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Gran Turismo 6 • nesluzbena chat tema
« on: May 08, 2013, 16:43:50 »
Za tjedan dana cut cemo prve informacije o Gran Turismu 6.

15. svibnja 2013. na Silverstoneu Gran Turismo serijal obiljezava sluzbenu svjetsku 15. godisnjicu uz cjelodnevni event sa mnostvom sadrzaja, gostiju i velikom konferencijom gdje ce se govoriti u detaljima buducnosti za sve nadolazece Gran Turismo projekte.


Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) will host a celebration of the 15th anniversary of ‘the real driving simulator’ at the world-famous Silverstone Circuit (UK) on 15th May, 2013. The original Gran Turismo® game was first seen in Japan in December, 1997, after five years of development by legendary designer Kazunori Yamauchi, and then released around the world during 1998. The franchise went on to become multi award winning and the biggest-selling PlayStation® title ever.

Yamauchi-san is set to provide an update on the future of the Gran Turismo game at Silverstone. His passion for all things automotive is evident in the ever-increasing levels of realism and attention to detail in Gran Turismo, and the huge range of cars for which it is famous. Strong relationships with the many manufacturers that have featured in the franchise have led to some fascinating co-operations with the automotive world; such as the Red Bull X2010 ultimate race car, GTbyCitroën concept, a design co-operation for a display featuring on the real Nissan GT-R and an innovative new app developed for the Toyota GT86.

In a close partnership with Nissan, PlayStation has taken the virtual-to-reality overlap, inspired by Gran Turismo, to a new level in the form of the Nissan PlayStation GT Academy. The now-famous racing driver development programme selects the fastest GT gamers from around the world and transfers their talent to real-world racing. The competition began in 2008 and has gone from strength to strength. Over three million people have entered since its inception, and graduates of the Academy have recorded some impressive results, including a second-place finish in the 2011 Le Mans 24 Hours LMP2 class. Five Gran Turismo gamers turned GT Academy champions will be on hand at Silverstone. The ‘Nismo Athletes’ will be showing off their real-world racing skills with some high-speed passenger laps around the famous circuit, a track that has, so far, never featured in Gran Turismo.

This mutual respect and increasing blurring of the lines between the virtual and real, has led to the Silverstone event being well supported by a host of other manufacturers as well, such as Audi, BMW, Ford, Honda, Jaguar, KTM, Mercedes-Benz and Toyota. Real-life versions of their cars, old and new, familiar to the legions of passionate Gran Turismo fans will be on display and on-track as part of the event.

“The Gran Turismo franchise continues to be extremely important to PlayStation,” explained Jim Ryan, president of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. “We felt that 15 years of GT was an event worth celebrating along with our colleagues from the Americas, Asia and Japan. We are very grateful to our manufacturer partners for helping us to bring together a fantastic event. As well as experiencing the development of the franchise and comparing the virtual and real, it will be a pleasure to see Yamauchi-san and hear what’s next for Gran Turismo.”

Information, images and film about the Gran Turismo 15 Year Celebration Event can be found at the related links below.



Offline ribafish

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Re: Gran Turismo 6 • nesluzbena chat tema
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2013, 17:14:03 »
Announcements ? OK znaci bit ce vise najava? Next gen Tourist Trophy mozda? Il se to odnosi na platforme, sigurno dolazi na PS3 i nekako vise vjerujem da ce doc na Vitu nego na 4?
Ne zelim ni zamislim da najave GT6 (koji ukljucuje i TT odnosno motore) za PS3/Vitu/PS4, bio bi spreman dat previse love za to :D

Offline Tomivav

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Re: Gran Turismo 6 • nesluzbena chat tema
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2013, 17:23:17 »
Vjerujem da se plural odnosti čisto na više informacija vezanih općenito za budućnost GT serijala, ne nužno na više različitih naslova (iako moguće)... :D
“While racing the 24 hours of Nurburgring, you can smell people’s barbecues — we couldn’t recreate that.” — Kazunori Yamauchi

Offline ribafish

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Re: Gran Turismo 6 • nesluzbena chat tema
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2013, 17:24:15 »
Vjerujem da se plural odnosti čisto na više informacija vezanih općenito za budućnost GT serijala, ne nužno na više različitih naslova (iako moguće)... :D

I want to believe ;D

Offline sagitarius

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Re: Gran Turismo 6 • nesluzbena chat tema
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2013, 19:07:33 »
Otvorila se i tema na sluzbenom sajtu:

Offline ribafish

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Re: Gran Turismo 6 • nesluzbena chat tema
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2013, 19:08:59 »
Gran Turismo Anniversary

Offline Zoky

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Re: Gran Turismo 6 • nesluzbena chat tema
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2013, 19:16:03 »
Mislim da su tri stvari gotovo sigurne a to je da cemo dobit silverstone kao stazu, najavit ce ovogodisnji gt academy i da gran turismo izlazi na ps4 u prva 2-3 mjeseca prodaje konzole.

Offline sagitarius

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Re: Gran Turismo 6 • nesluzbena chat tema
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2013, 19:16:27 »

Mislim da su tri stvari gotovo sigurne a to je da cemo dobit silverstone kao stazu, najavit ce ovogodisnji gt academy i da gran turismo izlazi na ps4 u prva 2-3 mjeseca prodaje konzole.

Za trece ti jedino nisam siguran, ali okej. Sve sto ja znam kaze da GT6 izlazi na PS3. A sad, sto ce biti s PS4 i kakva verzija za to - i kad - to cemo valjda cuti za tjedan dana.

Offline Ljubusak

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Re: Gran Turismo 6 • nesluzbena chat tema
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2013, 19:21:16 »
Da, napokon prikaz staze.

Iako nekako vjerujem da ih neće nedostajat na GT6, misliš Zoky da dolazi tako brzo na PS4?!

Barem da prebace na jesen za sljedeću godinu...
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Često se pojavljuje kod igranja Gran Turismo

Offline Zoky

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Re: Gran Turismo 6 • nesluzbena chat tema
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2013, 19:27:22 »

Mislim da su tri stvari gotovo sigurne a to je da cemo dobit silverstone kao stazu, najavit ce ovogodisnji gt academy i da gran turismo izlazi na ps4 u prva 2-3 mjeseca prodaje konzole.

Za trece ti jedino nisam siguran, ali okej. Sve sto ja znam kaze da GT6 izlazi na PS3. A sad, sto ce biti s PS4 i kakva verzija za to - i kad - to cemo valjda cuti za tjedan dana.
Morat ce dat nesto u prva 2-3 mjesecaza ps4 jer ce izgubit previsa kupaca nove konzole.....evo ja osobno nisam bas siguran dal cu uzimat cetvorku onda...

Offline Ljubusak

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Re: Gran Turismo 6 • nesluzbena chat tema
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2013, 19:28:56 »
Pa bit će hrpa novih naslova za PS4, ako za ijednu generaciju, onda za ovu, malo ćemo pucati pa onda GT. :)
STRAST: Snažna emocija koja potpuno ovlada čovjekovim raspoloženjem.
Često se pojavljuje kod igranja Gran Turismo

Offline ribafish

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Re: Gran Turismo 6 • nesluzbena chat tema
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2013, 19:48:15 »
Mislim da su tri stvari gotovo sigurne a to je da cemo dobit silverstone kao stazu, najavit ce ovogodisnji gt academy i da gran turismo izlazi na ps4 u prva 2-3 mjeseca prodaje konzole.

Nema sanse, ne zele ubit DriveClub valjda.. Najranije sto vidim izlazak GT6 na 4 (ako ga uopce bude) je tamo negdje spring '14 sa izlaskom PS4 u EU. I to je upitno.. (nadam se da sam u krivu i da PS4 bude worldwide istovremeno lansiran sa GT kao launch naslovom ;D)

Offline sagitarius

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Re: Gran Turismo 6 • nesluzbena chat tema
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2013, 20:04:24 »
Nema sanse da izadje bilo kakva GT igra na PS4 sve dok ne bude bar 15 milijuna konzola vani. Mozda izadje kakav digitalni demo, neka fora sa GT3 igrom iz koje prebacis neke aute ili staze u PS4 ili neka online aplikacija ili bilo sto - ali po meni cak niti neki teoretski "Prologue" - mada nisam siguran da cemo ikada vise dozivjeti "Prologue" - ali PRAVU GT igru necemo imati sve dok ne bude konzola na sva tri trzista i dok ih ne bude dovoljno da se odmah proda bar 4-5 milijuna naslova.

A to je - slazem se - 2014, i to najranije negdje pred kraj godine.

I naravno, zelim da sam u krivu ;D

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Re: Gran Turismo 6 • nesluzbena chat tema
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2013, 20:14:24 »

Nadam se u svim izvedenicama, ali bih tako volio da im se "potkrade" i stara verzija staze, mada sumnjam u to. I naravno, s promjenjivim vremenskim uvjetima.

Također, bilo bi super da nam Silverstone daju kao DLC sad, odmah, za GT5 tako da imamo na što gubiti vrijeme dok čekamo GT6. Red je da se za obljetnicu nešto da ljudima :)

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Re: Gran Turismo 6 • nesluzbena chat tema
« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2013, 20:17:25 »
Nissan’s official NismoTV YouTube channel has uploaded their own copy of the trailer, and GT Academy 2013 is confirmed in the video’s description: “The world’s greatest race training programme is coming back to transform more Gran Turismo gamers into professional racing drivers – GT ACADEMY 2013!”