Imaš pod izbornikom "devices" sve SLOTOVE accounta kojim si se ulogirao, i deaktiviraj sve. Dakle to je isti acc koji je na više konzola.
Ja odem na devices i onda me jos jednom trazi password, a zatim napise ovako
How to Deactivate a PlayStation®3 System
You can only deactivate your PlayStation®3 system from PlayStation®Network using your PS3™ system. You cannot deactivate it using a PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system or PC.
On the XMB™ menu, go to PlayStation®Network and sign in to your PlayStation®Network account.
Go to Account Management > System Activation > PS3™ System.
Select the type of content you no longer want your PS3™ system to use.
Highlight [Deactivate System] and press the X button. Your system is now deactivated.
Highlight [OK] and press the X button.
Formulira jasno da je jedina opcija da izaberem sadrzaj koji MENI VISE NE TREBA, a ne koji ja zelim ''uskratiti'' drugome. TO zbunjuje...