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Offline iced16

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Mene je malo iznenadilo koliko je ''miran'' Sennin Lotus. Očekivao sam puno više divljanja ali u Spa je jako miran bio, čak sam i pokušavao namjerno da zabaci, ali jedino sam mogao na zadnjoj šikani i prvom zavoju. Ostalo jedino ako agresivno odem na pasice.

I da, mogao bi opet do frenda otići, pa da snimim (i stavim ovdje) kako kockicu vozim. Ili RUF-a. Ovisi što više baca  ;D
"Racing, competing, it's in my blood. It's part of me, it's part of my life; I have been doing it all my life and it stands out above everything else."

Ayrton Senna

Offline toni_cro

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ako ideš, daj ruf-a zabaci :D

još ako su pogodili zvuk flat-plane v8

p.s. Ferrari 355 je imao flat-plane v8(i 5 ventila) a svi znamo kako taj pjeva

if in doubt, go flat out

Offline iced16

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ako ideš, daj ruf-a zabaci :D

još ako su pogodili zvuk flat-plane v8

p.s. Ferrari 355 je imao flat-plane v8(i 5 ventila) a svi znamo kako taj pjeva

Hoću, možda već sutra :)
"Racing, competing, it's in my blood. It's part of me, it's part of my life; I have been doing it all my life and it stands out above everything else."

Ayrton Senna

Offline iced16

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Evo sutra idem RUF-a probat, pa da vidimo kako to ide  ;D

Snimit ću neki clip. ;)
"Racing, competing, it's in my blood. It's part of me, it's part of my life; I have been doing it all my life and it stands out above everything else."

Ayrton Senna

Offline ribafish

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Mene je malo iznenadilo koliko je ''miran'' Sennin Lotus. Očekivao sam puno više divljanja ali u Spa je jako miran bio, čak sam i pokušavao namjerno da zabaci, ali jedino sam mogao na zadnjoj šikani i prvom zavoju. Ostalo jedino ako agresivno odem na pasice.

I da, mogao bi opet do frenda otići, pa da snimim (i stavim ovdje) kako kockicu vozim. Ili RUF-a. Ovisi što više baca  ;D


Offline iced16

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Ribafish, jel i tebi DTM Audi onako na kočenju guzica bježi? Nekako mi skorz ćudno.
"Racing, competing, it's in my blood. It's part of me, it's part of my life; I have been doing it all my life and it stands out above everything else."

Ayrton Senna

Offline ribafish

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Nisam ga dugo vozio, ne mogu se sjetit, al moguće, dosta auta ima taj problem. Vidjet ćes kod RUFa kako baca zadnji kraj kod jakog kočenja. I focus isto baca kod jakih kočenja, gotovo nekontrolirano kad si na malo grbavijoj stazi. Obavezno probaj ford capri turbo, odličan zvuk i fizika, svi bmwi isto imaju odličnu fiziku.. Od staza obavezno imolu probaj (bologna u igri) i bathurst ako ti frend ima dovoljno jak komp.

Offline iced16

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Nisam ga dugo vozio, ne mogu se sjetit, al moguće, dosta auta ima taj problem. Vidjet ćes kod RUFa kako baca zadnji kraj kod jakog kočenja. I focus isto baca kod jakih kočenja, gotovo nekontrolirano kad si na malo grbavijoj stazi. Obavezno probaj ford capri turbo, odličan zvuk i fizika, svi bmwi isto imaju odličnu fiziku.. Od staza obavezno imolu probaj (bologna u igri) i bathurst ako ti frend ima dovoljno jak komp.

Ne znam jel ima taj build sa Caprijem al zadnji put sam vidio da ima Bathurst i Imolu. Probat ću :)
"Racing, competing, it's in my blood. It's part of me, it's part of my life; I have been doing it all my life and it stands out above everything else."

Ayrton Senna

Offline ribafish

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Ne znam jel ima taj build sa Caprijem al zadnji put sam vidio da ima Bathurst i Imolu. Probat ću :)

Ako je team member plus mora imat build 427, nema druge, jel kad palis igru ona ti automatski skida najnoviji update. Jedino sto je limitirano ako nisi senior je nurburgring GP,,,, hocu rec da sigurno ima caprija ;)

Mene je malo iznenadilo koliko je ''miran'' Sennin Lotus. Očekivao sam puno više divljanja ali u Spa je jako miran bio, čak sam i pokušavao namjerno da zabaci, ali jedino sam mogao na zadnjoj šikani i prvom zavoju. Ostalo jedino ako agresivno odem na pasice.

Benov (ex Stig) najdrazi bolid u igri. Covjek je zakon, evo i malo njegovih komentara o Lotusu, a i da se vidi kako se stvari mijenjaju sto se tice fizike:

Prvi mjesec >

Had a great weekend driving the Lotus 98T Renault Turbo !

The graphics take you back to the 80's and i should have known this car would be a blinder - a fitting tribute to Ayrton Senna who made this machine dance like no other.

Well.. This car is awesome!! It is unique in so many ways and for me the most fun to drive, the most forgiving and the most rewarding.

Bologna / Imola


I love the driver position right on top of the wheel. Crucially the screen rotates ever so slightly when the car BEGINS to slide and that really helps the drivability. There’s also a sense of dive on the brakes and turn in.

Turn In

This car really goes where you point it. I can put it all the way over the kerbs and actually feel it squirm at the rear to let me know it’s on the limit – ‘don’t push your luck’!


It stops beautifully but the fantastic thing with this Lotus is the way it punishes you if you squeeze a fraction too hard at the end of the braking zone. Very accurately, once the downforce has bled off and the tyre no longer has that support, this car starts to lock a front and / or a rear tyre. It’s magic.

And the best part is that these slides are recoverable. When a rear tyre snatches you can pulse the brakes, and the tyre responds immediately. This means you can really push the car.


The transition from grip to sliding in this car is superb.

It allows gradual on power slides: Entering the skid is quite gradual and with some help from steering feedback it would be extremely life like

It also allows off power slides when you overcook it on corner entry with too much brake (locking the rears) or just too fast. The great thing with the Lotus is that you end up very sideways, eating up the track until the speed rubs off and then back under control. Bang on.

Mid corner

The real life steering lets this car get placed wherever you like – it has really good mid corner grip and feel

Traction / corner exit

I pick up a little of the sim’s understeer on the exit of the last two corners at Imola

Most of the time the car is beautifully balanced and you can squeeze the throttle with a sense of the car gradually reacting to your input.


Just superb. The way the Lotus 98T darts around feels aggressive, and just like the real thing.

Drugi mjesec >

Bathurst – Thunderstorm – 98T

Apart from wanting to share the awesome experience of driving the F1 car around Bathurst in the wet (highly recommended) I also noticed a few interesting items.

After I planted the 98T into the wall (twice) it removed the wing mirrors and I was then able to see the individual front wheels locking AND feel the feedback through the steering wheel. The combination was absolutely brilliant and the behaviour of the tyres was bang on – great job.

Under heavy braking into turn one the brakes would just snap the inside left front – and into the banked corners the sim seemed to detect when a front tyre was unloaded and let it lock up but crucially without killing the car’s stopping power. This is extremely lifelike and something I’ve not experienced before in a sim.

Would it be possible to re-position the mirrors in such as way that lets you see the front wheels because I think that point-of-view is very lifelike, it’s exciting and gives you a much better sense of the limit?

GLITCH – I moved the car to Bologna, then returned to Bathurst and the 98T would no longer let me lock a tyre AT ALL. I don’t know if that’s a bug but somehow it managed to create a load more grip for itself and I was unable to lock a tyre regardless how late or hard I braked.

Very excited by the potential you’re building into the braking Casey because braking and turn in, from view at least, are what racing is all about. That and the balance on the throttle – which is coming along nicely!

Treci mjesec >

The 98T seems to have changed for the worse.

Braking – same problem as the Formula B now in that you can only lock a front wheel at the end of the braking. There’s less urgency and feedback from the steering

Turn in – is excellent – you can place the car where you want it

Mid corner – its not bad but it now feels similar to the Formula B on default tyre. Previously the 98T had this very pliable feel to it and you could hussle the apex and if the rear broke free you could roll with it.

Exit / traction. Traction is quite strange – it has less traction and after you leave a slow corner and change gear it slides again. There seems to be a surge of power, a bit like the Formula B on the A compound tyre

Additional – might have this wrong but the gear changes seem shorter..? The power band seems much higher up the rev band. And the engine has lost some of its growl but I hope I’m not imagining those things.

Conclusion – not the right direction. I loved this car before and now it feels quite mysterious. Has a new tyre gone onto the 98T?

Prije tjedan dana >


Back on the 98T

BRAKING The braking issue is still there. Giving 100% pedal pressure and there isn’t the same dynamism & response of the older build.

TURN IN Also it feels like it’s lost some turn-in power. I’d love to be able to hurl it in more

POWER – on power the car is good and stable. Possibly too good for real life coming out of the slow corners – but what I really appreciate is that you can hold a slide if you make a bit of an error.

OVERALL – the car feels like it has more grip, but has lost some of its liveliness which I felt was a real plus. (I note the new Imola lap record) Still a great drive.

Sorry na zidu teksta, al mi je super zanimljivo citat komentare od takvog vozaca :D

Offline ribafish

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Najavljene licence >

1952 300SL W194 *
1971 300SEL 6.8 AMG *
1992 190E Evo 2 DTM
1989 Sauber C9 *
1998 CLK-LM *
2010 SLS AMG
2012 SLS AMG GT3
2012 C class coupe DTM
2013 A45 AMG *

1999 Laguna BTCC
2009 Clio Cup 197
2012 Megane RS 265
2012 Megane Trophy II

1982 KDR30 Super Silhouette *
1989 GTP ZX-T *
1990 NPT-90 *
1990 Skyline GT-R R32 Group A *
1990 R90CK *
1994 300ZX IMSA GTS *
1999 Primera BTCC
2003 GT-R R34 GT500
2012 370z GT4
2012 GT-R GT3
2012 Deltawing
2013 Altima V8 Supercars

Ovo nije finalna lista. Rekli su da ganjaju ove licence, na kraju je moguce da uopce ni ne dobiju nista il samo djelomicno.
Auti sa * su planirani kao DLC.

EDIT: Ian potvrdio da igra definitivno nece izac ove godine, vjerovatno Q1 '14.

Offline iced16

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Sjajni su ovi review-i Collinsa... I izgleda da sam bio u pravu po pitanju Lotusa 98T. Imam potpuno iste doživljaje od ovog posljednjeg builda...

Nego, ribafish... Zadnji put sam probao Monte Carlo ali je bio nekakav bug te bi auto u boksu automatski propao kroz ''pod'' te  nebi mogao krenuti.

Imaš ideju što ne valja ili kako popraviti?
"Racing, competing, it's in my blood. It's part of me, it's part of my life; I have been doing it all my life and it stands out above everything else."

Ayrton Senna

Offline ribafish

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Pre-alpha, jedini odgovor, jos je hrpa bugova prisutna u igri, meni se isto takve stvari dogadjaju. Vidjet ces da ce se u novom buildu to rijesit.  ;)

Offline ribafish

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Novi build (432) je vani, od vaznijih stvari potpuno nove gume za Caterham classic, Cat R500 i  Lotus 49, novi M1 zvuk, SDK/API dostupan napokon i dva nova auta..


Mustang BOSS 302r

^ tu je negdje s M3 GTS

Project Cars - Waiting for the Dark - DX11 PC

Offline sagitarius

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Taj trailer je najbolji trailer za neku voznju nakon GT5 trailera. A jos ga je obican covjek radio.

Ova igra mora izaci za next-gen odmah na izlasku u 60fps. Sve drugo bit ce porazno.

Offline Mr.Steady

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suza u oku
beep beep im a jeep!

GT5 Gamercards