Author Topic: PlayStation VR • Sony Project Morpheus  (Read 87315 times)

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PlayStation VR • Sony Project Morpheus
« on: March 19, 2014, 11:47:52 »
Sinoc u 2:00 ujutro sluzbeno predstavljeno

Zasad nema cijene, niti datuma izlaska, ali i jedno i drugo 99% se otkriva na E3. Sony na ovome radi vec 5 godina i kako se cini citav PS4 "ecosystem" je izgradjen oko VR podrske.

Danas cemo vec imati prve sluzbene impresije, buduci da Sony ima dovoljno protptipa za prikazivanje devlopment kitova svima na GDC.

Suradnja s NASA-om je takodjer sluzbena, kao i fokus na "iskustva" koja nisu samo igranje.



Unveiled at GDC so they can scoop up developers for the VR program and get more feedback. Hands on demos start tomorrow for GDC attendees (3/19)

Works with people with glasses.

Current specs: 1080p display. 90+ FoV. "It's not necessarily the final thing we're going for," but it's good for devs to experiment with. 15mm eye relief and a "wide IPD we can work with." Positional and rotational head tracking. 1000hz, 3 metet working volume. Full 360 degrees. Supports forward prediction. DS4 and PS Move with the same camera.

Audio jack is on the headset to plug in your own headphones.

Geoff Keighley: "Developers who have used Project Morpheus tell me the fidelity of the image and experience is superior to Oculus Rift."

Working with NASA. Says Richard Marks: "They're already trying to use VR to do immersive science. We'd love to make hardware good enough for them to do that. Secondly, we want to create new experiences for our Playstation owners so that when NASA gets to a new place, everyone with a Playstation can feel what it's like to be there."

"It's not necessarily the final thing we're going for," but it's good for devs to experiment with.

Tracking builds on PS Move and DualShock 4 technology, "supports forward prediction." Position and rotating head tracking: 1000HZ, 3 Meter Working Volume, Full 360 Degrees

Second question is about if there will be a wire connected from the headset to PS4. "The current prototype is wired" with a five meter wire. They are investigating "other solutions."

Regarding weight, as this is a prototype they're not committing to anything.

They're only cooperating with other VR technology "in spirit." No "standardized APIs."

"Do you plan to use eyetracking inside the device?" They're researching it.

When will it come out? Framerate and latency aims? They won't answer. "Highest framerate we can get, lowest latency we can get," they say, jokingly. "Coming out as soon as possible."

'We believe Morpheus will further enhance PlayStation'. It'll work alongside the camera, and Move. It's still a prototype, though.

PS Move's technology is being used in Project Morpheus to help with tracking. PlayStation Camera on PS4 is also essential. "It's almost as if it was designed for VR," he said with a wink.

They're using the same tech as PlayStation Move - with a lot higher rate sensors, and the PlayStation Camera.

DualShock 4's sensors and light can be used in conjunction with Morpheus. PS Move may also prove essential.

They want it to be able to be picked up and used with no issues. Pick it up, put it on, you're in VR. Put it down, you're out. No issues.

Finally, we've come to Content. "At Worldwide Studios, we have a really good team." Sony's own studios will "seed" the VR landscape, but they need other devs, hence they're here at GDC.

Vec sada porska ovih third-party developera sa njihovim engineima (ne nuzno igre, vec enginei):

Oecekuje se da ce prve gotove igre biti prikazne na E3, za ovu prvu prezentaciju postoji EVE Valkyirie i Thief napravljen za VR.


Offline sagitarius

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Re: PlayStation VR • Sony Project Morpheus
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2014, 11:49:33 »
Potom, sluzbena najava od Shueija Yoshide na PS Blogu od maloprije:

Our current prototype for Project Morpheus features a head mounted display with 1080p resolution and a 90 degree field of view.

Accelerometer and gyroscope sensors built into the head mounted unit as well as PlayStation®Camera accurately tracks head orientation and movement, so as your head rotates, the image of the virtual world rotates intuitively in real-time. Project Morpheus also features our new 3D audio technology that re-creates stereoscopic sounds in all directions and changes in real-time depending on your head orientation. In addition to PlayStation Camera, Project Morpheus works with DUALSHOCK®4 Wireless Controller and PlayStation®Move to deliver an easy-to-use, plug-and-play VR experience.

Eve Valkyrie na Oclusu Riftu:
EVE-VR: Oculus Rift View Demo

Offline sagitarius

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Re: PlayStation VR • Sony Project Morpheus
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2014, 11:50:06 »
Prvi Q&A session:

Q: "Locmotion: you can put your hands in the game with the PS Move... any option to get your feet in there so you can move around?" A: "We're researching... it depends on what you're trying to accomplish."

Q: "have you let your kids try it or any kids... are there recommended age ranges?" A: "We've had young people try it and they've been very excited by it."

Q: "I'm wondering why the name 'Project Morpheus' A: "Well... we decided on the name last week" (laughs). "It was decided because Morpheus is the god of dreams... not a Matrix reference." (laughs)

Q: On the list of content and tool partners, there were many involved in 3D. Can you comment in the specific role that you see 3D playing with Project Morpheus." A: "It's different than 3D cinema -- this is fundamentally different because we're correctly rendering the view for each eye. The experience is different than 3D TV. Some of the tools will overlap, especially the authoring tools will be useful for VR rendering."

Q: "what do you guys see for VR for school systems? Do you see this project being used for education?" A: "One of the great things about consumers electronics is affordability.There's great work now by USC using VR for PTSD treatment. Our hardware will be useful for those efforts too. Currently our experience with NASA has been positive."

Q: "Seems like Project Morpheus works in conjunction with the PS Move. Is the next step in the process to work on haptic responses?" A: "I think haptics would further enhance presense. We're not currently working on any specialized VR haptic peripheral, but down the road I think haptics will be a big part of VR"

Q: "given the horsepower question, will the VR experience rendered for the PS4 be rendered slower than 2D games on the PS4?" A: "The graphics are so rich because you are immersed. You need a different kind of graphics optimization."

Q: "Are you looking into eye tracking?" A: "Yes"

Q: "How many units do you plan people to have?" A:" Right now it's one per PS4"

Q: "Will it support PC? HMZ series was popular among PC gamers because it was HDMI. Do you see a future where it could go beyond the console world?" A: "We're not discussion product decisions today."

Q: "Are you working with Oculus or other makers to sync APIs?" A: "I think now it's all just in spirit, there isn't any standardization yet."

Q: "When will the unit come out?" A: "As soon as possible" (laughs)

"Is it wired?" A: current protoype is wired... 5 meters. We're investigating other solutions, obviously everyone wants it to be wireless.

"Would the unit ever be stand-along without a playstation?" No not really.

Offline ribafish

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Re: PlayStation VR • Sony Project Morpheus
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2014, 12:02:26 »
Stariji prototipovi >

Prezentacija ima ovdje, zasad samo tekstualno >

SCEA je snimala, nadam se da ce i video uskoro izbacit..

Offline sagitarius

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Re: PlayStation VR • Sony Project Morpheus
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2014, 12:03:16 »
Ukratko, ovo je jako ozbiljno i "zavrsno"

Sada su sve kockice slozene i jasno je da je Sony oko ovoga gradio citav PS4

Meni je par stvari izrazito vazno: moze se koristiti s naocalama (dalekovidni - citaj, stariji - ce to imati reseno, a to nas sve ceka iza 40-te godine), mogu se koristiti vlastite slusalice i citava stvar se ne naslanja na lice, vec "sjedi" na glavi, dok sve oko ociju i nosa "lebdi" s nula grama opterecenja

Ocekuju nas predivna vremena

Offline ribafish

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Re: PlayStation VR • Sony Project Morpheus
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2014, 12:15:51 »
Bolje im je da najave PC podrsku inace no buy..

I di je DriveClub VR ??


Offline sagitarius

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Re: PlayStation VR • Sony Project Morpheus
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2014, 12:27:05 »
Bolje im je da najave PC podrsku inace no buy..

I di je DriveClub VR ??


Znas da neces vidjeti API za PC jako dugo, to je svima jasno.. odnosno mozda ipak da, povlacim sto sam prije rekao, jer im barem za development kitove i indie treba PC API odmah.. budemo vidjeli, ali ako bude PC podrska to ce katapultirati citavu pricudvostruko.. )

DriveClub ce svakako biti VR, to je Mortimer rekao jos prije par tjedana, kao i GT7:Prologue, ali njih vjerovatno cuvaju za E3, jer nema smisla da ih sad "trose".

Ja osobno mislim da je ovo ponovo ista "pila naopako" kao i prezentacija PS4 iz veljace prosle godine, ovo je po meni 100% spremno za izlazak ove godine. Ovo je sve bilo obavijeno najvecim velom tajne godinama, onda su pocele sitne glasine i onda odjednom "BAM", evo ga, sve je tu. Po meni ovo je na E3 predstavljanje s igrama i svime i cijena i izazak ove godine, sa bundlevoima za holiday season - i metu sve pred sobom.

Ovo je jedna zaokruzena PS4 prica.

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Re: PlayStation VR • Sony Project Morpheus
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2014, 13:03:06 »
Imaš li ikakve ideje koliko bi to moglo koštati?

Offline Tomivav

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Re: PlayStation VR • Sony Project Morpheus
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2014, 13:13:26 »
Palac gore Sonyju. Uzbudljivo...
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Re: PlayStation VR • Sony Project Morpheus
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2014, 16:01:48 »
Imaš li ikakve ideje koliko bi to moglo koštati? sam baš htio pitati , mislio sam uzimati novi tv samo za ps4 ,ali kako vidim neće mi više trebati ,,,abemore gde se može ,da se more kupi ovo ,more da naručim ovo ........ zamišljam novi Cod ili btf sa ovim na glavi ,jebemtiled pa otišao sam u qurac totalno  ::)

..u grubo procjena ne bi smjelo koštati više od 400€ ?! ili se debelo varam  :(?!
<=  <=  brz kao vjetar ,  žestok  kao vulkan !    ID ; PSN nick;  lega_rovinj      wrROOOooom !!  

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Re: PlayStation VR • Sony Project Morpheus
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2014, 16:09:22 »
Meni ovo izgleda kao da ce biti negdje oko 200 eura.
Ono sto je lako, ne radi svatko.

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Re: PlayStation VR • Sony Project Morpheus
« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2014, 16:16:42 »
Meni ovo izgleda kao da ce biti negdje oko 200 eura.

odavno se nisam tako dobro nasmijao ;D
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Re: PlayStation VR • Sony Project Morpheus
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2014, 16:33:08 »
Meni ovo izgleda kao da ce biti negdje oko 200 eura.

odavno se nisam tako dobro nasmijao ;D

Nebude li jeftino, ništa od VR-a, uzet će ga samo hard core igrači, a njih je malo premalo, + što moraš imati i move i cameru
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Offline ribafish

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Re: PlayStation VR • Sony Project Morpheus
« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2014, 17:11:34 »
300€  max, mark my words.. Pa nema unutra nista ekstra skupo ni posebno, 1080p lcd ekran, malo optike, leće  ;D

Joystiq Check-In: Sony's Project Morpheus

Evo danas izasao Oculus Rift DK2 - 350 baksa