Author Topic: (PS3) 2.40 firmware  (Read 30767 times)

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Offline zenkaipower

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Re: 2.40 video walkthrought PART1
« Reply #30 on: July 03, 2008, 22:48:22 »
Ne znam šta se svi pjene zbog te custom mjuze. Pa pustiš ju na nečemu drugome i svira ti...

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Offline Veronesku

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Re: 2.40 video walkthrought PART1
« Reply #31 on: July 04, 2008, 04:33:01 »
Ne znam šta se svi pjene zbog te custom mjuze. Pa pustiš ju na nečemu drugome i svira ti...

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U čemu je razlika?

Offline sagitarius

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Re: 2.40 video walkthrought PART1
« Reply #32 on: July 04, 2008, 09:47:26 »
Ach, problemi u raju ;D

Pretjerivanje medija.

Istina je da su povukli firmware, ali je isto tako istina da se to dogodilo na iznimno malom broju konzola. Bas je na Neogafu bila anketa, i od preko 500 ljudi za svih strana svijeta samo je valjda 3 covjeka reklo da im se to dogodilo.

Nije vrijedno spomena, ali svakako nije ni dobro - jer danas samo svi cekaju da skacu za vratove.

Offline keko0013

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Re: 2.40 video walkthrought PART1
« Reply #33 on: July 04, 2008, 11:24:53 »
Jucer dok sam igrao GT online i pokusao napisati poruku iz igre doslo mi je do smrzavanja i jedino rjesenje bilo je resetirati konzolu... >:(

Problem postoji i inace dok nesto igram online i pokusam napisati poruku...sve se vrsi usporeno, ali se izvrsi...
To pripisujem propusnosti veze, ali u prvom slucaju zamrzavanje je bilo trajno...

Da li je netko imao slicnih problema?

Offline keljober

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Re: 2.40 video walkthrought PART1
« Reply #34 on: July 04, 2008, 13:17:05 »
ja sam isto dozivio ali u orange boxu, to je uvjek tako, tek kad dode iduci update mozemo ocekivati brzi rad

Offline zenkaipower

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Re: 2.40 video walkthrought PART1
« Reply #35 on: July 04, 2008, 15:08:21 »
Ne znam šta se svi pjene zbog te custom mjuze. Pa pustiš ju na nečemu drugome i svira ti...

Nije to isto...

U čemu je razlika?

Razlika je sta iman PS3 spojen sa kucnim kinom i normalno volija bi dobit custom mjuzu u igri sa njega. Kuzis? Nikakav kazetofon sa strane nemoze to zamijenit...

Offline Veronesku

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Re: 2.40 firmware topic
« Reply #36 on: July 04, 2008, 15:15:19 »
E sad, kazetofon... ;D

Offline crorastafa

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Re: 2.40 firmware topic
« Reply #37 on: July 04, 2008, 17:14:43 »
Da li tko zna ima li kakva zaštita za ps3 jer češće oden na net da ne čekan red za pc ili to nije potreno ,jer ima na bokmarku ali mi traži 4digit code?
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Offline keljober

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Re: 2.40 firmware topic
« Reply #38 on: July 04, 2008, 17:53:22 »
dok browsas odi na tools i tamo imas neku zastitu no nekuzim sta ce ti?

Offline crorastafa

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Re: 2.40 firmware topic
« Reply #39 on: July 04, 2008, 18:01:42 »
znaci nije potrebno ?
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Offline keljober

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Re: 2.40 firmware topic
« Reply #40 on: July 04, 2008, 18:21:23 »
po meni ne ja sam stalno na internet browseru , jedino mi nekad zabloka >:(

Offline crorastafa

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Re: 2.40 firmware topic
« Reply #41 on: July 07, 2008, 15:32:28 »
SCEE has just said that it can’t firm up reports that a PS3 Firmware 2.41 release is to be made this week, but fell short of issuing a denial.

“I saw them,” said a rep when asked if Sony was aware of the rumours. “I can’t confirm anything at the moment, though.”

We were also told that it’s unknown as yet when an official statement will be made on the status of Firmware 2.40/1, but PR is waiting to hear back on the matter.

CVG reported this morning that Sony customer service is telling callers that a Firmware 2.41 update if to be issued to PS3 users this week.

The news comes in the wake of the pulling of Firmware 2.40 last week, after numerous users complained of system lock-ups.
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Offline crorastafa

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Re: 2.40 firmware topic
« Reply #42 on: July 08, 2008, 12:51:48 »
Update 2.41 se može skinuti,vjerovatno zakrpe.                                                                                                                         PS3 2.41 Update Adds New Previously Played With Tab, and other minor enhancement

GamersReports writes: "Sony's 2.41 Firmware is available for download via the System Update on your Playstation 3 console. Among the new ability of not bricking your console; the minor update adds a new 4th "tab" to show your last played game, time and date, take a Look.

Also, the "Crown" Platinum trophy has been transformed into an actual trophy w/ a crystal globe inside."
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Offline crorastafa

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Re: 2.40 firmware topic
« Reply #43 on: July 08, 2008, 14:58:56 »
Skinuo sam novi update koji najavljuje 4tab na kartici za trofeje ali njega kod mene nema, gledajući ovaj video lik pokazuje sve novosti 2.41 updatea kod njega je sve na mjestu.
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Offline zenkaipower

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Re: 2.40 firmware topic
« Reply #44 on: July 08, 2008, 18:06:58 »
taj 4 tab je samo za players met i bio je tu od 2,40