Build 683 (14/03/14, Team Member+) - 563 MB
* XB1: Added WideLogo placeholder required for packaging.
* Removing the splashes
* Fix for changing month disabling controller input in the calendar screen.
* You can return from a race and go back to the inbox with inbox items showing up.
* Fixed issue with SetReturnGUIScreen preventing page deactivate getting called. as a result i have been able to make career return to the correct screen
* Adding main menu applink so Will can control the MP lobby status text.
* Navigation between events on the same day is now left/right rather than bumpers
* Fix for email list not being registered when returning from race.
* Browse Online screen updated
* Adding main menu applink so Will can control the MP lobby status text.
* Re-added missing pit strategy screen text
* Detect Fanatec Club Sport Pedals device and CSP pedal motor vibration added.
* Re-enabled fiber use for AI vehicles and wheels. When removing a physics participant, also remove it's fiber.
* Oval updates: Added Oval flag to AIW and editor, Removed computational GetTrackType and replaced with Oval flag, Added Oval flag to Oval AIWs
* Disable wear for HD vehicle when under Ctrl-I AI control
* Fixed correct sector information for yellow flag AI driving and re-enabled sector based yellow flags
* Reduced shared pit/garages to 2 from 3, fixes issue with cars spawning in pit spot when there aren't enough garage spots created
* Linked up dynamic flags text from the text DB, to the coloured flags
* Career helper updated to get correct team logo displaying while in career screens
* Fixed issue with dashboard standings not working after a series had been completed, by switching the end of series handling to use the new IsFinished flag instead of a final session increment and fixing up the launching process
* Contract offer and pitch text now handles motorsport text substitutions, used by FormulaR contract
* Fixed calender screen does not work when you try to enter an event using pad
* Awards a Contract Test accolade (saved in profile) and sends a Salamander FormulaC contract offer after winning the Contract_Test event, then pops up an accolade dialog after coming back to the frontend. Marks a CareerSeriesStatus object as finished when last round has been played, to make checking easier
* Profile now saves accolades that have been awarded, and the career series finish state
* Added icons for FormulaR, GT3 and GT4 to match motorsport names, so they show up in calendar events
* Fixed some characters causing a * to be displayed in contract text
* Filling in empty properties for current career teams
* Making Contract Test event a 2 race series
* Fixing the names passed through for FormulaR, Endurance and Ginetta to match the motorsport names, so that contracts can be awarded and those events can be played
* Moved accolade popup to Dashboard screen, now that it comes back to there after racing, rather than the Calendar (fixed elsewhere)
* Adjusted class settings for career system
* Car breakables update. Replaced old objects with new ones.
* Added new external cockpit colour
* RUF RGT-8: Fixed gear anim
* Mercedes SLS GT3: Added deformations, cockpit animations and AO
* Mercedes 300SEL: Driver anims - alpha 2
* Ford Sierra Cosworth RS500: Added new silver/black rims textures
* All Tracks: Texture for WMD style TV Van, Added logos on hood and rear doors.
* US Tracks: Textures for US Fire truck.
* Fixes to dynamic street item weights for stability (Dynamics, physics)
* Loire: Slightly polish nmp and spec map, added textures for a68 - private house, new texture maps, 1st commit
* Anhalt: Started full polish pass - added new materials for roads, terrain, skybox, new placement for trees, new autograss texture & working HRDFs. updated autograss foliage texture with new high res one.
* Snetterton: First export, added AIWs, added tracklights xmls files
* Belgium Forest Kart: Texture update, lights sgx file added, static instances xml added
* Oulton Park: Added a signal, change the signs for the new
* Moravia: Fixed rear part tiling.
* Lakeville Raceway: New pit lane and extened pit spots to full lenght of pit area. 43 Pit boxes and 43 start spots.
* Besos: Re-save of the AIW's to record the newest sector trigger changes.
* Eifelwald: Latest updates to tree/foliage layout
Known issues:
- Replays in MP: Not working as they should
- P2P Tracks: Don't press return to pitbox
-The following tracks have some issues and require you to press Ctrl+I in order to be able to drive in free practice: Azure Circuit, Belgium Kart Forest, Belgium Historic, Concord, Harrison Pike, Heusden, Jin Ding, Memphis, Moravia, Solitude, Volusia
- x64 temporarily disabled due to steam client issues.