Author Topic: Project C.A.R.S • World of Mass Development projekt community simulacije  (Read 577300 times)

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Offline Mr.Steady

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šta nije već potvrđeno da će audi bit unutra? s obzirom da su kao asano?

a imena staza će nadam se stavit prava kad izađe igra?

jedne od najdražih su mi bathurst, brno i ona francuska stara koja se vozi baš po cesti kroz prirodu.

a od vozilica caterhame najviše vozim i huayru.
zvuk kad se prebaci na bumper ili kokpit je predobar, svo ono fijukanje pa paljenje turbina (valjda je to).
beep beep im a jeep!

GT5 Gamercards

Offline sagitarius

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Project CARS "Multiplayer Teaser" on Vimeo

HD direct link >> Project CARS "Multiplayer Teaser"

Offline ribafish

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^ Odlican video, moram samo nadodat da je MP vrh, bez laga, netcode odlican, prije svega zabavan :)

W.I.P. : pitstop preview from drivers perspective

Offline Jadran73

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Win Cool Thrustmaster Gear With Project CARS - November 9th, 2012


1st Place : Thrustmaster T500 RS + TH8 RS

2nd Place: Thrustmaster T500 RS + GP XID

3rd Place: Thrustmaster T500 RS

4th-10th Place: Thrustmaster GP XID


(setups allowed)

Florence Short
Nine Days
(starting November 9 2012 12pm UTC)

Pa ko je zainteresiran za nagrade nek navali  ;D

Vise ovdje

Offline Jadran73

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Build 345 (9/11/12, Junior Member+)

* Added sender's NodeRefId to participant finished events
* Changed Timings' remote results not to rely on sender's local player participant Ids, and changes it to use the sender's node id
* Fixed some asserts in NodeRefIfSet
* Removed driver duel legacy messages
* Fixed invalid format string for curl errors
* Special effects now using acessors instead of direct variables for the weather state
* Tidy up of env systems to make all weather state member variables protected out side of the enviroment lib
Bug Fixing:
* Fix for leaderboard post-race crash
* Recreate menu set for device upon device reinitialisation
* Automatic wheel preset selection will now prefer combined pedal presets if the controller indicates it is operating in combined mode
EOR Screens:
* Adding post race standings screen
* Updating post race leaderboards screen
* Fixes for post race screens - correct track name, and round number
* Updated conversions from 4x4 matrix to PhysX transform to always normalise resulting quaternion
* Physics system files for the dynamic tyre objects placed on belgian forest kart track
* Updated parameter set for FA tyre
* Kerning on load screen font fixed, background now in lobby screen rather than just empty blackness
* Weird white pixels removed from background image
* Milan: Add seats textures
* Eifelwald GP: New static lights
* Heudsen: New texture maps
* Derby National: New road, inner terrain, barriers, kerbs etc from Schwantz to new Esses
* Derby GP: New road, inner terrain, barriers, kerbs etc from Schwantz to new Esses
* Derby: New textures addition
* Belgian Forest Karting Circuit: Dynamic tyres added
* Florence Short: Thrustmaster Event Dressing (tyre wall logos), tyre wall fixes
* Azure Circuit: Placeholder textures added
* Wisconsin Raceway: Added big garage/t14 building assets, new road with width
* Ford Capri Group5: Added vehicle
* Ford Capri Group5: Fixed tacho calibration
* Ford Capri Group5: Added turbo sound effects
* Ford Capri Group5: Fixed missing front fenders in cockpit view
* Ford Capri Group5: set CPIT exposure + tweaked eyepoint offset
* Ford Capri Group5: Initial pass at physics
* SP300R: Corrected tyre widths
* Caterham Classic: Fixed lights glow texture
* BMW M1: Chassis textures finished, re-organized meshes, various fixes
* BMW M1: merged in new wheelset, reorganized meshes, added CPIT clones, added ambient shadow, fixed various bugs
* BMW M1: Adjusted the ride height
* BMW M1: Adjusted light textures a bit more
* BMW Z4 GT3: Added Thrustmaster livery + red interior
* GUMPERT apollo: Windscreen raindrop effect added to CPIT and LODA   RADI SAMO U DX 9

Offline ribafish

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Malo manje od 40k € je ostalo do zatvaranja financiranja zato svi koji zele sudjelovati u ovom projektu trebaju biti brzi i uloziti lovu, vjerovatno do kraja vikenda ce biti kasno...

Offline sagitarius

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Financiranje zavrseno, idemo u drugu fazu, potpisivanje izdavaca za iducu godinu.

Project CARS has successfully reached its funding goal of 3.75 Million Euro.

Those of you who missed out on becoming members in time are invited to check for the latest news on Project CARS. We`re looking forward to everyone giving Project CARS a try once it hits the shelves on 2013 and we hope to welcome you as members of future WMD projects as well.

We wish to thank all our passionate members for making World of Mass Development such an overwhelming success and allowing us to independently fund and develop Project CARS.

Quote from: Ian Bell
Now it's time for me to sign an innovative deal to get game out there in style next year.

Offline buby0706

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Financiranje zavrseno, idemo u drugu fazu, potpisivanje izdavaca za iducu godinu.

Project CARS has successfully reached its funding goal of 3.75 Million Euro.

Those of you who missed out on becoming members in time are invited to check for the latest news on Project CARS. We`re looking forward to everyone giving Project CARS a try once it hits the shelves on 2013 and we hope to welcome you as members of future WMD projects as well.

We wish to thank all our passionate members for making World of Mass Development such an overwhelming success and allowing us to independently fund and develop Project CARS.

Quote from: Ian Bell
Now it's time for me to sign an innovative deal to get game out there in style next year.
I kakva je sad procedura...
Znači potpisiva se oficijalni izdavač i onda igra ide u prodaju ili če biti još nekih testova ili tako nešto...

Čisto informativno pitam jer bi jako volio da uspije ....

Offline ribafish

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Financiranje zavrseno, idemo u drugu fazu, potpisivanje izdavaca za iducu godinu.

Project CARS has successfully reached its funding goal of 3.75 Million Euro.

Those of you who missed out on becoming members in time are invited to check for the latest news on Project CARS. We`re looking forward to everyone giving Project CARS a try once it hits the shelves on 2013 and we hope to welcome you as members of future WMD projects as well.

We wish to thank all our passionate members for making World of Mass Development such an overwhelming success and allowing us to independently fund and develop Project CARS.

Quote from: Ian Bell
Now it's time for me to sign an innovative deal to get game out there in style next year.
I kakva je sad procedura...
Znači potpisiva se oficijalni izdavač i onda igra ide u prodaju ili če biti još nekih testova ili tako nešto...

Čisto informativno pitam jer bi jako volio da uspije ....

Jos min godinu dana razvoja pa onda igra ide u prodaju..

Offline ribafish

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Kao zahvalu za zavrsetak financiranja dobili smo ovo, nije lose ;D

Offline Mr.Steady

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super super super
beep beep im a jeep!

GT5 Gamercards

Offline Jadran73

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Nadam se da ce nesto od toga bit i u danasnjem update-u  ;D

Offline Dzidza1978

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Slightly Mad Studios Welcomes Nicolas Hamilton

Zanimljivo, mozda i buraza dovedu :-)
PSN_ID: Dzidza1978

Offline ribafish

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Slightly Mad Studios Welcomes Nicolas Hamilton

Zanimljivo, mozda i buraza dovedu :-)

Upravo gledam dokumentarac o njemu, emitirao se na BBCu pocetkom godine >
Racing.With.The.Hamiltons.Nic.In.The.Driving.Seat on Vimeo

Offline ZG2016RS

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Pogledao i samo riječi hvale za Hamilton Family!!!
FEDRO:Moram dodati da je ZG apsolutni kralj pretjecanja, instinkt i sposobnost kojom si on postavi idealnu situaciju je vanzemaljski :)
"Understeer" is when you hit the rival with the front of the car.
"Oversteer" is when you hit the rival with the rear of the car.
"Horsepower" is how fast you hit t