Ma ne treba to potencirati. Sad će kao medicinski tehničari bit krivi što je Marco pregažen od dva jureća motora, što ne veže kacigu, što nije pustio da otskliže kroz zavoj i bezazleno padne, nego se pokušavao vratiti na trkaću putanju, jer je mislio da može. Tehničar se poskliznuo na travi, trudeći se da ga što prije donese do vozila, nije ga to ubilo sigurno. Veći je problem što su ga morali nositi, odnopsno da hitna nije došla na stazu. Ali, možda je i to prejudiciranje jer ne znam koliko je sve trajalo, a tkđ. ne znamo svi mi je li možda na Sepangu bliže doći do helikoptera (ili bolnice) ako unesrećenog na tom konkretnom mjestu ukrcaju u hitnu tamo gdje se desila nesreća ili da hitna vozi preko cijele staze.
Evo i od njegovog oca:
"I was thereabouts, but Marco was dead already. I was 10 metres away, but Marco was already dead, it changed nothing.
"I helped them: when they got back up and passed the stretcher over to my side of the guard rail I took the stretcher to place it in the ambulance and held Marco's hand and called him 'Ciao Marco', but he was gone already.
"There was nothing that could be done. Nothing would have changed in that case. As for the rest, maybe more (attention) is needed, but these people try to do their best, so it's useless... But in our case Marco died on impact.
"They say God summons the best to heaven. I don't know. I wish that's how it is."