5: Prologue Spec II - Sluzbeni topic
« Reply #254 on: July 16, 2008, 22:45:49 »
al mogli bi stazu ubaciti u GT ;D