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Offline Jadran73

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Evo malo novosti   ;D

Build 318 (8/10/12, Junior Member+):

Build 318 (8/10/12, Junior Member+)
Moved all MP UI strings to string database, added token descriptors
Online: UI uses server-side configuration to enable/disable access to multiplayer
Fixed more missing container initiailsations.
Container/memory updates:
* Removed all known occurences of lazy container initialisations
* Improved Init/Cleanup flow for several systems
* Updated per-frame memory alloc tracking system
* BList memtraces now take BDbgString instead of BString as name param
* BAllocTable.Init now takes the number of custom entries as a param, and default parameters removed
* Added Log2, Log2_32 and Log2_64 maths functions
* Removed lazy container inits from Input and LiveEdit modules
Added test for invalid user setup
Added support for final build logging to help eliminate possibility of a crash deep inside DX11 render code
MP UI improvements:
* Display session status in browse screen
* Display vehicle name in lobby (needs UI layout change)
* Use generic applink to enalbe/disable MP screens based on server call
* Improve sending of User data to online to reduce system spam
Multiplayer cut track rules fix for speed limiter activation when rejoining track
Fix vehicle anim filename formatting
Moved all MP UI strings to string database, added token descriptors
Modified tree shaders to take into account the key light brightness when computing transmisive light (fixes glowing trees at night)
New font throughout game, new Main Menu, Create button added to Browse screen, can now move left/right through liveries
Eifelwald GP - Track added to the tracklist for the build
Eifelwald GP - added tracklod file to help popping issues
Eifelwald texture update
Eifelwald GP - Added initial tree placement for the track
Added another config option to the devmode config so that we can get final build logging from the renderer
Updated rules data for the MP cut track / speed limit tech
Northampton. New textures/psd files
Screened loo area created with viewer assets
Art source textures for new portaloo screen asset
Added renderer logging info to Final Mode Config
Online sessions:
* Added a new Return handler to the online session
* Load handler will reset its state when the game session state changes to Returning
* Added new callbacks signalling a few phases of the load sequence
* Fixed a problem with Enter handler of load states sometimes being called twice for a state when a state has been changed from within another state's Enter handler
* Admin will not notify themselves with a load state change; the change is dealt with in the Enter handler for the state
* Reason why the local user left a game session is available even after the game disconnect callback finishes
* Disconnect during load are now properly handled. The client will return back to the main menu, instead of ending in a hang or in a local race
* Added a new Return handler to the online session
* Load handler will reset its state when the game session state changes to Returning
* Added new callbacks signalling a few phases of the load sequence
* Fixed a problem with Enter handler of load states sometimes being called twice for a state when a state has been changed from within another state's Enter handler
* Admin will not notify themselves with a load state change; the change is dealt with in the Enter handler for the state
* Reason why the local user left a game session is available even after the game disconnect callback finishes
* Disconnect during load are now properly handled. The client will return back to the main menu, instead of ending in a hang or in a local race
New lobby layout - players can now see the car they're driving and more of the chat window. Improved icons elsewhere too
Wisconsin Raceway - add new txt for HillsBuilding and MarshalHuts
Adds a 'random' livery choice as the first and default livery option
Designed to introduce more variation in MP play when people chose similar vehicles
Also available for single player vehicle selection
Ghost system:
* Fixed an infinite wait on PS3 in retriving a finished background ghost task
* Changed the CRC_CHECKS macro name to make it clear it belongs to the ghost system
* Updated documentation
Fix 'browse' display to show 'racing' staus
Fixed read buffer overflow in entity list parsing if the last line did not end with a new-line
New Eifelwald GP export
New Bathurst export

Offline ribafish

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Nurburgring GP je u ovom buildu, zasad dostupan kao exkluziva za senior+ (MP isto otvoren za s+)

Offline Jadran73

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Evo imamo i mi svog "konja" za trku  ;D
Dejan Kober predstavio je Mitsubishi EVO X na WDM Forumu

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Offline ribafish

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Evo imamo i mi svog "konja" za trku  ;D
Dejan Kober predstavio je Mitsubishi EVO X na WDM Forumu

ili slike i video pogledajte ovdje:



Odlicno, ne kuzim zakaj se ne iskoristi Dejanov rad il bar ref materijal koji je ponudi da se dovrsi napokon EVO X, evo vec 4 mj bez updatea, šteta..

Inace za SMS i radi jedan Hrvat, Ivo Franic, zaposlen kao Vehicle Modeler:

Offline Mr.Steady

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beep beep im a jeep!

GT5 Gamercards

Offline ribafish

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Build 321 je gore, MP za full member ukljucen..

EDIT: Danas je tocno god dana kako je projekt otvoren za javnost :)

Offline ribafish

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Vec sam i sam sebi dosadan sto moram objavljivat ovoliko vijesti, ali ova se igra razvija nevjerovatno brzinom, ajmo redom:

Rodjendanski tjedan za projekt

#1 Jos malo vijesti iz PITa > Refuel In Progress

#2 M3 dobro napreduje >

#3 Vremenska prognoza? Wet :)

#4 Novi model guma dostupan :) (jako ograniceno za sad)
Quote from: Andy Garton
Hi all,

Build 322 (due later today assuming it passes testing) includes an early preview of the new "Seta" tyre model (STM). It's still early days and there is plenty more to come (AJ will fill in the details of this in his inimitable style later), but it's at a stage now where more testing and feedback would be beneficial. Plus we wanted to reward/thank everybody for their support during the first year of the project by giving them something fun to play with over the weekend. There are lots of things to bear in mind though so please read this post carefully!

1. Run the game exe with -seta on the command line to put it in STM mode.
2. Test primarily with the Formula A - there is only one type/compound of tyre currently and that is for the FA. Note though that even this tyre is far from final in terms of parameter tuning (we're still experimenting with basics such as base grip and stiffness, WMD feedback will help this process though) - it's enough though imo to give a good preview of what this tyre model can offer in comparison to the old one. It does work on other cars, but as you'd expect the results vary, between great (imo!) and very-buggy-indeed.
3. If you experience very strong FFB then try the attached FFBTweakers file - unzip it to your documents\CARS\FFB folder (you'll need to create the FFB folder if you haven't done so before). All I've done different to the default is lower MzScale to 0.25 from 0.5, so you may want to tweak this further if it's not right for your system (you can use the two FFB strength related GUI options to tune this as well of course).

Known Issues
1. Per car tyres not implemented yet - only Formula A has proper tyres so far.
2. FFB defaults need refining for new model.
3. AI control at the start of time trials is buggy and usually causes a (car) crash.
4. Odd collision behaviour with some kerbs, sometimes causing a "warp" effect.
5. Violent FFB oscillation at the start of a session when car is at a standstill (not a problem when the car is stationary after then though oddly).
6. Existing setups will need reworking to suit the new tyres, things like diff and brake setup are directly affected.
7. Tyre temperature and wear modelling not finished yet.

One other important note is that this will likely mess up the leaderboards a bit (i.e. because laps will be being set with the same car but on two different tyres), but that's an important part of the testing process anyway, i.e. how do the laptimes compare, with both real life and the old brush tyre model (BTM). Same applies to MP as well, but just look at is as having a choice of two compounds available and the driver/team having to choose (!).

Please keep all STM related bug reports and feedback to this thread only as far as possible.


Offline iced16

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Pizdeci jedni, ljubomoran sam na vas i vaše kompjutorske mašine. Ovo izgleda fantastično kao šo sam već reka nekoliko puta. A kockica lipa, vauuuu...!
"Racing, competing, it's in my blood. It's part of me, it's part of my life; I have been doing it all my life and it stands out above everything else."

Ayrton Senna

Offline Mr.Steady

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bimer izgleda mrak.
ali ovi efekti hehehe.
dal se može kupit grafulja sama za laptop?
ova trenutna mi je preslaba :(
beep beep im a jeep!

GT5 Gamercards

Offline Troma

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Ne isplati se to. Ne znam moze li se, ali osim ako nemas neki Dell ili Asus gaming laptop onda nije isplativo jer onda placas grafu, a ostaju ti procesor i memorija koji nisu u rangu te nove investicije. Nisam nigdje vidio te mobile kartice za kupiti u ducanu, mozda ima od nekih laptopa kojima je ekran crko ili tako nesto. Radije u novu konfu pocni ulagati. ;)
Finally, in one sentence, what did Formula One mean to you Mark?
Tricky... It was precision. It was the pinnacle.

Offline Mr.Steady

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ovo sam kupio prošle godine i ne pada mi na pamet novi komp kupovat.
procesor mi je intel core i5-2410m, ram je 6gb ddr3.
procesor mogu malo overclockirat ali grafu bi definitivno malo jaču.
trenutna je geforce gt540m.
beep beep im a jeep!

GT5 Gamercards

Offline sagitarius

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Project C.A.R.S. - One Year on Vimeo

Offline Jadran73

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Hehehe sam ja jos nekidan htio postat ali nisam znao kako  ???
Hvala bogu pa je sad i to moguce  ;)

Offline sagitarius

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Jeli bio full Nordschelife?

Project Cars - Build 301 - BMW Z4 GT3 on the Nürburgring

Work in Progess, stari 301 build, ali samo da se dobije dojam o tome kako su fantasticno napravili mesh staze sa pravilnim elevacijama.

Bit ce fantasticno.

Offline FEDROwhatISgood

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  • Svi bi mi htjeli biti TOMIVAV :D
I napravili su FANTASTICAN ''prokleti'' umjetni retrovizor na vrhu ekrana... u cockpit pogledu... joooj sto je prekrasan! :-*
PSNid- PhaedrusSocrates:"EAT MY GRAINING!" 8)

Imamo samo jedno spasonosno rješenje..... odbiti isporuku Perkovića... objavit Nijemcima rat i odmah se predat.