Author Topic: Grand Theft Auto V  (Read 307306 times)

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Offline ribafish

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #150 on: April 30, 2013, 19:14:24 »
Ovo nije grafika sa PS3? Ne znam baš....

Po meni nije.

Ovo je PS3 skrin (pogle teksture, dolje drotove i aute, opcenito okolis, pogled na grad u daljini)>

ovo nema sanse da je PS3 (ako je uopce ingame) >

Ovi traileri su ili PC ili next gen, bar ja tako vidim..

Zamisli ovo next gen  1080p, bolji IQ, bolje teksture, bolje osvjetljenje i eto ti "first gen" next gen open world launch naslov at its finest :D

Po meni evo jasna razlika izmedju PS360 vs PC/next gen

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #151 on: April 30, 2013, 20:24:11 »
Iskreno, zaboli me. Tu je bitna samo jedna stvar, kako će konzola podnositi tu igru.

Ne bude li kakve instalacije na HDD biti će mrtvih konzola kao i uvijek do sada... definitivno bi se mogla uzeti DLC verzija

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #152 on: May 01, 2013, 00:43:02 »
lajkam a lot 8) 8)

if in doubt, go flat out

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #153 on: May 01, 2013, 00:53:43 »
Sva tri na okupu

Grand Theft Auto V: Michael. Franklin. Trevor.

Offline Ljubusak

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #154 on: May 01, 2013, 00:56:07 »
Naravno da navijam za next gen, ova igra, neka pucačina i GT se može u miru čekati.  8)
STRAST: Snažna emocija koja potpuno ovlada čovjekovim raspoloženjem.
Često se pojavljuje kod igranja Gran Turismo

Offline STINGer

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #155 on: May 01, 2013, 00:59:40 »
Ipak, nakon svega što sam vidio, imam dojam da su Michaela i Frankina mogli napraviti zanimljviijim likovima, upečatljivijim, ono da liče na nekog poznatog. ono, Niko je bio jebeno upečatljiva glava. Ova dva mi baš i nisu nešto.

Isto tako, zanima me kako će se ovo moći igrati. Da li ćeš na početku moći birati s kojim ćeš krenuti i tako gurati do kraja igre pa onda sa ostalom dvojicom odigrati njihove priče ili će se samo ispreplitati kroz jednu kampanju?

E da, San Andreas je ipak bio puno veći od ovoga... ovo jest vjerojatno detaljnije, ali je samo LA, a u SA si ipak imao puno više različitog terena

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #156 on: May 01, 2013, 01:00:01 »
Naravno da navijam za next gen, ova igra, neka pucačina i GT se može u miru čekati.  8)

GT ne, ostalo sve može 8)

Offline Ljubusak

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #157 on: May 01, 2013, 01:12:10 »
Naravno da navijam za next gen, ova igra, neka pucačina i GT se može u miru čekati.  8)

GT ne, ostalo sve može 8)
Poznavajući PD, čekanje nam samo i ostaje.
Ali sljedeća generacija starta kao nijedna do sada, bit će hrpa naslova.
STRAST: Snažna emocija koja potpuno ovlada čovjekovim raspoloženjem.
Često se pojavljuje kod igranja Gran Turismo

Offline ribafish

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #158 on: May 01, 2013, 02:31:57 »
New GTA V previews go live May 2

Confirmed publications so far >

Game Informer
JeuxVideo (France)
GameKings (NL)
Meristation (Spain) (Italian)

U cetvrtak nas ceka hrpa novih previewa i dojmova ;)

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #159 on: May 02, 2013, 17:19:44 »

Offline Ljubusak

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #160 on: May 02, 2013, 17:31:52 »

Ovo ne može biti PS3...
STRAST: Snažna emocija koja potpuno ovlada čovjekovim raspoloženjem.
Često se pojavljuje kod igranja Gran Turismo

Offline ribafish

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #161 on: May 02, 2013, 20:11:03 »






^ Demo koji su novinari pogledali se vrtio na PS3 ;) (jedan od novinara je rekao "Visually and technically, GTA V is such a leap over GTA IV, it blew me away.")

Summary From >

You can buy property; houses, garages and businesses can all be purchased for extra revenue sources.
You can customise yourself with haircuts, new clothes, and tattoos
Each character is rated in a series of skill categories: Stamina, Shooting, Strength, Stealth, Flying, Driving, Mechanic, Lung Capacity.
Each character has a 'Special': Franklin is an adrenalin junkie and can slow down time while driving; Trevor has a frenzy mode, where he does double damage, takes half damage, and has a unique melee attack; Michael has his own version of bullet time
Specials are governed by a meter, it drains after use and recharges slowly
Other skill categories are shared and can be improved by completing missions, side missions, activities and more
Trevor will always be the best pilot, Franklin will always be the best driver but each can improve their proficiency a little
One of the skill categories is stealth, suggesting players will be able to take different approaches to missions
Pay N Sprays can also mod cars with paint jobs, new wheels, window tints, grilles, spoilers. Upgrades to suspension, engine and brakes can also be made.
Weapons can also be customised with laser sights, scopes, silencers, and high capacity magazines
You can pick up hitchikers, do stunt jumps and flying challenges, take part in yoga, golf, tennis or bike races.
Some boats will include gear such as wetsuit, flippers and tanks for diving
An underwater ecosystem exits, "the sea is teaming with fish and sharks"
Treasures can be found underwater, but NPCs will be looking for them too
GTAV rewards exploration, there's no signposting underwater, so you'll have to find the treasure the hard way
Dives won't offer massive payoffs, but will "help grease the wheels"
The character selection wheel is split into four triangles: Franklin, Trevor, Michael, and your multiplayer character
It seems there's a closer relationship between single and multiplayer. Simply pressing Down on the d-pad will drop the play in and out of MP.
Rockstar has said it will reveal more on multiplayer in the future
There are subtle differences in the way each character moves to reflect their personalities; Michael is slower and deliberate.
Rockstar says there will be five times as many pedestrians in GTA V as there were in Grand Theft Auto IV
There's a "crazy level of detail": Tourist buses can be boarded for a tour of celebrity homes, film posters are plastered on the walls, men in comedy costumes try to corner you outside the Cathay Theatre, including the Superman-like Impotent Rage and Master Chief riff, Space Ranger.
iFruit, the game's new phone, can be used to snap pictures and upload them to Rockstar's Social Club
The phone also has apps. In addition to the camera there is internet, contacts, social media, a calendar, and a replay missions app. There are three more Rockstar hasn't yet revealed.
Michael's obsession with classic films translates into in-game set pieces based on real world movies. In the demo the three characters mount a heist very similar to the one from Heat.
'Mini heists' are used to teach the player about preparation. Players must secure vehicles, outfits, masks, the getaway vehicle.
These build up to a bigger heist where the execution must be flawless. They'll require the right crew and players will have to decide on the cheap option, which results in less skilled people, or paying more for skilled crew members that will take a larger cut.
You can switch between Franklin, Trevor and Michael during a cutscene, manually, or automatically when the AI takes control for you
Each character has a job to do, how much you switch yourself in or let the computer do, is entirely up to you
If you die the game reloads to the last checkpoint, even if two other characters are alive
Although it's up to the player when they switch, dialogue will suggest ideal moments. For example, when Michael and Franklin are being overwhelmed by snipers, Michael might ask for Trevor's help.
A combat roll has been introduced for moving between cover
There is a wider field of vision, and players can run-and-gun

Ako vam se neda citat >

Grand Theft Auto 5 Gameplay IMPRESSIONS! Adam Sessler, Max Scoville, and Tara Long's First Look

GTA V - GTA 5 o'clock: GTA V - We've seen it! EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW

Ove fotke su mi jebene >

Offline STINGer

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #162 on: May 02, 2013, 20:24:20 »
Ovo mi je sasvim dosta informacija do izlaska igre... ne volim previše toga saznati, puno mi je draže otkrivati to tijekom igranja ;)

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #163 on: May 08, 2013, 01:18:21 »
Neznam dali ja starim, ili wtf, ali više ovakve naslove ne isčekujem sa toliko entuzijazma kao nekada. ???

Gledam ove trailere, i meni koji sam uz GTA još iz doba ptičje perspektive, sve djeluje več viđeno, samo poboljšano, naravno.

Da se ne shvati krivo, oduvijek sam GTA serijal smatrao kao nešto posebno, i uz njega sam izgubio sate i sate, dane, a možda i mjesece, ali šta ja znam, kao da mi fali "ono nešto novo" u serijalu.

Možda bih ja htio da se sam princip igranja malo "ouzbilji", neznam kako da objasnim. Imam feeling da sam ja kao igrač sazrio, a serijal kao takav da nije. Puno više me u zadnje vrijeme privlače "mračne" igre poput npr. Heavy Rain i sl. Znam da tematika nije ni blizu, ali želim naglasak staviti na ozbiljnost igre i "težinu radnje".

Površno sam preletio preko ovog popisa mogucnosti, i dobar dio toga nije nikakva novost jer postoji još iz doba Vice City-ja ili San Andreasa.


Offline STINGer

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #164 on: May 08, 2013, 10:52:20 »
GTA je tocno onakav kakav treba biti. Mogu mislit kakav bi to epic fail bio da ga uozbilje ;D

Uostalom, tesko je bilo sto novo smisliti danas, sve je to varijacija na temu. Resident Evil je odlican primjer sto se dogodi kad zabludis u krivom smjeru