Evo sve informacije, ovo je jedan apsolutno nevjerovatan projekt. Svakako potrosite vrijeme da sve ovo proucite, ovo je nesto daleko najzanimljivije sto sam vidio ikada kao koncept.
CARS je upravo krenuo o svoju Open Beta fazu i igra je sluzbeno postavljena i kao naslov i za PS3/Xbox uz PC. Naravno, ja mislim da to nikada nece doci na ovu generaciju konzola, vec da se radi za iducu - aiko je izlazak najavljen za iducu godinu - ali pokazat ce vrijeme.
Dakle, CARS je igra
cije financiranje i usmjeravanje razvoja odredjuje sama vozacka zajednica, ovisno o kolicini novca s kojim ulazi u projekt.
WMD (World of Mass Development) is a new platform for games creation from the award-winning developer Slightly Mad Studios that allows:
Developers to submit ideas to an active gaming community, raise the funds needed to develop them, get continual feedback from community team members that can play work-in-progress builds, use the WMD Portal to promote their project, get help from other developers, and ultimately launch their game to an eagerly-awaiting audience,
Players to browse available projects and join any they are interested in, download and play regular builds of the game, participate in discussion & polls, speak directly to the developers, and eventually earn money back for their contribution when the game is released,
WMD is therefore a unique prospect for both developers looking to raise funds for their projects and gamers that want to get involved in exciting upcoming titles.
Da ne radim besmisleni copy/paste sadrzaja stranice, sve o CARS je dostupno na slubenom sajtu WMD projekta:
http://wmdportal.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/WMD_Overview_1011.pdfOd ovog tjedna prvi clanovi zajednice koji su ulozili novac imaju priliku testirati Beta inacicu igre. Evo filmica, jer ovo govori vise od bilo kojih rijeci:
Audi A4 DTM at Imola (Embedding disabled, limit reached)
86 Lotus F1 at Imola (Embedding disabled, limit reached)
Audi R18 at Imola (Embedding disabled, limit reached)
> PLANNED FEATURES- FRANCHISE MODE allows you to carve out a personalized career starting in the Karting world and then progressing on to whichever motorsport specialization you prefer including Rally, Touring Cars, Open-Wheel, GT, Le Mans, and many more!
- Play CO-OP with a friend as Driver/Co-Driver
- FULL TEAM MANAGEMENT… Have a large number of friends? Create, manage, and compete together!
- Experience the excitement of PIT STOPS like you’ve never seen before!
- Revolutionary PIT-2-CAR RADIO gives you the strategic advantage
- DYNAMIC Time Of Day & Localized Weather make every race unique and challenging
- 10+ GAME MODES covering every form of motorsport
- CLOUD-BASED SOCIAL NETWORK allows you to connect with friends, compare times & scores, compete and challenge each other, and share content
- USER-GENERATED CONTENT – Create your own liveries, decals, tuning setups, and even events! Then share them with the world – either for free, in-game credits or even real money!
- PUSHING TO THE LIMITS – Advanced physics, lighting, and AI
To ensure a realistic experience, Slightly Mad Studios have teamed up with none other than Ben Collins, the man who spent seven years being “The Stig” on BBC’s popular Top Gear automotive show. > ovo im je malo za reklamu, ali svakako itekako pozeljan covjek u timu.
Recommended minimum specs for Beta Build:Quad Core 2.4ghz or better
9800gt 512MB
2GB Ram (3-4GB recommended)
+ jucer potpisan ugovor za 4 britanske staze iz Motorsport Vision udruzenja za igru:
Brands Hatch, Oulton Park, Snetterton i Cadwell Parkhttp://www.wmdportal.com/projectnews/four-motorsport-vision-tracks-coming-to-c-a-r-s/***
Ja cu vjerovatno uloziti 25eura za Team Member status i pogledati sto se to sve dogadja. Ako ispadne zanimljivo, idem u nabavu svog prvog gaming-PCja nakon 10 godina i prelazim u Senior status.
Ovo je apsolutno najveca stvar koju sam dosad vidio u znaru iz perspektive poslovnog koncepta i ovo treba podrzati.