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Offline iced16

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Ako sad uspiju zeznut fiziku onda stvarno ne znam sto je potrebno...
"Racing, competing, it's in my blood. It's part of me, it's part of my life; I have been doing it all my life and it stands out above everything else."

Ayrton Senna

Offline ribafish

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Evo konkretno za R500 >

Quote from: Ben Collins
Caterham 500


The vision over the hood is very realistic and I love the way you sense the nose leading, follwed by your butt. It’s not over the top, just enough to doff a cap at the real thing.


It’s the right kind of sound – but the 500 is slightly more mental. To state the obvious I’ve cranked the volume which helped but the more gruff the better.


Off the mark at the grid for instance – the wheels should spin instantly at full throttle and currently the car lets you get away with it and pulls off smartly. It really should let rip with wheelspin and simultaneously shoot off the mark.


Way too much understeer.

In reality - at very high speed the Caterham does settle, which is a mercy, and you can enter a high speed corner with a fairly neutral understeer and predict where you’re going. Unless you’re rough with the steering in which case it will bite and kick you sideways. Then it’s all hands on deck.

At lower speeds the Cat is unusual in that if you drive very carefully (with the steering) it’s possible to drive a corner with some understeer because there’s so much weight over the rear axle, making the tyres grip, so little over the front.

But you don’t drive carefully. You take it in by the bit and point it at the apex to make the rear glide, then balance it on the throttle.

So in reality it’s oversteer from the beginning, its very snappy in the way the rear grips and skids – but not in the sense of terminal snap oversteer. It’s quite controllable, but the grip comes and goes aggressively a bit like a kart.

Ditto on the throttle – you tend to work it a fair amount to take advantage of moments of grip until you really nail the best way to bring it on progressively and hold the slide from apex to exit.

The current settings feel very prohibitive at the front end so if we can address this first we could perhaps then turn to the on power dynamics?


I like the lock ups which are correctly front biases and as per the real thing they are easily controlled. It would be magic to see a puff of blue smoke in varying degrees to help indicate how big the lock up is as the Caterham gives a lot of feedback this way.

Footage from a former life:

^ To je rekao Ben prije tj dana. On i Nic svaki tjedan testiraju promjene u fizici i FFB za svako vozilo, nema straha :)

Offline STINGer

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najs... samo da to ne završi previše extremno pa otjeraju veći broj kupaca

Offline Troma

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Ovaj onboard je strasan. Follow-through i gume su izgledale strasno, skroz drugacije nego kada gledas seriju.
Finally, in one sentence, what did Formula One mean to you Mark?
Tricky... It was precision. It was the pinnacle.

Offline buby0706

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Project CARS + Real Steering Wheel

Offline ribafish

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Offline ribafish

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Neznam gif linkat, pogle ovdje >

^ bolesno dobro izgleda (uzeto s GAFa)

Offline Tomivav

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Bolesno, da... :o
“While racing the 24 hours of Nurburgring, you can smell people’s barbecues — we couldn’t recreate that.” — Kazunori Yamauchi

Offline ribafish

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Focus RS dolazi u petak, zajedno s novim street modelom guma, radi se na veliko...

Offline toni_cro

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odličan interior view, da je bar ovakav u gt5
mislim na poziciju

if in doubt, go flat out

Offline Dzidza1978

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Zakon, morat ću počet skidati zadnje buildove, malo sam u zaostatku  :(
PSN_ID: Dzidza1978

Offline ribafish

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odličan interior view, da je bar ovakav u gt5
mislim na poziciju

PC gaming ;D Mozes namjestit FOV i poziciju sjedenja kako hoces u tren oka  ;)

Zakon, morat ću počet skidati zadnje buildove, malo sam u zaostatku  :(

Ja sam odigrao zadnji build prije nekih 2 mjeseca i do prije nekih 2 tjedna nisam uopce pratio sta se dogadja, taman da se malo pozelim. Kupujem novu graficku pocetkom 3 mj pa cu onda sve nadoknadit..

Evo i na cemu ce se radit u slj par mjeseci >

*Continued work on cars and tracks
*GUILib upgrades - Essential 'behind the scenes' work to ensure that GUI work can be better distributed amongst the team, and improve GUI texture management. Also begin work into supporting new GUI additions such as tab screens and list boxes.
*Audio improvements - These will include a gear change sound, gear wobble/shunt effects, improving engine load, adding global balancing tweakers, and some other behind the scenes work to increase audio efficiency.
*Basic qualifying sessions - On enabling qualifying, the game will be split between two sessions: qualifying, then race. The qualifying session starts in the pits with a race overview screen, where lap information is visible, and the player can advance session when ready. The grid positions of the race session will be determined from the qualifying lap times. This will not (for now) include the ability to pit, or global concept of qualifying session duration.
*Championships - Work has already been ongoing on developing the code needed to have functional championships, so you'll start to see some of these being added - initially just in a sample way to test functionality but later they will more closely follow some of the career plans.
*Customisable HUD - New system to allow users to customise their HUD display. This will be editable via scripts, which will use our new Scribe system. Eventually, this will also allow editing of the HUD display in-game too.
*Camera system improvements - We will be implementing improvements to the camera controls for various situations. This is intended to make it easier to get good screenshots and videos, and will include changes to the free camera, the attached camera, and replay cameras.
*Hybrid timer - Advance the Timer code that was previously test by WMD members and integrate it into the physics manager tick for further testing. It is still not clear if it will be suitable as a final solution yet but it is now ready for the next stage of evaluation.
*Particle editor - The particle system and effects (i.e. rain on car and windscreen, spray on cars, engine smoke, explosions) are being re-written in order to 'raise the bar' in this area. This is being done in conjunction with an overhaul to our editing tools, so the new particle system will allow live editing of the particle in-game (as well as having its own offline visual editor).
*Physics tech improvements - Including contact domain optimization, additional deformation mode for RigidCarcass, better brake settings for kart, better clutch settings for kart and FlexiCarcass
*Various shader fixes/improvements - There are numerous shader fixes and improvements planned. These will include...
  * Raindrop visuals on bodywork will be improved to reduce the over-bright reflections seen, particularly in cases where the reflected light ought to be blocked by the car itself.
  * Raindrop visuals to be added to other types of bodywork, e.g. carbon fibre.
  * Bodywork shaders when in cockpit need to allow a choice of environment mapping technique, so that not all parts use the bonnetcam reflection system, as this looks wrong on internal         components.
  * Skinned bodywork shader needs to support bonnet cam envmap.
  * Skinned carbon bodywork shader needs support for flat clearcoat layer.
  * Shaders in general will get an extra option to use the ambient occlusion value to reduce reflection strength (both environment map and specular irradiance).
  * Windscreen banners need to use transmissive lighting, rather than be transparent.
  * Specular lighting will be improved across a range of shaders, to give a more consistent look to similar surfaces.
  * Fresnel to be permanently on in road and overlay shaders, to be consistent with other track surfaces.

Offline Mr.Steady

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a focus rs fap fap fap fap fap.
šta ga kazo skylina mu njegovog prvog ne stavi u igru a ona naskar čuda obnovi sva  8)
beep beep im a jeep!

GT5 Gamercards

Offline Troma

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odličan interior view, da je bar ovakav u gt5
mislim na poziciju

PC gaming ;D Mozes namjestit FOV i poziciju sjedenja kako hoces u tren oka  ;)

Blagodati DFGT-a 8) Taman za pCARS konacno svi oni gumbici imaju smisla, pogotovo za navedeno.
Finally, in one sentence, what did Formula One mean to you Mark?
Tricky... It was precision. It was the pinnacle.

Offline ribafish

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Novi build je gore, za JUNIOR+

Nova kolica za isprobat su dostupna, SLS  ;D