Author Topic: Gran Turismo 5: Prologue Spec II (2) - novi Update 15.04.08.  (Read 37483 times)

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Offline sagitarius

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Novi update je stigao, tzv. "Gran Turismo 5: Prologue Spec II (2)". Igra je dobila sifru 2.10.3887577. Skinut cete ga nakon sto izvrsite Update OS-a konzole na 2.30.

Evo sto donosi, a lista nije mala i sve je vazno :) - U download-patch su napokon ugradili "resume" po principu da download krene ispocetka, ali dotad skinuto ostaje na disku pa se samo nadopunjava.

Starting on Tuesday, April 15th, we have provided an update for “Gran Turismo 5 Prologue Spec II”.
The main contents of this update are as follows:

Online play
- The award of race credits are now allocated at a fixed rate regardless of the number of race participants (ovo je zakon, napokon ce se u onlineu moci zaradjivati ozbiljna lova).
- The High Speed Ring course diagram has been fixed (nadam se da su ispravili zadnji zavoj, mada ovdje govore samo o "diagramu").
- Some online ID's were appearing in grey in the entry list, this has been amended.
- Some online opponents appeared to "blur", this has been amended.

- Country and area information now appears next to the online ID in the ranking boards (Hell yes, hrvatska zastava je ponovo tu, kako je bilo u GT:HD :) - Napomena: da bi pored imena imali HR zastavu treba vam HR account. Ukoliko ste dosad vozili bez HR accounta, evo vam idealne prilike da ga napravite, buduci da su svi Rankinzi ionako ponovo resetirani. Ukoliko ga napravite, svakako ga promijenite tu na stranici da napokon mozemo napraviti posten database "tko-je-dovraga-tko".. Vise informacija ovdje:

Thnx Stinger za prve slike :)

- Unusually high scores had been recorded in some Drift Trials, this has been rectified.
- When Drift Trial replays were saved, occasionally these appeared in the "Load as Ghost" option of Time Trials.
This has now been rectified.

Performance Points (PP)
- The method of calculating Performance Points has been revised, to balance vehicles in events with PP upper limits (to te ja pitam, zbogom Lotus T, Lancer T i ostala gamad. Konkretno, Lotus R111T sad vise ne moze biti ispod P650 bez drasticnog otezavanja i R2 guma gore, dok se HP ne moze smanjivati).

- LCD display has been added in the F2007 interior view (DanijelGT ce biti sretan :)).

- Some interiors and exteriors of some vehicle models have been revised (zanimljivo..).
- On occasion the Quick Tune gear ratio became impossible to reset in some cars, this has been amended.
- The manual has been updated.

- The button assignments will be reset when the update is applied (a resetirat ce vam se i QTS postavke, kao i sve opcije za sve sto ste podesavili u options).
- In line with the application of the update, all ranking data will also be reset (odose svi rezultati dovraga.. :().

* To update, you will need a Playstation 3 connected to the internet with a broadband connection, and "Gran Turismo 5 Prologue" (Either the Blu-ray disc version or downloaded version).

Offline STINGer

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Gran Turismo 5: Prologue SPec II - novi Update 15.04.08.
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2008, 10:27:17 »
Što bi ovo trebalo značiti?

- Some online ID's were appearing in grey in the entry list, this has been amended.
- Some online opponents appeared to "blur", this has been amended.

Offline STINGer

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Gran Turismo 5: Prologue SPec II - novi Update 15.04.08.
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2008, 10:33:31 »
btw... firmware 2.30 se također pojavio (za mor endžojibl šoping ekspirijens ;D )... bit će downloadiranja danas ;D

Offline sagitarius

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Gran Turismo 5: Prologue SPec II - novi Update 15.04.08.
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2008, 10:37:19 »
A naramak brzopoteznih vijesti uoci US izlaska glasi ovako:

- Online utrkivanje nakon izlaska US igre raditi iskljucivo regionalno. EU igraci moci ce online voziti samo protiv EU igraca, US protiv US, a JP protiv JP. Odnosno, konzola ce prepoznavati inacice igre i po tom  principu spajvati igrace. Dobra strane je sto smo se potencijalno rjesili americkih ludjaka koji ce od sutra zagospodariti onlineom :),
- Time - Trial Rankingsi ostaju internacionalni, s konkurencijom iz citavog svijeta,
- Americki producent igre je na sluzbenom forumu dao naslutiti kako se upravo rjesava pitanje licenci za F1 bolide i da bi ih u konacnoj igri moglo biti poprilicno.

Evo i transkripta najzanimljivijih pitanja/odgovora sa sluzbenog americkog PS foruma s americkim producentima igre:

RocketPunch: Will NA version owner be able to play online with people with other region of GT5P?
chjmp: NA will be playing against other NA players; however, the overall ranking (time trial, drift) will be global.

Aslam08: when is the regular gtr 5 coming out
skebe: If you mean Gran Turismo 5, it comes out no earlier than Summer 2009.

Tropic: Will we be able to have our own private password protected games online with custom race and track settings?
skebe: Unfortunately not from day one, but we hope we can improve to meet your requests at a later date.

f1seb: I've read that a lot of work went into implementing F12007 Ferrari in Prologue, and I was just wondering if we can expect more Formula 1 cars in the future.
skebe: Many on the team have passion for the sport of F1. I think if we can sort out the business side of things, you'll only see the roster of F1 cars expand in the franchise.

CZPS3: Do you have a timeline of when additional features will be added to Prologue
chjmp: We do have a roadmap set in place, and I think a lot of fans will be pleasantly surprised. As always, you can expect that PDI will not pull punches, so every update will be quite memorable. More to come on updates in due time.

PSPFREAKERAJD: Do you guys plan on supporting GT5 Prologue up until GT5's release? Can we expect new updates/features/patches until then?
skebe: Absolutely!!
davethestalker: Could you please completely overhaul the Performance Points system for online races, or just eliminate it? It's not fun taking a "race car" to a race and getting beat badly by ordinary cars because we had to severely detune our race cars so they could qualify.
skebe: Davethestalker, looks like you've been playing the foreign versions. We have updated the calculation methods for PP in the latest version... check it out and let us know how you feel!

Offline STINGer

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Gran Turismo 5: Prologue SPec II - novi Update 15.04.08.
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2008, 10:43:20 »
"Gran Turismo 5: Prologue Spec II (2)" update je već dostupan...

Što se 2.30 update-a tiče novi Store sada mnogo preglednije izgleda i što je najvažnije puuno je brži

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Gran Turismo 5: Prologue SPec II - novi Update 15.04.08.
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2008, 10:47:36 »
Ovo je zakon, PD rules, da li ce prologue s vremenom postati gt5 ili će se morati kupiti gt5 kad izadje?
PSN_ID: Dzidza1978

Offline sagitarius

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Gran Turismo 5: Prologue SPec II - novi Update 15.04.08.
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2008, 10:48:42 »
Morat ces kupiti GT, jer ce aute i staze i masu novoga biti samo na GT5 disku :)

Offline STINGer

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Gran Turismo 5: Prologue SPec II - novi Update 15.04.08.
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2008, 11:01:30 »
Prvi put od kad imam Prologue update se instalirao od prve, bez ikakavog pucanja :)

Offline STINGer

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Gran Turismo 5: Prologue SPec II - novi Update 15.04.08.
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2008, 11:04:40 »
Sva, ali baš sva vremena na Rankings-u su nestala... :(

Offline Duvorynn

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Re: Gran Turismo 5: Prologue Spec II (2) - novi Update 15.04.08.
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2008, 12:01:39 »
Konacno da su stavili download resume. Pa to je osnova svakog downloadanja u Hrvatskoj, jer nikad ne znas kad ce ti veza "puknuti". Hvala ti T-Com na "kvalitetnim i jeftinim" vezama.  >:(
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Re: Gran Turismo 5: Prologue SPec II - novi Update 15.04.08.
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2008, 12:04:44 »
Sva, ali baš sva vremena na Rankings-u su nestala... :(

Ček ček, nisam u prvih deset sa M3, Focusom i Iprezom? Daj ne igraj se...

Offline toni_cro

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Re: Gran Turismo 5: Prologue Spec II (2) - novi Update 15.04.08.
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2008, 12:05:24 »
pa sada možemo u ovim kratkim trenucima dok nema nikog na rankigsu biti 1. ;D :D

if in doubt, go flat out

Offline sagitarius

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Re: Gran Turismo 5: Prologue Spec II (2) - novi Update 15.04.08.
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2008, 12:07:42 »
Ček ček, nisam u prvih deset sa M3, Focusom i Iprezom? Daj ne igraj se...

Nisi :( I dajte si svi napravite HR accounte tko ih nema pa da mozemo napokon imati postenu GTS bazu i da si svi prema tim HR accountima promjenite i imena ovdje na forumu. Hvala unaprijed :)

Offline Dzidza1978

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Re: Gran Turismo 5: Prologue Spec II (2) - novi Update 15.04.08.
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2008, 12:25:30 »
koliko je težak update??

Fala bogu sam na Amišu pa mi veza pukne jednom godišnje, a i jako su jeftini :-)
PSN_ID: Dzidza1978

Offline STINGer

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Re: Gran Turismo 5: Prologue Spec II (2) - novi Update 15.04.08.
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2008, 12:34:38 »
Nemam pojma za veličinu... mislim da mi nije trebalo više od pola sata za oba update-a uključujući instalaciju. Da ne gubiš vrijeme, čim dođeš s posla zapali makinju pa neka skida...