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Sta si mislija igrat igre i kad budes dida? jk nisi ti toliko star
Naravno da mislim igrat i kad budem dida, šta ću drugo radit? GT, nekakav PES, golf, tenis i sl. za multiplayer, toga će valjda biti i kad ostarim. Da li je netko sa 37 star... ovisi tko i kako gleda na to
Svjetionik... idealno misto! S razlikom da bi ja odmah iša na svjetionik samo da ima koji sa brzim internetom
A sad su naprili običnu pucačinu u kojoj, pazi molim te, kupuješ oružje od lika koji ispod kaputa, dok svuda okolo šetaju oni "zapjenjeni" , drži skladište oružja....
Naravno da mislim igrat i kad budem dida, šta ću drugo radit?
Uz igranje sam mislio i knjige pisat.
Znači, svatko tko misli drugačije neka se jebe? Gamespot?
Reviews have changed. They're no longer about reasonable views, or objectivity. They're not even about independent thoughts, justification, or consistency. They're an endless series of pissing contests, fought by ignorant and egotistical journalists.Reviews, and their vast consumption of human intellect, have become an irrational, depleted source of reliability.Reviews have changed. ID-tagged journalists carry ID-tagged websites, use ID-tagged review scores. Illogical opinions inside their minds enhance and regulate their actions.Hype control... Information control... Opinion control... Message board control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control.Reviews have changed. The age of journalism reliance is now the age of control, averting catastrophe from reasonable review scores. And he who controls the message boards, controls history.Reviews have changed. When the message boards are under total control, mandatory criticism becomes routine.