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Re: GT Academy 2012 > sluzbeni GTSurgeons topic
« Reply #360 on: June 18, 2012, 12:50:04 »
Je, stvarno se potrudio.

Ja nisam koristio ono minorno bacanje u oversteer pri tjesnijim zavojima, nego sam mirno ulazio u drugoj brzini i mirno u drugoj izlazio. Probat ću danas malo koristit taj oversteer i prebacivanje u treću pa možda poboljšam vrijeme. I onaj zadnji zavoj nisam tako prolazio - palo mi je napamet otići malo šire i kasnije tražiti apex, ali nisam pokušavao. Probam to sve danas, nadam se bez puno živciranja.
“While racing the 24 hours of Nurburgring, you can smell people’s barbecues — we couldn’t recreate that.” — Kazunori Yamauchi

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Re: GT Academy 2012 > sluzbeni GTSurgeons topic
« Reply #361 on: June 18, 2012, 13:27:22 »
Kad točno završava akademija? Do kad je zadnji rok za odvoziti?

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Re: GT Academy 2012 > sluzbeni GTSurgeons topic
« Reply #362 on: June 18, 2012, 13:40:00 »
Ako se ne varam, ova nedjelja.

Offline Tomivav

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Re: GT Academy 2012 > sluzbeni GTSurgeons topic
« Reply #363 on: June 18, 2012, 13:40:24 »
GT Academy 2012 ends in:
6 Days
“While racing the 24 hours of Nurburgring, you can smell people’s barbecues — we couldn’t recreate that.” — Kazunori Yamauchi

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Re: GT Academy 2012 > sluzbeni GTSurgeons topic
« Reply #364 on: June 18, 2012, 14:02:34 »
Petak neradni dan, produženi vikend u điru pa ću se toga uhvatiti u petak/subotu

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Re: GT Academy 2012 > sluzbeni GTSurgeons topic
« Reply #365 on: June 18, 2012, 14:08:18 »
damn eclipsi je odvozio ce biti tesko uloviti :o....nadao sam se odvozit 30.7 do kraja natjecanja al ovaj je vec dns to odvozio...

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Re: GT Academy 2012 > sluzbeni GTSurgeons topic
« Reply #366 on: June 20, 2012, 18:53:49 »
Evo, upalim da ću voziti i ne da mi se spojiti na server ::)

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Re: GT Academy 2012 > sluzbeni GTSurgeons topic
« Reply #367 on: June 20, 2012, 23:37:12 »
Evo, upalim da ću voziti i ne da mi se spojiti na server ::)

Jel sad oće?
"Racing, competing, it's in my blood. It's part of me, it's part of my life; I have been doing it all my life and it stands out above everything else."

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Re: GT Academy 2012 > sluzbeni GTSurgeons topic
« Reply #368 on: June 21, 2012, 12:25:32 »
Zaspao... ubila me vrućina

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Re: GT Academy 2012 > sluzbeni GTSurgeons topic
« Reply #369 on: June 21, 2012, 13:44:52 »
Zaspao... ubila me vrućina
A već su tu i godine...  ;D
psn-id: GTS-Klocna

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Re: GT Academy 2012 > sluzbeni GTSurgeons topic
« Reply #370 on: June 21, 2012, 13:59:57 »
Zaspao... ubila me vrućina
A već su tu i godine...  ;D

Ma sve... godine, kile, alkohol, cigarete... al ništa ne ubija ko vrućina u mom stančiću ispod ploče ::)

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Re: GT Academy 2012 > sluzbeni GTSurgeons topic
« Reply #371 on: June 22, 2012, 01:11:57 »
Konačno uspio sve odvoziti do kraja. Motegi ok, auto mi je kata-strofa. Samo sam išao po zlata, nisam imao sad vremena za bolja vremena ;D
Jedino sam se na Nurbu s GTR tunanim po Adenauer forestu malo potrudio. Mislim da bih mogao bez frke upasti i u top 250, ali gotovo je za sva vremena :)
You are aiming for just one sweet spot in the corner. It's the point where centrifugal and cornering forces reach their equilibrium, where they are all at once replaced with acceleration.
APEX - The invisible vertex of a corner, a place where the fastest lap times are recorded.

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Re: GT Academy 2012 > sluzbeni GTSurgeons topic
« Reply #372 on: June 23, 2012, 09:47:30 »
prije 9h sa sluzbene Academy stranice

Finally, in one sentence, what did Formula One mean to you Mark?
Tricky... It was precision. It was the pinnacle.

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Re: GT Academy 2012 > sluzbeni GTSurgeons topic
« Reply #373 on: June 23, 2012, 11:20:12 »
Moras uzet u obzir da ja nisam uopce vozio ovaj tjedan sto radi uzasnih vrucina sto radi posla, sve sam planirao odradit za ovaj produzeni vikend ali mi sad volan ne radi kako treba, probat cu ga dns popodne rastavit a ak opet nebude radio kako spada idem vozit academy na drugim hr accountima pa da dignem rejting ak nis drugo! :-\

Offline DogZy

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Re: GT Academy 2012 > sluzbeni GTSurgeons topic
« Reply #374 on: June 23, 2012, 11:29:00 »
Drzim fige za volan Zoky, da mi rasturis ove prgave Spanjolce! :)

I da, treba svatko tko moze dizati rejting Hrvatske po AVG, misli da smo jos uvijek treci. Fince moramo sturit!
You are aiming for just one sweet spot in the corner. It's the point where centrifugal and cornering forces reach their equilibrium, where they are all at once replaced with acceleration.
APEX - The invisible vertex of a corner, a place where the fastest lap times are recorded.