Author Topic: Project C.A.R.S • World of Mass Development projekt community simulacije  (Read 578846 times)

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Offline Dzidza1978

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jako lijepo, bit će zabavno
PSN_ID: Dzidza1978

Offline Ledu505

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Ne mogu pogledat jer me trazi log in, ali ni ne trebam kad znam da se radi o ostvarenju davnog sna.

KAUC aka BED time mod ;D
Ono sto je lako, ne radi svatko.

Offline ribafish

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• 2003 Bentley Speed 8 LMGTP

• 2013 Bentley Continental GT3

Offline ribafish

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Novi build je vani, a u njemu 1M


a uskoro i njemu konkurencija AMG A45

Valja opet spomenut da modeliranje i teksture nisu ni blizu finalne..

Offline ribafish

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Najnoviji build >

Project CARS Build 680 - BMW M1 Procar at Eifelwald (Nordschleife)

Offline Ikral

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Fak jea! Izgleda i zvuči, a po svemu sudeći i vozi se odlično. Je li puno očekivati većinu staza iz Shift 2? To je igra sa najboljim stazama ikad igdje.

Offline ribafish

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Je li puno očekivati većinu staza iz Shift 2? To je igra sa najboljim stazama ikad igdje.

Ocekuj jos bolje, PUUNO bolje modelirane i "preciznije", par britanskih koje su laserski skenirane, dvije (zasad) point2point (kalifornija i fran rivijera - svaka po 20ak km cini mi se), stavit cu kasnije kompletan popis..

Offline sagitarius

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Ako se ne varam dolazi i FANTASTICNA staza iz Ferrari Racing Legends Ikrale, Misty Loch - doradjen i s novim teksturama

Slightly Mad i Polyohony rade najbolje imaginarne staze na svijetu, tu nema dileme

Sto vise staza iz Shifta, to bolje - a posebno ako ulete i gradovi iz World of Speed (Ivo???)

Offline kengas

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Jos jedino da bude dobro za voziti.
Gt veteran superstar u penziji

Offline Ikral

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Ne sumnjam da će se dobro voziti, SMS je već pokazao što misle o ponašanju virtualnog auta. Njihov je pristup nešto drugačiji od PD-ovog i treba vremena da se čovjek navikne s jednog na drugi vozni model, ali meni su i Shift 2 i Ferrari RL pružili puno zabave, čak i više nego GT. Ne očekujem sve staze iz Shift 2, ipak je to izdano pod EA, ali jako se radujem svakoj stazi koju će napraviti. Još jedna stvar koju bih volio vidjeti je odnos broja staza i auta kao u S2, koji je bio oko 1:1.

Offline ribafish

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a posebno ako ulete i gradovi iz World of Speed (Ivo???)

DLC  ;)

Offline Sinisa

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fan made trailer

Offline Jadran73

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Build 683 (14/03/14, Team Member+) - 563 MB

* XB1: Added WideLogo placeholder required for packaging.
* Removing the splashes
* Fix for changing month disabling controller input in the calendar screen.
* You can return from a race and go back to the inbox with inbox items showing up.
* Fixed issue with SetReturnGUIScreen preventing page deactivate getting called. as a result i have been able to make career return to the correct screen
* Adding main menu applink so Will can control the MP lobby status text.
* Navigation between events on the same day is now left/right rather than bumpers
* Fix for email list not being registered when returning from race.
* Browse Online screen updated
* Adding main menu applink so Will can control the MP lobby status text.
* Re-added missing pit strategy screen text
* Detect Fanatec Club Sport Pedals device and CSP pedal motor vibration added.
* Re-enabled fiber use for AI vehicles and wheels. When removing a physics participant, also remove it's fiber.
* Oval updates: Added Oval flag to AIW and editor, Removed computational GetTrackType and replaced with Oval flag, Added Oval flag to Oval AIWs
* Disable wear for HD vehicle when under Ctrl-I AI control
* Fixed correct sector information for yellow flag AI driving and re-enabled sector based yellow flags
* Reduced shared pit/garages to 2 from 3, fixes issue with cars spawning in pit spot when there aren't enough garage spots created
* Linked up dynamic flags text from the text DB, to the coloured flags
* Career helper updated to get correct team logo displaying while in career screens
* Fixed issue with dashboard standings not working after a series had been completed, by switching the end of series handling to use the new IsFinished flag instead of a final session increment and fixing up the launching process
* Contract offer and pitch text now handles motorsport text substitutions, used by FormulaR contract
* Fixed calender screen does not work when you try to enter an event using pad
* Awards a Contract Test accolade (saved in profile) and sends a Salamander FormulaC contract offer after winning the Contract_Test event, then pops up an accolade dialog after coming back to the frontend. Marks a CareerSeriesStatus object as finished when last round has been played, to make checking easier
* Profile now saves accolades that have been awarded, and the career series finish state
* Added icons for FormulaR, GT3 and GT4 to match motorsport names, so they show up in calendar events
* Fixed some characters causing a * to be displayed in contract text
* Filling in empty properties for current career teams
* Making Contract Test event a 2 race series
* Fixing the names passed through for FormulaR, Endurance and Ginetta to match the motorsport names, so that contracts can be awarded and those events can be played
* Moved accolade popup to Dashboard screen, now that it comes back to there after racing, rather than the Calendar (fixed elsewhere)
* Adjusted class settings for career system
* Car breakables update. Replaced old objects with new ones.
* Added new external cockpit colour
* RUF RGT-8: Fixed gear anim
* Mercedes SLS GT3: Added deformations, cockpit animations and AO
* Mercedes 300SEL: Driver anims - alpha 2
* Ford Sierra Cosworth RS500: Added new silver/black rims textures
* All Tracks: Texture for WMD style TV Van, Added logos on hood and rear doors.
* US Tracks: Textures for US Fire truck.
* Fixes to dynamic street item weights for stability (Dynamics, physics)
* Loire: Slightly polish nmp and spec map, added textures for a68 - private house, new texture maps, 1st commit
* Anhalt: Started full polish pass - added new materials for roads, terrain, skybox, new placement for trees, new autograss texture & working HRDFs. updated autograss foliage texture with new high res one.
* Snetterton: First export, added AIWs, added tracklights xmls files
* Belgium Forest Kart: Texture update, lights sgx file added, static instances xml added
* Oulton Park: Added a signal, change the signs for the new
* Moravia: Fixed rear part tiling.
* Lakeville Raceway: New pit lane and extened pit spots to full lenght of pit area. 43 Pit boxes and 43 start spots.
* Besos: Re-save of the AIW's to record the newest sector trigger changes.
* Eifelwald: Latest updates to tree/foliage layout
Known issues:
- Replays in MP: Not working as they should
- P2P Tracks: Don't press return to pitbox
-The following tracks have some issues and require you to press Ctrl+I in order to be able to drive in free practice: Azure Circuit, Belgium Kart Forest, Belgium Historic, Concord, Harrison Pike, Heusden, Jin Ding, Memphis, Moravia, Solitude, Volusia
- x64 temporarily disabled due to steam client issues.