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Offline ribafish

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Nisam pogledao ovaj zadnji video, ali mogu reći da meni ekipa iz SMS radi najbolji zvuk. Forza se previše dere, GT, iako kvalitetan, previše sterilan, Shift 2 je taman. 

Meni osobno SimBin (RaceRoom Racing Experience) je trenutno vrh u svijetu simulacija i to za koplje iznad svih, slijede ih iR i rF2. SMS zvuk mi je malo digitaliliziran..

Offline sagitarius

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Ako mogu napraviti 1080/60 za konzolu, onda i na bilo kojem VR ide u 60, jer se radi "interpolacija" za stereoskopiju sa 960x1080/60

A mislim da i Ivo moze potvrditi da im je cilj za konzole imati 1080/60

Offline Ikral

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Nisam pogledao ovaj zadnji video, ali mogu reći da meni ekipa iz SMS radi najbolji zvuk. Forza se previše dere, GT, iako kvalitetan, previše sterilan, Shift 2 je taman. 

Meni osobno SimBin (RaceRoom Racing Experience) je trenutno vrh u svijetu simulacija i to za koplje iznad svih, slijede ih iR i rF2. SMS zvuk mi je malo digitaliliziran..
Mislim, ono što sam probao. Nije isto čuti na Youtube i probati sam, tek se tada vidi usklađenost između pritiska papučice i zvuka igre. No, kako bilo, zvuk je samo jedna stavka i najbitnije je da ne bude loš. Sve mora biti na razini, a čini mi se da u pCARS svakako bude. 

Offline ribafish

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Nisam pogledao ovaj zadnji video, ali mogu reći da meni ekipa iz SMS radi najbolji zvuk. Forza se previše dere, GT, iako kvalitetan, previše sterilan, Shift 2 je taman. 

Meni osobno SimBin (RaceRoom Racing Experience) je trenutno vrh u svijetu simulacija i to za koplje iznad svih, slijede ih iR i rF2. SMS zvuk mi je malo digitaliliziran..

Mislim, ono što sam probao. Nije isto čuti na Youtube i probati sam, tek se tada vidi usklađenost između pritiska papučice i zvuka igre. No, kako bilo, zvuk je samo jedna stavka i najbitnije je da ne bude loš. Sve mora biti na razini, a čini mi se da u pCARS svakako bude.

Definitivno, bit ce na kraju, decki rade odlican posao..

I moram rec zadnja dva? builda smo dobili mislim 4, 5 novih auta, al ovo se ceka, pa vidi ga samo >



e da, i sluzbene licence za Oschersleben, Hockenheim, Donington i Nordschleife su tu, staze su vec bile u igri, al su sad pod pravim imenom..

I ako vam je promaknulo sa (nove) sluzbene str >

Race on over 60 unique tracks including closed circuits and point-to-point locations at any time of day and in ever-changing weather conditions.

Offline sagitarius

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Ma fuckas McLaren P1, za te pare i vrijeme potroseno na modeliranje smo mogli dobiti 5 normalnih, pravih auta koji ce biti doista za voznju, a ne za jurnjavu bez finese..

Sve je to marketing i te fore, ali fakat mi je puna kapa fokusiranja na hipercarove koji fakat ne sluze nicemu unutar same igre, jer s njima se prvenstva i prave utrke nece voziti.

Prije bih uzeo 5 japanskih pila iz 70tih i 80tih sa 4 cilindra i ljuljavim ovjesom od zajedno P1, Zonde R i onog kljakavog LaFerrarija nad kojim svi svrsavaju.

Takvim autima je mjesto u Need For Speed igrama, a ne u simulacijama utrka.

Offline ribafish

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^ hehe znao sam da ces hejtat hypercarse ;D :P

Ja jedva cekam da vidim sve i jednog :D

I jednog dana kad budemo online zaigrali predvidjam da ce se ovaj auto puno koristit, meni je odlican >

2014 Clio Cup

(Ivo nadam se da nije problem sto stavljam WIP slike modela)

Gazda evo jedan za tebe, nije japanac, al je iz 70ih :)

došao je u jucerasnjem buildu

1978 BMW 320 Turbo Group5

Offline Ikral

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Good point Amare, ja takve aute ne volim više ni gledati jer su samo za autocestu i veliko slano jezero. Najviše volim srednju klasu, poput BMW jedinice, Alfe GTA (stare), do najviše Porsche 911 i Ferrari 355 i ekvivalenata. Ovi svemirski brodovi su samo za showoff, vidno polje iz njih da ne spominjem.

Offline Ljubusak

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U GT nikad nisam volio vozit bilo koje auto sa više od 400ks...
STRAST: Snažna emocija koja potpuno ovlada čovjekovim raspoloženjem.
Često se pojavljuje kod igranja Gran Turismo

Offline Jadran73

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B698 (jr+) 04/04/2014

    Build 698 (04/04/14, Junior Member+) -1.6 GB
    * PS4: Fixed PSSL array handling. Re-written material code to split data into two buffers, onion / garlic for fast processing via gpu. Fixes array stride handling.
    * PS4: Now has same audio settings as PC
    * STM (WIP update for PS4 compilation): PS4 config updates, Added PS4 version of config.h, Removed unused FE config defines (FE_FORGE_CXX etc) to simplify things, Added FE_PS4 OS type, Added FE_CLANG compiler type, Updated feAsmSwapIncr to use Base atomic, Fixed some warnings/errors specific to clang, Defined FE_DISABLE_THREAD_SAFE in all configs, Added work arounds to allow compilation of Base and PS4 std headers together.
    * Amendment to Alt-K FPS display to reverse switching of vsync, so that it is off when Alt-K enabled
    * Changed material parameter clearing code in order to fix glowing brake disks
    * Fixed the wrong LODs being used in the shadow rendering that would result in building shadows popping in and out.
    * Fix for DX11 not picking up default items from backing store.
    * Remove code to toggle VSYNC when alt-K is pressed.
    * Fix for material shader texture params having duff pointers on setup.
    * Gravel and Grass systems update + materials with improved lighting
    * Grass effect update (less smoke, more dirt)
    * Core change to the track and FE camera system and how it treats data.
    * Fix for attached camera configuration tweakers
    * Fix for return to Frontend Crash.
    * Adding sync animations to dialogs.
    * Adds a new GUICondition, 'On Dialog Activated', used to start dialog anims
    * Also fixes GUILayer flag setting for GUIConsole
    * Added interface for UI to retrieve accolades and states, and testing functionality
    * Track Menu name update back to some temporoy names while we confirm licensing
    * Added more track names to get rid of underscores in the track location menu
    * MADNESS Engine logo updated
    * Submitting 16 new applinks and 3 new appfuncs in preparation for the new career accolades and accolade overview screens.
    * Added Test Track and BF to the text database where underscores were appearing in the Menu
    * Accolades are now connected to the Aries UI. Platinum Accolades are connected to the Driver Network->Career->Historic Goals and the Gold, Silver and Bronze can be found in Driver Network->Career->Accolades (although there are no Silver or Bronze accolades yet). Platinum AppLinks and AppFuncs are in but not yet connected to career systems.
    * Further active aero inputs
    * BMW 320 Turbo: Initial physics
    * GT3 tires: Further revised heating model
    * RUF RGT-8: New setup more in line with typical 991 suspension settings
    * Zakspeed Capri Gr.5: Narrower tires, gearbox/LSD update
    * Mercedes A45 AMG: Initial physics
    * Boost changes to support hud
    * Motorsports now unlocking via number of accolades (per-type) won, as well as from winning specific events. Added console command to unlock specific accolades for testing
    * Career Invitationals: Road Entry Club first draft.
    * Career Championships: Formula A World Championship first draft.
    * Career Contracts: Rank 1, 2, 3 contracts added for Formula B, Formula A, and Road Entry Club. Text strings added and hooked up.
    * RookieTouring renamed RenaultUKClio to match contract/motorsport changes
    * Career Championships: Renault UK Clio Cup placeholder championship added, using Megane until Clio is complete.
    * Fix for car specific pit sequence animation failure. Added more tracing and error checking for Sequence events.
    * Create Lane desirability system for new way of calculating AI Lat + Redo throttle calculation system
    * Brake system has been simplified and revamped
    * AI decisions have been removed and replaced with Hazard decision making
    * Lat calculation has been simplified and revamped using a new lane desirability mecanic, Cars now experience much less collision problems
    * Pitstops F1 Lollipop mechanic Master animation scene + catabe XML
    * Bumped global leaderboards version for Friday's global stat reset.
    * Time trial console leaderboard support: Enabled "access track/vehicle leaderboards via autoTT events" capability and disabled "supports overall leaderboards for all tracks" capability on consoles. Fixed transforming submit to track/vehicle into event submit not setting vehicle id correctly. Fixed stat submits that failed immediately never tagging the stat as "failed to submit", which caused the to never return back to FE when retiring from a time trial race on track/vehicle combination that had no event defined. Increased retry timer for failed stat submits.
    * Updated the events file with testing autoTT event (Brands Hatch Indy / any BMW vehicle)
    * BMW 320 Turbo: Created LODX clones, prepared to re-submit for LODs
    * Sauber C9: UV mapping finished, added wheel LODs, added support for custom liveries
    * Oreca 03: Fixed CPIT carbon, prepared to re-submit for LODs
    * Audi R8 LMS Ultra: Updated to 2013 Aero Kit, Exhaust fix
    * RUF RGT-8: Added windshield reflections to cpit model, added AO, cockpit animations and damage deformations
    * Lotus 98T: Camber added to suspension animations
    * Audi R8 V10+: Wheels user flags fix
    * LMP RWD P30: LODA/B/C/D and cockpit meshes done. New Ultra file uploaded. Ultra LODS initial checkin.
    * Added high res trees and placement fixes.
    * Eifelwald GP: Added trees and foliage, tents and foliage
    * Azure Coast: Removed big jump from s2 section, updated csm around Vt barriers/reorganized all xmls with childs
    * Loire: New texture map, 1st commit, added missing ao and emm for a123 miss building, added last set of track edges.. whitelines moved closer to kerbs and track edges -continued material fixes and issues fixing on meshes.. added latest from Jan and Tomas, added missing small ao txt for a124 building set
    * Milan GP: Additional updates to tree and bush placement. Added more dressing objects to pit wall and various emergency vehicles around the track. Also added some pedestrian vehicles to the car park and made some changes to the paddock area.New corridor funneleing for chicanes 1 and 2 to help race starts mayhem.
    * Brands Hatch: Removed fuel rigs, placement update (vehicles, event areas. pitlane)
    * California Highway: Foliage instances for California Highway, basicfx version, 1st pass, Californian highway foliage instances- switched the shader and enabled animation, tweaks on hdpines
    * Lakeville: Startlights and pitlane exit lights textures added, added startlight funcionality, fixed shader paths and doubled textures coming form various places
    * Moravia: Added new vehicles, tents, umbrellas, added toilets, new cars, added tents, marshals umbrelas, cars, fixed flying crowds, added lod distances for tents -fixed later lod poping, fixed overlaped tyres in some places. Pitlane assets placed, trees placing.
    * Badenring: Trackside object placement and pitlane stuff, Added trackside vehicles and objects, also adusted the static env map position
    * Connecticut Hill: Exported with reported hole on kerbs fixed, replacing trackside 2d trees with 3d variants, added 3d foliage & temp .xml's
    * Silverstone: Logos fixed, armco issues,3d armco
    * Snetterton: Tweaked kerb textures, improved textures/materials for kerbs, grass, soil, fixed gaps and mapping errors, added correct collision for soil areas, fixed wrong pitwall collision
    * Derby Park: Fixed scene treewall placement to go with new tree object placement, fixed some off track ground mesh holes, updated tree placement around circuit to better match RL ref, added emergency vehicles, swapped out old vehicle placement for new vehicle objects, added modern ad texture, but with non official branding

    Known issues:
    - Replays in MP: Not working as they should
    - P2P Tracks: Don't press return to pitbox
    - Do NOT play MP using x64, the game will crash if the host exists the lobby.
    - Press Enter to skip the video.

    Note: We are resetting all Time Trial leaderboards today and they will be temporarily unavailable for several hours. Once done only the new build (to be released soon) will be able to view and write to new boards.

Offline ribafish

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Experience Project CARS With Pro Driver Rene Rast

Offline Voss

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Tako i ja vozim doma, ali bez rukavica i cesce s BMW volanom ;)

Offline grozni2

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Ali igra mi izgleda preljepo... pogotovo cesta i rubnjaci

Offline ribafish

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Tako i ja vozim doma, ali bez rukavica i cesce s BMW volanom ;)

Na fanatec cslu? i clubsport shifter? kakav je? :)

Offline Voss

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Tako i ja vozim doma, ali bez rukavica i cesce s BMW volanom ;)

Na fanatec cslu? i clubsport shifter? kakav je? :)

Da. Shifter je odlican. Puno mesnatiji od Thrustmasterovog TH8RS, i mozes namjestat tvrdocu s kljucem. Jako mi se svida lakoca promjene glave mjenjaca i koliko to znaci za promjenu osjecaja kod saltanja. Mala, teza, okrugla glava je taman za klasicni H mjenjac, a veca i laksa glava bolja za sekvencijalno. Ali kombinacije su zanimljive jer tezina  glave i polozaj ruke dosta promjene osjecaj pa mi je fora malo kombinirat.

Sve u svemu mjenjac je jako dobar, solidna konstrukcija, nimalo lufta u mehanizmu, i najvaznije dobro radi i izgleda :) Jedina mana je CSL cockpit koji je prelagan i premekan za volan i mjenjac. Nema lufta u samim spojevima, sve je jako zategnuto, ali svejedno postoji elasticnost kad se sve zbroji i to se osjeti. Neki veci i solidniji kokpit bi bio jos bolji za Fanatec opremu, ali za velicinu i tezinu sveukupne konstrukcije CSL je ipak jako dobar kompromis.

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Nisam primjetio takvu elasticnost rinosita,a ni t500 nije lagan.
Jedina mana po meni su nefiksirane pedale, kad hocu pomjeriti sic moram na to paziti.
Gt veteran superstar u penziji