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I) tko je tko u MGS:The Boss: A female soldier considered a WW2 hero and the mother of al the modern special forces, known also as The Joy she appears only in MGS3.
Naked Snake: The pupil of The Boss, main protagonist of MGS3, MGS Portable Ops, MGS Peace Walker and probably of MGS Ground Zeroes he is also known as
Big Boss. He have 3 sons that are his clones.
Solid Snake: The main protagonist of MG, MG2, MGS, part of MGS2 and MGS4. Son and clone of Big Boss, in MGS4 he is old due to the fact that clones age faster in fact in this game is known as
Old Snake.
Liquid Snake: Son and clone of Big Boss, the main antagonist of MGS, MGS2 and MGS4. Known as
Liquid Ocelot in MGS2 and MGS4.
Solidus Snake: Son and clone of Big Boss, main antagonist of MGS2 he is the perfect clone of Big Boss.
Raiden: A soldier trained to be like the legendary soldier Solid Snake, one of the main protagonist of MGS2.
Metal Gear: Generic term referred to a bipedal nuclear weapons-equipped tank
II) s kim se igra u kojoj igri:MG1: Solid Snake
MG2: Solid Snake
MGS1: Solid Snake
MGS2: Raiden with Solid Snake prologue
MGS3: Big Boss
MGS4: Solid Snake
MGS Portable Ops: Big Boss
MGS: Peace Walker: Big Boss
MGR: Revengeance: Raiden
MGS: Ground Zeroes: Big Boss
III) radnja serijala vrlo ukratko: MGS1: Kill your brother
MGS2: Kill your father
MGS3: Kill your mother
MGS4: Kill yourself
IV) radnja serijala ukratko:MGS1 (set in 2005):
1. Solid Snake, can be called Young Snake also. Is one of the clones of Big Boss.
2. Liquid Snake, the main antagonist. Is one of the clones of Big Boss.
MGS2 (set in 2009):
1. Solid Snake, still young.
2. Liquid Snake's mind/personality in the body of Ocelot.
3. Solidus Snake. Is one of the clones of Big Boss.
MGS3 (set in 1964):
1. Big Boss, also called Naked Snake. Is the main 'perfect' soldier that is later used for cloning.
2. The Boss, the mentor and teacher of Big Boss.
MGS Peace Walker (set in 1974):
1. Big Boss (Naked Snake)
MGS4 (set in 2014):
1. Solid Snake (but due to the effects of foxdie his aging has accelerated and is now called Old Snake)
2. Liquid Snake's mind/personality taking complete control over Ocelot (or at least 99% control if you count the 'you're pretty good' at the end).
3. Big Boss as an old man shows up at the end.
V) radnja serijala razumno jednostavno:(
MGS3 - 1964) A woman called The Boss was a war hero, but she disappears while on a secret mission. She has an apprentice named John (code name: Naked Snake) who is sent into enemy territory to save a Russian scientist. During this mission, he discovers his MIA mentor has actually defected to Russia. His government orders him to terminate her and he completes his mission only to then find out she hadn't really defected at all, which his government knew all along. This pissed John off royally.
But in killing her, he had earned the new title of "Big Boss". He abandons his government, and pledges to affect some sort of change to ensure this sort of deception never happens again.
1970-1974) Big Boss and several peers start an organization called The Patriots. Eventually, he leaves the group, but the other members (Major Zero), recognizing that he is the perfect soldier... clone him without his knowledge. Three clones are born... Solid Snake, Liquid Snake and Solidus Snake, in what is known as the "Les Enfants Terribles" project.
MGS - 2005) Solid Snake goes on a mission to the island of Shadow Moses to stop a terrorist incident lead by Liquid Snake. During this mission, the two discover they are brothers, and the clones of Big Boss. Snake defeats and kills his brother, learning in the process that he is infected with a virus that is set to kill him (FOXDIE).
MGS2 - 2007-2009) Two years later, Solid Snake has gone underground after his mission on Shadow Moses, so the government sends in a man named Jack (code name: "Raiden") to stop a terrorist attack lead by a terrorist known as "Solidus Snake". Raiden discovers he was actually raised by Solidus as a child with the purpose of creating child soldiers. Raiden joins forces with Solid Snake to defeat Solidus and then finds out The Patriots are now actually an artificial intelligence monitoring all information across the planet.
MGS4 - 2014) Solid Snake, now aging rapidly, is asked to stop Revolver Ocelot from building an army intent on taking over the world. He wins, and makes the decision to kill himself at the grave of his father to finally rid the world of the last of the FOXDIE virus. As he realizes he cannot go through with it, Big Boss appears, very much alive, and the two of them finally have the father/son moment that's been missing all of Solid Snake's life. To complete the cycle, Big Boss terminates Major Zero by pulling the plug on his life support, and shortly thereafter, Big Boss passes away on the grave of his mentor, bringing everything full circle.
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