Author Topic: (PC) ArmA III + pocela Arma 3 Alpha - vidi post #12  (Read 26072 times)

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Offline sagitarius

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(PC) ArmA III + pocela Arma 3 Alpha - vidi post #12
« on: June 10, 2011, 10:26:58 »
Evo za Zinaju i Zeleta, iako niti jedan niti drugi nemaju kompove - kao niti pola Hrvatske uostalom - na kojima ce se ovo cudo moci vrtiti.

Bohemian je najavio ARMAIII za ljeto 2012, uz vec sada nevjerovatne hardverske zahtjeve, a usput su izbacili i besplatnu verziju ArmA II kao striktno MP igru.
O ArmA II Free sve sam stavio u iduci post.

Jos slika + artworks:


Svi detalji dostupni na novim, napokon lijepim sluzbenim stranicama > obavezan posjet forumu:

Key features:
*Single-Player Campaign - Evolve from a lone prey into a military commander in the open-ended & story-driven campaign.

*Vehicles & Weapons – Control a multitude of aircraft, vehicles and ships with accurate simulation; shoot anything from pistols to sophisticated weapon platforms.

*Physical Simulation & Improved Animations – Take advantage of PhysX™ supported vehicle simulation, in-game interactions and the revamped animation system.

*Rich & Authentic Environment – Explore an unsurpassed military combat experience set on an authentic Mediterranean island modelled from real geographic data.

*Multiplayer Gameplay – Experience both cooperative & competitive scenarios with the full support of dedicated servers for both Windows and Linux.

*Completely Extensible & Moddable - Design & create countless customizable scenarios using the intuitive & easy-to-use mission editor.

*Customizable Soldier Load - Choose your uniform; assemble your weapon kit; change your load-out; get loaded up.

Offline sagitarius

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Re: (PC) ArmA III + ArmA II Free to Play
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2011, 10:31:02 »
A ovo je besplatna Arma II > samo se downloada i igra. Nema kampanje, ali je tu kompletan multiplayer za potencijalno navlacenje svih novih igraca na Armu III. Sjajan potez.

Arma 2 FREE
Arma 2: Free (A2F) redefines the free-to-play battlefield with its truly unrivalled scale and gameplay possibilities. A2F serves up almost everything offered by the original Arma 2 - the '13th best PC game of all time', according to PC Gamer [1] - minus the campaign, HD graphics and support for user-made addons and mods.

Create your own custom-built scenarios or deploy a massive selection of missions and game-modes made by others. No micro-transactions, no hidden costs, just the same epic terrain and huge variety of equipment! This is Arma 2 Free - virtual war without the training wheels.

Arma 2: Free to download, free to play, free to share, free to host, free to create... free to play redefined!



Main Features

> Free Military Simulation
An authentic and accurate battlefield simulation, including bullet ballistics & deflection, material penetration and more. Unique and comprehensive AI combat-system for large-scale battles.

> Free Armory
A comprehensive range of 300+ weapons, units and fully-usable armed or unarmed vehicles across air, land and water classes.

> Free Unique Multiplayer
A wide variety of multiplayer game-modes are possible - from a range of co-op and PvP modes, to total mayhem! Many of them are ready to deploy from the get-go, while others can be created using the built-in mission editor, or freely downloaded from the Internet. Deploy user-made scenarios and play together on the same premium game-servers, as long as they don't depend on additional content not available within the already huge armory of over 300 authentic modern weapons, units and vehicles.

>Free Dedicated Servers
Software for dedicated servers is available for users to host freely wherever and however they like across Linux and Windows OS platforms. Multiplayer with large-scale maps for 50+ live players and hundreds of AI units. User communities can host any type of games they like, the way they like - private or public - with stock game modes or custom ones, for the maximum number of players their hardware and connection can support.

> Free Creativity
Quick mission templates, a powerful, built-in, easy to use SP/MP mission editor, and advanced scripting.

Offline STINGer

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Re: (PC) ArmA III + ArmA II Free to Play
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2011, 11:06:43 »
Od kad sam uzeo novu kantu, nabavio sam i ArmA II, ali nikako da krenem sa igranjem... odigrao sam par trening misija, ali nikako da se natjeram da krenem igrati kampanju. Prokleti GT ;D

Offline biker4lifeCRO

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Re: (PC) ArmA III + ArmA II Free to Play
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2011, 21:26:26 »
Ja sam veliki fan Operation Flashpoint serijala. Tj., igrao sam original sa svim dodatnim ekspanzijama i stotinama giga modova. Kasnije sam jedno vrijeme igrao Armu (tko prati zna pricu o "podjeli" OF<>Arma). Drugi dio Arme i OF nisam igrao. No, kako kazu, jedan je original. Arma koju sam igrao mi nije ni 5% originalnog OF. Jest da je grafika losija u OF, ali to nije bitno.

Offline STINGer

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Re: (PC) ArmA III + ArmA II Free to Play
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2011, 21:48:40 »
ArmA II ti je pravi nastavak originalnog OpF-a, sa svim svojim bugovima :)

Offline biker4lifeCRO

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Re: (PC) ArmA III + ArmA II Free to Play
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2011, 17:03:03 »
ArmA II ti je pravi nastavak originalnog OpF-a, sa svim svojim bugovima :)

Da. Sada sa patchem 1.99 u OFP: Cold War Crisis se i naslov mjenja u Arma: Cold War Assault.

Inače, jučer sam nakon 3 godine ponovno instalirao Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis + Red Hammer Gold Upgrade (GOTY Edition) + Resistance Expansion Pack + Resistance Patch 1.96. Inače, imam originalna izdanja, nisu pirati. 8)

Malo ću pričekati sa ubacivanjem patcha 1.99 jer ne donosi ništa konkretno, a trenutno sam u fazi selekcije i instaliranja svih modova koje sam imao nekada, pa ce to potrajati!

Korisni linkovi:

Inace, originalni OFP (sa svim ekspanzijama i patchem 1.96) je meni i dan danas, 10 godina nakon premijere vrhunska igra. Grafika je u drugom planu, a igrivost, misije, realnost, mission editor, modovi... vrhunski... da, ima bugova, mozda i ne bas malo, ali obzirom kako je sve ostalo dobro napravljeno, niti ne idem za time! Zanimljivo je spomenuti da su upravo OFP mnoge vojske svijeta koristile kao bazu za virtualni trening vojnika!

Arma I imam također instaliranu na PC-u, međutim, iako je grafika bolja (osjetno), mislim da je podbacila u nekim drugim poljima. I nju sam modao, pa je situacija malo bolja!

Arma III - volio bih je probati igrati, međutim, obzirom na hardwareske zahtjeve, neznam kada ce to biti moguce. Sto se same igre tice, nadam se da ce imati osnovne karakteristike originala!

Offline STINGer

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Re: (PC) ArmA III + ArmA II Free to Play
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2012, 09:47:29 »

Offline sagitarius

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Re: (PC) ArmA III + ArmA II Free to Play
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2012, 20:22:42 »
Za one s kantama od 20.000 kuna...

Offline biker4lifeCRO

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Offline sagitarius

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Re: (PC) ArmA III + ArmA II Free to Play
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2012, 20:15:50 »
Arma III demonstracija

Minimum Specifications:
OS: Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP1
CPU: Intel Dual-Core 2.4 GHz or AMD Dual-Core Athlon 2.5 GHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT or ATI Radeon HD 3830 or Intel HD Graphics 3000 with Shader Model 4 and 512 MB VRAM
HDD: 15 GB free space
DirectX: 10
Mosh mislit ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Offline STINGer

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Re: (PC) ArmA III + ArmA II Free to Play
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2012, 15:51:25 »
Pa minimum ;D   samo nebo je granica ;D

Offline sagitarius

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Re: (PC) ArmA III + ArmA II Free to Play
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2012, 16:07:50 »
Ma meni se cini da je ovo gore dovoljno za options menu eventualno izvrtiti ;D

Offline sagitarius

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Re: (PC) ArmA III + ArmA II Free to Play
« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2013, 12:46:32 »
Godinu dana kasnije, krenula Arma 3 Alpha - March 5th.

Cijena 25€ + kanta od 15.000 kn ;D


Bohemia Interactive today announced their plans for the upcoming PC-exclusive tactical military shooter game, Arma 3™. From next week onward, Tuesday March 5th, all are welcome to try out the authentic military gameplay and assist in the game’s development by participating in the Arma 3 Alpha. The Alpha will feature a limited amount of playable and sandbox content, receive regular updates and remain accessible until Arma 3’s Beta starts – which is expected in the second quarter of this year. The full and final version of Arma 3 is scheduled for release in Q3 2013.

Featured in the Arma 3 Alpha are four showcase missions (Infantry, Vehicles, SCUBA and Helicopter), a limited subset of weapons and vehicles, two multiplayer scenarios, the powerful scenario editor and modding support. The 20 km² island of Stratis, which is positioned right off the coast from Arma 3’s main destination ‘Altis’ (270 km²), will form the backdrop of the Arma 3 Alpha.

To participate in the Alpha, people can purchase the Arma 3 Alpha (24.99 EUR/19.99 GBP/32.99 USD) or Arma 3 Digital Deluxe Edition (39.99 EUR/34.99 GBP/49.99 USD) on Steam. Extras in the Digital Deluxe Edition include a digital soundtrack*, digital maps*, digital tactical guide*, and a Steam Gift of Arma: Cold War Assault (formerly known as Operation Flashpoint™: Cold War Crisis). Both versions include access to the Arma 3 Beta plus a digital copy of the complete game upon release. The price of each edition will increase once the Arma 3 Beta and final game become available.

Those who would like to sponsor development further, also have the option to purchase the Arma 3 Supporter Edition (69.99 EUR/59.99 GBP/91.99 USD) from Besides the additional Arma development support, this edition ships with all the extras from the digital deluxe edition, a Steam Gift of Arma X, all future Arma 3 DLCs, a special forums medal and the opportunity to have their names featured in the game’s credits. The full overview of editions, and their conditions, can be found on Arma 3’s new website.

Last but not least, Bohemia Interactive also intends to release a free, limited version of the Alpha, named Arma 3 Alpha Lite. The Alpha Lite will be available one week after the initial Alpha release, on Thursday March 14th, and does not include a multiplayer component and modding support. Access to the Alpha Lite is invite-only and can be obtained from people who have purchased the Arma 3 Alpha. Invites will also be randomly distributed via the Arma 3 social channels and as giveaways by selected media outlets. The Arma 3 Alpha Lite expires on June 15, does not provide access to the Arma 3 Beta and does not include a copy of the final game.

Nema govora o next-gen konzolama, vjerovatno ponajprije zbog ovog: ;D ;D

...ali ima suskanja da bi novi DayZ na Arma3 engineu mogao zavrsiti na next-genu.


Offline STINGer

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Re: (PC) ArmA III + pocela Arma 3 Alpha - vidi post #12
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2013, 13:02:13 »
Mila mati :)

Offline biker4lifeCRO

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Re: (PC) ArmA III + pocela Arma 3 Alpha - vidi post #12
« Reply #14 on: February 27, 2013, 20:07:59 »
Ajme! :o

Kao nekadasnjem okorjelom igracu originalnog Operation Flashpointa, jos mi vise cure sline kada vidim ovo. ;D