Author Topic: Grand Theft Auto V  (Read 307378 times)

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Offline grozni2

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #660 on: October 05, 2013, 19:12:04 »
protiv CPU

Offline grozni2

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #661 on: October 05, 2013, 19:19:56 »
Some players have reported being able to get into the Tutorial race by re-downloading the Title Update, which can be deleted from Xbox Home or the PS3 XMB (Game Data Utility, NOT save data). Others reported having luck by selecting "Swap Character" from the Online tab within the pause menu, deleting the character that was unable to get into the tutorial, and then creating a new character. Going into GTAO in Solo mode may also help to allow completion of the tutorial. Some who were experience this issue have been able to get in just by trying again later.
vrijedi probat

Offline grozni2

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #662 on: October 05, 2013, 19:28:05 »

Heists (Coming Soon)
Coming soon to Grand Theft Auto Online are full-on cooperative Heist missions that will require careful planning, teamwork and sharp execution. You’ll also be able to utilize the Heist Planning Board at your apartment to ensure your caper game plan is airtight.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #663 on: October 05, 2013, 20:12:11 »
Some players have reported being able to get into the Tutorial race by re-downloading the Title Update, which can be deleted from Xbox Home or the PS3 XMB (Game Data Utility, NOT save data).

Ono što mene jebe jest da ja pod Game Data Utility nemam ništa vezano za GTA5 osim DLC packa (onaj cepelin, težak 56kb).

Dakle, nema ništa.

Što da pobrišem onda? To sam već ranije gledao, ali nema ništa... di mi onda sprema update-ove koji su se pojavljivali (a koje je sam uredno skinuo)?

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #664 on: October 05, 2013, 20:20:07 »
Evo mi i Zoky javlja da je njemu isto tako, samo dlc je tamo, nema update.a

Obojica smo fantomi sa US accounta... No, on bar igra online

Da li vi imate tamo update? Uz ovo je bitno da napišete da li vam je igra digitalna ili sa diska

Offline grozni2

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #665 on: October 05, 2013, 21:14:11 »
sad nisam doma pa nisam ni gledal,ali moja igra je na discu

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #666 on: October 05, 2013, 21:17:01 »
sad nisam doma pa nisam ni gledal,ali moja igra je na discu

Čekam ostale da se jave...

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #667 on: October 05, 2013, 21:18:47 »
digitalna igra,i kod mene samo dlc 76 kb   :-\
danas probao online,trku ih razvalio        ;D   
Gt veteran superstar u penziji

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #668 on: October 05, 2013, 21:23:19 »
digitalna igra,i kod mene samo dlc 76 kb   :-\
danas probao online,trku ih razvalio        ;D   

Di onda to sprema? Pod samu igru?

Pretpostavljam da je kod ovih sa diskom drugačije, tamo se instalacija igre, pa i patchevi moraju spremati pod Game Data...

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #669 on: October 05, 2013, 21:24:14 »
Ništa... preostaje mi još ovo sa brisanjem lika, te da još probam obrisati profil (što je u biti isto)...

Treće solucije ne vidim...

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #670 on: October 05, 2013, 21:43:13 »
Kad je digitalna verzija, moguće je da čak i update pospremi tamo gdje je igra... Da sad ne duljim objašnjavajući, budući da se update ionako potrpa po direktorijima od igre na hdd...
Nikad nije kasno za sretno djetinjstvo, samo, što si stariji, igračke su skuplje.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #671 on: October 05, 2013, 21:45:26 »
Da, to sam i mislio... a kad je disk, logično je da ide u Game Data...

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #672 on: October 05, 2013, 21:57:25 »
Fix to address the issue where players were stuck launching a session before the Mall or Nothing race in the online tutorial.

Ne, drugovi Rockstari... niste to fixali

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #673 on: October 05, 2013, 22:16:47 »
napravio novi lik, sve isto... opet isto misto zapeo

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Re: Grand Theft Auto V
« Reply #674 on: October 05, 2013, 22:28:55 »
Još mi je ostalo brisanje profila, upravo sam to i napravio, ali je javilo da je isteklo vrijeme... dakle, počela je gužva ;D

Nakon toga još mogu obrisati oba lika koja sam kreirao i pokušati s novim i to je to...

Javim 8)