Author Topic: (PS3) Kilzone 2  (Read 57234 times)

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Offline crorastafa

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(PS3) Kilzone 2
« on: July 06, 2008, 20:23:12 »
 još jedna igra koju nitko ne spominje ,ali uz gt5 najišćekivanija igra .                                                         Much love and much hate has divided many gamers over Killzone 2. Of course us fans of the series are eager to jump on any bit of news that seeps out of the Guerrilla wood works. But as always, we must remember that along with every game preview and hands-on sessions, there’s good, as well as bad comments to be heard. Many previews which I’ve personally read bring up some real valid concerns regarding the PlayStation Day build of Killzone 2 and I think it’s great that the Guerrilla Games has time to analyze and act upon each concern if they choose to.

Before I go any further, I’d like to mention that this isn’t a name calling and finger pointing session, but rather an observation. In a guest Edge Magazine column, Level Up journalist, N’gai Croal wrote about the importance of game previewers writing what they see at the moment they preview a game. I have a similar belief, but when there are somwhat contradictory comments made within these previews, that’s when we should start the questioning what we read.

Ahh, the word- innovation. Some previews hit Killzone 2 up with the “linear and lack of creativity hammer.” Some may ask, what’s wrong with that? Well, one article for Edge Magazine in particular does a decent job explaining why they believe that Killzone 2 is, “short on ideas of their own”, and then goes on to cite how shooting aspects of the game aren’t exactly tight or decisive enough when compared Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4. Not exactly a terrible comparison but you’d have to wonder how much more of a scolding the game could have received if shooting was too similar to the above mentioned titles.

“Guerrilla says that Killzone 2 is living up to impossibly high expectations, but it’s hard not to feel that the game is short on ideas that it can call its own.” - Edge

Edge didn’t completely rip on the game, in fact I felt that their preview was pretty thorough and informative for those interested in Killzone 2.
“In fact, perfectly effective is the phrase that seems apt to describe all of Killzone 2’s features.” -Edge

One of the earlier previews to come out of PlayStation day was from Along with the distaste for Killzone 2’s somewhat dark and gritty color palette, the author of this preview states the following in his conclusion, “In some respects Killzone 2 could be Call of Duty 4 on an alien planet. Or, with the overloaded machismo, Gears of War in first person. This doesn’t necessarily mean it will be an average game, or even an above average game. But it does mean that, from what we’ve seen, Killzone 2 needs a splash of innovation magic dust if it’s to push the boundaries of the FPS genre, something we are desperately hoping Guerrilla manages to achieve between now and February next year.”

But Killzone 2 isn’t Call of Duty 4, nor is it Gears of War. It’s staying true to what Guerrilla Games envisioned for the series. Of course, with the various improvements such as cover system that has never been implemented in such a way on a console FPS and advanced hit response system. We’ve seen little in regards to the actual story but we know where it’s going. The ISA are taking the battle to the Helghast home world. Which brings us to another element that I’ve never experienced in an FPS, the enemies wielding their weather system against the invading forces.

Too many previews also falter on the comment of Killzone 2 being too linear at the moment and then wanting it to be more like Call of Duty 4 or Halo 3, which I and many can agree are from from being open ended game play. In fact, both rely on linear and scripted events to pull off their most spectacular and memorable moments in game.

For the most part previews, are a great way for gamers to follow the status of their favorite games and again. These are simply observations that I’ve made regarding some of the Killzone 2 previews. Some fans feel the game will be judged unfairly at launch time due to the impression that the first game left on some journalist. That may be a bit of a stretch because a good game will usually speak for itself. Although some of these previews may be fuel for some of those fan concerns. It’s also a widely viewed observation that some journalist choose to neglect the existence of Killzone Liberation. The PSP spin-off/sequel which greatly improved upon the first game’s setting and technical issues. Most notably the A.I..

Like the games that they review and preview, game journalist catch a lot of flak and this blog is most definitely not hate towards them. In the end, these guys and gals have been doing their jobs for many moons and I offer much respect to them.                                       
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you just cant live in that                                                    negative way...make way                                                   for the positive day

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Re: Kilzone2
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2008, 16:53:48 »
 Jul 14, 2008 

Here’s some as yet unseen gameplay footage of Killzone 2, one of the most exciting upcoming games on the PlayStation 3. Make sure you turn it up loud!

As you’ll see from the video this game is shaping up to be an excellent title. Let us know what you think in the thread. We’ll have more information on Killzone 2 coming very soon, and obviously more news from E3 as well…                                                                                                                                                     
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Re: Kilzone2
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2008, 18:20:19 »
neki cekaju COD  ja cekan ovo... must buy spring of 2009- the year of change...

Offline crorastafa

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Re: Kilzone2
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2008, 17:06:40 »
EW: Killzone 2 10 Minute Gameplay Walkthrough.
                                      Igra izgleda bolesno dobro :o
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Re: Kilzone2
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2008, 10:49:15 »
Evo prikaza klasa za multiplayer, oruzja i glavnog ekrana za online-kontrolni centar - nesto poput onoga sto cemo imati u SOCOMu - pratis vlastite dosege, dosege svog tima i svega zajedno. Predivno ;D

Offline keljober

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Re: Kilzone2
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2008, 11:35:53 »
izgleda bogato detaljima, nasljednik cod-a? svakako ;D
zbog ove igre sam uzeo ps3, jer mi se toliko svidio prvi dio 8)
fantasticni efekti, single player, multiplayer, atmosfera, zvuk...

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Re: (PS3) Kilzone 2
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2008, 12:09:10 »
Moram reći.... pun mi je kufer ovih SF napucačina... al' ono, baš mi je pun

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Re: (PS3) Kilzone 2
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2008, 12:10:10 »
Moram reci... Ocito je da nisi igrao prvi' ono, uopce ga nisi igrao ;D Pucacine su jedno, Killzone je nesto sasvim drugo...

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Re: (PS3) Kilzone 2
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2008, 12:11:41 »
Savrseno receno, amar :-*

Offline crorastafa

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Re: (PS3) Kilzone 2
« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2008, 12:40:41 »
Moram reci... Ocito je da nisi igrao prvi' ono, uopce ga nisi igrao ;D Pucacine su jedno, Killzone je nesto sasvim drugo...
Ali prvi dio nije pokupio velike simpatije gledajući loše ocjene IGN ILI GAME SPOTA ,meni je igra zadovoljavajuća.
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Re: (PS3) Kilzone 2
« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2008, 12:46:53 »
Ma prvi dio je dobio katastrofa ocjene svuda, sto samo pokazuje da ljudi koji su pisali te recenzije uopce nisu odigrali igru do kraja.

Prvi Killzone je po meni potpuno revolucionarna pucacina u masi pogleda i jedna od top 10 najboljih igara overall. Prava je steta sto Guerilla nije u mogunosti napraviti port prvog Killzonea na PS3, tek toliko da svi doista vide o kakvoj se IGRETINI radi. Nacin punjenja oruzja, ciljanje, abnormalan broj razlicith settinga u kojima se odvija igra, strasan AI Helgasta, fenomenalna oruzja, razliciti likovi s kojima si mogao igrati, predivna grafika, sjajn zvuk, 30+ sati single-playera.. To nema 95% FPS igara.

Najveci problem Killzonea je sto je bio na PS2 i sto je vecina recenzenata tog vremena FPS igrala iskljucivo na PC, sa misem i tipkovnicom. I sto sudeci iz recenzija nisu uspjeli proci ni prve gerilske nivoe, da o kasnijoj dzungli ili planinama uopce i ne pricamo. Pa su zato i vrijedjali AI i sve sto su stigli, jer mi nije bilo po volji. Papci :) Killzone je igra za prave muskarce, a ne za ljubitelje skakanja sa BFG i PlasmaGunom 15 metara u zrak, uz 3 piruete i dvostruki axl iznad kanjona sa lavom..

Offline crorastafa

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Re: (PS3) Kilzone 2
« Reply #12 on: July 24, 2008, 12:54:22 »
Negdi sam proćita da će ove godine demo izaći?
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Re: (PS3) Kilzone 2
« Reply #13 on: July 24, 2008, 13:02:33 »
Ne nego beta, killzone je u gp dobio sasvim zasluzenih 18/20,  i bio moja prva igra koju sam presao na ps2 od fps-ova.
Sam nacin drzanja pljuce, repetiranja, ciljanja, drzanja bombe u ruci, zvuk horde helgasta, nijedna igra dosada nije ostvarila, po meni najbitniji elementi jednoga fps-a, jos kad se sjetim prve misije u bunkerima dode mi da ju ponovo predem

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Re: (PS3) Kilzone 2
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2008, 01:48:56 »
Killzone sam prešao nekoliko puta. To dovoljno govori.

I dalje ima jedan od najboljih osjećaja pucanja.