Author Topic: D njuuz  (Read 156075 times)

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Offline DogZy

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Re: D njuuz
« Reply #165 on: September 30, 2013, 20:09:33 »
Koristenje onoga sto su nasli u svom dvoristu, da ne bi slucajno otisli u garazu nesto napraviti ;D
You are aiming for just one sweet spot in the corner. It's the point where centrifugal and cornering forces reach their equilibrium, where they are all at once replaced with acceleration.
APEX - The invisible vertex of a corner, a place where the fastest lap times are recorded.

Offline cold

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Re: D njuuz
« Reply #166 on: October 02, 2013, 10:38:14 »
Jojoj sto mi sa tom 'strujom' na štrumf idu.
Super, znanost napreduje, svi imaju posla i to mi se jedino svidja vezano za aute na struju.

Nedavno kupio toyotu aygo za po gradu i nevjerovatno koliko me taj auto odusevio...mali, lagan (manje od 900kg), startan i zvuk trocilindrasa na visokim okretajima... :), potrosnja manje od 5 litara (izvan Zagreba zivim)...
Nikakav elektromotor to nemre zamjenit...

Offline Troma

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Re: D njuuz
« Reply #167 on: October 15, 2013, 19:00:33 »
Poginuo je Sean Edwards, vjerojatno ste ga vidjeli kako je ove godine pobjedio u onom SLSu na Nurb 24h, a uz to je i bio vodeci u poretku Porsche Supercupa :( :(

Uzasna vijest, a sjecam se kako sam ga prije par mjeseci cekao da prode Eau Rougeom da ga uhvatim na slici, i uspio sam, RIP Sean.

Finally, in one sentence, what did Formula One mean to you Mark?
Tricky... It was precision. It was the pinnacle.

Offline DogZy

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Re: D njuuz
« Reply #168 on: October 15, 2013, 19:19:00 »
Zaboravio prije postati, RIP.

Poginuo je radi nekog koga je ucio voznji na stazi, a imao je 20g.

Motorsport je izgubio trkaca koji bi sasvim sigurno postao velikan.

Obavezno procitajte pistonheadov link.
You are aiming for just one sweet spot in the corner. It's the point where centrifugal and cornering forces reach their equilibrium, where they are all at once replaced with acceleration.
APEX - The invisible vertex of a corner, a place where the fastest lap times are recorded.

Offline STINGer

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Re: D njuuz
« Reply #169 on: October 15, 2013, 19:59:07 »
O jebote... što moraš u današnjem autu napraviti da uspiješ poginuti :(

Offline Troma

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Re: D njuuz
« Reply #170 on: October 15, 2013, 20:01:35 »
Ma kad ti je sudeno ti je sudeno :-\
Finally, in one sentence, what did Formula One mean to you Mark?
Tricky... It was precision. It was the pinnacle.

Offline Screamingeagle

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Re: D njuuz
« Reply #171 on: October 15, 2013, 20:11:49 »
The 26-year-old was attending a private driver training event, at the Queensland Raceway, where he was acting as an instructor. While he was in the passenger seat, a 20-year-old driver lost control and crashed into the barricades which started a fire. The driver was eventually rescued but Edwards succumbed to his injuries.

Meni ovo ostavlja dojam da je poginuo u cestovnom a ne trkačem autu  ???

Offline DogZy

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Re: D njuuz
« Reply #172 on: October 15, 2013, 20:36:03 »
Moguce. Negdje sam procitao da je bila 996-ica...
You are aiming for just one sweet spot in the corner. It's the point where centrifugal and cornering forces reach their equilibrium, where they are all at once replaced with acceleration.
APEX - The invisible vertex of a corner, a place where the fastest lap times are recorded.

Offline Troma

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Re: D njuuz
« Reply #173 on: October 15, 2013, 22:10:36 »
Pa i je cestovni, nitko nije rekao da je trkaci

I ja ssm vidio 996 negdje
Finally, in one sentence, what did Formula One mean to you Mark?
Tricky... It was precision. It was the pinnacle.

Offline Voss

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Re: D njuuz
« Reply #174 on: October 16, 2013, 16:40:49 »
Jako tuzna vijest. Sokirao sam se kad sam jucer ujutrio na twitteru procitao od novinara s Autosporta o tome, clanak je u bio star 5 min.

Nasao sam jucer ovo
[Video]Sean Edwards killed in Porsche crash at Queensland Raceway at Willowbank Australia

Ucio je klince vozit, to mu je bio drugi i zadnji dan, staza je bila privatno iznajmljena za te instrukcije i decko je vozio 996 GT3. Ali pogledajte na sto auto lici, prednje polovice nema!!

Znam tu stazu, izletili su na ulazak u predzadnji zavoj i auto je isao ravno u zid, uopce nije skrenuo desno. Kvar s kocnicama mi prvo pada napamet jer prije tog zavoja brzina nije prevelika, 200-230 km/h, ali ako nemozes kocit...

Offline Screamingeagle

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Re: D njuuz
« Reply #175 on: December 17, 2013, 14:32:41 »
Allan McNish announces he is retiring from racing

Offline Screamingeagle

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Re: D njuuz
« Reply #176 on: January 30, 2014, 22:38:21 »
NASCAR reveals radical winner-takes-all Sprint Cup title decider
This year's NASCAR Sprint Cup will be decided by a winner-takes-all finale as part of a revamped Chase for the Championship, series bosses confirmed on Thursday.

Previously, the top 12 drivers in the points after 26 races (top 13 drivers in 2013) had their points reset for the final 10 races, with the championship being determined by who scored the most points during those final events.

Under the new system, which will be introduced this season, 16 drivers will progress to the Chase based on how many races they have won during the first 26 rounds, rather than their points total.

The 16th place will be reserved for the points leader if that driver has not earned a win.

From there, four drivers will be eliminated from the Chase after every three races until just four remain in contention when the series arrives at Homestead for its final round.

NASCAR chairman and CEO Brian France said that the change is designed to eliminate points racing and put a huge emphasis upon winning races.

"We have arrived at a format that makes every race matter even more, diminishes points racing, puts a premium on winning races and concludes with a best-of-the-best, first-to-the-finish line showdown race - all of which is exactly what fans want," said France.

"We have looked at a number of concepts for the last three years through fan research, models and simulations, and also maintained extensive dialogue with our drivers, teams and partners.

"The new Chase for the NASCAR Sprint Cup will be thrilling, easy to understand and help drive our sport's competition to a whole new level."

As part of the new system, a driver who wins a race during the Chase will automatically progress to the next phase.

No bonus points will be awarded for laps led in the finale, meaning that the championship will be decided purely by finishing position.

Tako to rade ameri  8)

Offline iced16

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Re: D njuuz
« Reply #177 on: January 31, 2014, 00:24:26 »
I dođe zadnja trka i skaše se sva četvorica na samom startu...
"Racing, competing, it's in my blood. It's part of me, it's part of my life; I have been doing it all my life and it stands out above everything else."

Ayrton Senna

Offline Screamingeagle

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Re: D njuuz
« Reply #179 on: February 17, 2014, 14:09:30 »
Mardenborough u GP3

Bome, gran turismo je stvarno daleko dogurao. Sad sve preostaje na vozaču. Kad bi bio među boljima, može ući u GP2 a sljedeća stepenica formula 1. Znam da je znanstvena fantastika, ali kad se uzme u obzir da je do tamo dogurao samo što je igrao akademiju.

BTW Ardem je prošle godine sa Kvyatom osvojio naslov.  ;D
"Racing, competing, it's in my blood. It's part of me, it's part of my life; I have been doing it all my life and it stands out above everything else."

Ayrton Senna