Author Topic: Project C.A.R.S • World of Mass Development projekt community simulacije  (Read 578491 times)

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Offline iced16

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! Private video

Evo bacio još đir sa Lotusom 49 i RUF-om. Definitivno bacite oko, pogledajte do kraja. Video sve govori što mislim o oba auta...  ;D ;D ;D

I btw, nisam uopće vozio onako da sam dava sve od sebe (pogotov drugi krug di sam ono namirno radia :) ), to drugom prilikom, kad budem mogao više krugova odvoziti. I kad frend napokon sredi vozaču poziciju...  >:(

"Racing, competing, it's in my blood. It's part of me, it's part of my life; I have been doing it all my life and it stands out above everything else."

Ayrton Senna

Offline DogZy

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Promijeni si postavke na yt racunu, video ti je private, ne moze se vidjeti.
You are aiming for just one sweet spot in the corner. It's the point where centrifugal and cornering forces reach their equilibrium, where they are all at once replaced with acceleration.
APEX - The invisible vertex of a corner, a place where the fastest lap times are recorded.

Offline ribafish

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! Private video

Evo bacio još đir sa Lotusom 49 i RUF-om. Definitivno bacite oko, pogledajte do kraja. Video sve govori što mislim o oba auta...  ;D ;D ;D

I btw, nisam uopće vozio onako da sam dava sve od sebe (pogotov drugi krug di sam ono namirno radia :) ), to drugom prilikom, kad budem mogao više krugova odvoziti. I kad frend napokon sredi vozaču poziciju...  >:(

Odlicna voznja :) Lotus je u petak dobio nove gume i sad ima po meni najbolju fiziku i FFB. Izgleda mi na filmicu dosta glatko, koju konfu ti frend ima i koje graficke postavke koristi ak znas ?

Offline toni_cro

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nezz jel do igre il do kamere al na par trenutaka zvuk i slika nisu usklađeni

if in doubt, go flat out

Offline DogZy

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 ;D ;D
Najsu doriftu.
You are aiming for just one sweet spot in the corner. It's the point where centrifugal and cornering forces reach their equilibrium, where they are all at once replaced with acceleration.
APEX - The invisible vertex of a corner, a place where the fastest lap times are recorded.

Offline iced16

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! Private video

Evo bacio još đir sa Lotusom 49 i RUF-om. Definitivno bacite oko, pogledajte do kraja. Video sve govori što mislim o oba auta...  ;D ;D ;D

I btw, nisam uopće vozio onako da sam dava sve od sebe (pogotov drugi krug di sam ono namirno radia :) ), to drugom prilikom, kad budem mogao više krugova odvoziti. I kad frend napokon sredi vozaču poziciju...  >:(

Odlicna voznja :) Lotus je u petak dobio nove gume i sad ima po meni najbolju fiziku i FFB. Izgleda mi na filmicu dosta glatko, koju konfu ti frend ima i koje graficke postavke koristi ak znas ?

Ribafish, pitat ću ga. Ja se ne razumijem previše u komp. Znam samo za ramove hahah

Toni, snimano je mobom u HD-u pa valjda zato. To mi je često znao biti problem sa snimkama sa moba.

Budem još jednom otišao pošteno odvoziti kako treba. Al gušt je samo takav kad onako proklizava. A RUF me totalno razočarao. TOTALNO!

Volio bi probati na H mjenjač kako Bog zapovida, al poziciju trenutno ne moremo srediti jer nema mista za papučice da se gurnu još dublje (kako meni odgovara)
"Racing, competing, it's in my blood. It's part of me, it's part of my life; I have been doing it all my life and it stands out above everything else."

Ayrton Senna

Offline ribafish

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Novi build je vani (bio jos jucer)  :)


Ukljucuje old SPA :D

Offline iced16

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Kao da smo u filmu Grand Prix   :)  :)  :)

Morat ću opet do frenda   ;D 
"Racing, competing, it's in my blood. It's part of me, it's part of my life; I have been doing it all my life and it stands out above everything else."

Ayrton Senna

Offline ribafish

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Sve dobro sto su napravili u ovom buildu, ponajvise oko fizike, zvuka, oldSPA itd mi ponistava novi performance hit, nikad na zelenu granu s optimizacijom, na svim stazama sam -10fps na nekima i do  -20fps :-\

Offline Jadran73

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pCars - Multi Display   :)

Vise o svemu  pCars - Multi Display Windows App by MikeyTT

Offline ribafish

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Project C.A.R.S. - 200 to 400

Offline sagitarius

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Sjajno, sjajno napravljeno.

Offline ribafish

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Napokon WiiU vijesti >

Quote from: Andy Tudor, Creative Director
Hey guys,

Here's a brief overview of the Project CARS showing at Ideame Madrid...

So we were asked by Nintendo if we'd like to show Project CARS at this particular conference since Nintendo continue to show interest in Project CARS for the Wii U. The conference focuses on indie developers like ourselves and they believed the crowdfunding aspect of it would be of particular interest to their audience given that a lot of indie developers use other systems like Kickstarter or Indie-Go-Go to get their games made.

Since the audience is mostly University students wanting to get into the games industry or indie developers struggling to get their first game out, my talk focused on my own upbringing and my path into the games industry through University and then transitioned to the heritage of Slightly Mad Studios working originally as a mod team and ultimately leading to the the WMD platform and going 'back to our roots' with Project CARS.

It was only the night before that I found out I was the keynote speaker opening the show and throughout the day there continued to be clarification that Project CARS and SMS were definitely the biggest game and highlight of the show (although I made best friends with the guy currently making the Duck Tales Remastered game and understandably there was a lot of buzz around that too).

There were then a bunch of interviews for both web, TV, and radio/podcasts, some of which have hit already and then in the evening there was a panel dedicated to crowd-funding where of course, Project CARS/SMS/WMD killed once again and was the star of the show (not my own words!).

So Spaniards, keep an eye out over the next few weeks!

Quote from: Ged Keaveney, Technical Director
Good news everyone!

As people may have seen elsewhere there is a lot of buzz around pCars/WMD/SMS and WiiU. We now have some WiiU devkits to start getting our engine running on WiiU and things converted over. This will take a while, so please be patient, but we'll use this thread to post updates.

The first stage (non-sexy boring stuff) is to add the WiiU platform configuration to our code projects and to fill in the WiiU platform specific layer in our Base library, I'll be doing that over the next few weeks. The second stage (sexy, not boring) is to move higher level libraries over to run on WiiU too. Griff will be handling the render side of things and we'll move over libs bit by bit until the basics are building for WiiU. In addition we'll need to convert data to the WiiU format and get it all running. After that it'll all be performance, memory, TRC (technical requirements that are set by 1st Party, Nintendo in this case) related work.

It's going to be fun :)

Quote from: Ged Keaveney, Technical Director
We're now registered developers, so we've got access to their SDK, docs and website (which reminds me I need to sort out Griff's reg :)). First step is for us to go through all that and start updating the engine, we'll probably be asking them several questions along the way and normally 1st Party are good at getting back to us with detailed answers to help us sort out any problems. It's been a few years since I worked directly with Nintendo and they were good then, so I'm assuming nothing has changed in that regard

Offline sagitarius

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Sok i nevjerica, majkemi.

Offline ribafish

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Sok i nevjerica, majkemi.

Meni je jedini šok šta rad na WiiU verziji pocinje tek sad, mislio sad da je rade simultano s PS360 verzijama.. Nadam se da ih nece "usporit"..

Quote from: Ged Keaveney
Also to address the points made about WiiU and its viability.....really?

We have the opportunity here to be the premier racing title on a major platform. Yes, the unit base isn't as high as the current, been around for 7 years consoles but it will increase and is already enough for it to be commercially viable. We'll be releasing on those platforms too and having the extra platform adds to the awareness of the game and brings major kudos to what we're all doing here at WMD. Think about that last point, if we take a crowd funded, community assisted title to be a flagship genre title on a major platform at the first attempt, that would be a spectacular achievement.

It will improve our profile, foster our relationship with Nintendo and the aim is to change the standard industry sentence "Forza & GT" into "Forza, GT & pCars"

Adding the extra platform isn't a 5 minute job of course but adding the additional platform to our existing engine, which was designed from day one to have platforms added at later dates, is relatively little compared to the benefits.

Bring it on, I say :)