E ovako, velike su se stvari danas dogadjale, krenimo redom, najvaznije:
Ian Bell, big boss SMSa
Hi all,
First of all, I'm sorry i can't go into details on specifics here as it's all extremely NDA but it's about 95% certain at this point that SMS will be changing company structure in the sense that we will become part of something bigger and better. This is generally 'a very good thing' and will most likely make it such that we will have all funding in place for pCARs and thus will most likely close off investment for members in the very near future.
The terms and conditions of pCARs will remain unchanged for everyone and you'll get all of the agreed benefits.
What is does mean though is that if you are considering upgrading your tool pack/membership level in the future it might be good to do this within the next 2-3 weeks.
None of the above is 100% certain but as I say, it's about 95%
Again, sorry I can't go into specifics but it's good for us, good for you and good for the project.
Tako da svi koji zele sudjelovati u ovom projektu moraju se prikljuciti u slj 2-3 tj, novi clanovi poslije toga se nece primati.
Svi sadasnji clanovi ce imati prava kao i prije, nece se za njih nis mijenjati. Ja def uplacujem za Full Membera.
danas su postavili anketu na kojoj je 90+% clanova glasalo da se JUNIOR clanovima "ukinu" neki sadrzaji, npr. oni nece dobiti ovu cestu s slika koje sam postao, s time zele motivirati Juniore da upgradeaju svoj status na min TM, misljenja su da za 10€ se dobije i previse sadrzaja i sl..
Danas su odrzali i prvi design meeting, ovo je ukratko o cemu se pricalo:
- The high-end goal for the title
- Cross-platform play
- Upgrades
- Dyno Rolling Road
- Ovals
- Country Roads
- The 'X Statement'
- Disciplines ideal for DLC
- Scenario Mode
- Career structure
- Mobile/portable support
- Team features
Procitao sam sve o cemu se pricalo, decki su puni odlicnih ideja i imaju moje puno povjerenje, mislim da su na pragu velikih stvari.