Author Topic: BTCC/WTCC  (Read 371798 times)

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Offline STINGer

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« Reply #225 on: October 15, 2012, 16:26:13 »
I tako, dođe nam sezona kraju, a još se prvak ne zna. Tako i treba biti.

Čekaju nas završne tri utrke na legendarnom Brands Hatch GP-u

Trenutni poredak na tablici:

1. Gordon Shedden - 364
2. Jason Plato - 349
3. Matt Neal - 333
4. Andrew Jordan - 303

i četiri junaka koja će podijeliti megdan :)

-------------------------------- Shedden ------------------------- Neil ---------------------------- Plato ----------------------------Jordan

Offline Troma

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« Reply #226 on: October 15, 2012, 16:45:48 »
Bit ce fino ovaj vikend. 8)
Finally, in one sentence, what did Formula One mean to you Mark?
Tricky... It was precision. It was the pinnacle.

Offline STINGer

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« Reply #227 on: October 16, 2012, 17:56:39 »
BTCC 2012 Brands Hatch GP Preview

Offline toni_cro

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« Reply #228 on: October 16, 2012, 22:21:38 »
dobra sezona, gledao sam kad sam se sjetio na jutjubu snimke
odlične utrke

rimajnder, wtcc ovaj vikend na suzuki ;)

if in doubt, go flat out

Offline Zoky

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« Reply #229 on: October 17, 2012, 16:02:58 »
Konacno pogledao zadnje tri utrke koje su bile odlicne imo. Svaka cast plato-u i jacksonu.....strasno kako su odvozili i sad jedva cekam zavrsnicu na Brands Hatchu! :)

Offline STINGer

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« Reply #230 on: October 17, 2012, 16:12:14 »
Baš sam čekao kad ćeš se oglasiti ;D

Zadnja utrka strava...

Offline Zoky

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« Reply #231 on: October 17, 2012, 19:07:02 »
Baš sam čekao kad ćeš se oglasiti ;D

Zadnja utrka strava...
Trebalo mu je 13 krugova da dojde sa zacelja na prvo mjesto....bas strava! :)

Shedden i Neil su jako slabo odvozili, nikak ih nije islo... ???

Offline STINGer

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« Reply #232 on: October 17, 2012, 20:23:33 »
A svi su imali neko sranje, mada Neil najviše... no, u drugim utrkama je njima išlo, a drugi odustajali...

Ja bi htio da Plato bude prvak, ako ne on, onda Flash, Neil ne dosadio više :)

Offline STINGer

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« Reply #233 on: October 20, 2012, 20:45:44 »
Čudne kvale odn. rezultati... nažalost, stream na službenom sajtu nije ništa radio, tko zna što im je bilo, valjda previše ljudi navalilo. Uglavnom, biti će svega sutra ;D

Offline Screamingeagle

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« Reply #234 on: November 16, 2012, 15:28:57 »
BTCC introduces additional penalties for bad driving in 2013
The British Touring Car Championship has introduced additional penalties for bad driving in the series.

Fines and licence points have chiefly been used to punish poor driving in the series in recent years, but some paddock insiders felt standards have still dropped too low at times.

Now, from 2013, any driver who receives three penalties for on-track driving discipline offences, including verbal warnings, will be relegated six grid spots on the third penalty.

The penalty will apply in the first available race after officials have issued a driver with the third sanction.

Features editor Kevin Turner

Having been disappointed at yesterday's boost-adjustment announcement, I have to say that this extra driver penalty is a good idea.

Some of the driving standards in the BTCC have been woeful in recent times, and there have been those that have suggested the penalties don't go far enough.

Fines and licence points generally don't do much to deter drivers, but an instant and quantifiable impact on their chances in the next race just might.

Combined with the reversal of race positions in certain instances, which the series already does, this could reduce a driver's ability to score points. And that can hurt.

The only question is will this go far enough? One former BTCC champion suggested to AUTOSPORT during the season that putting offenders 'on the bench' for a race would be a real deterrent, which is undoubtedly true.

Only time will tell if this move is enough, but it's a step in the right direction and at least shows that the championship is taking the issue of driving standards seriously.

Offline STINGer

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« Reply #235 on: November 16, 2012, 15:31:15 »
Andy Neate like this ;D

Offline Screamingeagle

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« Reply #236 on: November 28, 2012, 17:51:35 »

Offline STINGer

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« Reply #237 on: March 07, 2013, 16:48:35 »

Offline STINGer

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« Reply #238 on: March 07, 2013, 17:26:58 »
Evo i malo sa testiranja na Brands Hatchu

Offline Troma

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« Reply #239 on: March 07, 2013, 20:17:11 »
Jel to umjesto bijele eBay trojke?? TOC ju vozi jel je?
Finally, in one sentence, what did Formula One mean to you Mark?
Tricky... It was precision. It was the pinnacle.