Evo "nevidljivih" updatea koje smo dobili:
- Improved clutch
- "TThrustmaster" typo fixed
- Car sorting in garage will be saved
- Restart option after finishing a race
- Corrected taillights on the '91 Acura NSX
- Improved force feedback on the RedBull X2010
- Improved loading times in the car dealership menu
- You can now export all your photos to the XMB at once
- The rev meter in the Mazda RX-7 (FC) '90 and the gear display in the NSX GT500 were fixed
- Slight shadow improvements
- 16 cars on-track in Arcade Mode
- Set-up menu now called "Settings" instead of "Tuning"
- Smoke/spray pixelation around the cars improved
- RE-Amemiya RX-7 sound improved
- Laps, restrictions and other infos are now displayed in the online race browser
Ja cu jos dodati da su definitivno poboljsali izgled nocnih utrka, slazem se s Ljubusakom da Nurb izgleda nesto drugacije, vidljivo je popravljeno osvjetljavanje farovima nocu, ono sto je Bruno spomenuo za gledatelje takodjer sve stoji.
Uz to, mozete u Arcade utrkama sada upaliti Damage (Light & Heavy) i Real Skid. Ovo preporucam svakome da isproba i skuzi svu nemilosrdnost igre na max postavkama