Author Topic: Kada napraviti Racing Modification proces?  (Read 18458 times)

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Offline sagitarius

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Kada napraviti Racing Modification proces?
« on: December 07, 2010, 11:57:39 »
Ukoliko imate zelju, odgovor je - ODMAH, na posve novim autima.

Razlog: objasnjava Jay s GTPlaneta:

"I've seen many posts from people asking the same question. I hope this may help those who are still unsure.

Apply the full Racing Modification to new cars only. Don't leave it until last, you'll only have to upgrade the power again from standard.

What the racing mod actually gives you... (some models may differ slightly)

Adjustable racing aero body parts. Front and rear.
Racing exhaust.
Fully adjustable transmission.
Racing clutch & flywheel.
Fully adjustable suspension.
Stage 3 weight reduction. Including windscreen & bonnet.

You can than upgrade the following...

ALL engine tuning mods.
ALL intake tuning mods.
Sports exhaust manifold.
Sports catalytic converter.
ALL turbo/supercharger mods.

So... Best to buy the Race Mod option for new 'un-modded' cars only.

Oh... and you can still change the base colour."

Ukratko, ukoliko se odlucite izvesti RM proces na autima koje ste vec tunirali, nestat ce svi upgradei koje ste napravili na takvom autu i bezveze cete baciti novce.

Popis automobila koji zasd podrzavaju RM proces:

Offline crorastafa

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Re: Kada napraviti Racing Modification proces?
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2010, 21:17:51 »
Vec sam 4 kom. modificira, a corveta ZR1 izgleda njaljepse i najbrutalnije, slike su u pripremi..
you just cant live in that                                                    negative way...make way                                                   for the positive day

Offline toni_cro

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Re: Kada napraviti Racing Modification proces?
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2010, 21:46:24 »
pa dobro to sam saznao kad sam išao modificirati silviu s15, 300ks mi je dovoljno za drift pa nisam ni išao u daljnnje tuniranje kad ono vidim da mi se gubi sve ako napravim RM, baš sam bio sretan da nisam potrošio pare na ovjes i sl. :D

if in doubt, go flat out