Author Topic: Project C.A.R.S • World of Mass Development projekt community simulacije  (Read 578591 times)

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Offline sagitarius

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Evo ga Ivo, a prekjucer smo pricali o Misty Lochu u pcars :)

Offline Voss

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Evo ga Ivo, a prekjucer smo pricali o Misty Lochu u pcars :)

Da i ja se bas tebe sjetiio kad sam to vidio :) Sad imas jos vise razloga nabavit PC da vozis malo pCARS i ostale simulacije ;)

Offline hendrix

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Ferrari''Company that produces dreams''

Offline Ikral

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Jako mi se sviđa stil grafike koji SMS njeguje, pogotovo staze. Auti su nekoliko klasa iznad svega viđenog u Shift i Ferrari Racing Legends, tako da jedva čekam ovo na PS3. Jako mi je žao što nisu u Ferrari Racing Legends napravili onih par završnih poliranja koja očigledno Atari nije imao volju napraviti, pa da to bude stvarno vožnja za deset. Nadam se da će pCARS na konzolama raditi isto tako dobro kao Ferrari, a pogotovo me zanima što je SMS u stanju napraviti na PS4. Vjerujem jako puno, ako je suditi po njihovom dosadašnjem opusu.

Offline Jadran73

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Tyre load animation

Offline Ikral

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A ni zvuk nije los.

Offline Jadran73

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Kopirano s Steam-a

"Project CARS - Steam version is here !
4 JULY 2013    - LEVIATHAN
The time we have been anxiously waiting has come, Project CARS is now integrated with Steam and ready for download by the Community Members !


* A BIG warning: Anyone (that is a member) is able to download the published Steam build, but only Senior Managers will be able to play it. Please wait until the usual Friday afternoon (July 5th 2013) when a Junior build playable by everyone (who is currently a member) will be published.

* Custom livery support does not work correctly in Steam yet. While you can replace the livery files by your own custom images, or images shared by other WMD members, there is a pretty high chance that Steam update might overwrite those files and revert them to versions distributed with the game. This issue will be resolved later, until then you might need to keep separate copies of custom liveries and overwrite the game's files regularly, or use the standard non-Steam version of the game.

* The Steam version will not ask you to delete your profile. For compatibility reasons it's still recommended to delete the profile regularly.

Theres a FAQ available at the official forums if you have doubts and also a thread for general Steam Integration discussion."

Offline ribafish

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^ Odlicno ;)

Evo i video najnovijeg builda (sutra izlazi novi) >

Offline Safety-_-Car

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Opa, iznenađujuće dobro izgleda i zvuči Project  :o

Ali ipak, rfactor je još uvijek kralj. Kad vozim ovaj auto, koža mi se ježi od zvuka  ;D

Offline Jadran73

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project C.A.R.S. trailer - Speed and Sound. on Vimeo

od danas pCARS na Steam-u  :)

Offline hendrix

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Evo odličan video,napredak u godinu dana. Stvarno velik napredak,a zvuk je predobar. Samo imam osjećaj da ova igra još 2 godine neće izać koliko oni to razvijaju..

Project CARS - Year After - Pagani Zonda R at Nordschleife
Ferrari''Company that produces dreams''

Offline ribafish

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Project Cars - Formula1 @ Hockenheim (Wheel F1 Sli-Pro, triple Creen , Gopro)

Offline Ikral

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Odlično. Dok ne vidim GT na PS4, ovo je vožnja koja me najviše zanima, a još me više zanima kako to radi na konzolama.

Offline ribafish

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Evo Ben Collinsovi dojmovi najnovijeg builda >

Deep breath and here goes..

Project Cars

23 July 2013

Version 520

The highs and lows of Mass Development! I don't know what the majority view is at the moment but i've found the latest swing in handling characteristics quite difficult to get on with.

The last build that i really felt connected with was 499 where the Formula A felt so good that it was just a couple tweaks away from perfection. Since that time it has moves steadily in a direction that feels highly unfriendly at times and this instability has filtered into other models.

I've managed to test most of the cars in one marathon session and picked out a few winners and focused on the areas where i feel we are moving in the wrong direction. As usual i would greatly value any feedback

Formula A

Default Tyre - this car now has undriveable turn in oversteer and mid corner snap. Highly unpredictable and a totally different animal to build 499

Formula A Tyre - slightly easier turn in but still with unpredictable mid corner snap o/steer. The braking is superb however

70's Tyre - slides too easily and too much o/steer. It feels too sloppy

General: the FA has too little traction everywhere and there's no element of REAR SQUAT as you climb onto the power, it just skips straight to oversteer.

REAR SQUAT in focus: when you first climb onto the throttle the weight shifts onto the rear tyres and gives them a little grip. In a balanced car you often get a little understeer as you first climb onto the throttle, especially if you apply it too early. With the Formula A now there seems to be no such warning on power and it just erupts into oversteer.

Going back a few builds - the only issue with the FA was an occasional snap o/steer during turn in and the rest was quite predictable. . I wonder What has changed and why this new direction is taking hold?

Audi DTM / Asano Touring Car

Looks amazing for starters!

Default Tyre.

The DTM has this awesome unique feature under braking where it is very sensitive to how much pressure you apply with your foot. The whole car begins to float if you overcook it, led by the rear rolling into oversteer. What i love about this sensation is that it's totally predictable and fun to control, and it's currently a unique feature to this car. MAJOR THUMBS UP!!

The floating sensation vs reality feels like a DTM on worn tyres with a relatively soft set up. I really like it because you can feel what is going on and feel connected to the tarmac and the features of the circuit. This car will also allow you to BRAKE AND STEER which has become a problem across many models now. By that i mean you can trail brake into the corner without the car wanting spin without warning.

TURN IN: After an exciting straight line braking sequence, the car turns in on the brake with a hint of oversteer. This curious feature has appeared and disappeared on other models. It's really a lot of fun - it might be slightly too easy vs real life but if i had the option of losing the compliance or putting up with a little turn in o/steer then i would opt to leave it alone. This feature should absolutely appear more in the GO KART because of the way they handle.

The car balances mid corner, then picks up some power understeer as you exit the corner. The only improvement i feel could be made to this car would be for the u/steer to eventually and gradually slip into o/steer. At the moment it just won't do it - my impression is that a very minor tweak, nothing heavy, that would permit the tail to break free to some extent would make this car perfect.

Another GREAT FEATURE of this car: it picks up wheelspin over the big kerb at Imola. This is the first car i've driven to do so and it's very realistic so i think its great.

At no point does this car over-react or try to kill the driver, which i'm afraid is becoming a strong feature elsewhere.

Yellow Modal GT Slick - it felt the same and as a general rule would only benefit from a little more power o/steer.


I've heard rumours about the go kart and that we considered withdrawing it. Well.. having had a go in the Kart after a spell of abstinence i think we have a winner in the making.

Default tyre - on the default tyre i made a raft of notes for improvement which i gladly discovered had all been covered with the O1 SLICK.

The default lacked:
1. Sensitivity on the brake pedal
2. Lack of turn in
3. Throttle response felt dead


All the above were improved on the O1 slick and there are some strong / unique features taking the go kart in the right direction. Odd as it might sound - there are some important comparisons between the GO KART and the ASANO DTM

1. Transition from u/steer to o/steer as the corner opens up. The go kart does it and this would an ideal feature for the DTM. It feels compliant (something the Formula A has lost for instance)
2. The (CONTROLLABLE) o/steer when you combine heavy braking with turn in on the DTM would find an ideal home in the Go Kart. Currently the go kart could do with just a fraction more liveliness across the rear axle under heavy braking to make it slightly more driveable on the brake.

The main difference i felt between the O1 and the DEFAULT tyre was the level of front end grip which is improved on the O1 - a little more front end bite would make the KART even better. The front end feels much more planted on the O1 and really gives you the impression of driving a kart.

The BALANCE of u/steer to o/steer is really excellent so nothing should greatly upset this but a slight lean towards more oversteer under braking and turn in. This would unlock the Kart even more. Bravo!

Other notes:

1. The sound - it would be great to make it sound a bit more gutteral so you can hear the stutter of low revs more and the higher peak of revs at the top end.
2. GRASS - its way too slow. When you drop an inside wheel onto the grass it kills your speed when in RL it wouldn't make the slightest difference. I also found the kerbs really upset the kart when again in RL the kerb might knock you slightly into the air but it won't cause loss of traction. It might aid rotation but without the loss of stability. Clearly this is different Grass to the stuff we have for the Formula Cars which handles like ice at the moment!



Default tyre: It's like driving on ice, as is the grass.

There's No front feel, no braking grip, no traction and no stability. The FB used to be an absolute joy to drive so i don't understand this direction.

FB Tyre: same but with some weird front vibration that builds, almost as if the front tyres are wearing out..?

Test A

The A does at least have some feeling at the front and points you where you want to go. However the braking power is weak, traction is very poor and there's no rear stability on change of direction. Compared to the DEFAULT and the FB tyre the car is slightly more predictable on turn in - whereas the first two will just spin without warning.

Test B

No traction, spins on turn in, at mid corner and if you combine braking with steering it spins

Test C

At first it felt more stable but the front end feels like the tyres are made of blocks of wood, a little like the FB tyre front end but more pronounced.

Nowhere near enough braking grip, low grip generally, weak traction although because the front is so hard the reduced traction is relatively balanced. The car feels awkward and also wants to spin on the kerbs - i spent a lot of time running wide with this tyre because the front was skidding so much.

I apologise for the negative review but we had such a good thing going previously i'm just making an honest comparison in the hope of re-discovering the gold of the previous builds.



No lateral grip or stability - major Turn in slides, as well as from mid corner and the car has low braking grip. Feels very low on downforce and from the same family of tyre as the FA and FB cars.

GT Green flash Rain - stupid question but does this tyre instantly make the car handle as though the track is wet? Felt it was even less stable.


Greenflash Slick

Front feels dead & wooden mid corner. It's not possible to brake and steer or else it spins, feels flat on power - which i cant understand because on build 499 the on power feel was AWESOME.

Renault 98T


The car is balanced but too soft and feels wobbly. The steering is vague and the car leans a bit like an old Rover. The car is very pliable and the transition from u/steer to o/steer is remarkably easy, but that feels academic because this is probably due to how soft the settings are? It feels like a single seater on worn out wet tyres where the car moves around on the blocks of rubber.

The grip is ok, traction is a bit low, and the car feels sluggish. Even on old 70's tyres the old cars feel quite stiff but compliant and easy to drive.

Test A

Better feeling without the whallow but you can't BRAKE AND STEER without losing stability and the car is far too tricky with reduced traction and braking grip.

Test B

Man alive there's ZERO TRACTION on these babies.

Conclusion: i'm a little confused by some of the new changes and the hard part will become recalling the good baseline we had on previous builds. The Renault 98T has changed so much for example and now that both the FB and FA have also moved into an aggressive sliding stance i find it hard to recall the original. I really hope we can bring the predictability back into the next phase of builds.

Offline Ikral

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Skinuo danas Legends Pack za Shift 2 (ne pitajte) i opet se prisjetio kako SMS radi dobre staze i sve ostalo. Izvjesni Ian Franic na listi AI vozača, nisam ga prije viđavao tamo, dečko stvarno dobro crta jerbo ovi auti iz packa su JEBENICA! Kusos, Ivo, ne mogu dočekati pCARS.