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Evo i jedne sjajne price o implementaciji Damagea - procitajte da ne napravite istu gresku QuoteSo I won this really expensive chevy impala '62 and took it for a test drive in practice mode and crashed it up hella good not thinking a thing about apparently in GT Auto it costs something like $372,000 to repair the chassis rigidity!!! How the hell was I supposed to know practice mode carried the damage over!!!!!!!!!!! This is almost game breaking...I either fork out the cash or drive around a broken car I worked waaaaay too hard for.Tko razbija automobile samo da bi razbijao automobile bolje da ima debel racun u banci Kazunori, legendo
So I won this really expensive chevy impala '62 and took it for a test drive in practice mode and crashed it up hella good not thinking a thing about apparently in GT Auto it costs something like $372,000 to repair the chassis rigidity!!! How the hell was I supposed to know practice mode carried the damage over!!!!!!!!!!! This is almost game breaking...I either fork out the cash or drive around a broken car I worked waaaaay too hard for.
e sjetio sam se nečega, jel se još nekome pojavljuje ona opcija kad prvi put uđeš u home da si personaliziraš pozadinu, avatr i sl.meni se non stop pojavljuje svaki put kad dođem u home, jel to normalno?za sada imam sva zlata u NB i NA licencama, ove international ću u popodnevnoj smjeni probati ću pozlatiti i njih ali ako ne ide neću previše gubiti živce meni je bitno i zadnjih 12 godina da ove prve dvije pozlatim a ove u sljedećih par godina igranja riješim bitno da nema bronci
NAT1 ti je jedino moguc ako potpuno zaobidjes ruter i kabel iz glavne uticnice- koji inace ide u ruter - direktno spojis u PS3. U tom slucaju - najboljem od svih - nemas nikakvih problema i imas NAT1.