Kroz najavu potvrdjen (vjerovatno poprilicno konkretan) updejt za ozujak, najavljena nova funkcionalnost Photo kaze:
Public Release of Photographs taken in Photo Mode With the
coming Gran Turismo 5 update planned for March 2012, we will be starting a new service on worldwide, called "Gran Turismo 5 Photo Stream".
In GT5 Photo Stream, photographs taken in the photo mode of Gran Turismo 5 and set to "Share" will be shown in a list on a webpage, and be made possible to view by anyone.
The photographs will continue to change periodically, the online ID's of the photographer will NOT be shown or made public, and there is no evaluation system or the like for the photographs. This is a service which simply introduces what kinds of photographs are being taken in Gran Turismo 5 by players around the world.
Please be aware that any photographs set to "Share" after the start date of this service will be released publically on the web by GT5 Photo Stream.
We hope you'll look forward to the start of this new service.
* Photographs that had been set to "Share with Friends" before the start date of this service will not be shown in GT5 Photo Stream.
* Due to limitations of time and the number of photograph displayable, not all photographs set to "Share" may be shown in GT5 Photo Stream. fora kako god pogledas, cini mi se kao sjajno testiranje cross-platform funkcionalnosti, a pokazuje i da su slozili servere za opaki stress-testing buduci da ce ovo komunicirati izravno s konzolama i uploadati na web. Super, super.
U cast ove vijesti postavljam prvu fotku ikad iz nasih GTS galerija Gran Turisma 5, by
Dax iz studenog 2011. Ako se ne varam, na ovoj fotki smo Kimi i ja, Kimi je ovaj naprijed, a ovo iza sam ja koji se u zadnjem krugu utrke, nakon predobre borbe za 1. mjesto kroz 7 krugova, izvrtio jer sam straznjom gumom povukao onaj komadic zemlje pored asfalta, tada jos bez spoznaje o prljavom zraku