Release Date: October. David can't be more specific.
Beta: There's already a Beta running, should gradually grow to include more people. 'The beta is starting off in a very controlled way, but will hopefully open up to lots more people. We aren't at a stage yet to know what direction we need to go with this. Personally, I'd love the beta to have as many people as possible, but we need to wait and see.'
Trophies: The guys have been having a 'lot of fun' with Trophies, which reflect the LBP 'Play, Create, Share' mantra, and some Trophies will require deft use of the machines to achieve.
Creation: Someone's actually made a computer: 'I think it was actually one of our programmers who made an adding machine in the game. It all works off little balls bouncing around and flicking physical switches.'
Moderation: (yeah, we've been here before) - the team have made it really simple to grief report any item, level or player just by hitting a button at any time and following a simple series of operations.
Frame rate and resolution: The game runs at 30fps at 720, using 'a lot of filmic techniques like depth of field and motion blur' which fits the game pretty well.
Install Size: Media Molecule haven't finalised the details on this, but the game is 'designed to be fairly lightweight, to make the sharing of new content easier'. The levels 'squidge down into really tiny files, which means that when the community makes new ones, they'll download quickly'. David says the HD install should end up around 1GB.
Sackboy: It's possible that there might be a special edition of the game with a Sackboy toy.
Future Additions: Water, camera controls, gameplay recording, gravity tweaking - it's all planned but Media Molecule want to know from the fans what they'd like to see first.
Motion Sensing: The main use of the motion sensor is for injecting a little more personality into the game, and will let you look around, point at things and change your facial expression.
YouTube Support: Would be 'nice'.
Licensed Music: Media Molecule have licensed music by The Go! Team and Battles as featured in some of the trailers. 'The game has lots of other awesome licensed music which is not just a feature of LittleBigPlanet's Story mode, but is available to you to use in create mode (assuming you have collected a given track's music object). Even more exciting is the interactive music system which allows you to musically score your levels as you see fit by placing down interactive music objects at key points in your level where you want the music to change.'
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