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Ma izvježbat ću se i ja, ne mogu bit najsporiji ovdje valjda.
a slusaj nisu neka vremena npr s integrom na fujiu gt best lap joj je 2:04.nesto na time trajlu al vremenom mozda.
a da u picku pa nije sumaher pa kolko ti vozis jes probo?
Yesterday, 5:58 PM Today a met a croatian guy(etna1994) but it's his brother's ID his ID is Keko0013. He was very fast. He ran a 9'24.002 race all way alone and he started from the 7th position. His best race time is low 9'23.Well dome mate here as well. Yesterday, 6:03 PM Had a couple of races with him tonight. He is smooth and fast
Bravo Keko. Prema svemu sudeći, to vrijeme ispod 23' je bolesno... :thumbup: