Pa kaze:
Following its success as the number one online PlayStation®2 franchise, SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs breaches onto the PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) computer entertainment system in high-definition this holiday season. SOCOM Confrontation delivers the ultimate next-generation online combat experience made possible by the power of PS3.
SOCOM Confrontation focuses on online play and the global community and clans that support it. With support for Tournaments, Clan ladders, Leader Boards and more, this latest title in the multi-million unit selling franchise is exactly what SOCOM fans have been clamoring for. Additionally, players will be able to modify their appearance through facial and physical customization.
A global-scale experience, SOCOM Confrontation gives players the opportunity to battle against the best and brightest from the U.S., Europe and Asia.
SOCOM Confrontation deploys with five new North African themed maps, including a 32-player version of “Crossroads.” Additional themed packs for SOCOM Confrontation will be made available for download via the PLAYSTATION®Store.
* Ultimate 32-player online combat experience featuring stunning high-definition visuals, advanced physics, ballistics, impact and destruction modeling
* Rich interactive and destructible environments supporting multiple game types
* Full support of the SIXAXIS™ wireless controller, offering greater control
* Choice of playing as various International Special Forces
* Advanced voice communication systems and immersive audio
* Comprehensive player customization including fully featured load out, encumbrance and unique uniforms
* Up to seven different game modes are available on each map
* Advanced player matching, players can form a team with their friends and easily join an online game
* Regional combat or challenge teams from around the world
* Additional themed downloadable content packs available post launch
Obavezno procitati ovaj
sluzbeni Q&A u kojem se odgovara na svako zamislivo pitanje: donosi i internet stranice na kojoj se svaki klan/igrac moci pratiti vlastitu statistiku. Preview (nije sluzbeni screen, vec samo developer-koncept):
SOCOM: Confrontation imat ce i
public PS3 beta-test, koji ce vjerovatno zapoceti unutar iducuh mjesec dana. Za sada je poznato da su upad u BT dobili svi koji su u UK napravili pre-order igre, a dodatni tokeni djelit ce se na jos nepoznat nacin. Takodjer, 2 tjedna nakon pocetka beta-testa svoj token dobit ce svi koji su se pretplatili na
PS Qore, ali samo godisnji pretplatnici.
Kako stvari zasad stoje - imamo pobjednika - a igra bi trebala izaci u
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