Author Topic: Forza Motorsport 4 • nesluzbena tema  (Read 213251 times)

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Re: Forza Motorsport 4 • nesluzbena tema
« Reply #15 on: May 26, 2011, 18:46:25 »
Pa, ne vjerujem da će se tu nešto drastično promijeniti po osjećaju vožnje, i dalje će podrška za volan biti glavni značajka, te koliko će razdvojiti upravljanje kontrolerom i volanom (ono što je Amar nebrojeno puta spominjao). Zato sam i naveo prije da vi koji planirate veliko kupovanje (dakle, i konzole i volana) svakako prethodno probate igru i volan. Za nas koji već imamo aparaturu je puno lakše ;)

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Re: Forza Motorsport 4 • nesluzbena tema
« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2011, 19:37:15 »
Lako za izgled, bitan je osjecaj u voznji. Staza ce, vjerujem, biti u izobilju.
Polyphonyev izbor auta i neuvrstavanje bitnih modela europskih proizvodjaca ne bih komentirao, jer i meni ide na dragana osamdesetpet modela Miate i Skylinea, a izostanak recimo Alfe 164 ili VW Scirocca ili Corrada. Eto, ipak sam komentirao.

kad ne kuzis njihove principe zaboga ;D da postoji 150 varijacija korada onda bi napravili jedan Premium predlozak, a onda u dan dva jos 149 varijacija malim  kozmetickim promjenama. Pa nisu oni doista toliko vise vremena posvetili japancima koliko se cini
PSNid- PhaedrusSocrates:"EAT MY GRAINING!" 8)

Imamo samo jedno spasonosno rješenje..... odbiti isporuku Perkovića... objavit Nijemcima rat i odmah se predat.

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Re: Forza Motorsport 4 • nesluzbena tema
« Reply #17 on: May 26, 2011, 19:40:07 »
O stazama nema ništa novo?

btw... ovi auti izgledaju ok, ali baš im ovisi o boji, mini i alfa mi izgledaju kao pravi, ostalima se vidi da su "umjetni" ;D

p.s. nadam se da će sve ovo oko FM4 potaknuti one sa "istoka" da naprave nešto i od svoje igre 8)

cine mi se ovi odbljesci na njima svakako predrasticno bljestavim, meni to najvise bode oci?
PSNid- PhaedrusSocrates:"EAT MY GRAINING!" 8)

Imamo samo jedno spasonosno rješenje..... odbiti isporuku Perkovića... objavit Nijemcima rat i odmah se predat.

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Re: Forza Motorsport 4 • nesluzbena tema
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2011, 20:15:33 »
I meni isto, da. I GT automobili su prilično blještavi, ali ovo je nekako drugčije i izraženije...
“While racing the 24 hours of Nurburgring, you can smell people’s barbecues — we couldn’t recreate that.” — Kazunori Yamauchi

Offline Ikral

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Re: Forza Motorsport 4 • nesluzbena tema
« Reply #19 on: May 26, 2011, 20:40:09 »
Auti izgledaju genijalno, ali se ne morate bojati da buju tak blešćali u igri, jer ovo su renderi za hvalisanje. Do X720 i PS4 ništa od ovakve grafke.

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Re: Forza Motorsport 4 • nesluzbena tema
« Reply #20 on: May 26, 2011, 20:47:37 »
Pa GT5 modeli meni bolje od ovog izgledaju, nije ovo napredak spram GT5 i current-gen konzola.

(ne uspostavljam rivalstvo izmedju dvoje, da se ne pomisli, samo komentiram)
“While racing the 24 hours of Nurburgring, you can smell people’s barbecues — we couldn’t recreate that.” — Kazunori Yamauchi

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Re: Forza Motorsport 4 • nesluzbena tema
« Reply #21 on: May 26, 2011, 22:16:00 »
Meni najvise smeta sto su neki djelovi tamni tj crni, ispod branika itd, dok kod GT5 se tu vide recimo kablovi, hladnjak...
STRAST: Snažna emocija koja potpuno ovlada čovjekovim raspoloženjem.
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Re: Forza Motorsport 4 • nesluzbena tema
« Reply #22 on: June 01, 2011, 09:46:24 »
Prvi preview headtrackinga.

Klimave pedale su zakooon  ;D

Ali HT ce ocito biti mrak - i sasvim sam siguran da ce raditi u svim modovima - jos kada bi Kinect kostao 50 eura..

BTW Jucer je Badned na NG potvrdio da ce mozda T10 napraviti ono sto je dosad samo uspjelo Polyphonyju:

G Rom
...And if they really manage to cram 16 cars on track while maintaining FM3 technical level (720p v-synced 60fps), I would be really impressed !

That is the goal and so far it works but we are still not at 100%, quite some time left until the code is final but it looks good.

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Re: Forza Motorsport 4 • nesluzbena tema
« Reply #23 on: June 01, 2011, 12:08:22 »
Bit ce veselo, Kazunori se mora ozbiljno potruditi (nadam se da se vec trudi, odnosno da je GT6 u izradi) da odrzi vodstvo u kvali/kvanti-teti. Forza Motorsport!

Offline Aries

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Re: Forza Motorsport 4 • nesluzbena tema
« Reply #24 on: June 01, 2011, 13:34:01 »
Pa, ne vjerujem da će se tu nešto drastično promijeniti po osjećaju vožnje, i dalje će podrška za volan biti glavni značajka, te koliko će razdvojiti upravljanje kontrolerom i volanom
T10 je odavno napomenuo da jačaju podršku za kontrolere.

Offline Aries

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Re: Forza Motorsport 4 • nesluzbena tema
« Reply #25 on: June 01, 2011, 15:07:34 »

Offline sagitarius

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Re: Forza Motorsport 4 • nesluzbena tema
« Reply #26 on: June 02, 2011, 12:01:02 »
Brza komparacija novog lighting enginea s FM3

+ cini se da FM4 misli ozbiljno vezano za TopGear:

Offline STINGer

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Re: Forza Motorsport 4 • nesluzbena tema
« Reply #27 on: June 02, 2011, 12:26:03 »
+ cini se da FM4 misli ozbiljno vezano za TopGear:
Slabo će mi doć ::) Jebote Sony što ste imali u rukama i pustite da vam ode ::)

Offline sagitarius

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Re: Forza Motorsport 4 • nesluzbena tema
« Reply #28 on: June 06, 2011, 21:51:57 »
Nova strana.

Offline sagitarius

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Re: Forza Motorsport 4 • nesluzbena tema
« Reply #29 on: June 06, 2011, 21:58:56 »
Pa ajmo po redu:


Oct. 11, 2011, in North America
Oct. 14, 2011, in Europe
Oct. 20, 2011, throughout the rest of world

Top features include the following:

Platform-defining graphics. “Forza Motorsport 4” sets a new graphical standard for the racing genre. Featuring dramatic Hollywood-style camera effects and an all new lighting engine, “Forza Motorsport 4” creates an unparalleled, dramatically realistic graphical experience — all running at a silky-smooth 60 frames per second.

Xbox LIVE showpiece. “Forza Motorsport 4” is making racing more social than ever. Create a Car Club and build the ultimate dream team of drivers, tuners and painters from the “Forza” community. Share your custom cars and dominate the other clubs. With the all-new Rivals Mode, play against your friends whether they are online or not by challenging them for bragging rights and rewards in a variety of different game types.

Industry-leading innovation with Kinect. Autovista Mode brings the automotive experience comes to life. Walk around the car in a virtual showroom, crouch down to look at the details, or open the doors and hood using the power of Kinect. Immerse yourself with Kinect Head Tracking, which pans the camera view based on how you naturally look into the corners when you’re hard charging. Take the virtual wheel with Kinect as you sit on the couch with your friends and family — no controller required. You can even take advantage of Kinect voice control to easily navigate the game’s menu.

More of what you love. With more than 80 manufacturers, the most in any racing game available today, “Forza Motorsport 4” features unrivaled diversity and more of the cars you love. The all new World Tour Mode boasts new tracks, unending choice and hundreds of hours of gameplay as you travel the globe with your favorite car. With the most accurate physics engine, cockpits and damage on every car and assists that allow even the most casual player to race, “Forza Motorsport 4” redefines the genre.

Jalopnik nesto siri clanak:

Graphics (Polygon count size does matter!): For starters, Turn 10's re-rendered every single vehicle, ripping the graphics engine down and building it back up. And the results are simply staggering. Cars are up from Forza 3's 400,000 polygons to over one million polygons per car. They've added real-light changes like blooming and lens flares help make the cars look like they're really in the environment. Turn 10 is achieving in real-time at 60 frames per second what was once something Pixar needed weeks to render. Just take a look through the gorgeous shots in the gallery to the left to see what I mean.

Physics Engine (Kick the tires and light the fires!): Not only has Turn 10 rebuilt the physics engine from scratch, they've also tried to address one of the most glaring problems with Forza 3, the tires. That's why, for enthusiasts anyway, the most important addition to the game is going to be the tire physics. Thanks to a partnership with Pirelli, Turn 10 has completely redone the modeling for tire dynamics. The tire company let them inside their testing system to give the game a soup-to-nuts data download and allow them to directly input it into the game. That means that when you turn off all the nanny systems, and you're in a car fitted with a set of racing slicks, and you push down the accelerator a touch too hard, you'll slip and slide in the most realistic way I've ever experienced. I found out embarrassingly first-hand in a simulator the perils of such a setup on a ham-fisted and lead-footed auto journalist. But it's so brilliantly realistic you can't not be excited at the prospect of turning off the nanny systems and letting loose some tire-shredding burnouts on a digital skidpad. Or, in my case, skidding into walls on an all-new track that Forza tried to build to be the best driving road on Earth. Set in the Swiss Alps with three to five different ribbons, it's certainly intimidating. It's also beautiful to look at.

Kinect (Somehow we find a Kinect-ion is made!): There's three ways to use the Xbox 360 Kinect motion action camera system and the best way to conceptualize why both of them exist is to think of them as being for three different types of people. One, a sort of gimmick-y mode called "Autovista Mode," is a system for "bringing the automotive experience to life." You can walk around a car in a virtual showroom, crouch down to look at the details, or open the doors and hood using the power of Kinect. The coolest part of that feature is there's a heavy integration with Top Gear — Jeremy Clarkson has a soliloquy on each of the cars in Autovista Mode.

The second, is what I like to call "frat boy" mode — imagine a fraternity house where you have the game set up and everyone's taking turns to play each other — a la Goldeneye from back when I went to school. Basically, you stick your hands out and grab a virtual wheel as you sit on the couch with your friends and family — and thanks to auto-acceleration and auto-braking — there's no controller required. That also means there's no controller to accidentally drop beer on. It's an easy way to play with friends with no muss or fuss.

The third feature is really for the hardcore gamers and hardcore enthusiasts. You can truly immerse yourself in the game with Kinect Head Tracking, which pans the camera view based on how you naturally look into the corners when you're hard charging. There's even a fourth integration that I didn't try that can take advantage of Kinect voice control to easily navigate the game's menus.

Community (Because car guys are social little bitches!): One of the coolest new community features is the ability to create a guild-like car club and then recruit your friends — or, really, the best of the best — and have the ultimate dream team of drivers, tuners and painters from the "Forza" community. Within each club you'll be able to share your custom cars and then, if you're interested, use them to dominate the other clubs. A second feature is an all-new Rivals Mode that lets you play against your friends whether they're online or not in a variety of different game types. Basically, you'd race against a "ghost" version of them, chasing or leading your opponent's ghost around the track.

Now combine those features with access to cars from over 80 manufacturers — more than any other racing game.

With the number of manufacturers Forza comes to the table with, it turns the game into something more — almost a quintessential experiential automotive game. You can have access to cars and manufacturers you'd never be able to afford or touch in real life, whenever and however you want them. Who cares what a car magazine says when you can walk around the Ferrari 458 Italia yourself, pop the hood, slip inside, shut the door, hear Jeremy Clarkson talk about it and then drive it yourself against your friend.

And that's exactly why I'm more excited for Forza Motorsport 4 than I've ever been for a driving game. Not only does it look to be brilliant, it might even help save car culture. I'm all for it. Even if I am worried it'll put me out of business.

Trailer u HD:
