"PS4 sa HD 7970m i GDDR5 memorijom te najvjerojatnije 6 iskoristivih jezgri na CPU(vjerojatno 2 rezervirane za OS multitask) bi u alptop konfiguraciju, na suho, mogao gurati 1080p ULTRA BF3 na 40FPS. Uzimajući u obzir da se radi o daleko efikasnijoj arhitekturi i memoriji koja je moguće dosta brža od originalnog HD 7970m izdanja, svašta je moguće. Dodatni tajni čip će biti još jedna prevaga, što radi se ne zna još.
Šta se tiče xboxa šuška se o istom CPU, i dalje 8GB DDR3(1.5GB-3GB rezervirano za kinect i OS) i nepoznata grafička.
Sam DDR3 kao šta rekoh ne obećava puno i toliki gaz OSa, ali nemamo niti polovične informacije još.
Za PS4 ostaje pitanje na kojoj brzini radi memorija, te što radi taj dodatni čip. Možda je i CELL2?koji usput radi i BC za PS3? ili manje vjerojatno ray tracer. svašta je moguće".
However, there's a fair amount of "secret sauce" in Orbis and we can disclose details on one of the more interesting additions. Paired up with the eight AMD cores, we find a bespoke GPU-like "Compute" module, designed to ease the burden on certain operations - physics calculations are a good example of traditional CPU work that are often hived off to GPU cores. We're assured that this is bespoke hardware that is not a part of the main graphics pipeline but we remain rather mystified by its standalone inclusion, bearing in mind Compute functions could be run off the main graphics cores and that devs could have the option to utilise that power for additional graphical grunt, if they so chose.